Report on the Work of the Jiaxing Municipal Government(2013)

Release date:2013-07-26 14:46

  Delivered at the Third Session of the 7th Jiaxing Municipal People's Congress on February 21, 2013.

   By Lu Jun, Mayor of Jiaxing

  Fellow deputies:

         On behalf of the Jiaxing Municipal People's Government, I now present to you the report on the work of the government for your deliberation and approval. I also invite the members of the Municipal Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and the non-voting delegates to provide comments and suggestions.

  Review of Work in 2012

   2012 is the year during which we advanced in difficulties and developed in transformation. Under the firm leadership of the Zhejiang Provincial Committee and Jiaxing Municipal Committee of CPC and Zhejiang provincial government, we thoroughly implemented the Scientific Outlook on Development, firmly kept to the guideline of “making progress while maintaining stability, seeking development in promoting transformation”. We actively responded to serious challenges by forging ahead and breaking new ground, strove to improve pertinency and efficiency of our work, which has brought about a series of positive changes to economic and social development. Jiaxing's GDP reached 288.5 billion yuan, up 8.7 percent over the previous year. Total fiscal revenue was up to 47.19 billion yuan, including public financial revenue of 25.77 billion yuan, an increase of 13.4% and 13.8% respectively. The per capita disposable income of urban residents was 35,696 yuan, and the net per capita income of rural residents was 18,636 yuan, an increase of 13.2% and 11.5% respectively. The main targets set at the first session of the 7th Jiaxing Municipal People's Congress were smoothly achieved except for the growth indicators of regional GDP and of total import and export volume.

   I. Actively responding to difficulties and challenges, and promoting steady and sound economic development. Under the condition that major economic indicators dropped by a large " _fcksavedurl="app:ds:small">small and micro businesses. Nine export bases above the provincial level were completed, and export volume reached US $19.6 billion. We fully implemented policies for promoting consumption, improved the business and trade service system in urban and rural areas, and actively fostered new areas of consumption growth, with the total retail sales of consumer goods increasing 14.3%.

   II. Strengthening market forces and making solid progress in industrial restructuring. Following the law of market economy development, we formulated and promulgated the policy of "Two Exits and Two Entrances" to promote economic transformation and upgrading, took a full range of measures to speed up the exit of low-end industries out of the market, made ten thousand mu ( 1 hectare is equal to 15 mu) of land used not efficiently in industrial parks exit for high-end enterprises for the whole year. We implemented an overall plan for development zones to “start a new undertaking”, and promoted Pinghu Economic Development Zone to the national level. We launched the “Five-in-One” pilot project of making innovations in photovoltaic industry of our province. The added value of new and high-tech industries and equipment manufacturing industries accounted for 19.8% and 22.1% of that of above-scale industries respectively. We accelerated the upgrading of traditional industries, carried out technological upgrading of 392 key projects. We solidly carried out the "Ten, Hundred, Thousand" plan to foster enormous enterprises; two additional enterprises went public; and main business revenue of ten enterprises exceeded 1 billion yuan. We implemented the project of "One hundred 10-billion" in terms of service industry. We established 4 more provincial demonstration zones for modern service clusters; the cargo throughput of Jiaxing Port exceeded 60 million tons; total tourism revenue increased by 18.3%, the share of value-added of the service industry in Jiaxing’s GDP reached 38.6%, an increase of 1.7% over the previous year. We promoted the transformation of the pattern of agricultural development, completed the construction of 158,000 mu of grain-producing zones and 15 modern agricultural parks, and the share of facility agriculture in agricultural production reached 33.4%. We maintained the steady growth of agricultural economy.

  III. Vigorously carrying forward reformation and innovation and constantly increasing the vitality of development. We made innovations in systems and mechanisms of pursuing regional development in a scientific way, took solid steps to promote the construction of Jiashan County, a demonstration zone in pursuit of scientific development. We extensively carried out the comprehensive supporting reform on the balanced development of urban and rural areas and steadily implemented such reforms as property right trading of rural collective assets, and mortgage for contracted land use rights. We deepened the reform of medical and health care systems and started the comprehensive reform of public hospitals in an all-round way at the county and municipal levels. We accelerated financial innovation, and established 10 micro-credit companies, 33 equity investing institutions, with loans of RMB and foreign currency from financial institutions reaching 45.8 billion yuan. We carried out pilot projects to replace business tax with VAT and strengthened investment inviting and selecting. Funds invested by returned Zhejiang businessmen reached 16.1 billion yuan, and $ 1.78 billion of foreign investment were utilized. We encouraged enterprises to “go global” to expand their international market, with their investment abroad reaching $ 330 million. We quickened the construction of science and technology platform, energetically invited famous colleges and universities to jointly establish innovation carriers, set up 7 academician and expert workstations and 28 enterprises' R&D centers at the provincial level and established in Jiaxing the Technology Transfer Center of Purdue University of U.S. in the Yangtze River Delta. R&D spending accounted for 2.3% of Jiaxing’s GDP, application and license of patents for invention increased respectively by 40.4% and 36.9%. The prize of “Nanfan Spirit Awards” was established. Thoroughly implementing the program of "Innovative Jiaxing Welcomes Elite", we have introduced and cultivated 111 innovative projects by leading talents, and every county, county-level city and district was available to experts from the provincial project of "1000 Talents Program".

   IV. Keeping to the regional coordinated development of urban and rural areas and accelerating the construction of the network of modern garden cities. We improved urban infrastructure, made smooth progress in projects such as Jiaxing-Shaoxing Express Way, the northern connection section of Qiantangjiang Tunnel, Hangzhou-Pinghu -Shanghai Channel transformation, and completed the second phase of Guanjinggang Waterworks and Hejiaqiao inland waterway transformation. We launched the pilot project for the construction of "smart power grids”, and some energy projects have been put into operation successfully, such as 220KV Anxing power transmission and distribution project. We implemented a three-year action plan of the organic renewal of the city center, and made an overall high-standard planning and detailed planning for key areas. The projects such as Zicheng Square and South Lake lakeside were launched in an all-round way. Extensively implementing the project for smooth urban traffic, we newly built and renovated urban roads of 55 km, planned and built some public parking lots, therefore further improving the road framework in the city center. We strengthened the construction of public transportation network and bus stations in the city, adjusted or optimized 35 bus routes and newly set up 100 public-bicycle service centers. Effectively promoting the “Two-New” project and “Beautiful Countryside”, we optimized the“1+X” layout of towns and administrative villages, established 24 new demonstrative communities of urban and rural integration, and improved and reclaimed 14,000 mu of rural land. We deepened the provincial pilot work in developing small cities including Wangjiangjing, Yaozhuang and Chongfu, bringing into full play integrated services of new towns. We enhanced regional cooperation to further improve resources sharing with Shanghai and Hanzhou in public services concerning traffic, education, medical treatment and correspondence. We actively participated in the strategy of "Cooperation between Undeveloped Mountainous Areas and Developed Coastal Areas", and made notable achievements in pairing assistance offered to Tibet, Xinjiang and Qinghai.

   V. Attaching great importance to environmental protection and making fresh progress in ecological improvement. We made arrangements to overcome difficulties in water environment control, established the Water Control Office, and promoted the system of “river leaders” at levels of city, county and town. We organized and carried out special operations to clean up waterways, dismantle illegal pigpens and seal sewage outfalls; cleared away silt and dredged 1,255 km waterways; closed down and dismantled illegal pigpens of 180,000 square meters; and newly built sewer networks of 321 kilometers. We enforced water quality supervision, set up 88 monitoring stations around the city, and strictly investigated and dealt with illegal cases about water pollution. We started monitoring PM2.5 (particulate matter), and intensified the environmental management in key areas. We implemented an action of “Making side areas clean, green and beautiful”, increased and improved an afforested area of 50,000 mu, and newly built 253 km greenways in the downtown. We intensively pushed forward ecological construction and built 2 towns into national ecological ones. We worked hard to further control the total amount of energy consumption and the energy consumption per unit of GDP and promoted “Three-Color” early warning system to supervise local and key energy-consuming enterprises. With focus on promoting the environmental access system and technological upgrading, we launched 243 key technological upgrading projects in terms of energy saving, vetoed 10 projects not reaching standards of energy-saving evaluation, and completed the task of closing down the outdated production facilities in cement grinding, printing and dyeing industry. By preliminary calculations, comprehensive energy consumption per unit of the GDP dropped by 5%, total chemical oxygen demand, sulfur dioxide emissions, ammonia nitrogen emissions, and nitrogen oxides emissions fell by 3.2%、3%、2.8% and 3.1%, respectively.

   VI. Promoting balanced development of social undertakings, and consolidating and improving urban civilization. We began construction on the national demonstration zones of public cultural services, and the system of public library service featured by integration of urban and rural development was listed in “Top Ten projects to improve people's well-being” of Zhejiang Province. We actively involved ourselves in the joint application for the UNESCO’s recognition of the Grand Canal as the World Heritage, and launched projects to protect and restore cultural heritages such as Changhong Bridge and Chang’an Sluice. We accelerated the construction of cultural industry clusters, and attracted the Center Base in the Changjiang River Delta of National Theatre of China to be settled in Jiaxing. We thoroughly implemented the three-year action plan for preschool education, and newly built 38 nonprofit kindergartens. We deepened curriculum reforms of ordinary high schools, and achieved an all-round success in the balanced development of provincial compulsory education in every county, county-level city and district. We strengthened the construction of professional innovation base of secondary vocational education, incorporated and set up Jiaxing Technician Institute. We standardized  provincial community health service centers, realizing 100% integrated management of community-level health care service. The first Jiaxing Sports and Leisure Festival was held successfully; athletes of Jiaxing origin won 39 medals in major sports events held at home and abroad. Work concerning population and family planning was strengthened and programs for women and children development were steadily improved. Statistics, archives, history, and meteorology played their active roles in serving economic and social development. We smoothly passed the public civilization index test of “National Civilized City” and reexamination of "National Hygienic City".

   VII. Striving to ensure and improve the people's wellbeing and maintaining social harmony and stability. We deepened coordinating urban and rural employment, set up 82 rural service cooperatives, helped 18,000 people having difficulty in empolyment We extended social insurance coverage and raised its standard, covering 96.8% of registered population for old-age insurance; the standard of basic pensions of urban and rural residents rose to 100 yuan per month. We improved social assistance mechanism, paid out 7.75 million yuan of price subsidies for the year, and raised the standard of subsistence allowances for urban and rural residents per month to 334 yuan and 235 yuan, respectively. We strengthened construction of government-subsidized housing projects and began construction of 12,000 government-subsidized housing units of various types, and made 229 households benefit from low-rent housing. We actively developed programs for the elderly, established and upgraded 171 community-based in-home elderly care centers; the urban university and activity center for the elderly were put into use. We fully implemented the policy of helping the disabled, and built Jiaxing into the first city in Zhejiang which had an all-round success in supporting and helping the disabled. We made innovations in social management, formulated and implemented the government purchase mechanism for public services. Jiaxing Fostering and Development Center of Social Organizations was completed and opened. We launched trials of accumulative performance assessment of new residents, strengthened the oversight and supervision of food and drug, organized and carried out the hundred-day action of cracking down on illegal activities concerning food safety. We improved emergency response network, intensified production safety supervision in key industries and areas to prevent accidents, with the numbers of accidents, deaths and direct economic losses in terms of production safety kept declining. We made great efforts to effectively defuse and handle people's complaints expressed in letters or visits, strengthened construction of the system for crime prevention and control, cracked down on various types of crimes, so that the people have a stronger sense of security. We strengthened national defense and civil air defense, and we were granted the honorable title of “National Model City for Two Supports” again. The relationships between ethnic groups and religions were harmonious, and new progress in foreign affairs, Taiwan, and overseas Chinese affairs were made.

  Meanwhile, positive progress has been made in government capacity building. We earnestly implemented resolutions and decisions made by the Municipal People's Congress of Jiaxing and its standing committee, actively cooperated with the Municipal People's Congress and the municipal CPPCC to conduct inspection, survey and research, and sought suggestions and proposals from people of all circles. We properly handled 401 suggestions by deputies of the Municipal People’s Congress and 414 proposals by members of the Municipal CPPCC for the year. We thoroughly carried out the action of “Double Thousand and Double Hundred”, held conferences aiming at solving concrete problems for enterprises. Serious problems from the grassroots level were settled by main leaders. We deepened the reform of the administrative examination and approval system, carried out simulated administrative approval of key projects, and increased 17 items requiring joint review and approval. We enforced supervision of governance efficiency, and conducted a thorough investigation of public service windows. We firmly fought waste, significantly reduced administration expenditures, and steadily implemented the reform of using official vehicles. We strengthened construction of the system of combating corruption by combining punishment and prevention, and achieved positive results.

  Fellow Deputies, last year, against severe and complicated macro environment and downward pressure on economic growth, facing the heavy task of social and economic transformation and development, we achieved hard-earned fruits of development through concerted efforts, arduous work and mutual assistance of the whole city. Now, on behalf of the Municipal People's Government, I would like to express our highest respect and heartfelt thanks to the people of the whole city who have made contributions in the various fields, to all the deputies of the Municipal People's Congress and members of the Municipal Committee of CPPCC who have fully supported government work, to the democratic parties, to the federation of industry and commerce, to the public figures without party affiliation, to people's organizations, to the People's Liberation Army and armed police forces that have rendered great support to our work, and to the overseas Chinese and international friends who have shown concern and supported Jiaxing's construction!

  While affirming our achievements, we are keenly aware that we still face some prominent difficulties and problems in our economic and social development: fixed asset investment is slowing down; some enterprises have difficulties in production and operation; there is still the pressure from achieving steady and robust economic development; structural and qualitative problems limiting economic development become more acute; problems such as industries being low-level, and the weak capacity in independent innovation, have not been fundamentally resolved; factors such as land are in short supply, which limits our further development; the pressure from environmental protection is growing; there is still heavy task of energy conservation and emissions reduction; we are facing the dual pressures of ensuring economic steady growth and promoting economic transformation; there still exist weak links that need to be strengthened, such as innovation in social management, food safety, workplace safety, public security, which are all threatening social steady and harmonious development. Meanwhile, problems existing in present systems and mechanisms are constraining our development; especially there is much room for improvement in our work, such as improving administrative efficiency and work conduct. So we must attach greater importance to those problems, heighten our senses of urgency and responsibility and take effective measures to solve them.

  Targets and Main Work of 2013

  The year 2013 is the first year for fully carrying out the guiding principles of the Party's Eighteenth National Congress, a crucial year for continuing to implement the Twelfth Five-Year Plan, so doing our work well this year has great significance. Now, the world economy is recovering slowly; fundamentals of economic and social development in our country are becoming better for a long term, which creates better conditions for this year’s work. In the current stage, there still remain serious challenges for economic and social development of Jiaxing, to which we must remain clear-headed. We must effectively enhance the sense of crisis, fully prepare to respond to difficulties and challenges, and vigorously advocate the down-to-earth work conduct. We need to have firmer confidence and work harder to solve problems by innovation and create favorable situations by transformation and upgrading.

  In line with the essence of the fifth session of the 7th Jiaxing Municipal People's Congress, the guiding principle for this year’s government work is: to hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, follow the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of Three Represents and the Scientific Outlook on Development, earnestly implement the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, fully implement “Double Eight Strategies” and the overall strategy of “Enriching People through Setting Up Businesses and Strengthening the Province through Innovation” of the CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee, with a firm grasp of the theme and main thread. We should focus on improving the quality and performance of economic growth, constantly deepen reform and opening up, further pursue innovation-driven development, energetically implement “Three Actions”: promoting faster transformation and upgrading, improve the people’s wellbeing and optimizing development environment, put great efforts into effectively implementing policies to “ensure steady development, advance transformation, strengthen platforms, focus on integration, benefit the people, improve service”,which will lay a solider foundation for the fast achievement of the targets of building Jiaxing into a city of innovation, ecology, happiness and garden, and a modern city rich in material and spirit.

  In accordance with the requirements of working well for “One Three Five” and realizing “Four Doubles” by CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee and the Provincial Government, taking into account the trend of economic and social development and the guiding principle of our city, we have set the targets for economic and social development for 2013 as follows: Increasing regional GDP by over 8.5%; increasing the per capita disposable income of urban residents and the per capita net income of rural residents by over 10%,respectively; making local government budget revenue rise 8%; increasing spending on research and development to 2.4% of the GDP; keeping the urban registered unemployment rate no higher than 4%; keeping the natural population growth rate around 1.5%; keeping the consumer price index (CPI) increase around 3.5%; obtaining the provincial goals of indexes for conserving energy and reducing emissions.

  To reach the above targets, we must always work in line with the following five principles. We must continue to unwaveringly increase effective investment. We should make full use of the key role of investment in economic growth; effectively carry out some major projects concerning infrastructure construction, industry upgrading and improvement of the people’s wellbeing that will affect present and long-term development; work hard to improve the investment structure and extend investment effect, thus greatly facilitating sustainable and sound economic development. We must continue to promote economic transformation and upgrading. Greater attention is to be paid to the combination of the optimization of emerging industries and the upgrading of existing industries. We should accelerate the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, actively develop emerging industries, and further expand scales and advantages, ensuring that development is focused on improving quality and performance. We must continue to unswervingly carry out reform and innovation. With greater political courage and vision, we should constantly deepen reforms in key areas, breaking through the barriers of systems and mechanisms which limit development. We should comprehensively implement the innovation-driven development strategy, press ahead structural adjustment and economic transformation by innovation in science, technology and social administration, effectively increasing the development vitality and driving force. We must continue to unswervingly give priority to ecological improvement. We should further improve systems and mechanisms of resource conservation and environmental protection, accelerate green, circular and low-carbon development, and strive for coordination and integration of economic and ecological benefits. We must continue to work for benefiting the people and improving their wellbeing. With our persistent pursuit of the people’s better life, we should do more solid work to benefit the people, endeavor to make development fruits benefit all the people across the city. This year we will focus on the following five areas:

   I. Endeavoring to maintain steady economic growth by expanding effective investment

  We will carry out Project No. 1. With a good knowledge of Jiaxing’s position in the domestic and international labor division, we will adhere to the principle of attracting big and excellent investment; stress the attraction of investment, technology and intelligence in areas of regional leading industry, related industrial chains, leading enterprises, scientific achievements able to be industrialized and innovative talents; and make more efforts to attract projects of equipment manufacturing industry, high-end service industry and modern agriculture. We will constantly make innovations in investment attraction approaches such as simultaneously attracting foreign, state-owned and private investment, major leaders being responsible for attracting investment, attracting investment in the entire domain and attracting investment in key enterprises and projects by organizing teams to visit investors frequently and enthusiastically, with the aim of making the work more targeted and effective. We will formulate and implement Three-year Plan in support of innovative development of the enterprises and businessmen of Zhejiang origin and endeavor to attract their more leading projects. We will improve the investment attraction mechanism and intensify the investment attraction assessment with a view to introducing 20 projects, including the ones of Fortune 500 companies and global leading enterprises or the ones whose investment reaches over US $ one hundred million, ensuring that we can utilize US $ 1.5 billion of foreign investment and 20 billion yuan from central enterprises and the ones of Zhejiang origin this year.

  We will improve the function of platforms. Based on the maximized allocation of limited resources and the close cooperation of city, counties, towns and villages, taking into main consideration sales revenue and tax revenue of each mu, industrial added value per unit of energy consumption, revenue per unit of emission and gross labor productivity, we will make different policies for different enterprises in accordance with the overall investigation of their land use efficiency to press ahead the implementation of “Two Exits and Two Entrances”, striving to make ten thousand mu of inefficient land used not efficiently in industrial parks exit for high-end enterprises. We will make innovations in the management system and mechanism of development zones, vigorously implement the program of starting new undertakings for economic transformation and upgrading, improve in an overall way the functions and roles of twelve development zones at the provincial and national levels and all industrial parks to build some famous specialized industrial parks, aiming at forming industry clusters with intensive utilization of resources and comprehensive functions. We will implement the strategy of integrating the development of Jiaxing into that of Shanghai and Hangzhou, intensify the close cooperation with the surrounding cities in terms of the construction of industrial platforms, accelerate the construction of the development zones adjacent to Shanghai and Hangzhou and firmly push forward the joint development of Caohejing Hi-Tech Park (CHJ) in Haining City and Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park in Pinghu City. We will work hard for Jiaxing Export Processing Zone’s application for a national free trade zone.

  We will stress the construction of leading projects. With the construction of leading and excellent projects as the key to promote steady growth, structural adjustment and sustainable development, we will work harder for some major projects which are essential to the development, ensuring a growth of over 12% in fixed asset investment and total investment more than 200 billion yuan. We will strengthen infrastructure construction, start the construction of the terminal of Jiaxing Airport for military and civil purposes, dredge the Pinghutang River, accelerate those projects under construction such as the northern connection section of Qiantangjiang Tunnel and Hangzhou-Pinghu-Shanghai Channel transformation, and finish the construction of Jiaxing-Shaoxing Expressway and Huzhou-Jiaxing-Shanghai Highway (Phase I). We will make more efforts to work for industrial investment, push ahead industry-related projects with a leading role, and start more than ten projects with each of its investment exceeding 500 million yuan. We will make innovations in financing methods for projects, make good use of capital market and non-bank financial institutions to increase the direct financing proportion of projects, further improve the investment assessment mechanism to avoid low-level and repeated construction, and comprehensively control land market to ensure major projects’ demand for land. We will perfect the reserve system of major projects and strengthen follow-up services to make projects start as soon as possible.

  II. Accelerating economic transformation and upgrading by reform and innovation

  We will push forward the reform of key areas. Much work is to be done to implement the suggestions made by the State Council on deepening the reform of income distribution system and the demands made by the Zhejiang provincial government. We will plan systematically to promote the construction of Jiashan as a demonstration site of scientific development. We will quicken the reform of investment and financing system, carry out studies and formulate measures of facilitating nongovernmental investment to make its proportion in fixed asset investment over 65%. We will further deepen the reform of state assets, improve corporate governance, and enhance the social financing and market operation of state-owned enterprises. We will speed up the construction of the province-level financing innovation model of Nanhu Subdistrict, actively develop new type of financial institutions, attract vigorously such financing modes as equity, bond and fund and strive for five additional enterprises going public. We will further standardize the administrative examination and approval system; advocate its integrated or simulated mode or the one through agencies, striving to streamline the administrative examination and approval procedure. We will improve the market of production factors such as land, talents, technology and information, and promote price reforms on resource factors such as water and electricity. We will make innovations in government administration and endeavor to explore a new mechanism to coordinate the development of cross-administrative regions.

  We will promote the scientific and technological innovation and its industrial application. We will further improve the investment mechanism in science and technology, guide enterprises to establish R&D centers independently or together with universities and research institutes to facilitate the flow of innovate elements  into enterprises with a view of establishing thirty provincial R&D centers and forty national hi-tech enterprises. We will accelerate the integration of innovation resources and promote better development of Jiaxing Science City and Zhejiang iCity to make various innovation platforms play their positive roles in economic transformation and upgrading, striving to build more national hi-tech parks. We will stress the innovation through close cooperation of enterprises, universities and research institutes, strengthen the construction of the test base and the base for industrial application of scientific and technological advances, and vigorously develop scientific finance and insurance for the industrialization and localization of scientific and technological advances. We will intensify the creation, application, protection and management of intellectual property, and build Jiaxing into a “National Model City for High Quality”. We will work harder to attract more top talents to Jiaxing by fully implementing the plan of “Innovating Jiaxing Welcoming Elite”, build more national and provincial demonstration bases to attract high-caliber professionals to change demographic dividend into an intelligent one, striving to attract about one hundred top talents in 2013.

  We will actively develop modern urban ecological agriculture. We will improve the policy of strengthening agriculture, benefiting farmers and enriching rural areas, take speedy steps to develop high-yield basic farmland and irrigation and water conservancy projects to keep the grain production stable, and build 140 thousand mu of grain production zones and 50 modern agricultural parks. We will construct a new agricultural operation system, fully support large family farms and build Jiaxing’s specialized farmer cooperatives into famous brands to strengthen leading agricultural enterprises. We will promote close cooperation of agriculture, scientific research and teaching, set up special funds for breeding research and improve agricultural public services at the community level. We will work hard for plant and animal disease prevention and control, and perfect the system of supervising the quality of agricultural products and keeping their quality traceable.

  We will make great efforts to prosper the city by developing industry, formulate and improve the related supporting policy system. We will fully implement the program of doubling strategic emerging industries, and accelerate the construction of industry cluster zones and major projects, striving for an increase of over 15% in the output value of strategic emerging industries. We will make every effort to press ahead the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, promote the close integration of informationization and industrialization, encourage enterprises to invest more in technological innovation, promptly carry out technological upgrading projects and support major enterprises’ transformation into ones strong in R&D, sales and high-end manufacturing. We will carry out the plan of encouraging nongovernmental enterprises to start a new undertaking, foster a group of large enterprises with core competitiveness, aiming to establish two ten-billion-yuan manufacturing enterprises and ten ten-billion-yuan industrial alliances. We will actively support small and medium enterprises which are technology and innovation-oriented, move forward the development of small, micro and individually owned businesses, endeavoring to upgrade three thousand individually owned businesses into enterprises and five hundred enterprises into ones above the designated size. We will inspire enterprises to expand the domestic and international markets, energetically support export of our own brands and products with independent intellectual property, and try to increase the market share of products made by Jiaxing.

  We will quicken the service industry development. We will implement the plan for developing service industry cluster zones to press ahead the producer service such as industrial design, service outsourcing and R&D with a view of fostering new areas of service industry growth. We will vigorously develop consumer services such as education, training, health and social service to meet the demand for consumption upgrading, boost innovations in such modern business and trade models as chain operation and logistics, and more quickly foster new areas of consumption growth. We will make more efforts to build Jiaxing into a top tourism and leisure city as well as tourism distributing center in the region of Changjiang Delta by integrating local special tourism resources, intensifying marketing plan and further expanding the tourism market. We will launch the work of building Wuzheng Town into a provincial tourism pilot zone. We will encourage enterprises to separate their main business from auxiliary services, fully implement policy of taxing on the income of enterprises after deductions, and continue to promote trials of replacing business tax with value-added tax (VAT) in the service industry.

  III.Deepening the regional coordinated development of urban and rural areas with the target of pushing forward new type of urbanization

  We will accelerate the urban organic renewal. We will amend the former urban comprehensive planning and enhance guidance and regulation to strengthen the city’s cohesiveness and radiation. We will speed up the construction of urban special functional zones and the development of key areas, such as Jiaxing International Business Area, Xiangjiadang Area and Hot Spring City in a systemic way. In accordance with the requirement of “laying a foundation within two years, making clear progress within five years and finishing the organic renewal within a decade”, we will accelerate the organic renewal of areas such as Zicheng Square, South Lake lakeside and Jiaxing Railway Station, plan and build some high-standard urban complexes, actively foster high-end industries and new types of business, making the urban economy stronger. We will make vigorous efforts to accelerate the upgrading of old residential areas, old factory sites and urban villages, and take solid steps in tearing down the buildings set up illegally for production and living. We will further promote the special action for smooth traffic by reconstructing key intersections, linking disconnected roads and ring roads and quicken the construction of branch roads such as Youquan Road and Changshui Road. We will encourage nongovernmental investment in the construction of parking facilities and newly build one thousand public parking spaces in the urban area. We will give priority to the development of public transportation, expand and perfect the integrative public transportation system for urban and rural areas and urban public bicycle system to tackle traffic jam. We will improve the long-term system of urban management to promote the city’s elaborate and grid management and make digital management available to the whole city. We will actively engage in planning for development and utilization of underground space, scientifically design urban expressways and rail transits, and accelerate the construction of urban integrated networks such as networks of transportation, energy and information. We will press ahead the urban organic renewal of the central and sub-center cities to intensify their functional complementation and launch the urban organic renewal of ten thousand mu.

  We will promote urban and rural integration. We will, seizing the opportunities of promoting urbanization of the country and middle-term evaluation on overall land use plan made by Zhejiang Province, accelerate the integration of plans of land use, urban construction and industrial development to promote integrated urban and rural development. We will steadily implement “Two New” Projects, deepen land improvement and reclamation, build and improve public supporting facilities in newly-built towns, encourage enterprises to move to industrial parks, land to flow to large-scale agricultural operations and farmers to live in the new type of communities, and reclaim ten thousand mu of land in the countryside this year. We will deepen the construction of “Beautiful Countryside”, strengthen the protection of old cultural villages and strive to build some villages featured by integrated development of working, living and ecology. We will make solid progress in the rural pilot reform at the provincial level, deepen supporting reforms on household registration system and the management of new communities of urban and rural integration, and complete the reform of property rights system for rural collective assets. We will carry out a new round of plans to strengthen the collective economy of administrative villages.

  We will reinforce the development of Seaside New Area. We will intensify overall plans and resources integration, accelerate the construction and opening of Dushan Port and Haiyan Port, start the construction of  Customs’ Service Center of Jiaxing and strive to make container throughput of Jiaxing Port exceed 1 million TEUs. We will speed up the construction of sea-land and sea-river joint transportation network, effectively carry forward the construction of trade platforms for bulk commodity such as grain, steel and coal to build a “three-in-one” port logistic service system. We will vigorously develop modern marine industry and high-grade projects of advanced port-oriented manufacturing industry, striving to build the seaside area into a region full of enterprises with their individual output value up to ten billion yuan and industries with their respective output value up to one hundred billion yuan. We will accelerate the development of the seaside tourism industry to build the seaside area into a charming tourist attraction. We will strengthen the marine management and protection of marine ecological environment to promote the sustainable use of marine resources.

  IV. Making great efforts to promote ecological progress with focus on environment improvement

  We will attach importance to comprehensive treatment of the aquatic environment. We will firmly press ahead “139” Action Plan and the system of “river leaders” at levels of the city, county and town, and further improve the work mechanism of protecting water from pollution. We will intensify the comprehensive treatment of pollution from livestock and poultry farms, tear down illegally-built pigpens, normalize the facilities for raising pigs, and make progress in closing down or moving away pig farms where pigs are forbidden to raise. We will strengthen the oversight and supervision over sewage discharge of enterprises, take speedy steps to make enterprises with daily sewage discharge less than 50 tons have access to sewer networks, and refuse to approve any new project whose sewage discharge is not up to the standard. We will accelerate the construction of major projects concerning water protection, make solid progress in ecological restoration projects such as Guanjinggang Wetland and Xinchengtang River, comprehensively upgrade twelve sewage treatment works, lay 248 kilometers of sewer networks, and clear away silt and dredge waterways of 1,000 kilometers. We will intensify the protection of drinking water sources and improve the mechanism of joint law enforcement in river basins. We will strengthen the pollution prevention of heavy metals, thoroughly carry out the special plan of “Clean Air”, accelerate the upgrade of twelve stations to automatically monitor environmental air quality, start monitoring PM2.5 on a full scale and make more efforts in the treatment of industrial waste gas, automobile exhaust and fugitive dust of construction sites. We will intensify the management of solid wastes, build and perfect the mechanism of storage and disposal of solid and dangerous wastes. We will continue to implement special actions, such as tightening oversight and control over environment pollution and promoting environment improvement, and especially lay stress on the oversight, supervision and comprehensive treatment of major regions, industries and enterprises.

  We will carry forward energy conservation and emissions reduction. We will strictly control total energy consumption and energy consumption per unit of GDP, perfect the evaluation and examination of new projects in energy saving and refuse to approve new energy-intensive and high-emission projects. We will further carry out actions for energy conservation and low-carbon production and consumption, spread new energy-saving techniques and products, advocate Energy Performance Contracting (EPC), and upgrade 200 enterprises with energy-saving technique this year. We will tighten control over leather tanning, dyeing, chemical and paper-making industries and eliminate backward production capacity such as clay brick and tile production and small-sized power-generating units. We will make solid progress in the development of circular and ecological economy in industrial parks, and develop some demonstration projects of circular economy. We will attach importance to the comprehensive use of agricultural organic wastes, build two ecological pilot zones of circular agriculture at the provincial level, and make firm progress in building the demonstration city which advocates application of renewable energy in buildings and the national pilot city in terms of making comprehensive use of kitchen wastes.

  We will carry forward urban and rural afforestation in a coordinated way. We will make progress in planting trees in cities, towns, villages and along rivers, complete the construction of green belts along express ways and high-speed railways, endeavoring to increase and improve an afforested area of 42,000 mu. We will improve the network of urban ecological greenways, making them join main roads, residential communities and bus stops, and endeavor to reach the three-year target for greenway construction.

  V. Genuinely ensuring and improving the people’s wellbeing by strengthening social development

  We will enhance employment and social security. We will accelerate improvements to the system of helping the people find jobs or start their own businesses, intensify related trainings, increase public-service jobs and comprehensively solve problems concerning the employment of college graduates, rural surplus laborers and those who have difficulty in finding jobs, aiming to create over 60,000 new jobs in towns and cities. We will promote harmonious labor relations by reinforcing the mediation and arbitration of labor disputes. We will make progress in aiding those without fixed jobs, new residents and people in need to be covered by old-age insurance system, accelerate the integration of cooperative medical insurance system for urban and rural residents and the basic medical insurance for urban employees, and promote the use and transfer of the all-in-one medical insurance card in seeing doctors in different regions. We will improve the social assistance system, accelerate the normalization of minimum living standard security system and make more efforts to help people in need for treating major and very serious diseases. We will vigorously develop old-age services, make innovations in the service of home-based elderly care, and make the coverage of community-based in-home elderly care centers reach 50%. We will improve the social security and service systems for the disabled and the basic life security system for orphans, disabled children and the ones in difficulty, support the development of philanthropy and attach importance to the work of the Red Cross. We will speed up the construction of the housing security system, adjust and improve the housing policy, began the construction of over 6,500 housing units for low-income families and ensure enough low-rent houses accessible to every family in need.

  We will improve our cultural soft power. We will further improve the long-term mechanism for establishing National Civilized City and energetically improve civic morality to form a positive environment in the whole society to strive for better life and healthy and civilized life style in the whole society. We will carry out cultural projects of benefiting the people, improve the mechanism of opening nonprofit cultural venues to the public free of charge, successfully hold cultural activities such as Jiaxing Dragon Boat Festival and Red Ship Tourism Festival and actively develop national demonstration sites for public cultural services. High-quality works of literature and arts will be encouraged and supported. We will strengthen the protection, inheritance and utilization of cultural heritage, work hard for the joint application for the recognition of the Grand Canal as the World Cultural Heritage and expedite the projects of historical sites protection such as Majiabang Relics Park. We will effectively implement the policy of supporting the cultural industry, construct the industrial bases of cultural creation and animation design, foster and support the development of leading cultural enterprises to make the cultural industry larger, more intensive and more specialized.

  We will vigorously boost social undertakings such as education and health. We will enhance the normalized management of preschool education, complete its three-year action plan in an overall way and establish 30 kindergartens of different grades. We will make new progress in the construction of standardized schools and promote in an orderly way the pilot reform of teachers’ reasonable flow among schools of compulsory education with the view of achieving balanced and high-quality development of compulsory education. We will lay stress on the integration and improvement of vocational education resources and reinforce the construction of training bases and the integration of enterprises, universities and research institutes, support the development of universities and colleges located in Jiaxing such as Jiaxing University, and quicken the relocation project of Jiaxing Nanyang Vocational University. We will perfect the mechanism of financial compensation and performance assessment, deepen the comprehensive reform of public hospitals at the level of the city and county-level cities, encourage and guide nongovernmental investment in medical institutions. We will strengthen public service for medical and health care, allocate community-level medical resources in an overall way, promote the standardization of urban and rural community health services, quicken the medical informatization construction, and make more efforts in training medical personnel and advancing medical science and technology. We will complete the relocation of Zhejiang Rongjun Hospital, extensively carry out public fitness activities, and hold the first citizens’ sports meet. We will improve the interest-oriented mechanism related to the family planning and intensify the comprehensive treatment of birth sex ratio to promote a balanced development of population.

  We will maintain public security and social stability. We will encourage communities to fully play their self-governance roles, actively foster specialized social workers and volunteers, encourage and guide social organizations to develop in a standardized and orderly way. We will support the work of people’s organizations such as trade unions, the Chinese Communist Youth League, women’s federations, science and technology associations, and give full play to their cooperative roles of associations and chambers of commerce for innovations in social management. We will deepen the reform of the household registration system and increase services to new residents and improve our management. We will improve mechanisms for overseeing and supervising food and drug safety and crack down on the manufacture and sale of counterfeit or substandard goods. We will improve the system for preventing and mitigating natural disasters, and carry out the provincial pilot in terms of earlier realization of modernization of meteorological service. We will tighten control over key areas to prevent the occurrence of serious and major accidents. We will strengthen the handling of public complaints made through letters and visits, further investigate and resolve social conflicts, improve the coordinated mechanism for managing responses to emergencies, and settle various public emergency. We will deepen the construction of “Safe Jiaxing”, establish the multi-dimensional system for crime prevention and control, and crack down on crime in accordance with the law to build Jiaxing into the safest city in the Changjiang Delta. We will energetically support the construction of the People’s Liberation Army and the People’s Armed Police Force stationed in Jiaxing, enhance the work on national defense mobilization, reserve service, and civil air defense. We will further deepen the construction of National Model City for Two Supports, consolidate and develop the new relationship between the military and the government and between the military and the people.

  Making great efforts to build a government the people are satisfied with

  New situation and tasks place higher requirements on the government’s work. With the people’s satisfaction as the first touchstone, we will propel the development of Jiaxing to a new level through our high-quality and efficient work.

  We will earnestly change our work conduct. We will strictly implement the central leadership’s eight regulations about improving the conduct of the work and maintaining close ties with the people, vigorously improve the style of writing and the conduct of meetings, reduce documents, meetings and briefings, and encourage concise meetings, speeches and articles. We will stay close to the general public to care for the people, gain an understanding of their feelings, and focus main efforts on resolving practical problems of great concern to the people. We will strengthen the construction of towns (sub-districts), care for grassroots cadres and implement the systems that cadres should be on duty at night regularly and pay visits to villages and households in turn.

  We will intensify our work execution. In the period of social and economic transformation, conflicts and problems have become prominent and complicated, so all the government employees must live up to our responsibility, effectively tackle them one by one while confronting main problems in project promotion, industrial transformation and upgrading and environmental protection. Much work is to be done to improve our performance management, implement quantitative evaluation and reinforce process control with a view to bringing about more progress and responsibility by setting time limit and work target. We will punish severely those officials who fail to do their jobs or do them irresponsibly, ensuring that the decisions of the government are carried out effectively by strengthening supervision over work efficiency and administrative accountability.

  We will fully conduct administration in accordance with the law. We should consciously accept legal and work oversight from the Municipal People's Congress and democratic oversight from the Municipal Committee of CPPCC, conscientiously listen to the opinions of the democratic parties, federations of industry and commerce, persons without party affiliations and people of all walks of life. We will deepen the reform of the mechanism of law enforcement in government administration, set strict standards on the ruling power of law enforcement bodies, enforce the standardization of reconsideration of administrative decisions, and effectively safeguard legitimate rights and interests of citizens. We will make great efforts to perfect the system of decision made by the collective, expert consultation and public participation to keep administrative power open to the public.

  We seek to build a clean and honest government. We should rigorously implement the system of accountability for improving Party conduct and upholding integrity, strengthen construction of the system for combating corruption by combining punishment and prevention, intensify the audit and supervision over major areas and key links, resolutely investigate and prosecute violations of the law or discipline. Great efforts are to be made to practice thrift, oppose extravagance and waste, strictly limit regular expenditures, deepen reform of the system for the use of official cars, reduce expenditures for official hospitality and overseas trips for official purposes, and effectively reduce administrative costs, spend our limited financial and material resources on tackling urgent problems of keen concern to the people.

  Fellow deputies, we must shoulder the glorious and arduous tasks bestowed on us by the times and live up to the people’s high expectations. We are inspired by economic transformation and upgrading, tested by huge hardships and challenges, and spurred by the people’s new expectation of enjoying a happy life. Let all of us rally closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as General Secretary. Under the leadership of Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial Government and Jiaxing Municipal Party Committee, we rely firmly on the people, blaze new trails in a pioneering spirit, and strive to create a brighter future for Jiaxing.