Report on the Work of Jiaxing Municipal Government (2011)

Release date:2013-11-22 09:29




Delivered at the Sixth Session of the Sixth People's Congress of Jiaxing Municipality on February 16, 2011


Lu Jun acting mayor


Fellow deputies:

On the basis of The Proposal of Jiaxing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC)for Formulating the Twelvth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development, the municipal government prepared the Outline of the Twelfth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of Jiaxing(Draft).Now, on behalf of the municipal government , I now present to you my report on the work of the government for your deliberation and approval. I also invite the members of the Jiaxing Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and other staff to submit comments and suggestions.


I. Review of the Development During "Eleventh Five-Year" Plan Period


The Eleventh Five-Year Plan period was a truly extraordinary time in economic and social development in Jiaxing. In the face of complex changes in domestic and international situations and severe challenges, and under the leadership of Zhejiang Provicial government and Jiaxing municipal committee of the CPC, we held high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, adhered to Deng Xiaoping Theory and "Three Represents", thoroughly implement the scientific outlook on development.We vigorously implemented the six strategies of being in line with Shanghai to expand opening up, new industrialization, coordinated development of urban and rural areas, the development of Binhai New District, invigorating Jiaxing through science and education, and the harmonious development. We fulflled the major objectives and tasks formulated in the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan". The sciencetific development level was significantly improved. All this laid a good foundation for the development in the Twelvth Five-Year Plan period.

Comprehensive economic strength has increased notably.In 2010 GDP reached 229.6 billion yuan. "During the Eleventh Five-Year Plan period, " GDP grew at an average annual increase of 12.4%.Calculated at registered household population, per capita GDP reached 67,410 yuan.Total fiscal revenues and the local fiscal revenue reached 33.43 billion yuan and 17.68 billion yuan respectively, 2.5 times and 2.6 times that in the year2005 .The total output value of industrial enterprises above designated scale doubled from 214.8 billion yuan in 2005 to 513.8 billion yuan in 2010.Agricultural production capacity was substantially increased. In 2010 the agricultural added value reached 12.63 billion yuan,and total grain output reached 1.344 million tons.Import and export volume reached US$ 22.82 billion with an average annual growth of 18.1%.In the past five years, the investment of fixed assets totaled 545.9 billion yuan , 2.1 times that in the Ten Five-Year Plan Period. the Hangzhou Bay Bridge, Shanghai-Hangzhou high-speed railway and a number of other key projects were completed and put into operation.

The transformation of the mode of economic development achieved positive results.The industrial structure was further optimized.The added value in services 2010 reached 82.76 billion yuan with an average annual increase of 13.5%. the output value in equipment manufacturing and high-tech industry reached 117.31 billion yuan and 88.42 billion yuan respectively.Their proportion in the industries above designated scale increased to 22.8% and 17.2%.Profits in industrial enterprises above designated scale amounted to 31.11 billion yuan, 3.1 times that in the year 2005. Labor productivity increased from 60,000 yuan to 117,000 yuan. .The capacity of independent innovation was countinually increased. R & D Expenditure from all levels of fiscal revenues amounted to 750 million yuan in 2010 to 7, 1.8 times that in the year 2005. The propotion of research and experimental development expenditure rose from from 1.2% of GDP to 2.1%.In the past five years, we co-built 89 innovation carriers with various colleges and universities, carried out 133 major science and technology programs, brought in 110,000 talents of various kinds, and the number of new invention patents was 583. As a result, Jiaxing was named national model city of science and technology.Significant progress was made in economical use of resources, energy conservation, and emissions reductions. the cumulative five-year phase-out of the cement mill capacity reached 4.3 million tons, and 215,000 kilowatts of small thermal power units were shut down., 63 projects of circular economy were initiated.In 2010the ratio ofenergy consumption per 10,000 yuan GDP decreased by20.1% over the year of 2005.The cumulative emissions of COD and sulfur dioxide were declined by over 16% and 21%. The objectives and tasks of emission reductions assigned by provincial government were fulfilled.

Significant changes have taken place in urban and rural areas.Modern network-based framework of a large city began to take shape. The promotion capability of services in central and subcentral cities and new towns was further enhanced. Transportation network was constantly improved with expressways connecting areas outside Jiaxing and fast highways conneecting areas within Jiaxing. We expanded the expressway system by 200 km. Milage of highways per hundred square miles is 196 km.The development of the port and transformation of waterways were accelerated with 11 newly-built berths of 10,000 tons and 857 km waterway newly-built and improved . Cargo throughput reached 44.32 million tons, and container throughput 350,000 TEUs in Jiaxing port in 2010.Energy security has been strengthened. The cumulative installed capacity amounted to 1.42 million kilowatts. new substation capacity above500 kV accumulated to 4.25 million KVA. The gas pipeline network covering all the city was completed and put into use.The extension of urban public infrastructure to rural areas was accelerated. The newly-built and improved rural highway reached 1224 km. The public transportation service has been accessible to every village in Jiaxing. The provincial model villages of building a comprehensive well-off society reached 131 Daily drinking-water supply capacity was increased by 1.13 million tons. We completed 931 km of pipe network laying and improvement. We basically achieved the integration of urban and rural water supply.Urban and rural ecological environment has improved. In the past five years, 150,000 mu of green area were increased.11,000 km river was dredged. The percentage of class-V water in city controlled sections of declined from 72.1 of to 39.1. urban air quality rate remained at 90 % or more.Jiaxing has successfully been honoured a national garden city and national green model city.

The reform and opening up were further promoted.We carried out the trial work of balancing urban and rural development in an all round way. We made initial progress in "Ten Unified Reform" with the "Two-separation and two division" as the core of reforming land use system. We further promoted the reform of market distribution of productive elements, carried out in an all-round way the industrial and business land bidding system, and took the lead in major pollutants emissions trading.We speeded up the pace of financial innovation, establishing 12 small loan companies, 2 rural banks and 16 new listed companies.Nanhu District was listed as the first provincial-level demonstration district of financial services innovation.The reform of state-owned enterprises was further deepened and state-owned assets supervision system was gradually improved.Private economy has grown to further enhance its prestige and role.The reform of medical and health system was comprehensively started. Positive results were achieved in the reform of public institutions.The development of an open economy was accelerated. the paid-in foreign capital totaled US$ 7.189 billion, 1.95 times that in the Tenth Five-Year Plan Period. The average amount of project capital rose from US$ 5,680,000 in 2005 to US$ 10,690,000. 3,932 projects were introduced,with 65.78 billion yuan of funds in place. Overseas investment reached US$425 million, with an average annual growth of 65.3%.Jiaxing Economic Development Zone was upgraded to a state-level economic and technological development Zone.We did steadfast work in supporting Xinjiang, Tibet and the undeveloped Quzhou, Zhoushan and Lishui in Zhejiang. We completed post-Wenchuan earthquake reconstruction tasks in Qingchuan ahead of schedule.We strengthened foreign exchange and cooperation, establishing friendly and cooperative relations with 23 cities home and abroad .

Social programs were developed in a corordinated way.The full implementation of free compulsory education in urban and rural areas was carried out. high school education and higher education were stepped up. The fifteen- year education coverage reached 99.5%, and higher education enrollment rate 45.3%, 4.1 and 15.3 percentage points higher than that in 2005 respectively. Urban and rural public cultural services were markedly increased.Sixty three town (subdistrict) cultural stations were built. Township public libraries and village cultural centers achieved full coverage.Jiaxing was listed as a national historical and cultural city on account of its new achievements in cultural heritage protection.Public health care system is being improved. Fifty seven standardized urban and rural community-based health service centers were built. 57, Funding for public health services reached, 47 yuan per person at the community level.We successfully created the National Health City.Amateur and competitive sport developed coordinatively, with 302 medals won by the city athletes at major international and domestic competitions. Low birth rate remained stable. Free premarital and free pregnancy testing rates were 87.4% and 95.1%.Programs for women, children, the elderly,and disabled persons were speeded up. Departments of statistics, weather-forcasting, archives and local history have played an active role in promoting local economic development.Public safety and emergency response system were strengthened.Disaster prevention and mitigation system was further improved. As a result, the number of production safety accidents, deaths and direct economic losses declined in consecutive years.

The quality and standard of people's life were significantly improved. "During the Eleventh Five-Year Plan"period, the fiscal spending for the well-being of the people grew at an average annual rate of 25% to reach 48.05 billion yuan.The number of new urban jobs increased by 285,000. 510,000 persons were offered skills training.The number of enterprise employees in pension insurance system increased by 640,000. Per capita monthly basic pension for enterprise retirees rose from 864 yuan to 1,509 yuan.We took the lead in implementing social old-age insurance system for urban and rural residents. 411,000 eligible urban and rural residents over the age of 60 receive a monthly basic pension.Genuine progress was made in co-ordinating basic medical insurance at the municipal level.The per ccapita funding for urban and rural cooperative medical insurance reached more than 300 yuan. New social assistance system is being improved.We basically established the subsistence allowance system and a gradient relief system of 20% and 50% higher than the standard of subsistence allowance.We constantly improved housing security system. We constructed 827,000 square meters affordable housing, ensuring low-rent housing for housing-needy low-income urban households whose income is two times lower than the standard of subsistence allowance. Per capita disposable income of urban residents,and per capita net income of rural residents reached 27,487 yuan and 14,365 yuan, with an average annual growth of 11.2% and 12.4%. Urban-rural income ratio reduced to 1.9: 1.


Democracy and legal system has been strengthened. We further improved the scientific and democratic decision-making mechanism. The municipal government accepted initiatively the supervisions from the municipal People's Congress, municipal Committee of CPPCC, judicial branches and society. Government leaders took the lead in implementing the key recommendations from the deputies of the municipal People's Congress and the key proposals from the municipal committee of CPPCC, therefore the government's relations with democratic parties, federations of industry ﹠ commerce and people's organizations were further deepened. In the past five years 1283 recommendations and 1605 proposals have been resolved. The municipal legal system was continuously strengthened, the standardization of administrative law enforcement was further improved and 540 regular government documents have been cleared up. The reform of administrative examination and approval system was promoted; 35 administrative permission items at the municipal level were abolished; and 576 new administrative permission items of 39 departments concerned could be examined and approved administratively in the Administrative Permission Center. The target responsibility system for letters and calls were put into practice and the mechanism for investigating and mediating contradictions among the people were gradually improved. Jiaxing was the first city to implement the resident registration system in Zhejiang. Social stability and public orders in all aspects were further strengthened and the people's security sense was improved. Jiaxing was entitled "National Excellent City for Comprehensive Management of Social Order." Government corruption-prevention was promoted and various law and discipline violations were severely investigated and dealt with. Those affairs were strengthened concerning ethnics, religions, foreign communications, Taiwan and overseas Chinese, and new achievements were made in national defense mobilization, civil air defense, veteran care and resettlement, and mutual supports between the civilian and the arm forces.

Over the past year, the municipal government succeeded in gaining the main targets set at the municipal Fifth Session of the Sixth National People's Congress of Jiaxing by focusing its attention on maintaining the stable and rapid economic growth, accelerating the switch of the economic development mode and taking all factors into consideration while carrying forward the work in every aspect. The city's GDP grew 13.7% over the previous year, with the local fiscal revenue inceasing by 24.8%, disposable income of urban residents up by 11.3%, per capita net income of rural residents up by 13.2%; and the rise of the consumption prices was remained below 4%; 61 thousand new jobs were created for the urban residents, and the registered urban unemployment rate was kept 3.5% and natural population growth rate was 0.67‰. Overall energy consumption for each RMB 10,000 yuan of GDP dropped expectedly by 4.3%; chemical oxygen demand emissions and sulfur dioxide emissions down by 3.5% and 3% respectively.

Over the past year, we paid particular attention to the following aspects: first, focus was fixed on promoting independent innovation and industrial upgrading. The science and technology supported policy was implemented and the sub-center construction of the regional innovation system of Zhejiang Province was accelerated. 25 new projects received approval concerning National Innovation Fund, and 17 new provincial high-tech R & D centers were identified. The project was carried out of "the Making of Innovative Jiaxing Guided by the Leading Talents"; 78 items and 43 innovation teams concerning the project were selected. Jiaxing was identified as one of the first innovative pilot cities by the Science & Technology Ministry of China. The annual plans were moved forward for the industrial switch and upgrading and guidelines were made to accelerate the development of modern industry cluster. Over the past year, 115 major projects were put under construction whose individual investment exceeded RMB 10 million yuan, and industrial productive inputs amounted to more than RMB 70 billion yuan. Three-year Action Plan was carried out for the development of the service industry and great efforts were made to attract the investment in terms of service industry in which RMB 60.77 billion yuan was invested throughout the year. The planning and construction for the International Business District was started and Jiaxing's modern centralized area for the service industry was identified as the provincial level. The policy beneficial to the agriculture was implemented and RMB 140 million yuan from financial departments at all levels were spent on supporting the food production. 165 thousand mu of new functional areas of grain production was put into use and the construction of 68 provincial-level modern agricultural demonstration parks were started. Second, efforts were made to promote the balance and coordination of urban and rural areas. We made the policy to perfect “Two Divisions & Two Exchanges” in order to accelerate the coordination of urban and rural areas; special funds of RMB 580 million yuan was spent on the village regulation; the construction of 15 pilot towns and "Two New Projects" were pushed forward steadily; more attention was focused on the construction of 100 new integrated urban-rural communities and the construction of demonstration projects for the comprehensive rural land regulation. 8256 and 141 mu of land was reclaimed and transferred respectively. The reform was pushed forward in terms of the rural collective property rights. Jiaxing became the first city to establish rural property right trading center in Zhejiang province. We revised and improved the overall planning of urban areas and land use. Such work of co-ordination was carried forward as the construction of urban infrastructure, social undertakings, public utilities and social security. Third, efforts were made to promote energy saving and environment protection. More efforts were given in implementing the guiding principles on energy conservation formulated at the State Council Conference and the suggestions on ecological civilization construction made by Jiaxing municipal Party committee. The action plan was driven forward of making clean the river network, production and energy, and of afforestation and Green Channels. More work was done to supervise and control the major energy-consuming and environment-polluting enterprises. 270 projects were finished about energy saving and technological innovation the whole year; 25 enterprises with the backward production capacity were eliminated and 110 polluting enterprises were shut down. The Action Plan 811 for three-year environmental protection was carried out to regulate those key polluted areas and manage those key environment-polluting industries; 1405 cases were investigated and dealt with concerning the violation of environmental laws; pollution prevention and treatment in livestock breeding industry has been verified for acceptance. Great efforts were also made to expand the coverage of social security, and 324,000 new urban and rural residents could enjoy the social old-age insurance services. The social insurance information system was put into practice which was available to any other kind of insurances. The national policies were seriously carried out to regulate and control the real estate market, and the construction of low-income housing projects were accelerated, hence 234,000 square meters of affordable houses were built up the whole year. We monitored and regulated the prices of grain and other major agricultural products and distributed RMB 12.543 million yuan subsidy from financial departments at all levels for the price increase. The policy was made and carried out concerning the children's education of new residents. Projects were started to insure the primary and secondary school buildings were safe and 333,000 square meters of new and safe school buildings were put into use. We successfully hosted the 14th Zhejiang Provincial Games and Second Folk Festival of the Dragon Boat Festival of Jiaxing, China. The Sixth population census was carried out. All-out efforts were made to complete successfully the task of safeguarding “Shanghai Moat” with a view to guaranteeing Shanghai World Expo and we were awarded by Zhengjiang Province "Outstanding Contribution Prize" for the security of Shanghai World Expo.

Over the past five years, we have accumulated much valuable experience worth summing up, upholding and carrying forward by firmly holding on to the conception of developing through the switch of economic mode, developing for the people and developing for the security. The experience goes as follows: first, maintaining economic growth, promoting the adjustment of the economic structure, and developing economy by switching the mode. Over the past five years, we fully carried out the macro-control policy made by the central government and decisions by the provincial government and firmly promoted the adjustment of the economic structure and the switch of the economic development mode while ensuring fast yet steady growth of Jiaxing's economy. In practice, we continued to deepen the understanding of the scientific development concept, and creatively pushed forward economic restructuring and upgrading in the light of Jiaxing 's concrete conditions, thus making our economy and society develop in a rapid and scientific way. Second, all factors must be taken into consideration in making overall plans and balanced and coordinated development must be maintained. Over the past five years, we focused on the coordinated development in the urban and rural areas, different regions, economy and society, and promoted the coordination between economic development, population resources and environment protection, consequently achieving harmonious development among economy, politics, culture and social development. In practice, more efforts were made to enhance the development coordination and sustainability by steadily moving forward the main work concerning the overall situation and resolving the key issues concerning the masses' interests. Third, we must carry forward the reform and opening up constantly and the development through innovation. Over the past five years, we vigorously implemented the strategy to integrate Shanghai and extend the scopes of opening up while deepening the reform in key areas, thus achieving more vitality and driving forces for the development. We also strived to create new advantages in the development of Jiaxing by means of optimizing our measures through innovation, and solving the problems occurring in the process of development. Fourth, we must consistently adhere to the concept of people-oriented and harmonious development. Vigorously we moved forward social undertakings in every aspect, promoted people's employment and business startup and accelerated the improvement of the social security system, by which people's living standards have been rising constantly both in the urban and rural areas over the past five years. Improving people's livelihood has always being the starting point as well as the final goal of our work. The development we carried forward is for the people, by the people and of the people.

Fellow Deputies, the past five years was the time when Jiaxing positively tackled the global financial crisis and achieved the positive effect, and was the time when the regional advantages with Jiaxing's features were clearly formed and further strengthened. The past five years of development was impressive but hard to win. Those achievements were made under the strong leadership of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, Zhejiang People's Government and Jiaxing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, made by Jiaxing people's striving to overcome difficulties and made by successful putting scientific concept of development into practice in Jiaxing. Here on behalf of the Municipal People's Government, I extend my highest respect and heartfelt thanks to the people of the whole city who have made contributions in the various fields, to the people's deputies, CPPCC members and personages of various social circles who have given us support and performed supervision over us, to the People's Liberation army and armed police forces that have rendered great support to our work, and to the overseas Chinese and international friends who have shown concern and supported Jiaxing's construction.

While we must also clearly realize that there are still many difficulties and problems in Jiaxing's economic and social activities: the economic growth made by excessive dependence on consuming resources and destroying environment has not fundamentally changed; independent innovation is weak; the industrial structure is not scientific; the level of the service sector and its share in economy is too low, and the growth of the service industry was and low, and even lower than expected in the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan"; urbanization process is slow; the city needs to be further improved in its functions and quality; the deep-seated contradictions restricting the balanced and coordinated development between urban and rural areas have not yet been cracked; the urbanization level is below expectation in "Eleventh Five-Year Plan"; the level of equally enjoying the basic public services needs to be raised; more work needs to be done to support and improve the livelihood; in environment, education, health care and housing, etc. there still exist serious problems with which people are greatly unsatisfied, and social conflicts are increasing; the switch of government functions, the governance by law and administrative efficiency are far from the economic requirements and people's expectation; in some government agencies some employees have bad working style, low efficiency and inadequate awareness service, and there exists to varying degrees corruption somewhere. As to those problems mentioned above, we must attach great attention to them and take effective measures to solve them.

II. Objectives and Major Tasks of the 12th Five-Year Plan Period


In the next five years, the international and domestic environment will continue to undergo profound changes, and social economic development in Jiaxing will also face historical opportunities as well as risks and challenges.On the one hand, as economic globalization proceeds, new breakthroughs have been achieved in technological innovation. China, with the deepenning of industrialization, informationization, urbanization, marketization and internationalization, reveals a tremendous potential in domestic demand. Especially because of the State's approval and implementation of the Yangtze River Delta Regional Planning, Jiaxing possesses a solid foundation for promoting economic development by transformation.On the other hand, world economic growth has many uncertainties and potential risks. Imbalance, incoordination and lack of sustainability in domestic development are still serious. And accumulated contradictions in economic structure and quality are intertwined with various new issues.Facing the new situation, we must enhance our opportunity awareness, adversity consciousness, and sense of responsibility to further promote the consciousness and persistence of scientific development, and strive to create a new situation in scientific development with Jiaxing's characteristics.

The guiding ideology of economic and social development of the city for 12th Five-Year Plan period is that we will hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, follow the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of Three Represents and thoroughly implement the scientific outlook on development. With the help of reform and opening-up policy and innovation, we will rely on the scientific development, as well as focus on speeding up the transformation of the mode of economic development and promoting coordination to ensure and improve people's livelihood and promote social harmony. We will actively implement such strategies as integration of Jiaxing into Shanghai and Hangzhou, integration of urban and rural development, innovation, service priority, development of Binhai New Area, as well as ecological and cultural development to accelerate the construction of an innovated and prosperous city in the Yangtze River Delta, a ecological and cultural city in the south of Yangtze River, and also a liveable city in the Hangzhou Bay Binhai New Area. We will spear no efforts to build Jiaxing into a modern web garden city by transforming and upgrading, to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects and to speed up socialist modernization.

Based on the above-mentioned guidelines, the economic and social development in our city during 12th Five-Year Plan period should be centered on the Three Improvements, that is we should center on the transformation of the mode of economic development, focusing on the strategic economic restructuring, and improving regional competitiveness and sustainable development; we should center on the construction of a modern web garden city, advocating a pleasant and harmonious city, strengthening capacity of public services, demonstrating features and charm of the city, and further improving functions of Jiaxing ; we should also center on ensuring and improving people's livelihood, strengthening all aspects of social construction and improving people's life satisfaction.In order to embody the priority of transformation and upgrading, we will particularly emphasize the Four Highers, that is, the average annual growth rate of urban per capita disposable income and rural per capita net income should be higher than the provincial average level; the annual growth proportion of the tertiary industry added value of the GDP should be higher than the provincial average level; the annual development rate of urbanization should be higher than the provincial average level; and the proportion of expenditures on research and development of GDP should be higher than the provincial average level.

The major objectives for economic and social development of 12th Five-Year Plan period are as follows:

- To achieve new breakthroughs in overall strength.Based on improving economic structure and efficiency and reducing energy consumption as well as protecting the environment, by 2015, the city's GDP will reach 370 billion Yuan, with an average annual growth of 10%, per capita GDP being over 100 thousand Yuan, and local fiscal revenue accounting to 30 billion Yuan.

- To achieve new breakthroughs in industrial upgrading.We will significantly enhance our independent innovation capability and sharpen the competitive edge of traditional industries, with the formation of strategic emerging industry and modern industrial system being put in place.By 2015 expenditures of research and experimental development will account for 2.6% of the GDP, high-tech industrial output value will be 25% of that of the large-scale industrial, and value-added services industry will reach 42% of the GDP.

- To achieve new breakthroughs in the balanced and coordinated development of urban and rural areas.We will integrate the development of urbanization with rural development and make great progress in constructions of new towns and urban-rural integration communities. The centralization and radiation capability of the main and sub-central cities will be increased to form urban and regional integration. The level of urbanization in 2015 , therefore, is expected to be 60% .

- To achieve new breakthroughs in ecological civilization.We will further promote eco-city construction. The energy saving rate per unit GDP, carbon dioxide and emissions of major pollutants will be reduced. Land, water and other resources will be used more efficiently. Ecological environment will be improved, the system of ecological economy basically in place, and sustainable development improved significantly.

- To achieve new breakthroughs in reform and opening up.We will further optimize the environment for entrepreneurship and innovation, promoting the reform in key areas to make institutional mechanisms more vigorous.The steps of economic regionalization and internationalization will be markedly sped up, and an open economy brought to a new level. By 2015, import and export volume will reach USD 36.5 billion.

- To achieve new breakthroughs in improving people's livelihood.The framework for social security system of urban and rural residents is in place. We will accelerate the development of social undertakings, gradually improve basic public service system to increase the quality and standard of people's living. We will add 300 thousand jobs in the city in five years, with per capita disposable income of urban residents and the average annual per capita net income of rural residents up by 11% and 11.5% respectively. The main working people will have 10.5 years of schooling on average, and the average life expectancy is to reach 80 years old.

In accordance with the above guidelines and objectives, we will focus on the following eight areas during the12th Five-Year Plan period.

1. Accelerate the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure. We will integrate service industry, strategic emerging industry and large enterprises to accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system with Jiaxing characteristics.First, we will give priority to the development of modern service industry.We will vigorously develop productive service industries such as modern logistics, technology services, business services, and financial services, and we will also improve such service industries concerning people's lives including trade, tourism, and health to actively develop new service areas. In the meantime, we will the accelerate centralization of service industries, focusing on fostering leading enterprises and promoting the service scalization and branding.A fair, standardized and transparent market access system will be established, and conducive policy and institutional environment for the development of service industry created.Second, we will vigorously develop advanced manufacturing industry.We will actively cultivate strategic industries that are related to new energy, new materials, internet of things, environmental protection, biology and nuclear power. In addition, we will implement a number of major industrial projects and build a group of national industrial bases to form emerging industries of strategic importance with billions of dollar output value.We will develop equipment manufacturing, electronic information and other competitive industries to accelerate the pace of the transformation of traditional industries.We will enhance collaboration and innovation for SMEs, and guide enterprises through mergers and acquisitions, as well as foster and support a number of large enterprises to promote the transformation from traditional economic to a modern industries.Third, we will actively develop modern urban ecological agriculture.On the basis of food production and modern agricultural demonstration park, we will promote the construction of farmland water conservancy, adjust and optimize agricultural structure, speed up development of agriculture and agricultural processing industry, and attach great importance to the ecological cycle of agriculture to ensure food security.We will cultivate business entities of modern agriculture and promote specialization,standardization, scalization and intensification of agricultural production and management. Efforts will be made to increase agricultural technology innovation, to promote the integration of agriculture-related service resources, and to improve the agricultural social service system.Fourth, we will accelerate platform construction.Reinforce the leading role of central cities in industrial upgrading, and speed up the construction of two economic zones, that is the eastern economic zone focusing on Jiashan, Pinghu, and Haiyan and western economic zone of Haining and Tongxiang. Meanwhile, we will promote transformation of industries along the north shore of Hangzhou Bay, Shanghai-Hangzhou Expressway, and Shenjiahu Expressway to build the industrial layout of "a nucleus, two zones and three alongs". We will speed up the construction of the Binhai New Area and Jiaxing modern service area to create economic growth in the region.We will also promote the national resource integration with provincial development zones and industrial areas of towns to promote centralization of enterprises, space intensification, and development of industrial clusters.


2. Balance and coordinate urban and rural development.We will adhere to take the new road of urbanization to achieve a conjunct development of rural and urban areas and construct modern, web garden cities. First, improving the urban and rural spatial distribution and urban forms.We will implement layout planning of Jiaxing City and accelerate the construction of "1640300" urban and rural distribution system on the basis of the main and sub-central cities, new towns and new urban and rural integrated communities.We will promote the construction of the main functional areas, aim for rational distribution in development areas with priority, key development areas, development areas with limitations and prohibited development areas, and standardize space development order. Accordingly, development patterns will be gradually formed, with regional economic strengths in complement, clear main functional position, and high effective use of land space.Second, enhancing functions of the main and sub-central cities .We will enhance the converging functions of central cities, promoting the development and construction of such key functional areas as South Lake New District, Xiuzhou New District, International Business District and the Xiang Jiadang tourist resort, accelerating the construction of a number of urban complexes, and promoting urban organic renewal so as to achieve the transformation into the development of content enhancing. And in promoting the construction of sub-central cities, we will strengthen their functions going with the central cities and the mutual division of labor and coordination of work to speed up forming the joint development pattern of central and sub-central cities. Third, promoting the construction of new towns and new urban and rural integrated communities. Third, promoting the construction of new towns and new urban and rural integrated communities. We will improve the "1 + X" layout of towns and villages, focus on regional characteristics and traditional culture protection, promote the rebuilding and gathering of farmhouses, and develop about 40 new towns, each with a unique feature, and about 300 new urban and rural integrated communities with sound functions .And we will improve the comprehensive service functions of new towns and carry out demonstration of construction in small cities to form a number of small modern cities in embryo, with high management levels, a great capacity of gathering and multiple service functions.Fourth, making infrastructural facilities more modernized.The construction of complex transportation system is to be accelerated, focusing on roads, railways and shipping. In Jiaxing, by the end of “The 12th Five Year Plan”, the railway mileage, highway mileage and high-grade waterway channel (above Grade 4) will have reached 290 km, 450 km and 350 km respectively, and the cargo throughput of Jiaxing Port will be up to 1 billion tons.We will strengthen comprehensive planning of river system, improve the engineering system of flood control and anti-drought in Jiaxing City and actively promote the earlier work of bringing in water from Qiandao Lake.We will strengthen the construction of power sources and network and improve the urban public transport, water supply, sewage treatment and other infrastructural facilities. The natural gas pipeline network, covering the central and sub-central cities, will be basically completed.And we will actively promote the merge of the three nets, i.e. telecommunications network, radio and television network and the Internet, speeding up the construction of high-speed broadband information network and public basic database. Great efforts will be made to create “Digital Jiaxing”.

3.Promote ecological civilization.We will adhere to the road of strengthening the city in ecology and accelerate the construction of resource-saving and environment-friendly society to enhance our capability for sustainable development.First, greatly boosting ecological economy.We will establish a strict access system for energy-consuming industry, strictly control high energy consumption projects and focus on saving energy, water, land resources and materials in key areas so that the economically and intensively utilizing of energy and resources will be promoted.We will vigorously develop the circular economy, with clean production fully introduced and a number of demonstration enterprises, demonstration gardens and demonstration bases of circular economy built. Second, strengthening the comprehensive management of ecological environment.Integrated control of water pollution will be strengthened in two ways: on one hand, the long-term effect mechanism will be improved for agricultural nonpoint source pollution control and the unite collection and disposal of industrial wastewater or urban and rural sewage will be accelerated; on the other hand, efforts will be intensified to protect and restore the ecological environment of the water conservation areas and drinking water source. Our goal is to basically eliminate five bad waters and make efforts to improve water quality of main rivers.In order to ensure the quality of atmospheric environment getting stable and sound, extensive efforts will be made to control atmospheric pollution, controlling the total emission of major air pollutants and enhancing comprehensive control of air pollution in key areas, key industries and key enterprises. And some work will be done on soil pollution controlling and soil restoring, and comprehensive prevention and control of land subsidence will be strengthened.Third, innovating ecology protection mechanism.We will speed up the establishment and improvement of policy-support system conducive to environmental protection, vigorously innovating the mechanisms of eco-environment monitoring and warning, emission right trading and public participation, and further increasing the ecological compensation to improve the ecological environment management.

4.Build an innovation-oriented city.The construction of technology, education and talents will be accelerated to strengthen the city and promote the transition of economic growth to more relying on innovation-driven pattern.First,raising the independent innovation capacity.We will improve the policies supporting scientific and technological innovation, guiding high-quality innovative resources into enterprises, and building a number of enterprise technology research institutes and key laboratories. We will speed up the construction of innovation platforms and carriers, improving the mechanisms for cooperation of industry, academy and research institutes, and organizing and initiating important scientific and technological projects. More research achievements will be put into practice in production. IPR creation, utilization, protection and management will be enhanced. Second speeding up the process of education modernization.We will deepen the reform of education, increasing investment in education and allocating public education resources rationally.Elementary education of fifteen years will be popularized with high standards and high quality, the development of vocational education with characteristics will be co-coordinated, and the construction of key academic disciplines of universities will be promoted, with the gross enrollment rate reaching 50% by 2015.Emphasis will be put on preschool education, the development of special education will be supported, and great efforts will be made to develop continuing education so as to build a learning society, in which all the people will learn or even pursue lifelong educationThird, strengthening the development of talents.We will vigorously carry out the program of “Innovative Jiaxing, elites Jiaxing” ,promoting the construction of key projects of talents, enhancing the proportion of human capital investment, and introducing and cultivating a number of leading talents of innovation or entrepreneurship and innovation teams. The forming of human resource structure compatible with economic and social developmentwill be accelerated.

5. Promote vigorous development and prosperity of culture.We will adhere to the orientation of advanced socialist culture, accelerate the pace of building cultural city, and improve cultural soft power.First, improving the civilization quality of entire people.We will further promote the socialist core value system, vigorously promote the “Red Boat Spirit” and Jiaxing humanistic spirit of “upholding culture and morality, being realistic and innovative”, continue to encourage popular participation in activities to cultivate spiritual civilization, and enhance the ideological and ethical standards, and scientific and cultural levels of citizens. Efforts will be made to establish a national civilized city.Second, improving the public culture service system.We will improve the service network of urban and rural public culture, innovate supply mechanism of cultural products, and improve the utilization of public cultural resources and benefited range.We will strengthen the construction of grass-roots culture, promote the activities of culture entering into communities, into schools, and into enterprises, and make great efforts to present a number of cultural symbols characteristic of Jiaxing. Great importance will be attached to carrying on and innovating good traditional arts and promoting the prosperity of fine art creation.Third, vigorously developing cultural industry.We will improve the policies toward cultural industry development, promoting key cultural industry projects, fostering the dominant culture industries, supporting new types of culture, building cultural industry demonstration bases, and promoting cultural industries to become a new growth point in the municipal economy.

6. Strengthening social development.We will ensure and improve people's livelihood, innovating social management system and creating "safe Jiaxing."First, Enhancing society construction.We will improve the service system of urban and rural integrated public employment, improving the systems of employment assistance and job skills training and the monitoring and warning mechanism for unemployment, encouraging people to become self-employed, and creating the maximal number of job opportunity. We will strengthen the protection of labor rights and improve the coordination mechanism of labor relations and the mechanism of handling and mediating labor disputes to build a harmonious labor relations.First, striving to raise urban and rural incomes.We will increase the proportion of salary in the total income of the residents and labor compensation in primary distribution, and efforts will be made to keep the growth of the income of the urban and rural residents and economic development, the growth of labor compensation and labor productivity in step.The collective wage consultation system will be comprehensively promoted, with the guarantee mechanism for normally increasing and paying wages set up and improved.Third, improving the social security system.All kinds of social insurance coverage will be further expanded, with the security standards gradually increased and the convergence and coordination of various social insurance systems promoted. We will improve the new system of social assistance and welfare, encouraging social mutual aid and social assistance and devoting major efforts to developing charity.We will innovate old age support service model and accelerate improving the socialized service system, relying mainly on home care, with institutional pension and community pension supplement. We will carry out the work on protecting women and children and improve security level of disabilities.And the construction of affordable housing, public rental housing and lower rent housing will be comprehensively arranged and the support coverage of urban housing will be expanded.Fourth, improving the physique of entire people.We will deepen the reform of health system, strengthening the construction of primary public health care system, establishing and perfecting the security system of medicine supply based on national drug regulations, steadily promoting the reform of public hospitals, and encouraging social sectors to run medical institutions. Physical public service will be enhanced to build up people’s health.We will adhere to the basic national policy on family planning, strengthening the comprehensive regulation and controlling of population size and striving to improve population composition.Fifth, innovate social management.We will give full play to the primary roles of communities, associations and social workers in social management, regulating the development of social organizations and accelerating setting up the scientific and effective mechanism for coordinating interests, expressing demands, mediating conflicts and protecting rights to continuously enhance social management level.And we will establish and improve the system of public safety and the mechanism of emergency management, enhancing the abilities of effectively responding all kinds of disasters and public safety incidents.


7. Opening wider to the domestic and outside world.We will implement a more proactive opening strategy, make full use of "two resources and two markets", and constantly expand new space for development.First, vigorously implement the strategy of "Integrating into Shanghai and Hangzhou Cities . We should strengthen the effort on the integration into Shanghai and Hangzhou cities,proactively introduce the elements of high-tech resources, drastically develop related industries, speed up integration of public services, and promote interaction of the key elements and integration of both industry standards and urban functions of the two cities.We must implement and carry out "Yangtze River Delta Regional Planning", actively participate in the cooperative effort on building up Hangzhou metropolitan economic circle and eastern Zhejiang urban economic cooperation circle, and strengthen both the divisional and cooperative work with the Yangtze River Delta cities.Enterprises are encouraged to actively participate in such projects as Western China Development, Northeast China Promotion and Rise of Central China, and to strengthen the economic and trade cooperation with Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. Attention is to be paid and support to be given to jiaxing enterprises that are outside the city or in foreign countries for their further and better development.Second, accelerate the transformation of foreign trade growth mode.We must actively explore new markets, optimize the structure of foreign trade, develop trade in services, and quicken up breeding of new points with technology, brand, quality and service as the core competitiveness.International trade friction warning, prevention and response mechanisms are to be established and improved,and the imports of advanced technology, key equipments and important resources to be expanded.Third, improve the utilization of foreign funds.We must innovate ways of foreign capital utilization, attach importance to both the introduction of capital and of technology, talents and brand, especially to the introduction of Fortune 500 enterprises and industry leaders, and we should encourage the inflow of foreign investment into modern service industry, strategic and emerging industries, and modern agriculture and other fields.We encourage foreign enterprises to set up regional headquarters and R & D centers in Jiaxing so that they can better cooperate with state-owned and private enterprises , thus to promote integration and development of both domestic and foreign enterprises.Fourth, step up the effort of "going out" .We need to perfect "going out" service system, encourage enterprises to invest and set up overseas economic and trade cooperation zones and to establish regional headquarters, marketing networks and marketing agencies. Support is to be provided for enterprises to "go out" and develop new resources, contract projects and have merging and acquisition of famous brands.

8. Accelerating the pace of reform in difficult areas.We will focus on building the institutional mechanism to accelerate the transformation of economic development and step up efforts so as to make new breakthroughs in the reform of key areas and key links.First,stimulate the vitality of markets.We must improve corporate governance structure of state-owned enterprises and standardize the regulatory mechanism of state-owned capital operation.Market access needs to be further opened up, and support is to be given for private capital to be used in infrastructure ,public utilities and other fields. We encourage private enterprises to strengthen institutional innovation, technological innovation, management innovation and cultural innovation so that they can better be restructured and upgraded.Support is also given to enterprises to use capital market for financing. Second, deepen the market-oriented reforms of resource elements.We must improve the land bidding system and explore the withdrawal mechanism of inefficient use of land. Steady progress is to be made in price reform of water, electricity, gas and other resources.Financial innovation is to be accelerated and abundant support given to step up the development of the urban commercial banks, rural cooperative banks, rural credit cooperatives, rural banks and other local financial institutions so that the SME credit guarantee system can be better improved.Third, further promote comprehensive reforms of urban and rural coordinated developement.we will innovate the transferring mechanism between collective construction land use rights and the right to land contracting and management, and will promote farmers' cross-region gathering and change of their identity .We should also further improve the reform of rural collective property rights system, speed up the formation of rural property rights system that helps protect farmers' rights and interests, and promote free flow and optimized allocation of urban and rural key elements.Fourth, accelerate the reform of urban and regional integration.We should carry out regional cooperative development of state land and improve the mechanism for jointly investing and financing on inter-regional projects. Construction of information platform of public affairs is to be speeded up and further efforts to be made to explore and set up cross-region financial settlement system on pension insurance, health care, employment training and vocational education. All this is to accelerate the integration of urban and regional public services.Fifth, promote social system reform.All-round implementation of modern business system is to be made based on the three principles, namely, separating the functions of government from those of institutions, separating institution and enterprise from mixed management and separating management from operation.We will also strengthen the construction of organization, system and capability of urban and rural grassroots self-governing, supporting and guiding various types of social organizations to participate in social management and services so as to enhance the level of social autonomy.

Distinguished delegates,the goals we set for the next five years are stimulating and inspiring, and the tasks are arduous and glorious.All people of this city must unite efforts, fight together and strive to create a better tomorrow of Jiaxing!


III. Major plans for government work in 2011

The year of 2011 is the first year in implementing the "12th Five-Year Plan",therefore, it is of great significance to carry out all government work and make great achievements to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party.Considering the economic and social development trends and goals, we propose the main targets concerning the city's national economic and social development of 2011 as follows: 10% of GDP growth, 11% increase of local revenues ; expenditure on R&D accounting for 2.2% of the the GDP ; per capita disposable income of urban residents and per capita net income of rural residents increasing by 10% respectively; the rise of consumer prices confined to less than 4%; 58000 new urban jobs provided, the rate registered urban unemployment kept at 4% or less; and the rate of natural population growth kept within 1.5‰.Annual goals assigned by the provincial government are also to be completed concerning the comprehensive energy consumption of unit GDP as well as energy saving and emission reduction in chemical oxygen demand, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and ammonia.

In order to finish the work in 2011 successfully, we must, in accordance with the overall requirements proposed in the Ninth Plenary Session of the Sixth Municipal Committee, that is, keeping a steady growth, highlighting the transformation and upgrading,deepening the co-ordination and offering people good service, attach great importance to the chief goals and their implementation so as to guarantee a good start of the 12th Five-year Plan .

Expanding domestic demand and striving to maintain stable and fast economic growth.We will organize and implement }"three 100-billion" project in such three fields as industrial upgrading, infrastructure construction and people's livelihood, {2 {2}, and must also make and carry out the plans of the major construction projects and annual key projects included in "the 12th Five-year Plan."Special efforts will be made to optimize the investment structure and accelerate the implementation of the Yangtze River Delta Innovation Park of Zhongguancun, Minhui Electric Vehicles and other major projects, with the aim to realize 11% growth in fixed assets investment .We will take all measures to guarantee the supply of project elements, practice planned suppply and co-ordinate arrangements of construction land use, and guide financial institutions to increase financial support for key projects, giving priority to the projects that are under construction or to be continued.We will also introduce at a larger scale the high-tech foreign investment, good quality private capital and state-owned assets, striving to make actual use of foreign capital up to $1.4 billion and domestic capital up to $18 billion throughout the year .New policies such as "household appliances to the village","used appliances for new ones" and optimized distribution of commercial network will continue to be applied, and trade network will be optimized so that the chain business can extend to towns and villages and rural consumption can be expanded and promoted.We will strive to develop e-commerce and new business format, actively develop such consumer focuses as tourism and leisure, fitness and entertainment, education and training, aiming to achieve an increase of 14% of the total volume of annual retail sales for social consumables by .We will speed up the improvement of marketing network, promote the creation of foreign markets and distribution centers for key commodities, expand export credit insurance coverage, make good early warning survelliance and response work on trade friction of key industries and key products,and strive to achieve the total foreign tradevolume over$25 billion .Support will be given to competitive enterprises so that they can invest abroad, and the annual completion of the foreign investment will be $80 million.

Striving to enhance industrial competitiveness by strengthening the focus on technological innovation.The pilot work on building national innovation cities will be comprehensively carried outThe building of Jiaxing Science City and the science and technology incubation city will be stepped up; Yangtze Delta Region Institute of Tsinghua University, Zhejiang Institute of Chinese Academy of Applied Technology will continue to play their leading roles. High-tech scientific research institutions as well as R & D bases of well-known companies at home and abroad will be introduced at a larger scale, and types of new innovative carriers are to exceed 20. We must vigorously implement the "scientific and technological enterprise training project", and guide enterprises to increase investment in science and technology. 30 R & D centers above the city level will be newly set up.We will accelerate the development of human resources with 20 innovation teams and over40entrepreneurship and innovation leading talent projects to be introduced and fostered during the year .We will carry out policies and take measures to promote the development of service industry, and vigorously promote "one hundred 10-billion projects" , speed up planning and construction of modern service area and the construction of Modern Logistics Park of Jiaxing, Pinghu Jiulongshan Resort and other provincial service industry demonstration zones.The project of transforming and upgrading traditional industries will be implemented; all sorts of public service platforms for enterprises are to be improved ; and encouragement and guidance will be offered for enterprises to transfer traditional product processing and manufacturing to R & D of products and brand marketing.We will make and try to implement policies on a faster development of strategic emerging industries, and make further industrial layout planning on Jiaxing Economic and Technological Development Zone,11 provincial development zones and 9 regional industrial agglomeration zones. A number of major industrial projects in emerging industries are to be carried out .We will start and carry out "three doubling plans"involving the service, strategic and emerging industries as well as big enterprises . Relevant policies are to be made and carried out, coordinative effort and organization to be strengthened in order to increase value-added services by 15%, value of strategic emerging industries by 30%,and to have 50 big enterprises with sales revenue of over 1 billion yuan and 3 big enterprises with sales revenue of 10 billion yuan.More support will be given to agriculture; 0} "five one-hundred" demonstration project will be carried on, and the new functional areas of grain production will reach 140,000 mu.Chief executive responsibility system of food security is to be applied to ensure the completion of food production tasks assigned by the provincial government.

Accerating the building of an ecological Jiaxing with the focus on environment purification and afforestation.The resonsibility system for energy saving and emmission reduction must be fulfilled. Evalaution of newly approved project will be stricted conducted. New elimination catalogue for backward projects will be released. Great improtance will be attached to work concerning energy conservation in high energy consumption enterprises to fullfill the annual target in energy conservation of 280 projects.We will intensify effort to control water environment and implement a new round of river water projects to speed up the sewage construction of new towns and integration of sewage both in urban and rural areas to achieve the goal of coverning all urban areas in counties and county-level cities under Jiaxing.Monitoring and control of land subsidence will be strengthened and measures will be taken to ban illegal exploitation of ground water.Attention will be paid to improving rural environment, by controlling the total livestock and restricting area for livestock breeding and exploring transaction of rights for pollutant emission in rural areas to consolidate control of pollution caused by livestock breeding. We will impliment the clean air action plan rectifying industrial emissions and vehicle exhaust pollution to improve air quality effectively.Restriction on approving emissions will be strictly conducted and special measures will be taken to suervise heavy polluition emitting industries and enterprises.Geat efforts will be made to imliment "Eight Ten" Greening Project, doing well with building of Guangjing Gang Wetland, Xiangjiadang Park and other ecological green areas to achieve the goal of adding and improving green area of 35000 mu in the whole year.

We will promote coordinated development of urban and rural areas, with the focus on deeepening comprehensive supporting reform in both urban and rural areas.We will perfect the relevant supporting policies, implimenting deeply the "Ten Transformations" reform with optimizing land use as the major goal. A plan for rural land management will be worked out and one hundred new integrated model communities for both urban and rural areas will be promoted. By the end of 2011, 100000 mu land will be transacted, with 6000 mu land to be reclaimated, 30000 peasant households to be relocated, hopefully 40000 households. We will start provincial small town pilot construction of Wang Jiang Jing Town, Xiuzhou District, Yaozhuang Town, Jiashan County and Chongfu Town, Tongxiang City. We will strengthen the construction of spporting facilities in new towns establishement and integration of urban and rural areas and the public administration services to promote concentration of population, industry concentration, element intensification and function integration.We will co-ordinate infrastructure construction, starting construction of joint millitary and civilian airport and the modification work of Hangzhou-Pinghu-Shanghai Channel, speeding up the construction of across Qiantan River passage and the construction of high network at key joints within the radiation areas of South high-speed rail station in Jiaxing and completing the construction of the road from Jiaxing to Nanbei Lake. We will further unify policies concerning pension, medical insurance and living allowances within Jiaxing Municipality.We will encourage and explore exchanges and cooperations with surrounding cities to promote public transport between cities, medical services and mutual recognition and sharing of other informations. Work will be done well to support Xinjiang and Tibet.

With enhancement of public service capacity as the focus, great effort wil be made to develop various social understakings.We will strengthen the network construction of cultural facilities, implementing a batch of key cultural construction projects with the opening of the new South Lake Memorial Museum. We will carry out various cultural activities, organizing well the Third Dragon Boat Festival(Jiaxing, China).We will actively get involved in the joint application of cultural legacy for the Grand Canal (from Beijing to Hangzhou), doing well with the excavation, conservation and utilziation of industrial heritage, traditonal craftship and other forms of heritages.We will impliment supporting policies for cultural industries, speeding up the construction of Jiaxing Creative and Cultural Industrial Park and Jiaxing Creative and Innovation Park (software) and culitvating creative design and digital cartoon industries.We will lay down policy to accelerate the development of pre-school education and make sure that all buildings in primary and secondary schools are safe.Scholarships will be provided for students in high schools. Measures will be taken to optimize specializations and recruitment in vocational education. Construction of academic disciplines is to be accelerated in higher education.The relocation of University for the Senior Citizens will be completed by the end of 2011.We will fully complete five key tasks of the healthcare reform, further carrying forward comprehensive medical reform and public hospital reform, strengthening construction of professionals on grassroot level with focus on general practioners. The rules for basic medicines will be implimented overall in grass-root medical institutes.The relocation of First Hospital and the expansion of the Second Hospital will by completed be the end of this year.We will carry out mass sports activities, organize well the Seventh Jiaxing Sports Meeting and the Jiaxing devision games of the Eighth National Paralympic.Work concerning population and family planning will be strengthened, expanding the coverage of family planning incentives.

Social harmony will be promoted with emphasis on improving people's livelihood.We will increase employment and help those jobless find jobs. Priority will be given to work concerning job finding of university graduates, rural migrant workers and urban residents without job. We are going to help 31000 urban unemployed find jobs.While doing well with the basic pension insurance at the provincial level, we will attach importance to the pension insurance of new residents of Jiaxing and those with flexible employment.Investigations will be conducted to formulate relevant policies to reconcile the basic medical insurance for urban workers with the cooperative medical insurance for both urban and rural residents. Coorination will be carried out to deal with insurance for unemployment, work injury and maternity.We will continue to promote renovation of old buildings in old communities and open communities in Jiaxing City. We are going to start building affordable housing of 424000 square meters and provide new low-rent housing for 400 families. We will impliment regulatrion policies of real estate market to enhance stable and healthy development of the real estate market in Jiaxing.We must pay special attention to "food basket" project, doing well with the production, storage and supply of fundamental agricutural products. Effort will be made to monitor market prices to guarantee the stability of supply and prices of fundamental commodities.We will carefully implement the basic price subsidies for those badly in need to ensure their basic living standards will not decrease with increase of price. we will carry out inspection on key trades for safe production and strengthen suppervision on food and drug safety.The work dealing with public complaint should be perfected and legal assistance, mediation and community correction also deserve our attention.We will improve residence permit system, in the meantime we will improve our management and service for the new residents.We will make full use of various resources at the grass-root level to promote the construction of demo center for comprehensive mannagement, strictly guard against and crak down various possible criminal activities.

We will intensify the work of government self-improvement with a focus on transforming government functionsWe will advance all aspects of government administration in accordance with the law, and consciously accept the supervision of the NPC and its Standing Committee. We also will support Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) to carry out political consultation, democratic supervision and participation in politics functions. In addition, we will carefully listen to opinions from t he democratic parties, federations of industry and commerce, persons without party affiliation and people's organizations, at the same time, accept supervision from media and other resources. Decision-making process for major issues will be improved, and the expert consultation and deliberation of public notices and hearings will be perfected. Tracking assessment will be strengthened.Enforcement procedures shall be strictly regulated, by standardizing administrative discrtion, perfecting administrative mediation, administrative appeals and administrative appearance.We shall deepen the reform of "expanding power to make the county stronger" and "expanding power to make the town stronger", and the new round of reform of government agencies at county and county-level city shall be completed.We will push forward the reform of the administrative examination and approval with "two concentrations" and "two availabilities" as the main contents and continue to standardize non-administrative licensing items. We shall promote open and transparent budget information, optimizing the structure of fiscal expenditure and perfecting performance evaluation of it.We shall carry out complete oversight and control government debt and actively prevent government debt risk. We will speed up the reform of management system of official cars and their use. We will conduct strict control on administrative costs and general expenses, prevent the expenses for going abroad and that for official reception from increasing. It is expected that those financial resources should be spent in improving people's wellbeing.This year we will do a good job with road network improvement and construction of kindergartens in rural areas.We will deepen the construction system of punishment and prevention, strengthening monitoring audit supervision on key domains and posts and standardizing government procurement and project bidding. We will maintain high pressure against corruption.We need to make effort to educate and manage civil servants. We will pay attention to ideologcal education and capacity-cultivating to improve the the accountability and excution.We shall vigorously promote the construction of work style and performance. We need to advacate active service, creative service, resposible service and effective service. We shall try our best to sovle problems for enterprises and grass-root agencies. We will dedicate ourselves to the interests of people.

Fellow deputies, when we look back at "Eleventh Five-Year", we recognize that the diligent and intelligent people of Jiaxing have achieved a remarkable success, while as we look ahead, we are inspired by the grand blue print of "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" based on scientific development view. At a new starting point, we are full of confidence and we are full of pride as we are on the new journey. Let us unite around the central committee with Hu Jintao as the General Secretary, under the correct leadership of the Municipal Party Committee of Jiaixng, we will rely on the people of Jiaxing, boldly meet all challenges, forge ahead in an innovative way with one mind, blaze new trails for the realization of "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" and moderately prosperous society, so to benefit all the people of Jiaxing.