Report on the Work of Jiaxing Municipal Government(2012)

Release date:2013-07-26 14:46


Delivered at the First Session of the Jiaxing 7th Municipal People's Congress on March 26, 2012

By Lu Jun, Mayor of Jiaixng


Fellow deputies:

Now, on behalf of the Municipal People's Government, I would like to submit the report on the work of the government for your examination and approval, and also for comments and suggestions from members of Jiaxing Committee of CPPCC and other non-voting participants.


I. Review of the Work of 2011 and the Past Five Years

2011 is a year with complicated situations at home and abroad. Under the leadership of the Zhejiang Provincial Committee and the Jiaxing Municipal Committee of CPC and the Zhejiang Provincial government, Jiaxing government adhered to the scientific development perspectives, forging ahead to do the work well in steady economy growth, the structure adjustment and the improvement of people's livelihood. The main objectives and tasks set at the Six Session of the 6th Jiaxing Municipal People's Congress have been completed, making a good start of the Twelfth Five Year Plan. Jiaxing's GDP reached ¥ 266.81 billion Yuan, up by 10.6 percent over the previous year; total fiscal revenue¥ 41.6 billion Yuan, including local fiscal revenues of 22.64¥ billion Yuan, an increase of 24.4% and 28% respectively; and the per capita disposable income of urban residents and the per capita net income  of rural residents amounted to ¥31,520 Yuan and¥ 16,707 Yuan, an increase of 14.7% and 16.3% respectively.


1.Actively responding to difficult challenges and maintaining stead,rapid economy development. Faced with new situations and problems in economic operation, we took effective measures to maintain steady growth in demand. We focused our efforts on effective investment and enhanced the construction of infrastructure and major industrial projects, with the projects of extending Pinghu Dyke, Tongxiang emergency water supply going forward well, and with the natural gas network within Jiaxing City and the third phase of Jiaxing Power Plant being put into use. Accordingly, investment in fixed assets reached 150.25 billion Yuan, up 12.8 percent. We strengthened investment attraction and selection, and introduced more high-end foreign investment and domestic investment from state-owned central enterprises, with the actual utilization of foreign capital up to 1.72 billion U.S. dollars, and the domestic capital, excluding Jiaxing, up to 21.4 ¥ billion Yuan. We strengthened the land supply for key projects, promoted the remediation of the rural land, and implemented "Million Mu" project of reclaiming land, making 7567 mu of stock land into new circulation. All kinds of funds were timely paid in support of foreign trade and export bases and overseas marketing network was constructed, and the total exports reached $ 19.27 billion, an increase of 20.1%. The urban and rural market circulation system was improved, and the programs of "Chain operation in 1000 Towns" and "Ten thousand villages, One thousand towns" were implemented, hence the growth by 18.7% in total retail sales of social consumer goods. We made great efforts to ease financing difficulties, implemented the policies and measures of differentiated credit and guided financial institutions to loan more for small and micro-enterprises, and succeeded in increasing commercial loans of ¥ 32.4 billion Yuan in 2011.We tried to alleviate the burden on enterprises, by carrying out the social insurance policy of "Five Delays, Four Lowerings and Three Subsidies", and reducing the related taxes and fees of small and micro-enterprises in line with the conditions of transformation and upgrading. Consequently administrative fees of ¥ 200 million Yuan of the enterprises involved were reduced and exempted.

2. Fully deploying 3 Doubling Plans and accelerating industrial restructuring. We started 3 doubling plans of service industries, strategic emerging industries, and large enterprises, and strengthened the mechanism for their promotion and measures to support them. We made and implemented the development planning for MCBD, and launched in Taiwan the service projects. MCBD progressed smoothly, and the service added value increased by 12%. We made a guidance catalog for the key sectors of strategic emerging industries and set up special funds of ¥500 million Yuan for financial support in Jiaxing City. We quickened the construction of industrial clusters demonstration zone, focusing on cultivating 65 leading industries and attaching importance to 316 key technological transformation projects, with industrial output value of high-tech industry and equipment manufacturing industry accounting for 18.7% and 21% respectively of that of the enterprises above designated size. We promoted the agricultural demonstration project of "Five One-hundred", and constructed 1.61 million mu of functional areas for grain production and started the construction of 99 modern agriculture demonstration zones at the provincial level. Agricultural products, like grain, increased steadily.We organized and launched major special projects of science and technology and transformation of research achievements, with 17 provincial-level high-tech R & D centers newly identified. Chinese Academy of Sciences (Jiaxing Center) was upgraded to Institute of Applied Technology, Zhejiang Academy of Sciences. The second phrase of the program of "Innovative Jiaxing Welcomeing Elite" was carried out. Till now we have introduced 104 innovative projects and 39 key innovative teams.

3. Vigorously implementing such strategies as integration of Jiaxing into Shanghai and Hangzhou, and steadily promoting the coordinated development of urban and rural areas. We accelerated the construction of transportation infrastructure, with such projects as the northern connection section of Qiantangjiang Channel, the northern connection road of Jiaxing-Shaoxing Road and Huzhou-Jiaxing-Shanghai Highway (Phase I) progressing well, and Nanbeihu Road has been open to traffic. We strengthened the construction of all kinds of development zones near Hangzhou and Shanghai, actively promoting our integration into the cities around Jiaxing like Shanghai and Hangzhou in terms of public service policies, making regional resources utilized intensively and economically, shared and constructed jointly. Cultivating center Jiaxing city was accelerated, made overall planning of the international business district, and promoted the development and construction of some major blocks, such as Nanhu New District, Xiuzhou New District and Xiangjiadang Area. We have improved the conditions of 40 old residential areas, renovated urban roads of 72 km, started the construction of public bicycle service system, and put the municipal passenger transportation center into use. The development of sub-center cities and Seaside New City was promoted in an all round way, with cargo throughput of Jiaxing Port reaching 52.58 million tons, and container throughput exceeding 500,000 TEUs. We promoted "Two for Two" and "Two-New Project", actively carried out the pilot work in developing small cities at provincial level, and attached importance to the construction of 100 demonstration new communities characteristic of urban and rural integration, with 29,000 farmer houses newly built or rebuilt. We explored the way of mortgage for rural land transfer and the right to operate, steadily implemented property rights reform of rural collective assets, and set up rural service cooperatives.

4. Attaching importance to energy conservation, emission reduction and environmental protection, with new progress made in eco-city construction. Promoting the construction of ecological civilization "811" was fully implemented. We have started controlling the energy saving rate per unit GDP and the total amount of energy consumption, strengthened admittance into industries and source management and vetoed 243 projects not meeting the requirements of the energy saving and environmental protection in 2011. The construction of recycling economy demonstration bases at provincial level was enhanced and cleaner production audit carried out in 116 enterprises. Industries falling behind in production capacity were eliminated, a cross-industry examination and treatment of lead acid storage battery further implemented and such industries of heavy pollution and high energy consumption as electroplating, leather tanning and chemicals further regulated and upgraded. The construction of environmental protection infrastructure was strengthened; such emission reduction projects as increasing standards and transformation of sewage treatment plants, desulfurization and denitrification in thermal power plants and water reuse in enterprises went well, and municipal solid waste disposition center was built and put into operation. Law was strictly enforced in environmental protection; 1580 cases in terms of violating environmental laws were investigated and 130 enterprises causing serious pollution were shut down in accordance with the law. We strengthened ecological and environmental protection, further promoted the treatment of livestock and poultry farming pollution, dredged  1159 km of waterways, increased and improved an afforested area of 4,3000 mu. The   emission reduction targets made by provincial government were fully reached.

5. Strengthening and innovating public administration, and further improving people's living standards. Employment policy support system was further improved,  employment assistance to the needy was strengthened, 71,000 jobs for the urban residents were created and the registered urban unemployment rate stayed 3.36%. We raised the pension standards for the retired personnel from the enterprises and for the old in urban and rural areas, effectively solved some unsolved problems about endowment insurance in accordance with the provincial unified deployment. Account settlement in different places was implemented for the basic medical insurance for urban workers in Jiaxing. Per capita medical funding criterion for urban and rural cooperative medical insurance reached 413 Yuan. The linkage mechanism of the lowest living security standard in urban and rural areas and the rise in commodity prices worked well; the minimum living standard for urban and rural residents were increased to ¥466 Yuan and ¥333 Yuan respectively; policies and measures of stabilizing commodity prices and regulating the real estate market were carried out, with importance attached to the programs of "Rice Bag" and "Vegetable Basket", and 12,286 housing units for low-income families were built in 2011. Measures were implemented for speeding up the reform and development of pre-school education; financial departments at all levels invested ¥260 million Yuan in pre-school education and the three-year construction task of building safe primary and secondary schools was basically completed. Taking "Cultural Engagement" as a platform, we made a solid progress in carrying out a series of cultural activities, and successfully held the Third Dragon Boat Festival (Jiaxing, China). The new building of South Lake Revolutionary Memorial Hall was put into use; the national system for basic drugs was fully implemented; the pilot comprehensive reform of public hospitals was steadily pushed forward, and a key three-year task of five items in the medical and health system reform was completed. New First Hospital of Jiaxing was constructed and put into operation. The Eighth National Para-Olympics (Jiaxing Division) and the Seventh Municipal Sports Meeting were successfully hosted. Award and assistance for family planning was expanded. Creating "Safe Jiaxing" was improved and six special tasks in social management service was advanced. Production safety supervision of key industries and areas was strengthened, with the numbers of accidents, deaths and direct economic losses in production safety kept declining. We strengthened food and drug safety supervision, carried out special rectification of the abuse of food additives and hogwash oil, adopted the comprehensive measures to maintain law and order, and cracked down on various criminal activities in accordance with law to give the people a stronger sense of security.


Fellow deputies: in the past five years since the First Session of the Sixth Jiaxing Municipal People's Congress, Jiaxing not only accepted serious challenges and stood up to all tests, but also explored new ways and made new progress. Jiaxing Municipal Government adhered to giving priority to development, closely relying on and uniting the people in Jiaxing, freeing ourselves from old ideas, promoting the construction of economy, politics, culture, social and ecological civilization, and taking steady strides toward the road of scientific development and transformation.


Over the past five years, we worked towards maintaining steady economic growth and adjusting and optimizing industrial structures, accelerating the transformation and upgrading so that overall strength was strengthened substantially. Facing the severe impact of the international financial crisis, we firmly put into practice the guiding principles and arrangements of CPC Central Committee, CPC Provincial Committee and Provincial Government, put forward a series of measures to maintain economic growth and promote the adjustment of economic structure. We take moderate growth of investment as the most important work to promote steady economic growth, and launched the projects of "four double-hundred" and "one hundred 10-billion" in the five consecutive years, with an average annual investment in fixed assets over ¥120 billion Yuan. Taking promoting the construction of large platforms, key industries, projects and enterprises as a strong support for structural adjustment, we made the planning for developing six strategic emerging industries and for transforming and upgrading of key industries. Jiaxing Economic Development Zone and Jiashan Economic Development Zone was elevated to development zones at a national level, and 17 companies went public in Jiaxing over the past five years. With improving self-directed innovation capability as essentiality for adjusting economic structure, we pushed forward the construction of Jiaxing as a national pilot city of innovation and a sub-central city of regional innovation in Zhejiang Province. Financial departments at all levels invested ¥3.23 billion Yuan in science and technology development; the proportion of research and experimental development expenditures rose from 1.4 percent in 2006 of GDP to 2.2 percent; 129,000 talents were attracted and 30,000 patents were authorized. Taking intensive and economical use of resources and environmental protection as breakthroughs in structural adjustment, we vigorously drove forward the action plan of making clean the river, network, production and energy and of forestation and green channels, with the energy consumption for ¥10,000 Yuan GDP dropping by 20.6% compared with that in 2006. With the sustained growth in economic scale, development speed and quality simultaneously increased, and in 2011, the GDP, the total fiscal revenue and local revenues were 1.98 times, 2.5 times and 2.8 times more than those in 2006 respectively, and the proportion of three industries changed from 6.6: 59.9: 33.5 in 2006 to this year's 5.5 : 57.6 : 36.9.


Over the past five years, we have been devoting ourselves to the overall regional development, to integrating of urban and rural development and to optimizing development environment so that both the urban and rural areas have taken on a remarkably new look. We have made out and implemented Jiaxing's overall development plan to make the urban and rural layout more reasonable and perfect. Till now, the urban built-up area has been expanded to 88.1 square kilometers from 65.8 in 2006 and the urbanized rate up to53.3%. Infrastructure is more perfect with such roads and bridges open to traffic as Hangzhou-Pudong Highway, Shanghai-Jiaxing-Huzhou Highway, Hnagzhou Bay Bridge and Shanghai-Hangzhou High-speed Rail. What's more, the expressways connecting the central city and sub-center cities have come into service. In those five years, 212 kilometers of high-grade highways have been put into use; the ports are capable of handling 17. 35 million more tons; 12.59 million more KVA can be  transformed; 8 new sewage treatment plants and 619 kilometers of sewage interception pipelines have been put into operation, consequently the percentage of sewage disposal has been up to 85.4%. With the infrastructures and public services extending to new towns and communities, rural producing and living conditions have been improved greatly by being put more financial  input (growth from ¥ 2.83 billion of 2006 to ¥ 8.79 billion) to the affairs in terms of farmers, countryside and agriculture, building 1614 kilometers of rural roads, increasing 66 bus lines between rural and urban areas, integrating urban-rural water supply and building up first national electrified city in the new countryside.


Over the past five years, development vitality has been enhanced by our devoting ourselves to further deepening reform and opening up and to innovating our systems and mechanisms. The coordinated comprehensive reforms have been deepened in the rural and urban areas and great achievements have been made in Ten Reforms with its center being "Two for Two " whose aim is to optimize the land utilization system. We have accelerated the reform that resource factors were allocated through marketization and implemented the assignment system of industrial land and profit-oriented land by means of "bid, auction and listing". Positively we have moved forward the reform of multistep water price in water supply and took the lead in carrying out emission trading system in our country. The markets in terms of capital, technology and talents developed; the investment and financial systems were deepened; municipal state holding enterprises were restructured; corporate governance structure was more perfect; the environment for the private economy development was optimized and more measures were made to support the private enterprises, consequently whose percentage in GDP rose further. The volume of foreign trade, of foreign investment in Jiaxing and of Jiaxing's investment in foreign countries and regions grew to a new record. Total imports and exports grew to $28.48 billion from $12.6 billion of 2006, total incoming overseas capital in place $7.69 billion and investment in foreign countries and regions $ 0.83 billion. 34 of FORTUNE 500 firms settled in Jiaxin. We have made great efforts to intensify the cooperation with the other cities in the Changjiang Delta, to participate in the programs of the Grand Western China Development, of Central China Rise and of Northeast China Revitalization, to finish the task of helping to reconstruct the earthquake-hit areas of Sichuan, to move forward the work of aiding Tibet, Xinjiang and Qinghai to develop themselves, and to assist our counterparts by implementing the strategy of "Cooperation between Undeveloped Mountainous Regions and Developed Coastal Regions ". The strategies of "Going Global" and "Attracting Foreign Investment" were implemented simultaneously and harmoniously.

In the past five years, we have been striving to improve people's livelihood, social development and the social civilization in all aspects. We have accelerated the construction of the basic public service system that was balanced and was enjoyed by all the people of both rural and urban areas. On the people's livelihood improvement, over ¥ 60 billion from financial departments at all levels has been spent, whose percentage in the total fiscal spending has grown from 67.6% of 2006 to this year's 74.2%. Comprehensive social welfare system has been established in which employment, social insurance and public assistance supporting each other; urban unemployment rate has tended to fall for five consecutive years; the social pension insurance system has been implemented first in the rural and urban areas in our country; the multi-level insurance system has taken basic shape including the low-level insurance system and the ones whose insurance standards are 20% and 50% higher than the former; the fiscal spending at all levels on social security increased four times in the past five years. The income of the urban and rural residents increased steadily. Per capita disposable income for urban residents and the net income for rural residents reach 1.8 and 1.9 times more than those of 2006 respectively. The growth rate of the income of the rural residents ranks the first for 8 consecutive years in Zhejiang Province. Every social undertaking made progress: 15-year education has been made universal and every one receives an average 8.5 years of education; the system for the public health and the basic medical services tended to be more perfect; average life expectancy reached 79.5 years from 77 years of 2006; culture undertakings and culture industry are in prosperous development; public libraries has been established in all towns and villages; new progress has been made in the affairs of women, children, the elderly, ethnic, religion, foreign affairs, archives, chronicles, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and overseas Chinese; the sixth population census was carried out successfully; the Bureau for the New Resident Affairs was set up to study how to serve residents and manage their affairs through their residence cards; petition work, public security and the construction of emergency response system were further strengthened and such security tasks were conducted well in terms of Beijing Olympic Games and Shanghai Expo.

In the past five years, we have been striving to transform the government functions, improve our work style and ability to perform our duty with a view of strengthening  government construction. We voluntarily accepted NPC's supervision in terms of law abiding and law enforcement, accepted its supervising our work, reported our work to it in accordance with laws and answered its questions. We notified CPPCC of our work regularly and voluntarily, and accepted its democratic supervision. In those five years, we handled 1311 proposals made by the deputies to the NPC and 1702 proposes by the Members of CPPCC. Serious efforts were made to deepen the reform of administrative approval system and implement the measures of " 2 Concentrations and 2 Putting in Place". Consequently 47 administrative licensing items have been canceled in those five years. Transparency in our work was further improved by expanding government information disclosure and by establishing public inspection system of government information. The reform of public finance management was further deepened and such systems were established of department budget, treasury centralized paying and government procurement. The reform of power expansion in the strong counties and towns is moved forward and the reform of government institutions has been accomplished. Basic administrative costs were put under strict control by audit supervision and administrative supervision. Anticorruption was further strengthened by improving the Party conduct, by building a clean government, by fulfilling the the system of punishing corrupters and preventing corruption and by intensifying the investigation of those who are in violation of laws and disciplines.

Through our joint efforts, we have been granted in the past five years such honorable titles as National Civilized City, National Hygiene City, National Historical and Cultural City, National Model City for Two Supports, National Afforestation Model City, National Water-saving City, National Model City for Developing Undertakings of the Disabled, which resulted from our implementing Scientific Outlook on Development and which is an embodiment of economic and social transformation.

Fellow Deputies, grand and unforgettable achievements have been made in those five years under the right leadership of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the CPC,  Zhejiang Provincial People's Government and Jiaxing Committee of the CPC, through the hard work and active support of Jiaxing's people and cadres, successive governments and all other sectors of the society. On behalf of Jiaxing People's Government, I would like to express our highest respect and heartfelt thanks to all the deputies and CPPCC members, to the people of the whole city who have made contributions in the various fields, to the personages of various social circles, to the People's Liberation Army and armed police forces that have rendered great support to our work, and to the overseas Chinese and international friends who have shown concern and supported Jiaxing's construction.

While we must also clearly realize that there are still many difficulties and problems in Jiaxing's economic and social activities: economic growth is made by excessive dependence on traditional development mode; the industry level is relatively low; independent innovation is weak; economic growth mode has not fundamentally changed; the issues in resources and environment are more serious; such factors supply as land and energy are all the more difficult; more task needs to be done in terms of energy saving, emission reduction, ecological protection and environmental management; the radiation ability and influence of central city and sub-center cities are not strong; more work needs to be done to improve the central city functions; there exist to varying degrees weak points in social development; in environment, education, health care and housing, etc. there still exist serious problems with which people are greatly unsatisfied, and social conflicts are increasing; The shift of government functions and the administrative efficiency are far from requirements of the reform, the economic development and people's expectation; there exist to some degrees formalism, bureaucracy and corruption somewhere in some government departments. As to those problems mentioned above, we must attach great attention to them and take effective measures to solve them.


II. The Development Targets and General Demands of the Next Five Years

The next five years from now is a strategic opportunity for us to push froward scientific development but also the hard times for economic and social transformation and upgrading. As to opportunities, we know the profound changes of the global situations are accelerating the adjustment of global industrial layout and the new science and technology revolution is bringing tremendous breakthroughs to the human society in various aspects; the long-term trend for better economic development of our country will remain and the upgrading of consuming and industrial structures is to arouse massive demand potential. Jiaxing can also find opportunities from presently implementing national strategies such as Regional Integration of Changjiang Delta and the construction of the Zhejiang Marine Economy Demonstration Area to participate, at a higher level and in broader fields, in cooperation at home and abroad and quicken transformation and upgrading. As to challenges, there still exist negative influences of the international financial crisis, hard economy recovery, and increasing instability and uncertainty of the development. At home, there coexist various conflicts and risks and more complex situations confronted by national macro-control. We will encounter more pressures from other regional competition of taking the lead in a new round of reform and development. In face of the new situations, we must remain sober, responsible and aware of the unexpected crises, strengthen our strategic planning and improve our response capability to strive to create grand situations of the scientific development.

In accordance with arrangement made by Jiaxing 7th Congress of Party Representatives, our guiding ideology for the next five years is that we should hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, follow the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of Three Represents and thoroughly implement the scientific outlook on development. With the scientific development and "richer people, stronger city" being the theme, with speeding up the transformation of the mode of economic development and promoting integration of urban and rural development being the guideline, and with reform and opening-up policy and innovation being our driving force, we should vigorously implement "Seven Strategies" to improve regional competitiveness, sustainability, city quality and functions, and people's life satisfaction. We should build Jiaxing in an all-round way into an innovative city, cultural ecological city, happy and harmonious city, a modern web garden city as well as a a well-off society that benefits all the people and lays a solid foundation for Jiaxing to take the lead in achieving fundamentally the modernization.

In order to do our work well in the coming five years, we must pursue the concept of development by transforming and upgrading economy, by benefiting the people and by offering guarantee. When it comes to development by transforming and upgrading economy, we should unswervingly transform economic development mode, promote industry upgrading through innovation and creation, accelerate the integration of urban-rural development and build Jiaxing into a resource-conserving and environment-friendly society with a view to fostering new  economic growth sources and arouse economic endogenous growth. When it comes to development benefiting the people, we should persist in taking economic development as the central task and consolidate constantly the material basis for the further livelihood improvement. With creating better livelihood for the people being the supreme goal of our work, we will spare no effort to resolve those problems that the people care about most, that are most directly connected with the people and that are most significant to the people and strive to make our people live a happier life with more dignity. When it comes to offering guarantee, we should make better resource allocation of land, capital, energy and environment to use them more economically and intensively. We should intensify scientific and technological innovation to make it play a key role in supporting our economic development. We should make better soft development environment by deepening system and mechanism innovation and speeding up the transformation of government functions for a higher service efficiency.

The significant progress should be obtained in the following important issues in the next five years:

With the construction of innovative Jiaxing as the center, great progress should be made in acceleration of transformation of the development mode and promotion of economic transformation and upgrading. The construction of innovative city at the national level will be further sped up by building the regional innovation system with the enterprise as the main body, the market as the orientation, and talents as the main impetus, by improving innovation mechanism that policy- decision departments, universities and research institutes can cooperate with each other, and bankers and intermediary agents may work more effectively, by clustering innovation resources, activating innovation factors and promoting industrialization and localization of innovation achievements.

To construct modern industry system favorable to Jiaxing. With the implement of "Two Exits and Two Entrances" and "Three Double Programs" being our focus, we are to develope modern service industry, strategic emerging industry and marine economy, to accelerate the upgrading of traditional competitive industry and to promote the transformation from the massive economic to the modern industrial clusters, to actively develope modern urban ecological agriculture to form modern agricultural development mode characterized by industrialized operation, standardized production and socialized service.

To further promote the reform in key areas and crucial links. The reform of resources marketization is to be deepened by expediting the improvement of the price formation mechanism of resources; the policies and measures are to be implemented to promote the non-public economy development with a view to encouraging and guiding private capital's entrance to such areas as infrastructure construction, livelihood improvement and the modern service industry; the management system reform concerning state-owned asset is to be deepened aiming at perfecting its supervision and operation and at optimizing the capital structure of state owned enterprises. We should promote the scientific development of Jiashan County as a pilot to form an all-directional opening pattern to realize the fast transformation of foreign trade development, to use foreign investment and cooperate with foreign countries in an innovate way with a view of bringing about  new advantages of the open economy. After five years of efforts, Jiaxing's economic strength is to increase obviously and structural adjustment is to obtain positive effects. By 2016, Jiaxing's GDP is to be over ¥ 400 billion with per capita GDP ( calculated on resident population basis ) over ¥ 90,000; the percentage of expenses in terms of research and experimental development in GDP  up to 2.7% and that of the service industry added value in GDP up to about 43%.

With the construction of the cultural ecological Jiaxing as the center, remarkable progress is to be made in coordinating urban-rural development and in improving Jiaxing's urban quality. With a view to realizing urban and rural integration, we are to improve in all dimensions the construction of "Two New Projects ", and deepen urban and rural coordinated reform aiming at the urban-rural common prosperity; with a view to realizing regional coordinated development, we are to coordinate the construction of Jiaxing's key infrastructure, the allocation of resources and the public service projects, aiming at the unification of Jiaxing's social and public policies. We are to strengthen the close interconnection of Jiaxing's key traffic projects with those of Hangzhou and Shanghai, participate actively in labor division and quicken Jiaxing's interconnection with Hangzhou and Shanghai in terms of social security and undertakings aiming at improving the integration with those two cities; with a view to improving Jiaxing's urban function, we are to do our utmost to achieve Jiaxing's organic renewal and improvement of Jiaxing's urban supporting functions aiming at enhancing Jiaxing's exquisite, legalized and informationized management and at transforming urban extensive development to intensive development; with a view to strengthening urban cultural soft power, we are to implement "Six Cultural Projects ", improve public cultural service and cultural industry aiming at enhancing cultural impetus towards the economic and social development; with a view to improving the living environment, we are to carry out the Action Plan of making clean the river, network, production and energy and of forestation and green channels, and establish a long-term mechanism in terms of environment protection aiming at constructing Jiaxing's afforestation belts, leisure corridors and ecological shelters. After 5 year's efforts, Jiaxing's urban-rural integration will be further deepened, and to a greater extent Jiaxing will be characteristic of a modern web city of garden with clearer rivers and lakes and with customs and habits of ancient Wu State and Yue State. (BC 770-476)

With the construction of the happy and harmonious city as the center, remarkable progress is to be made in equalizing basic public service and in improving people's welfare. With the full employment of the rural and urban residents as a target, we will improve an overall rural-urban mechanism of employment to prevent "zero-employment" households from appearing in Jiaxing. With rural and urban residents' income steady growth as a target, we will encourage both employment and self-employment, both initial distribution and redistribution of residents' income; we will realize residents' income growth with economic development, labor remuneration's growth with the improvement of labor productivity, and coordination between wealth creation and equal distribution of the wealth. With establishing a perfect social security system as a target, we'll make efforts to integrate various social security systems existing nowadays to make it able to cover almost all rural and urban residents. With boosting residents' overall development as a target, we'll take measures to reasonably allocate educational resources to move further the educational modernization; we will deepen the reform of medical and health system to further improve the rural and urban medical service and integrate those medical resources so as to reduce people's medical costs noticeably; we will launch extensive fitness programs for the public and keep a moderate birth rate to realize harmonious development of population, society and economy. With innovative social management service as a target, we'll set up various social organizations and associations, improve those mechanisms of conflict early warning, of protecting mass benefits and of public security management and control so as to build Jiaxing into the most secure city in the Changjiang Delta. After 5 years' efforts, remarkable improvement is to be seen in people's livelihood and equalization of social basic public service. The income of urban and rural residents will be redoubled based on that of 2010.

III. Main Tasks of 2012

Well begun is half done. 2012 is the first year of our new administration. Therefore we must begin well and lay a solid foundation for the full fulfillment of the targets of the coming five years. Confronted with more complicated international economy environment and more serious resource constraints, we must take all these into consideration and spare no efforts to tackle those disadvantages in a positive way we should sufficiently estimate possible difficulties and risks and make use of any advantageous ahead to maintain steady and fast economy development and social harmony and stability with "To adjust economy structure, sustain economy growth, stress investment, prosper real economy, promote innovation, optimize environment, improve people's livelihood and seek harmony." as our guideline.

Taking these advantages and disadvantages in consideration, we have set the following major targets for this year's national economic and social development: GDP will grow by about 10%; local revenue by 10%; per capita income for urban residents and per capita net income for rural residents over 11%; the share of budget for R&D in GDP will be 2.3%; the targets set by Zhejiang Province of energy saving and emission reduction will be achieved; the rise in the CPI will be held around 4% in check; sixty thousand jobs will be created in the urban areas; the urban registered unemployment rate will be held under 4%; the natural population growth rate should stay within 1%. We propose that special efforts be made this year in the following aspects:

1. Every effort is to be made to maximize the resource factors, i.e., to strengthen those factors' supporting the economy by creative application of land, fund and energy. First, the most severe system of land management, land protection and land conservation must be implemented to ensure the land safety. The policy and supporting measures to carry out "Two Exits and Two Entrances" must be made to guide the low-end industries to exit out of the market to make room of 8000 mu for the high-end industries. We will clear those lands having received supply approval but without being supplied, and having been supplied but without being put into use; we will speed up the second development of the urban construction land and circulate the urban stock land to the greatest extent. In accordance with the concept of "The one is the best who produces most per mu of land", we will improve remarkably output of enterprises' using land by supporting superior enterprises entrance to the market and forcing inferior ones to exit, by supplying the land in a differential way with a view to making full use of each inch land. Second, great efforts are to be made to ensure money supply. We will improve local financial service, accelerate the construction of the financial innovative demonstration area, at the provincial level, of Nanhu District and vigorously establish micro-credit companies, rural banks and financing guarantee companies. We will reinforce the cooperation of government, enterprises and banks, guide financial institutions to expand the credit scale, to innovate financial products and credit model and to raise the loan percentage of the smaller enterprises with a view to pushing down their financing costs. We will encourage more companies to go public through a variety of channels and develop such financial modes as equity, bond and fund etc. We will strengthen the construction of platforms for financial supervision so as to normalize the private lending institutions to guard against financial risks. Third, much will be done to ensure the energy supply. Further efforts are to be made to coordinate the supply of coal, electricity, petroleum and transportation and strive to gain more electricity quotas. Household electricity must be supplied first in accordance with the principle of“Life firs,production second in terms of electricity distribution.”We will implement the comprehensive evaluation system of electricity consumption to guide more electricity to be consumed by S&T enterprises, growth companies and real economy.

2. Every effort is made to promote efficient construction of key projects. We will vigorously implement "3 ¥ Ten Hundred-Billion Projects", especially those projects that play a key role in supporting economy development to ensure that investment in fixed assets grows by 10% over the previous year. Firstly we will accelerate key infrastructure construction, such as projects under construction and continuations of the projects in transportation and water conservancy; the construction of Jiaxing-Shaoxing Bridge between , of Qiantangjiang Tunnel and of Jiaxing Airport for peaceful and military purposes. We will start the construction of Hangzhou-Pinghu -Shanghai Channel and expand the construction of the Drainage Works of Hangzhou-Jiaxing-Huzhou Plain and complete the projects of "Taipu River to Pinghu City (Phrase I)" and the Jiashan Connection Line of Pinghu (Zhejiang Province)-Lili(Jiangsu Province). Second, we will increase productive investment in industry. In accordance with the plan of implementing transformation and upgrading of key industries, we will quicken the construction of those key industries with high technology and good economic benefit to strive to implement 160 leading industrial projects each with investment of over ¥100 million. We will, with our focus on integration and promotion of development zones and industrial function zones, reinforce the construction of the industry cluster area to make it more capable of attracting high quality production factors and key industrial projects. Third, we will try to choose high-quality investment. With key and leading industries as our focus, this year we will strive to utilize foreign investment of 1.4 $ billion by means of close cooperation with investment agencies, of industry chains and of industrial cluster development. We will further the investment plan of our cooperation with state-backed Chinese firms and Zhejiang Merchants and put the signed projects into operation aiming at inviting domestic investment of over ¥ 20 billion. Fourth, we will optimize our service system by establishing direct connections between official leaders with the key projects, by improving the mechanism for pushing forward the construction of the key projects, by conducting conscientiously preliminary work and dynamic reserve of those key projects and by carrying out the system that the agents can be invited to handle the approval procedures for key projects.

3 Accelerating the industrial restructuring. We will adhere to the improvement of incremental amount and optimization of the stock simultaneously, making an effort to cultivate new economic growth point. Firstly, we should vigorously implement the doubling plan of three industries, formulate and carry out supportive policies for development in service industry cluster districts, improve public service platforms in industry cluster and quicken the development in producer services such as logistics, science and technology, finance and service outsourcing. We should intensify our efforts in resource integration and promotion of the tourism, actively cultivate new urban leisure tourism spots and speed up the construction of the tourist distribution center in the Changjiang Delta. We should improve the major and subsidiary commercial circle, scientifically deploy the layout of market system upgrade a group of professional markets, pay great attention to the cultivation of key enterprises and name brands in service industry and optimize its structure so as to form its unique characteristics. We should accelerate the construction of strategic emerging industry cluster zone, organize and implement a hundred great industry projects so as to achieve the first breakthrough in some key areas of the strategic emerging industry and increase the annual output value of over ¥200 billion Yuan, quicken the upgrading of the traditional industries, further deepen the construction of demonstration areas in the industry clusters and foster a group of ten-billion industry clusters. We will encourage the brand enterprises and large corporations to increase investment and expand production and  focus on cultivating a batch of enterprises with an annual output over ¥1 billion. We will innovate and optimize the management mechanism of state-owned asset companies, standardize the corporate governance structure, improve evaluation system and incentive-restraint mechanism in order to enhance the operational efficiency of the state-owned asset companies. Secondly, we will expedite the development of modern urban ecological agriculture, so we are to intensify our effort in supporting the policy of strengthening agriculture and benefiting farmers, enhance comprehensive agricultural production capacity and ensure supply and quality safety of the major agricultural products. We should deepen the construction of grain production function areas and modern agricultural parks. We built 150 thousand mu of grain production function area in the past year and 23 demonstration areas of modern agriculture leading industry at the provincial level. We should make great efforts in cultivating the subject of modern agriculture operation and focus on supporting a group of leading enterprises in agriculture, professional cooperatives and professional investors. All kinds of professional cooperatives influence over 50% of the farmers. We should strengthen the irrigation and water conservancy infrastructure construction and improve supporting agricultural facilities and housing, enhance the integration of agriculture, sci-tech and education, perfect such public service systems as agro-technique extension and plant and animal disease prevention and control, and strengthen the construction of agriculture public service center. Thirdly, we should actively develop marine economy, therefore we should improve the operation mechanism of development and construction in Seaside New Area, deepen coordination and support with Shanghai Port and Ningbo-Zhoushan Port, accelerate the process of opening the ports in Dushan and Haiyan as well as the development of public piers, make steady headway in the construction of trading platforms in petrochemical, steel, grain etc., strive to build a northern Zhejiang fulcrum area of "trinity" waterway logistics service system in Zhejing in order to achieve a 60-million-ton cargo throughput and 700 thousand containers in Jiaxing Port. We Should further integrate culture and ecological resources in Seaside New Area so as to build a seaside tourism industry area. We should promote a preferential development in advanced manufacturing industry near the ports, a prominent development in emerging marine industries and speed up in constructing modern marine industry base.

4. Striving to maintain the steady growth in foreign trade. Facing the severe export situation, we should take practical and effective measures to transform the development pattern of foreign trade so as to achieve a total export volume of over 20 billion dollars in the whole year. Firstly, we will intensify our efforts to develop the market. We should implement market diversification strategy, encourage enterprises to participate in all kinds of exhibitions at home and abroad, guide the enterprises in their international market development through e-commerce platform, make full and good use of such policies as foreign economic and trade development fund, export tax refund, credit insurance and pilot areas for RMB Settlement in Cross-border trade, accelerate the "Big Customs Clearance" construction and enhance the guidance for the enterprises to deal with trade barriers and trade frictions. Secondly, we should strive to optimize the export product structure so we should strengthen key export base construction and encourage enterprises to build their own brands, marketing network and R&D centers, increase the export volume of high-tech and high value-added products and guide processing trade enterprises to progressively extend themselves to the high-end industrial chains. We should quicken the service outsourcing demonstration area construction, increase the service trade proportion and upgrade the export structure. Thirdly, we should further deepen our international cooperation so we should encourage our competitive enterprises to go global to invest, cooperate and make cross-border acquisitions, to establish production bases and economic trade and cooperative zone, and to make foreign investment so as to promote export. In order to achieve industrial transformation and upgrading as well as the energy and resources security, we should actively encourage import of advanced technology, key equipments and important resources so as to promote the transformation of development pattern through expanding the import.

5. Greatly furthering the development of private economy. Private economy is the important foundation of the entity economy in Jiaxing and we should work together heart and soul to promote a new leap in it. Firstly, we should encourage them to make investment. Implementing national policy of promoting the sound development of private investment, we should encourage them to expand their investment in entity economy, stick to industry and strengthen their main industry. We should intensify the mutual support among enterprises, conscientiously implement such policies as clearing up the random taxes and charges on enterprises to reduce their burden, comprehensively carrying out the adjustment on value added tax and business tax minimum threshold, cutting corporate income tax by half for micro-and-small-sized enterprises and exempting them from administration business charge, so as to create an atmosphere of respecting business, pro-business and promoting business. Secondly, we should give substantial support to the enterprises in Zhejiang and Jiaxing to start up their business and make innovations, so we should perfect liaison and organizational system, fully implement new policies and measures in supporting enterprises in Zhejiang to start up and make innovations and earnestly strengthen service assurance in the hope of assembling various resources in private enterprises and entity economy to attract enterprises of Zhejiang and Jiaxing. Thirdly, we should further the development and transformation of the private economy therefore we should encourage the private enterprises to start a new undertaking and guide them to accelerate their innovation in system, science and technology as well as management and business model. Efforts are to be intensified to guarantee the talents in private enterprises and to quicken our pace in cultivating and introducing a batch of entrepreneurs, professional managers and technical personnel suitable for the development of the private economy. Thus, we will provide the intellectual support and improved the overall quality for the development of the private economy.

6. Further promoting the coordinated development in urban and rural areas as a whole. Focusing on perfecting the form and mechanism, we should strive to strengthen the coordination between the development in urban and rural areas. Firstly, we will enhance the development level of integration of Shanghai and Hangzhou. Relying on existing foundations and advantages, we should deepen the integration and interaction with Shanghai and Hangzhou in an all-round way, strengthen the construction of comprehensive intercity transportation hub and accelerate to connect the rapid urban trunk road system with high-speed train station and the long distance bus station in order to achieve the transportation system with “zero change”. We should actively participate in integration of the regional public service information resources, deepen the pilot application of "all-in-one-card" interconnection, vigorously advance the cooperation in such areas as joint running of schools and hospitals as well as distance education, and further enhance the resources sharing in fields like social security and public transport. Secondly, we should strengthen major and subsidiary city functions so we should quicken our pace in organic renewal of the city center, carry out in depth the renovation of old districts and residential areas and make solid progress in transforming blocks like South Lake lakeside and original the First Jiaxing Hospital, striving to form a batch of regional business centers integrating high-end business, entertainment and shopping as well as finance service. We will carry out special operations of dismantling the blockings and linking the disconnected road, accelerate the renovation of “Four Roads and Two Road Crossings” to keep these six roads clear, focus on the perfection of access roads and the channelization of road crossings and further optimize road framework in the city center. Giving priority to the public transportations, we will accelerate the adjustment of public transportation network and the bus station construction, improve the public bicycle service system, enhance the transportation microcirculation management and strive to solve the traffic jam in city center. We should promote the Wisdom City construction and pay special attention to the provincial special pilot project in application field like electric power, coordinate the development and construction of such urban functional areas as international business district, Xiangjiadang Area and Airport New City, strengthen supporting functions and coordination between the city center and the subsidiary city center, and practically enhance the bearing capacity and radiation ability of the city. Thirdly, we should effectively promote construction of "Two New" project. Adhering to the orientation and proceeding with confidence, we we should focus on land consolidation and reclamation, in the hope of further accelerating the construction of “Beautiful Countryside” and 100 demonstration new communities featuring urban and rural integration. In the past year, 12 thousand mu of homestead was reclaimed. We should deepen the pilot work in developing small cities, form a complete set of production and living facilities and public service in new cities and towns with high standard, enhance population concentration, industrial clusters and functional integration, enforce in depth the comprehensive supplementary reforms in overall urban and rural development and actively innovate modern agricultural management system as well as the management and service mechanism in new rural communities. We should deepen our reform in property right system of rural collective assets and expand village-level collective economy.

7.Enhancing the scientific and technological innovation ability in an all round way. We should strengthen innovation's driving forces and made innovation as the core impetus for transformation and upgrading. Firstly, we should accelerate the innovative resources concentration and integration so we will promote the development of Jiaxing Science City and Science and Technology Incubation City, pay special attention to the construction of a group of industrial technology innovation coalition, pilot base and science and technological incubators, and newly increase over 20 innovation carriers of all kinds. We should actively create national high-tech parks, innovate investment mechanism, strengthen performance management and give full play to service functions of various science and technological public platforms. Secondly, we should promote the transformation and application of science and technology achievement. Centering on cultivating emerging industries and enhancing competitive industries, we should reinforce the combination of production, education and research to tackle problems, organize and implement 50 key special science and technology projects so as to break through the constraints of several common core technologies. We should actively develop intermediary service organization of technology assessment, technology transfer and sci-tech information and proceed to hold “100 sci-tech docking activities” to promote the transformation and application of the science and technology achievements. We should accelerate sci-tech and financial innovation, explore to build science and technology bank, actively introduce venture capital investment institutions and seed fund, drawing social funds into innovative enterprises. Thirdly, we should thoroughly implement the program of "Innovative Jiaxing Welcoming Elite", therefore we should conscientiously recommend talents for national and provincial "1000 Talents Program" and hold various recruitment activities, with about 100 projects of training leading innovative talents introduced before the end of 2012. We should attach great importance to the cultivation of highly-skilled talents and various practical talents, perfect the mechanism of the talents' development, utilization and evaluation, and actively explore incentive modes of property right, stock right and option so as to promote the positive interaction of talents, science and technology as well as industries.

8. Energetically strengthening energy conservation, environment protection and ecological construction. We should firmly establish the notion of green and low carbon development and strive to lay a solid foundation for sustainable development. Firstly, we should be determined to win the battle of energy conservation and emission reduction. We should perfect the management mechanism of controlling the energy saving rate per unit GDP and the total amount of energy consumption, intensify our efforts in controlling the total discharge volume of pollutants and strictly enforce the energy efficiency and environment protection standard for new projects. Supervision should be strengthened over major industries and enterprises and a batch of enterprises with high energy consumption and high pollution should be closed down stoutly. We should carry out major projects to save energy and reduce consumption, actively promote such energy-saving management mode as energy management contract and energy audit and entirely advance energy efficiency in buildings, transportations and public institutions. Secondly, we should promote the economical and intensive utilization of resources, so we should implement subject planning for the development of circular economy and accelerate the construction of demonstration parks and enterprises of circular economy with 100 enterprises examined for their cleaner production by 2012. New technology to realize water saving and material saving should be vigorously promoted, management of raw material consumption in key industries should be intensified and repeated use rate of industrial water should be over 65%. We should make full and comprehensive use of agricultural organic waste, so we should improve the energy consumption structure, speed up the development of clean energy and actively advance the construction of demonstration city for renewable energy. Thirdly, we should strengthen environmental protection and pollution control, so we should vigorously promote the water environment rehabilitation, launch in depth the special campaign for pollution control in town industrial parks, consolidate the achievements in pollution treatment of livestock and poultry farms, actively carry out the comprehensive improvement of deserted or small rivers and creeks and speed up the process of sewage interception in new city towns and new communities. We should increase the intensity of regional water control, perfect enforcement mechanism of integrated development of watersheds, strengthen the protection of the source of drinking water and join our efforts with Hangzhou to actively promote preliminary work of Qiandao Lake water diversion project. We should deepen “Clean Air Initiative”, launch special campaign to control industrial fumes, urban fugitive dust and automotive exhaust emissions, and intensify upgrading and operation management of desulfurization and denitrification as well as the soot-eliminating devices. We should carry out online monitoring on the whole process of major contaminative enterprises and have zero tolerance to illegal pollutant-discharging acts, strengthen the PM monitoring of the air quality, intensify our efforts in ecological protection and restoration and advance the work in controlling soil erosion and contamination. Vigorously we should launch the campaign of afforestation in both urban and rural areas, advance consecutively eight afforestation projects (each including ten sub-projects) with 272 km of ecological green channel increased in the downtown and urban green coverage rate over 18.5%.

9.Coordinating development of all the social undertakings. The development of social undertakings will be constantly considered as an important guarantee to keep steady growth, readjust the economic structure and benefit people. First, we should deepen the activities for establishing spiritual civilization. We will improve the long-term mechanism of building a civilized city and make the construction of a civilized city institutionalized, standardized and normalized. We will adhere to the system of socialist core values, and strengthening the development of social morals, professional ethics, family virtues and personal morality. Meanwhile, we will attach great importance to the ideological and moral education for those under age, advocate the voluntary service and mutual help in society and widely carry out activities for the popularization of science.Second, we should boost the grand development and prosperity of culture. In order to provide citizens with more accessible and diverse public cultural services, we will perfect the functions of the Culture and Activity Center at the basic level and actively encourage the free access to the profitless-cultural sites. We will strengthen the inheritance and use of the cultural heritage, actively involve ourselves in the joint application for the UNESCO’s recognition of the Grand Canal as the World Heritage and speed up the construction of Ma Jia Bang Ruins Park. At the same time, we will improve the policies to support the cultural industry, accelerate the development of industries of such new patterns as creative design, cultural exhibitions and TV, film and media, etc. We will cultivate and develop some enterprises as cultural mainstay and make efforts to create a series influential cultural brands with Jiaxing characteristics. In addition, we will advance the coordinated development between culture and trade, tourism, sports, etc, so as to enlarge the cultural expenses. Third, we should promote a sound and balanced development of education. We will put into effect the three-year action plan for the pre-school education and accelerate the constriction of a few central kindergartens at the town level. Meanwhile, we will carry forward standardized construction of primary and middle schools as well as small-sized class teaching pilot. Curriculum reform in the general senior schools will be steadily implemented in order to promote the qualities of vocational education and higher education. We will integrate educational resources of any kind, pay more attention to the development of special education, education for the children of new residents and actively develop the continuing education as well as community education. Besides, we will put the school-bus system on trial, strengthening the safety management of the primary and middle schools. Likewise, we will enhance the development and management of teachers, pay attention to the cultivation of their virtues and demeanors in order to mold them into a teaching staff with high-quality. Forth, we should continuously enhance people’s physical conditions. We will carry out the comprehensive reform of the public hospital step by step, improve the national basic medicine system and standardize the basic mechanism of drug purchase. We will deepen the well-planned allocation of the medical and health resources in counties, towns and villages so as to perfect the institutions for responsible doctors in communities. Besides, we will strengthen the inheritance and innovation of the traditional Chinese medicine and pharmacy, well bringing the occupational disease, serious infectious disease and chronic disease under control. We will intensify the efforts in the construction and accessibility of the public sports facilities and widely carry out public sports activities so as to greatly enhance the development of the competitive sports. Furthermore, we will bring into effect the Love and Care Project of well-being families, furthering the improvement of the guiding mechanism of population interest and increasing the qualities of the newborns.

10. Vigorously ensuring and improving people's livelihood. Efforts should be made to strengthen the society construction with the improvement of the people's livelihood as the emphasis to make all the people of Jiaxing share the achievements of the reform and development. First, we should spare no efforts to promote employment. We will continue to implement a more proactive employment policy, develop the service industry, smaller enterprises with high employment capacity and create more public service positions. More help will offered to low-income and special groups; emphasis is focused on the the employment of the college graduates, surplus rural laborers and urban laid-off workers. We should pay more attention to guiding employment and self-employment, encouraging 1000 enterprises to cooperate closely with 100 schools' teaching, and encouraging entrepreneurship to create more employment opportunities. We should safeguard the lawful rights and interests of workers by establishing the harmonious labor relations, and improving the system of salary guideline and margin of back pay. Second, we should perfect the system of social security. We should expand the coverage of the social pension insurance system, with those people's employment of the flexible employees, new residents and poverty-stricken people as the focus; we should optimize the system of basic medical insurance for urban workers, accelerate the coordination of the cooperative medical insurance system for urban and rural residents at the municipal level and vigorously improve the life of the poverty-stricken people by perfecting the mechanisms of the classified aid, of the dynamic adjustment to the residents' minimum living standard security system and of the price subsidies. We should make greater efforts to serve the old by establishing the network of community-based in-home elderly care from which more people can benefit; we should energetically carry out charity programs by implementing the program that the disabled may equally share and enjoy the well-off life and enhancing the security and services for the disabled. We should carry out the urban housing policy with public rental housing being the center and perfect a multi-tiered housing supply system.11500 low-cost houses will be put under construction. Third, we should remarkably improve social management. We should focus on the price stabilization, striving to stable the prices of the commodities through comprehensive measures. We should perfect the system of the market access for agricultural goods and quality traceable system, push forward the construction of the system for guaranteeing food and drug safety for the public, and severely fight against the manufacture and sales of fake or inferior-quality commodities; we should intensify the responsibility system for production safety, strengthen the management of hazards, deepen the specific rectification of the production safety problems in  the key industries with a view to prevention and containment of serious and major security incidents; response capacity and ability should be improved for disposing the public emergency; the system of resident permit should be perfected and the system of serving and managing the new residents should be optimized. Petition work is to be conducted better; legal services and legal aid are to be further intensified; safe and peaceful situation is to be remained by constructing general management organizations at the grass-root level, improving " integration of fight, prevention and control", and resolving serious and hidden public security problems. The functions of community self-governing will be strengthened as well as the construction of communities, of mass organizations and of the organizations of the social workers. The roles of cooperation of social organizations should be played in support of trade union, Youth League and Women's Federation. Much work should be done well in terms of ethnic and religious affairs in accordance with laws. More efforts are to be made to support the work of the PLA and armed police in Jiaxing, support the army and give preferential treatment to the families of the armymen and martyrs, implement preferential employment policy of ex-servicemen and push forward the harmonious relationships between the army and the people.


IV. Working Harder to Improve the Government Itself

Fellow deputies, the new government assumes the important historical responsibilities of promoting scientific development, enriching the people and making the city prosperous. All people in Jiaxing placed their earnest expectation on us. Inspired by the mission and goals and urged by responsibilities and expectations, we should, standing at a new historical starting point, intensify our efforts to improve ourselves comprehensively and facilitate the transformation of economy and society through the government transformation.

On the principle of being just and transparent, we should strive to build a government under the rules of law. We consciously accepted legal supervision and work supervision from National People's Congress and its standing committee and democratic supervision from the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. We will also conscientiously accept reasonable suggestions from democratic parties, federation of industry and commerce, independents and mass organizations. We should make great efforts to perfect administrative decision-making mechanism, list democratic procedures like public participation, expert argumentation, risk assessment and legitimacy review as a must in major policy decisions, strengthen tracking assessment on the implementation of important policy decisions, and enhance abilities in scientific and democratic policy-making. We should reinforce our work on formulating, the filing for records and review of the normative documents, attach great importance to administrative review and responses and standardize administrative law enforcement procedure and law enforcement behavior. We should intensify our efforts to achieve open and transparent operation of administrative power, make government information open to the public, and voluntarily accept supervision from all sectors of the society to keep administrative power open to the public.

 Based on innovative management, we endeavor to build a service-oriented government. We vigorously promote system and mechanism innovation of the government under the requirement of scientific, fine and standardized management. Making comprehensive use of planning, industrial policy, fiscal and tax policy as well as price, we will improve the economic regulation and market supervision so as to reduce intervention in micro economic operation. We will explore to build the mechanism of government purchase for the public services and encourage more industry associations and social organizations to provide public products and services. We should perfect full range agent service and online system of approval services, clear away or standardize the non-licensing administrative approvals and further enhance standardization level of administrative approval. We should accelerate e-government construction, actively develope performance assessment, intensify development and utilization of the information resources and promote resource sharing and business collaboration. We will reify information disclosure in terms of  government budget and final accounts and expand information disclosure of the  departmental budget. We will optimize the financial expenditure structure and mode, strengthen governmental debt management and risk prevention and control. With the downward shift of the management focus, we rationally divide the management privilege, build sound and overall coordination mechanism in the whole city and timely address the major cross-regional issues.

Focusing on the enforcement, we endeavor to build a highly efficient government. The government efficiency matters a lot in investment environment and  development speed. All the government staff should strengthen their efforts in learning methods for economic development and social harmony and transfer their knowledge into strategies for development, into measures to facilitate their work and into the abilities in problem-solving. We will pay great attention to carrying forward truthful and practical style, sturdily move forward program of “Double Thousand and Double Hundred” to pay more visits to the villages and enterprises for more real information. We should look at things from the standpoint of the grassroots, enterprises and general public and strive to analyze the facts, tell the truth, seek effective ways and stress effectiveness. Standing firmly on the notion of “Service is our bounden duty or else we are just failing to do our jobs”, we will divert our main attention to seeking development, to solving difficult problems and to tackling the challenging issues so as to make remarkable achievements in developing entity economy, promoting major projects construction, making economical and intensive utilization of land, and having organic renewal of the city as well as smooth traffic flow. Always being high-spirited and working with stamina and diligence, we should make our best efforts to ensure the implementation of all the work with spirit of being courageous in front of difficulties and being responsible before conflicts and risks. We comprehensively put in place such systems as service commitment, "first-be-inquired responsibility”, completing formalities within a limited period of time and efficiency supervision. When making major policy decisions concerning overall situations, we will set time limitation, standard and requirement so as to make sure that we have responses and detailed settlement to and of each and every piece of work, resolutely eliminating the phenomenon of sloth administration featuring “no push, no action”.

Guaranteed by the institutional construction, we should strive for a clean and honest government which can win the people. Rights without supervision or restriction will easily lead to corruption; therefore we should always hold in awe and veneration people, law, organization and public opinion and strictly enforce every regulation under the principle of clean and honest government. We should persist in governing persons, affairs and rights with institutions and further intensify the construction of corruption punishment and prevention system starting from key areas and crucial links. We should strengthen auditing and supervision, pay great attention to the monitoring and restriction in right operation and prevent corruption from the very beginning and launch in depth various campaigns of special regulations and checking unhealthy tendencies and malpractices. We will punish those who break law and regulations severely without any leniency, strive to build an economical institution, accelerate the reform of management system of consumption on public funds and using official vehicles for public affairs, and strictly control and reduce expenditures of government departments on official receptions, vehicles and overseas trips, and divert more financial and material resources to settling the issues most concerned by the general public and win the people's trust and support with our action.


     Fellow deputies, looking back to the history, all people in Jiaxing have written this splendid chapter of development; looking forward to the future, the beautiful blueprint is urging us to stride forward. We are in the times of reform and striving for the better. No challenge should ever hinder our sturdy advance of the scientific development and no trouble should ever change the aspiration of our people to make a happy life. With the strong leadership of CPC Jiaxing Municipal Committee and strong sense of responsibilities and sense of mission, let us concert our efforts and make innovative initiatives to speed up our construction of Jiaxing into an innovative city, a cultural and ecological city as well as a harmonious and happy city in higher spirits, more practical style and down-to-earth measures. Let us greet the coming Eighteenth National Congress of the CPC with practical action and outstanding achievements.