Report on the Work of the Jiaxing Municipal Government(2015)

Release date:2015-04-07 10:30

Delivered at the Fifth Session of the 7th Jiaxing Municipal People's Congress on January 28, 2015 Jiaxing Municipal People’s Government



 Fellow deputies:


       On behalf of the Jiaxing Municipal People's Government, I now present to you the report on the work of the government for your deliberation and approval. I also invite the members of the Jiaxing Municipal Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and the non-voting delegates to provide comments and suggestions.

Review of Work in 2014


       Last year, the Jiaxing Municipal People's Government earnestly implemented the guiding principles of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), and those of the third and fourth plenary sessions of the 18th Central Committee of the CPC; and took thorough steps to carry out the major strategies and decisions of the CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee. Under the correct leadership of the CPC Jiaxing Municipal Committee, we conscientiously implemented the decisions of the fourth session of the 7th Jiaxing Municipal People's Congress; firmly kept to the guideline of making progress while maintaining stability; worked hard to implement reform, achieve steady growth, promote industrial upgrading, clean up the environment, and improve the people's wellbeing, making new achievements under the new normal. Jiaxing's GDP reached 335.28 billion yuan, an increase of 7.5% over the previous year; total fiscal revenue was up to 56.81 billion yuan, including revenue in the general public budgets of 30.71 billion yuan, an increase of 9.8% and 8.8% respectively; and the per capita disposable income of urban residents and rural residents were 42,143 yuan and 24,676 yuan respectively, an increase of 9% and 10.2%.

   I. We focused on ensuring steady growth and promoting structural adjustments and realized steady and sound economic development. We carried out the special plan of “Three Focuses and Three Assurances” to expand effective investment; held the first Zhejiang (Jiaxing) Entrepreneurs Convention, introduced 32 projects including those from the Fortune 500 companies and global leading enterprises, and the ones with an investment of over US$100 million; utilized US$ 2.496 billion of foreign investment and 26.45 billion yuan of investment from businessmen of Zhejiang’s origin; and invested 222.12 billion yuan in fixed asset, an increase of 16.3%. We intensified efforts to ensure production factors for projects and utilized 19,000 mu of land that has been supplied but not actually put into use. (1 hectare is equal to 15 mu) We enhanced project management, and 182 projects invested by the municipal-level government were completed and have passed acceptance tests. We took thorough steps to build a city with strong industrial development and made great efforts to develop strategic emerging industries and high-tech industries, replace laborers with machines, use land economically and intensively, develop e-commerce and foster famous enterprises, brands and experts. We invested 66.23 billion yuan into enterprises’ technological upgrading and made 12,000 mu inefficiently used land exit for high-end industries. 5 additional companies went public. The value added of above-scale strategic emerging industries, new- and high-tech industries, and equipment manufacturing industries increased by 12.8%, 11.7% and 15.7%, respectively. The output value of the building industry reached 113.4 billion yuan.


       The National Energy Administration worked to extend Jiaxing’s good practices on distributed photovoltaic power generation to the rest of the country. The functions of platforms were improved; both the Dushan Port Area in Pinghu city and the Yaozhuang Industrial Park in Jiashan county were approved as provincial-level economic development zones. We made coordinated efforts to keep exports stable and promote consumption. The volume of foreign trade export totaled US$ 23.651 billion, an increase of 10%; the total retail sales of consumer goods increased by 12.5%; and the online retail sales totaled 67.89 billion yuan. The service sector achieved a good development momentum and Jiaxing received tourists from home and abroad for 53.91 million person-times for the year. The loan balance in Renminbi and foreign currencies in all financial institutions exceeded 1 trillion yuan; the value added of the service sector increased to 41.6% of the GDP. Jiaxing successfully hosted the first World Internet Conference. We energetically developed modern agriculture. An additional 151,000 mu of grain production zones and 19 provincial-level modern agricultural parks were built; grain output has maintained steady growth for 12 consecutive years. We accelerated the building of a national innovative city, established 40 new innovation carriers and 10 workstations for experts and academicians, and attracted 37 talents from the national and provincial “One Thousand Top Talents Project”. A total of 17,000 new patents were granted; research and development spending increased to 2.5% of the GDP. We reached the provincial targets for energy conservation and emission reduction, including the ones for the city’s energy consumption per unit of GDP, chemical oxygen demand, emissions of sulfur dioxide, ammonia nitrogen, and nitrogen oxides, and achieved the objective of shutting down outdated production facilities in the 12th Five-Year Plan one year ahead of the schedule.

      II. We continued to conduct trials first and made breakthroughs in reforms of key areas. We deepened the reform of streamlining administrative approval procedures by integration and delegated to county-level governments 428 items previously subject to the review and approval of provincial and municipal governments. Haining city and Jiashan county took the lead in Zhejiang in carrying out trials to cancel the requirement for government review for investment projects not listed in the catalogue of investment projects requiring government review. We implemented the system of listing the powers and responsibilities of governments, reduced the administrative powers of municipal-level departments from 11,552 to 3,875 items, and specified their 492 main responsibilities. We comprehensively promoted the reform of the business registration system, with 58,000 additional market entities registered. We took the lead in Zhejiang in starting trials to comprehensively reform the administrative law enforcement system, and set up comprehensive administrative law enforcement agencies at levels of cities, counties and towns.


      We advanced reform of the market oversight system and established the market oversight administration. The good practices developed in Haining city to make factors more market-based were extended to the rest of the city and all counties (county-level cities, districts) have become provincial pilots for market-based factor allocation. We further coordinated the comprehensive supporting reform for urban and rural areas, accelerated the reform of the rural property rights system, and transferred an additional 121,000 mu of land, with the balanced development of urban and rural areas ranking first in Zhejiang. Smooth progress was made in carrying out provincial and national pilot reforms, such as the comprehensive supporting reform of Jiashan county for scientific development, the pilot project of Pinghu city to make innovations in industrial restructuring, the national pilot project of Tongxiang city for comprehensive tourism reform, and the demonstration pilot project of Haiyan county for rural comprehensive reform. We strengthened regional cooperation and exchange, implemented a three-year action plan to further our links with Shanghai, actively participated in the construction of the Hangzhou Metropolitan Area and Economic Cooperation Area of Eastern Zhejiang, and made smooth progress in the cooperation between undeveloped mountainous areas and developed coastal areas and in assisting Tibet, Xinjiang, Qinghai and Sichuan.

     III. We channeled great energy into water environment treatment and made positive progress in improving ecological environment. We strengthened water environment treatment, stepped up efforts to clean up black and foul rivers as well as trash ones, with 1,066.2 kilometers of trash ones cleared and 847.8 kilometers of black and foul ones cleaned. We accelerated the construction of sewage treatment facilities, with an additional 594 kilometers of sewer networks built; and 4,152 additional enterprises whose sewage discharge was up to the standard got access to sewer networks. Solid progress was made in treating domestic sewage in rural areas, benefiting 102,000 additional rural people. We strengthened control over pollution from agricultural nonpoint sources and completed the three-year work in two years to reduce the number of live pigs; harmless treatment centers for dead animals have been put into operation in all counties (county-level cities, districts). The connecting sections of rivers flowing through more than one administrative region of Jiaxing were appraised to be in excellent water quality for the first time. We stepped up efforts to ensure the safety of drinking water and significantly improved the water quality of drinking-water sources. Great progress was made in diverting water to Jiaxing from other regions.      


     We coordinated efforts to prevent floods, drain flooded areas, and conserve water, standardized 339,000 mu of polder areas, and reinforced 6.8 kilometers of seawalls. We strengthened efforts to prevent and control air pollution, carried out special actions to ban straw burning, shut down 665 small highly-polluting furnaces, removed 25,000 high-emission vehicles from the roads, with the rate of good air quality days in urban areas reaching 70.3%. Serious efforts were made in treatment and comprehensive utilization of solid wastes and the establishment of the recycling system for waste and used commodities at the municipal level was accelerated. We stepped up efforts to make the surroundings of highways, railways, rivers and hills clean, green and beautiful, improved 46,000 mu of green land, and built an additional 108 kilometers of greenway. The building of ecological demonstration areas was enhanced and 5 additional national ecological towns (subdistricts) were put on the list.

   IV. We coordinated urban and rural development and further improved urban functions. We launched the national pilot project to integrate various plans into an overall one, and carried out a new round of amending the urban overall plan. Urban infrastructure was improved. Solid progress was made in upgrading Hangzhou-Pinghu-Shanghai Channel and promoting the project of Jiaxing’s emergency water sources. Projects of the northern connection section of Qiantangjiang Tunnel (Phase I) and Huzhou-Jiaxing-Shanghai Channel (Phase I) were completed. The preparatory work of Jiaxing Airport for civil and military purposes went smoothly. We fully implemented the 18 opinions on promoting municipal-level economic development, completed the work to adjust the management system for municipal-level plans, and accelerated the development and construction of Jiaxing International Business District, the area of Xiangjiadang and Hot Spring City. We started organic renewal for 10,097 mu of urban areas and systematically pressed ahead with the house expropriation, design, planning, and investment attraction of Zicheng Square and the lakeside of the South Lake. We redoubled efforts to upgrade old residential areas, old factory sites and urban villages and tear down illegal buildings; actively carried out the building of counties (county-level cities, districts) and towns (subdistricts) free from illegal buildings; upgraded 17.228 million square meters of old residential areas, old factory sites and urban villages; and tore down 20.138 million square meters of illegal buildings.


      We worked to cope with urban traffic congestion, vigorously carried out projects to comprehensively improve roads, built an additional 7,925 parking spaces for special or public purposes, and utilized 1.459 million square meters of underground space in the city. We gave high priority to developing public transport, built 40 new bus stations in central cities, and optimized 51 bus routes, thus further increasing the ridership of public transport. The work to treat tricycles, electronic tricycles, and motor wheelchairs/ motor tricycles, was smoothly completed in urban areas. The construction of the seaside pilot zone for coordinated development of ports, industries and cities was accelerated; Jiaxing Port was further opened with the approval by the State Council and its cargo throughput and container throughput reached 68.8 million metric tons and 1.156 million TEUs respectively. We supported the characteristic development of sub-central cities and made development in different regions better balanced. We coordinated efforts to promote the pilot work for building 4 provincial-level and 13 municipal-level small cities, and increased the overall carrying capacity of central towns. We comprehensively improved rural land, upgraded and centralized 14,000 rural houses, and reclaimed 11,000 mu of land. We deepened the building of beautiful countryside in counties, towns, villages and rural houses; 15 additional towns were honored as municipal-level advanced towns in building beautiful countryside. 


V. We focused on ensuring and improving the people's wellbeing and further strengthened social development. Governments at all levels spent 25.52 billion yuan on improving the people’s wellbeing, which accounted for 76.2 % of general public budgets. We made overall planning on urban and rural employment. A total of 107,000 urban jobs were created and the registered urban unemployment rate was 2.9%. We moved faster to raise the standards of social security and promote its unified management; increased basic pension benefits for enterprise retirees by 10%; brought subsistence allowances for both urban and rural residents under unified standards for the first time, increasing them to 588 yuan per month. We improved the policy of the housing provident fund and began construction of 5,485 units of government-subsidized housing.


We perfected the service system for elderly care and 2,128 additional beds were placed in elderly care institutions. The coverage of at-home elderly care centers reached 89.2% and 75.2% in urban and rural areas, respectively. All types of education saw coordinated development. 46 kindergartens were built or upgraded; an additional 34 standardized schools providing compulsory education and 3 provincial-level training bases for vocational education were built; and construction was begun on the International Union College of Zhejiang University (Haining International Campus). Great efforts were made to build the national civilized city, and the civilization index of Jiaxing has ranked first in Zhejiang for two consecutive years. Work was done to start building the national demonstration area for the public cultural service system; 6 watercourses and 2 heritage sites along the Jiaxing section of the Grand Canal were included in the World Cultural Heritage List; the exhibition for works of cartoon and comprehensive painting of the 12th National Exhibition of Fine Arts was successfully hosted. We deepened reform of public hospitals and the comprehensive reform of community-level medical and healthcare institutions, promoted the sharing of medical resources and the improvement of medical services, made smooth progress in prevention and treatment of deadly infectious diseases, and achieved a complete success in counties (county-level cities, districts) for building the national health city. The relocation of Zhejiang Rongjun Hospital was completed. We strengthened the building of a city with strong sports achievements and energetically developed recreational sports. The Jiaxing sports delegation won 144 gold medals in the 15th Zhejiang Provincial Games.


     We carried out the policy of allowing couples to have two children if either parent is an only child, and further improved the system for providing support for special families whose only child is dead or disabled. Work related to archives, chronicles and meteorology was improved and fresh progress was made in programs concerning women, children, teenagers, people with disabilities, and charity. The third municipal economic census was completed. Jiaxing was designated as one of the first batch of national demonstration areas for social work service. New resident management was enhanced. The provincial pilot reform of the residence permit system was launched. We perfected the responsibility system for workplace safety and carried out special campaigns to remove hidden dangers in workplaces and ensure food and medicine safety; the number of safety accidents and death toll in workplaces fell by 5.2% and 9%, respectively. We intensified efforts to handle public complaints made in the form of letters or visits, improved the mechanism for mediating disputes and conflicts, perfected the system for crime prevention and control, and won the Silver Tripod, a provincial honor for upholding law and order. We deepened the building of a provincial model city (district) for mutual supports between the civilian and the armed forces, and achieved a complete success in all counties (county-level cities, districts) for the first time. We strengthened the work concerning national defense mobilization, civil air defense, ethnic groups, religious affairs, foreign affairs, and affairs on overseas Chinese, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.

      VI. We carried out the campaign to heighten awareness of and implement the Party’s mass line and made new progress in improving government. We firmly implemented the CPC Central Committee's eight-point decision and the CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee’s 28 measures and 6 prohibitions on improving Party and government conduct, and effectively carried out the campaign to heighten awareness of and implement the Party’s mass line, with the focus on opposing formalism, bureaucracy, hedonism and extravagance. The conduct of the government was significantly improved. The number of documents issued by the municipal government and that of municipal-level meetings dropped by 24.7% and 27.1%, respectively. The spending on official overseas visits, official vehicles, and official hospitality fell by 39.8%. A total of 480 administrative regulatory documents were sorted out. We took thorough steps to increase transparency in government operations. The websites of cities and counties for government affairs service have been put into operation, releasing 62,000 pieces of government news of various types to the public.


     We conscientiously carried out the campaign to pay visits to grass-roots enterprises and villages and solved a number of problems hindering their development. We smoothly completed 10 projects concerning the people’s wellbeing, which were determined at the beginning of last year. We strictly followed and enforced laws and regulations, willingly accepted the oversight and legal supervision by people's congresses and the democratic oversight of CPPCC committees, reported work to the Municipal People’s Congress and notified issues to the Municipal Committee of the CPPCC regularly, actively responding to their concerns on hotspot issues. We handled 321 suggestions by deputies of the Municipal People’s Congress and 379 proposals by members of the Municipal Committee of the CPPCC. We intensified efforts to carry out special inspections to strictly enforce discipline and made progress in improving government performance. We earnestly implemented the accountability system for improving Party conduct, intensified administrative supervision and auditing oversight, investigated and prosecuted violations of the law and discipline. With these efforts, the system for preventing and cracking down on corruption was further improved.


     Fellow Deputies, in face of the complex and volatile external environment and urgent demand for transformation and upgrading, we proactively coped with difficulties and challenges and successfully achieved the main targets set at the fourth session of the 7th Jiaxing Municipal People's Congress. Officials at all levels worked very hard. These achievements have not come easily and we owe them to the firm leadership of the CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee, Zhejiang Provincial People’s Government and the CPC Jiaxing Municipal Committee as well as the concerted efforts and hard work of all our people. Now, on behalf of the Jiaxing Municipal People's Government, I wish to express our heartfelt appreciation to all of Jiaxing’s people and of builders from other places! We would like to express our sincere gratitude to deputies of people’s congresses and members of CPPCC committees, and to democratic parties, federations of industry and commerce, people's organizations, public figures without party affiliation, retired comrades, and people from all sectors of society, and to the People's Liberation Army and armed police forces stationed in Jiaxing 

      We are keenly aware that Jiaxing still faces many problems in economic and social development, which are as follows: with increasing downward pressure on the economy, some enterprises have difficulties in production and operation and lack momentum for development; as economic development depends too much on low-end industries, consumption of resources, and small, low-end and individual enterprises; there are still many problems constraining structural adjustment; central cities’ comprehensive competitiveness and their capacity for driving the development of surrounding areas need to be enhanced; resources-related and environmental constraints grow and the task of improving and protecting environment remains arduous; the mechanism for stimulating sustained, steady increases in urban and rural incomes needs to be improved; the exercise of coordinating diversified group interests has become more difficult and we still face pressure on ensuring social harmony and stability; the awareness and capacity of government employees for serving the people need to be raised and the permanent mechanism for improving government conduct and maintaining close ties with the people needs to be further improved. We must face these problems head on, take effective measures, and work harder to resolve them.

Targets and Main Work of 2015


      This year will be crucial for comprehensively deepening reform, the first year for fully advancing the law-based governance of the country, and a key node for fulfilling the 12th Five-Year Plan and formulating the 13th Five-Year Plan. In accordance with the decisions of the ninth plenary session (enlarged) of the 7th CPC Jiaxing Municipal Committee, the guiding principles for this year’s government work are as follows: hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, comprehensively implement the guiding principles of the 18th National Party Congress and the third and fourth plenary sessions of the 18th CPC Central Committee; put into practice the guiding principles from General Secretary Xi Jinping's major speeches; fully implement the major strategies and decisions of the CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee; adhere to the general principle of seeking progress while keeping performance stable; continue to focus on strengthening the quality and benefits of economic development; actively adapt to the new normal in China's economic development; be adamant in deepening reform and opening up, and in promoting economic transformation and upgrading; unswervingly promote the coordinated development of urban and rural areas; ensure and improve the people's wellbeing and maintain social harmony and stability; quickly build Jiaxing into a city of innovation, ecology, happiness and garden, and accelerate the program of building a beautiful Zhejiang and creating a beautiful life; work hard to accomplish the targets set in the 12th Five-Year Plan and lay a solid foundation for the development during the 13th Five-Year Plan.


      To deliver a good performance in the work of the government this year, we need to concentrate on the following five areas: First, we need to willingly adapt to the new normal in China's economic development. With a keen understanding of the features under the new normal, such as changing growth rates, improving economic structure, and nurturing new driving forces, we will give higher priority to making structural adjustments and transforming the growth model, and maintain a proper balance between scale and quality and between growth rate and performance. We will maintain confidence and take proactive steps to achieve a higher-starting-point, higher-standard, and higher-quality development. Second, we need to seize new opportunities firmly. We will seize major strategic opportunities, including the development of the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, the Yangtze Economic Belt, and the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone, as well as the national or provincial pilot reforms being implemented in the city; and constantly integrate benefits of reform, vitality inspired by opening up, and driving forces for innovation, with a view to moving more quickly to foster new advantages for Jiaxing’s development. Third, we need to constantly open up new space for development. In promoting a new type of urbanization and industrial transformation and upgrading, we will give full play to the role of Jiaxing’s comprehensive comparative advantages, pay equal attention to adjusting existing resources and optimizing additional resources, and actively foster new areas of economic growth, striving for sustainable development. Fourth, we need to work hard to increase people’s quality of life. We will continue to focus on people’s demands, problems and satisfaction; strengthen efforts to solve the most practical problems of the greatest and most direct concern to the people; significantly improve social security and management and develop social programs, striving to fulfill the expectations of the people for a beautiful life. Fifth, we need to take solid steps to advance law-based government administration. We will give full play to the role of the rule of law in guiding and regulating government work; make sure that anything the law does not authorize is not done, while all duties and functions assigned by law are performed; and constantly increase our capacity for law-based governance, through being guided by law in both thinking and action while working to deepen reform, promote development, address problems, and maintain stability.


      We have set the main targets for Jiaxing's economic and social development for 2015 as follows: increase Jiaxing’s GDP by around 7.5%; make revenue in the general public budgets grow by around 7.5%; increase the per capita disposable income of urban residents and rural residents by 8.5% and 9%, respectively; make the consumer price index (CPI) fit in with the price control targets set by the province; achieve or surpass the provincial targets for energy conservation and emission reduction. Our major tasks are as follows:


 I. Giving high priority to raising the quality and returns of development and accelerating economic upgrading


      We will promote transformation by increasing effective input. By giving full play to the key role of investment in economic development, we will organize and implement special campaigns for increasing effective investment to promote projects, attract investment and improve services, and ensure the growth of fixed-asset investment is up to more than 12%. We will improve the investment structure, focus on major projects and good projects, and make sure that spending on major infrastructure projects, major industries, major industrial technological upgrading, and major projects for ecologic progress and environmental protection increases by more than 20%, respectively. We will continue to attach equal importance to the increase of government investment, foreign investment and private investment, give full play to the guiding role of government investment, and introduce more quality projects for nongovernmental capital. We will intensify efforts to guarantee factors for projects, continue to utilize the land that has been supplied but not actually put into use, and actively apply to competent authorities for the land quota of provincial projects. While formulating the 13th Five-Year Plan for economic and social development, we need to plan a number of strategic projects that conform to the city’s long-term development.


      We will promote transformation by upgrading industrial quality. We will accelerate the building of a city with strong industrial development, vigorously develop the “ten major industrial chains”, with the focus on leading industries and industries with features and advantages, and promote the forming of higher-level industrial clusters of high-end equipment manufacturing, new materials and new energy, endeavoring to make the output value of above-scale strategic emerging industries reach 360 billion yuan. We will take thorough steps to develop strategic emerging industries and high-tech industries, replace laborers with machines, use land economically and intensively, develop e-commerce and foster famous enterprises, brands and experts; carry out special actions to promote the extensive application of information technologies in industrialization; implement 900 projects to replace laborers with machines; make 10,000 mu inefficiently used land exit for high-end industries; and promote the medium-high-level development of traditional industries. We will take solid steps to build a national demonstration city with strong quality improvement and make progress in conducting “Made in Zhejiang” trials in cities of Pinghu and Tongxiang. We will press ahead with the sound and fast development of the service sector, vigorously develop modern logistics, science and technology service, e-commerce, health, and elderly care, ensuring that the value added of the service sector exceeds 150 billion yuan and accounts for 42% of the GDP. We will speed up the transformation of the agricultural growth model; develop diversified agricultural operations on a proper scale; support the development of large family farming businesses, family farms and specialized farmers' cooperatives; channel great energy into developing ecological circular agriculture; strengthen scientific and technological innovation and IT application in agriculture; and further increase the output value of agriculture. We will work to ensure food security and enhance the capacity for supplying major agricultural products.

      We will promote transformation by fostering new areas of economic growth. As Wuzhen (a town of Jiaxing ) has become the permanent venue for the World Internet Conference, we will seize the opportunity to accelerate the development of the information economy that is based on the Internet industry, and strive to build a national comprehensive pilot zone for innovative development of the Internet industry. We will work hard to develop the fashion economy, and promote the transformation of traditional industries of clothes, leather, sweaters, bags and cases and add fashion elements to them by innovative design and brand building. We will work hard to develop the marine economy; deepen the coordinated development of ports, industries and cities; speed up the establishment of a sea-river joint transportation system for collecting and distributing goods; and develop port-oriented clusters for advanced manufacturing, endeavoring to make the above-scale industrial output value in the Seaside New Area reach 120 billion yuan. We will work hard to develop industries involving both the military and civil sectors. We will take advantage of the opening of the Shanghai Disney Resort to accelerate the transformation of tourism and make serious efforts to build an international tourism and leisure city along the Great Canal. According to the principle of enterprises playing a leading role, resources integration, project portfolio management, and industrial integration, we will move faster to build a number of towns with characteristics to promote the clustering, innovation, and upgrading of industries by means of new ideas, new mechanisms and new carriers. We will work hard to develop businesses like online trading, chain operation, logistics and delivery to adapt to the upgrading of consumption pattern; and actively foster new areas of consumption growth.

II. Giving full play to the leading role of reform to deliver more benefits of mechanisms and systems


      We will deepen reform to make production factors more market-based. We will establish a sound, open and fair system for comprehensively assessing economic performance per mu; and launch performance appraisals for enterprises in the service sector. We will promote the system of tiered pricing for factors and of targeted guidance for enterprises, actively implement differentiated policies for supplying resource factors like land and electricity, and carry out work on adjusting tax policies for urban land use in an all-around way. We will improve the trading platform for production factors; promote the trading of surplus quotas for land, emission right and energy use; and stimulate enterprises to make good use of both existing and additional resources.


      We will deepen the comprehensive supporting reform for urban and rural areas. We will promote reform of farmers' rights to farm the land they have contracted, to use the land on which their houses sit, and to share in the proceeds from rural collective operations; make solid progress in determining, registering, and certifying rural property rights, so as to guarantee farmers’ rights. We will improve the rural property-rights trading market system and steadily promote the market-based transfer, mortgage, guarantee and trading of rural property rights. We will strengthen regulation of rural collective assets and complete the work to transform weak villages whose recurring revenue is less than 300,000 yuan.


      We will speed up the establishment of a modern fiscal system. We will conscientiously implement the new Budget Law, improve the budgetary management system, perfect management measures on supplementary budgets and budget adjustments, and take thorough steps to release budgets and final accounts to the public. We will establish a balancing mechanism for budgets to be carried over to the next year and formulate fiscal plans on a rolling three-year basis. We will reform the utilization of special government funds and enhance performance evaluation. We will standardize management of government debts and effectively guard against and defuse debt risks.

      We will deepen reform of the investment and financing systems. We will introduce the management model of a negative list and actively extend the use of measures facilitating investment, for example, investment projects not listed in the catalogue of investment projects requiring government review will no longer be subject to approval. We will promote models of cooperation between government and nongovernmental capital, and explore the mechanism and system for utilizing nongovernmental capital to implement big projects. We will increase government procurement of services and support the development of privately run institutions engaging in education, medical and health care, and elderly care. We will actively promote financial innovation, develop the multilevel capital market, support the development of local financial institutions, and encourage financial institutions to develop new financial products.

   We will deepen reform of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and state capital. To promote the transformation and development of SOEs, we will improve the distribution of state capital, accelerate the integration and restructuring of state-owned assets, channel great energy into fostering leading industries and superior enterprises, and encourage private enterprises to participate in the reform of SOEs. We will improve the supervisory system and mechanism for state-owned assets and progressively establish a regulation model focusing on capital regulation. We will implement classified management for state-owned capital management companies and move faster to establish a classified examination and evaluation system mainly based on indicators including return on net assets, performance, and contribution to the society.


III. Strengthening the innovation-driven development and accelerating the construction of innovative cities

    The construction of innovative platform will be strengthened. With the opportunity of Jiaxing Science City being listed as a provincial innovative platform, we will strengthen the integration of innovative resources, promote the capacity and quality enhancement of Jiaxing Science City and strive to build a core innovative district with science and technology highly integrated with industry. Support will also be given to the construction of such platforms as Zhangjiang Yangtze Delta Science city in Pinghu, PV High and New Tech Park in Xiuzhou district, Guigu Science and Technology Park in Jiashan and China Nuclear Power City in Haiyan. We also encourage some good parks to actively build high and new tech industry ones at national and provincial levels. We will deepen the Industry - Academy - Research cooperation, give full play to the role of such institutes as Yangtze Delta Institute of Tsinghua University, Zhejiang, and Zhejiang Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and constantly improve the strategic cooperation. We will better the specialized and socialized public S&T innovation Service system, encourage and guide the participation of social capital in building the pan incubator and launch the construction of the state inspection and testing high-tech service cluster.


      We will promote the integrated development of science & technology with capital. We will speed up the construction of the pilot area for S&T finance reform and innovation, support the establishment of such financial institutions as S&T bank branch, S&T micro credit company and S&T insurance company, expand the scale of venture capital guiding fund and continuously improve the S&T investment and financing system. We will also accentuate the leading position of enterprise innovation, encourage enterprises to increase their investment in R&D, establish R&D institutes, and give support to the enterprises in creating new products and technology. Market-oriented technological innovation mechanism will be improved, the S&T market construction will be accelerated and the managerial service system for transformation of S&T results will be promoted in cities, counties and towns.  

    We will gather together talents of entrepreneurship and innovation, energetically carry out the plan of “Innovative Jiaxing Led by Elites”, steadfastly promote the construction of demonstration area for talents reform, attract and cultivate more than 35 talents from “One Thousand Top Talents Project” of our country and province. We will implement the project of “Thriving Enterprise by Talents”, give high priority to entrepreneurship cultivation and intensify our efforts in building the high-skilled talent team. We will improve work mechanisms of talents use, introduction and cultivation, speed up to form a vivid situation where popular entrepreneurship and innovation existand strive to make Jiaxing a paradise for high-level talents.


IV. Expanding internal and external opening up and enhancing the development of open economy.

      We will intensify our efforts to cooperate with Shanghai. We will vigorously implement the strategy of “integrating Shanghai and Hangzhou” and forge a demonstration area in Zhejiang to cooperate with Shanghai. We will do our docking work with Shanghai urban rail transit, strengthen the cooperation between Jiaxing Airport for civil and military purposes and Shanghai Airport Corporation, and make solid progress in the early stage of Shanghai-Zhapu-Hangzhou railway. We will enhance the construction standard of economic zones near Shanghai, better the permanent cooperative mechanism between our economic development zones, industrial parks and Shanghai. We will speed up the construction of the supporting and coordinating zone for the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone; and timely copy and learn its managerial experience. We will further implement a batch of projects concerning our society and people’s wellbeing such as cooperation in running schools and medical institutions, further promote the “one card” system in public buses and medical insurance between Shanghai and Jiaxing and make great efforts to realize the integration and sharing of public service resources between our two cities. We will conscientiously carry out national and regional developing strategies and continue to do our work in assisting Tibet, Xinjiang and Qinghai.

     We will improve the quality and efficiency of investment introduction. We will energetically carry out investment promotion and capital introduction as well as the “Project No. 1” of attracting investment from businessmen of Zhejiang’s origin and promote the investment focusing on our key industries and enterprises, try to introduce 20 projects including those from the Fortune 500 companies and global leading enterprises, and the ones with an investment of over US$100 million, utilize over US$ 2.4 billion yuan foreign capital and attract 28.8 billion yuan from businessmen of Zhejiang’s origin. We will innovate the ways to promote investment and introduce capital, integrate investment resources, continue to host such investment promotion activities as Jiaxing Investment & Trade Symposium, strengthen our cooperation with national and international chambers of commerce as well as investment promotion agencies, guide enterprises to introduce investors through investment, cooperation and industrial chains. We will speed up in making various development zones more unique, more specialized and more of its own feature. We will encourage and support the establishment of various new economic parks, launch the construction of Sino-Germany industrial park and strive to list Jiaxing Export Processing Zone as a national comprehensive bonded zone.

    We will promote the integrated development of domestic and foreign trade. We will better the public service platform of export base, coordinately promote the trade in goods and service trade, accelerate the development of cross-border e-commerce, give priority to the export of high value-added products and products of Jiaxing’s own brands. We will guide enterprises to expand the import of equipment with advanced technology, key spare parts and important energy resources. The total import and export volume is expected to reach a growth of 7%. We will speed up to expand overseas business presence of Jiaxing’s enterprises, encourage key and leading enterprises to establish their domestic and international networking service, set up overseas economic and trade cooperative zones, support them in international mergers and acquisitions as well as equity investment, and vigorously cultivate multinationals. We will also encourage foreign trade enterprises to actively develop domestic market and promote the integrated development of domestic and foreign trade.


V. Strengthening the construction of ecological civilization and striving to build

“Beautiful Jiaxing”


      We will vigorously implement energy conservation and emission reduction. We will strictly enforce “double control” management, prohibit new energy intensive and high-polluted projects. We will deeply carry out the construction of industrial circular economy Demonstration Park, energetically develop environmentally friendly industry, implement 180 demonstration projects of expanding and applying energy conservation technology and complete the examination concerning 80 enterprises’ clean production. We will deepen our national pilot work of recycling food and kitchen waste, readjust the energy structure, actively promote the application of distributed photovoltaic power generation and make progress in changing fuel from coal to gas and from oil to gas. We will give priority to the supervision of gross pollution discharge from key enterprises, cracking down hard on conducts of excessive discharge.We will strengthen conservation culture construction. With the implementation of new Environment Protection Law, we will penalize offenders without mercy. We will strictly enforce the system in terms of major function-oriented zones to strengthen spatial control of ecological environment and stick to the red line of ecological protection. We will better the incentive-restricted mechanism of ecological protection, carry out the paid use of regional resources and the pilot ecological compensation, and implement the charge system of main pollutants discharge. We will improve the trade measures of emission right. We will innovate the ways of environmental governance and cultivate the third party market to control environmental pollution. We will encourage general public to be involved in the construction of environmental protection institution, timely publish environmental information and strengthen social supervision.

VI. Steadfastly promoting new type urbanization and integration of urban-rural development

       We will optimize the city spatial layout. We will launch comprehensive pilot project of national new-type urbanization to integrate various plans into an overall one, perfect the revision of the overall planning of the administrative region of the city, promote the integration of the economic and social development plan, urban-rural plan, land use plan with ecological environment protection plan. We will strengthen the coordination of major functional function zones and strategic resources to promote the integrated development of the center and sub-centers of the city. We will speed up urbanization process of administrative area of each county (county-level city and district), promote six sub-centers to be of larger scale, stronger function and better environment and achieve differentiated and specialized development. We will enhance the infrastructure construction standard of the city administrative area and accelerate the construction of such projects as the northern expressway (Phase II) of the Hangzhou Bay Bridge, and Grade 3 waterway regulation of the Grand Canal.

      We will enhance the function of key cities. We will stick to the integrated development of the industry and city, and accelerate the construction of Jiaxing Science and Technology City, International Business District, Xiangjiadang district and Hot Spring City. We will conscientiously implement the industrial plan of Jiaxing City, develop commercial real estate economy, attract and cultivate industries in terms of headquarter bases, emerging finance, and culture creativity, etc. We will implement the urban organic renewal based on the high standard, accelerate the renewal process of city center blocks such as Zicheng Square, lakeside of the South Lake and the region near the railway station, striving to make early progress. We will proceed with the work of “upgrading old residential areas, old factory sites and urban villages and tearing down illegal buildings”, make efforts to build counties (county-level cities, districts) and towns (sub-districts) into ones with no illegal buildings, focus on comprehensive regulation of the urban-rural jointed regions and industrial parks and thus promote the renovation and enhancement of key blocks. We will intensify our efforts in traffic congestion management, give priority to regulating traffic through science and technology, traffic management and social participation, speed up the implementation of a batch of projects to ensure the smooth traffic and constantly improve the traffic condition and people’s satisfaction. We will actively strive for the provincial demonstration city giving priority to the development of the public transportation, speed up the foundation of digital urban management system, actively promote the system“specific unit responsible for specific length of road” and constantly improve scientific, fine and intelligent management of the city.


       We will speed up in building the beautiful countryside. We will do a good job in the pilot work of provincial and municipal small cities cultivation, constantly enhancing the radiation and impetus ability of new cities and towns. We will better the village plan and layout to accordingly promote the comprehensive regulation of rural land and reclaim 11,000 mu of land. We will intensify our efforts in the management of building rural residential houses and the upgrading of old and dilapidated houses and actively build the provincial demonstration village of upgrading rural houses. We will deepen the building of beautiful countryside in counties, towns, villages and rural houses, strengthen the protection of historical and cultural villages and actively create a batch of demonstrative households with delicate courtyards. We will energetically implement efforts to make the surroundings of highways, railways, rivers and hills clean, green and beautiful, vigorously launch afforestation activities and improve existing green land, making newly afforested land and improved green land reach 25,000 mu this year.

VII. Prosperously developing various social undertakings and striving to enhance people’s wellbeing and happiness

       We will strengthen our work to increase residents’ income and improve their livelihood. We will actively create more channels and exert all our means to increase the income of urban and rural residents. We will better our mechanisms and institutions of promoting employment, encouraging entrepreneurship and choosing their own career, establish the service system of the real-name management for people who cannot find jobs and work coordinately to ensure the employment of people in need. 65,000 urban jobs will be created, the guidance plan for college graduates implemented and the construction of demonstration bases and entrepreneurship parks accelerated. We will better the mechanism for collective negotiation about the salary in enterprises and the minimum wage adjustment to promote the steady growth of employees’ salary. We will improve the permanent mechanism of serving the people and launch 10 projects concerning people’s livelihood such as improving water environment, easing traffic jams and establishing home-based care system for the elderly.

      We will improve social security system. The coverage and standard of the social insurance will be quickly increased, the mechanism for insurance registration and dynamic management will be established, and urban-rural residents' basic pension and basic medical insurance will be further improved. The regulation and normal adjustment mechanism of social insurance standard will be improved and all urban and rural residents will have access to the insurance against serious illness. We will speed up the development of the elderly care service, steadfastly promote the construction of urban and rural elderly care service centers and advocate the elderly care mode combining medical care. We will push ahead with the construction of apartments for the elderly and rehabilitation centers for the disabled. We will strengthen the regulation of social assistance and steadily enhance the assistance standard for poor families and groups. We will keep the smooth and sound development of real estate market, integrate the low-rent housing and public rental housing, and build 1,960 government-subsidized housing units.

      We will enhance the quality of educational undertakings. The process of education modernization will be accelerated and comprehensive educational reform will be deepened. We will energetically implement the second round of the three-year action plan for preschool education, promote the construction of standardized schools for compulsory education, and constantly expand high-quality education based on information technology to boost the coordinated and high-standard development of basic education. We will further carry out the enhancement plan of special education and strive for the national reform pilot area for special education. We will accelerate the reform of vocational education system, increase our efforts in coordinated development of “two-year high school and three-year vocational college” education and promote the industry-education integration and school-enterprise cooperation in vocational education. Support will be also given to universities such as Jiaxing University and the construction of International Union College of Zhejiang University   located in Haining will be accelerated. We will actively build a life-long education system and strive to make Jiaxing the city of learning.

     We will speed up the development of culture industry. We will publicize the socialist core values and make further progress in building Jiaxing into a high-quality national civilized city. We will promote the standardization and equalization of basic public culture service, accelerate the service system construction of urban-rural libraries and their branches, improve the service platform “Making an Appointment with Culture”, and strive for the national demonstration area for the public culture service system. We will protect the culture heritage concerning the Grand Canal and strengthen the protection, inheritance and use of the intangible cultural heritage. We will continue to promote culture and art prosperity and publicize excellent and entertaining cultural and artistic works. We will focus on the construction of cultural bases, actively promote the cultural innovations, cultural tourism and cultural products expo and speed up the development of distinctive culture industry.

  We will enhance the development of health, sports and other undertakings. We will deepen the reform of public hospitals, strengthen the integration of public health service resources and proceed with allocating high-quality medical resources to grass- roots hospitals. We will improve the standardized construction of community health service centers, improve the system of tiered diagnosis and treatment and constantly increase the number of patients diagnosed by grass-roots hospitals. We will widely carry out the national fitness campaign, open more public sports facilities to the society for free, accelerate sports industry development and hold the eighth municipal sports meet. We will strengthen our work on family planning, further implement Happy Family Caring Project to promote the long-term balanced development of population.


VIII. Making innovations in social governance and further promoting the construction of “Safe Jiaxing”

     We will give full play to the role of social organizations. We will enhance mass organizations under new circumstances, proactively supporting labor unions, the Youth League, Women’s Federation, science associations, Disabled Persons’ Federation, Red Cross, etc. We will make innovations in the management system of social organizations, give priority to the cultivation and development of social organizations in terms of industry associations, commercial chambers, public welfare and charity, science and technology, community services, and so on, and encourage and support social organizations to take part in social governance and public services. We will focus on team construction of social work talents and continuously improve the professional and socialized levels of voluntary services.

      We will enhance grass-roots management services. We will strengthen the community service system, boost the construction of community public service information platforms, and perfect the roles of urban and rural communities as convenience service centers. We will fully implement the reform of residence permit system and enhance the integrated management of new residents. We will guide and mobilize the public for self-management and self-service in accordance with the law, and lead the village (neighborhood) committees to focus on the development of villager (resident) autonomy.

      We will strive to promote social harmony. We will establish mechanisms for opinions expressing, conflicts mediation and benefits protection, making full use of platforms such as mayor hot-line, government affairs micro-blog etc. to expand the channels for the public to express their opinions. We will enhance and perfect the network and information security management and build an excellent network environment. We will strengthen the “Sixth Five-year” Law Popularization Education and promote the construction of public legal service system. We will make greater efforts to carry out investigation and mediation of social conflicts, effectively resolving social contradictions as they rise. We will actively reform the system of handling public complaints made in the form of letters and visits, and endeavor to resolve long-pending cases.

      We will effectively safeguard public security. We will improve the hidden dangers investigation and treatment system as well as the risks prevention and control system, resolutely curbing major accidents. We will improve the supervision methods on food and drug safety, and perfect the traceable system for food origin. We will enhance the construction of social integrity system, and improve the credit constraint mechanism. We will optimize the emergency warning and emergency handling mechanisms, improving emergency handling ability. We will strengthen the comprehensive treatment of social security and crack down on various illegal and criminal activities in accordance with the law, aiming to build Jiaxing into the safest city in the Yangtze Delta area. We will energetically support the construction of the People’s Liberation Army and the People’s Armed Police Force stationed in Jiaxing, promote the construction of the reserve forces for national defense and civil air defense, and strive to win “Three Consecutive Championships” in building the National Double Support Model City.


Striving to build a law-based government

      The Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee put forward higher demands on the building of a law-based government. We must conscientiously carry out Suggestions Issued by CPC Jiaxing Municipal Committee on Comprehensively Deepening the Construction of a Law-based Jiaxing and Prompting Jiaxing to Take the Lead in Legal Construction, and speed up the building of a law-based and law-abiding government with scientific functions, law-defined rights and responsibilities, strict law enforcement, openness and fairness, honesty and high efficiency.

    First, we will speed up the transformation of functions. We will properly handle the relationship between the government and the market, minimize the management on micro affairs, strengthen government responsibilities in public service, market supervision, social management, environment protections, etc., so that the market will play a decisive role in allocating resources and the government will better play its own role. We will deepen the reform of “Four Lists and One Network”, establish a sound dynamic adjustment mechanism for the “Four Lists”, and lay emphasis on the “slimming down” of the power list, “strengthening up” of the responsibility list, and improve the function of administrative services network. We will deepen the reform of streamlining administrative approval procedures by integration, further sort out and reduce the matters requiring administrative review and approval, optimize and standardize the review and approval process, and push forward the transformation of government functions from focusing on the pre-event approval management to strengthening the during- and after-event supervision. We will carry out the reform of government bodies, strengthen the fine management of government functions, and straighten out the relationship between powers and responsibilities.

    Second, we will strictly exercise governance by the law. We will exercise our power and perform duties in strict accordance with legally specified limits of authority and procedures. We will improve the executive decision-making mechanism, perfect the executive decision-making procedures through public engagement, experts’ argumentation, legality review, collective discussion, etc., and establish an after-decision evaluation and correction system. We will improve legal adviser system of the government, further carry out the reform of comprehensive administrative law enforcement, implement the responsibility system for the administrative law enforcement, and improve the benchmark system of administrative law enforcement discretion. We will comprehensively make public government affairs, especially on the disclosure of financial budget and final accounts, public resources allocation, approval and execution of major construction projects, social welfare and so on. We will tighten the restraint on and supervision over the use of administrative power, willingly accept the supervision by people’s congress, democracy and justice, strengthen administration supervision, special supervision and audit supervision, and conscientiously accept the social supervision as well as supervision by public opinions.


      Third, we will solidly improve the work style. We will consolidate and expand the fruits of our Party’s mass line education campaign, firmly implement the CPC Central Committee's eight-point decisions and CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee’s 28 measures and 6 prohibitions on improving Party and government conduct, and consistently oppose formalism, bureaucracy, hedonism and extravagance. We take people’s will and concern as the focus of government work, further enhance the ties with the public, strengthen the relationship with the public, pool together the wisdom and power of the public, jointly safeguard and promote the good situation of reform, development and stability which did not come easily. We will improve the grassroots investigation and study system, start the campaign of “Transformation Development Service Year”, and serve grassroots, enterprises and the mass in a more and more pertinent and accurate way. We will strongly advocate courageous and daring spirits to assume and take responsibilities, enhance the supervision over and inspection of the implementation of major decision deployments, and achieve objectives and finish tasks once targeted, and ensure government decisions are carried out without fail. We will conduct strict management on the civil servants, making sure each and every government official to persistently make policies to benefit the people, work hard for the people, and solve problems troubling the people so as to gain their more trust and support.


      Fourth, we will insist on clean governance. We will profoundly comprehend the requirements of “being stringent and honest” put forward by General Secretary Xi Jinping, fortify our ideal, moral cultivation, self-respect, self-introspection, self-warning, self-motivation and self-discipline, constantly cultivate governing morality and realize the danger of greed. We will consolidate the main responsibility in the building of Party conduct and clean government and strictly implement “One Position, Double Responsibilities” policy. We will strictly follow stipulations on clean governance, practice conscientious thrift, oppose extravagance and waste, and tighten the control and audit of official consumption. We will insist on regulating administrative action with systems, and form an effective mechanism relying on systems to manage power, affairs and personnel. We will fortify the supervision over and restraint on power operation in key areas and critical links, maintain “zero tolerance” to all forms of corrupt practices. Once corruption is found, we will launch investigation instantly and strictly and never tolerate corruption of any kind.


     Fellow deputies, we have started our new journey under the new normal, and the trumpet for development is inspiring us. It requires the joint efforts of all Jiaxing people to build Jiaxing into a city of innovation, ecology, happiness and garden, and accelerate the program of building a beautiful Zhejiang and creating a beautiful life. As long as we think with one heart, the development of Jiaxing will have a solid foundation, strong power and guarantee; as long as we work with one mind, the development of Jiaxing will adapt to the new normal, march forward in this new journey, and stride onto a new step; as long as we commit ourselves to our goals and never waver from them, we will be definitely able to shoulder the glorious mission endowed to us by the times, create brilliant achievements, and realize the beautiful value of life! Fellow deputies, in this great age and in face of the great dream, let us rally closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as General Secretary, and under the strong leadership of the CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee, the Zhejiang Provincial People’s Government and the CPC Jiaxing Municipal Committee, let us further emancipate the mind, blaze new trails, stand on the solid ground, overcome difficulties, and strive hard to write the Jiaxing chapter of the Chinese dream!