Report on the Work of the Jiaxing Municipal Government(2017)

Release date:2017-05-18 11:10

  Delivered at the First Session of the Eighth Jiaxing Municipal People’s Congress on April 21, 2017

  by Hu Haifeng, Mayor of Jiaxing Municipal People’s Government

  Esteemed Deputies,

  On behalf of Jiaxing Municipal People’s Government, I will now report to you on the work of the government and ask for your deliberation and approval. I also wish to have comments on my report from the members of Jiaxing Municipal Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and nonvoting delegates.

  I. A review of our work in 2016 and past five years

  2016 is the beginning year for implementing the “13th Fiver-Year Plan”. In front of complex external environment and heavy tasks in reform, development and stability, our government, under the robust leadership of CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee, Zhejiang Provincial People’s Government and CPC Jiaxing Municipal Committee, fully implemented the highlights of the 18th CPC Central Committee and its fourth, fifth and sixth plenary sessions, deepened the study and implementation of principles of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s major addresses, promoted economic, political, cultural, social and ecological balanced progress and coordinated the implementation of Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy, adapted ourselves to the new normal of economic development, made progress while maintaining stable performance, coordinated all aspects of economic and social development, and reached all targets and tasks set forth in the Seventh Session of the Seventh Jiaxing Municipal People’s Congress.

  ——Economy made progress while maintaining stable. Total GDP reached 376 billion yuan, a growth of seven percent year on year, and that of the city itself (excluding counties and county-level cites under its jurisdiction. Hereinafter referred to as the city itself). General public budget revenue reached 38.79 billion yuan, a growth of 10.4%, and that of the city itself 14.1%. Investment growth in fixed assets reached 11%, and that in “Four Major Fields” 17.4%. Retail sales of consumer goods rose to 163.85 billion yuan, a growth of 10.8%. Agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery turned to positive from negative growth. Profits of industrial enterprises above the designated size rose by 25.9% and total energy consumption decreased 2.6% per unit. Economic development quality and benefits significantly improved.

  Opening up was further expanded. Foreign trade achieved positive growth; the growth speed of import and export volume ranked the second in Zhejiang province; the export grew 9%, highest in Zhejiang. Obvious progress was made in attracting large, quality and excellent investment projects; the capital utilized actually broke a new record, ranking the third in total volume in Zhejiang. Investment projects with investment volume up to 100 million yuan each and the ones introduced from Fortune Global 500 and international leading enterprises totaled 30. With a total investment amount of 20 billion yuan, German Borgward project was introduced to Jiaxing. The assessment on attracting enterprises of Zhejiang’s origin ranked the first in all cities of the same level in Zhejiang for five years in succession.

  ——New growth drivers were further strengthened. Emerging industries grew rapidly; value added of industries above the designated size accounted for 89.4% of that of all industries; values added of equipment & manufacturing, hi-tech and emerging industries respectively made up 27.1%, 45% and 37.2% of that of industries above the designated size; output value ration of new products grew to 40%; hi-tech products export grew 35.3%; value added of service industry made up 45.3% of GDP; output value of electronics and information manufacturing and retails sales online both reached 100 billion yuan. Starting up businesses and making innovations prospered. 80,000 new market subjects were born, a growth of 25.2%, including additional 21,000 registered enterprises, a growth of 30.8%. New growth drivers have become main forces for economic development.

  ——Infrastructure construction made steady progress. Infrastructure investment reached 62 billion yuan, a growth of 17.7% year on year. Such major projects started their constructions as the North Highway (Phase II) connecting Hangzhou Bay Bridge, Hangzhou-Haining Railway and the Grand Canal channel upgrade. Constructing national pilot sponge city, extending and dredging Pinghutang River and draining water off Hangzhou-Jiaxing-Huzhou Plain to Hangzhou Bay made steady progress. The construction of “optical network” and “wireless city” obtained remarkable achievements, and one hundred-megabyte fiber broadband, 4G network and free WiFi in important public areas could be available to all.

  ——People’s life further was improved. Per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents respectively amounted to 48,926 yuan and 28,997 yuan and their income ratio reduced to 1.687︰1. We invested limited fund into people’s livelihood; fiscal expenditures on people’s livelihood first accounted for 80% of the general public budget expenditure; additional 30,000 low-cost houses started their construction; 240 million yuan was handed out as relief fund. Living standards of urban and rural residents were further enhanced.

  ——Looking back to the past, we found that economic development situations were serious in 2016 and it’s hard to obtain such achievements in such situations where world economy and trade growth speeds maintained the lowest in recent seven years; domestic structural conflicts were serious and economic growth slowed down. In face of hardships and difficulties, we continued to seek progress while keeping steady and scientific development, and made effective counter-measures to achieve a good start for the 13rd Five-Year Plan. It is proved that no hardship and difficulty can prevent our people marching forward. Facing the future we have sufficient confidence, determination, conditions and methods to make more magnificent achievements.

  For a year we have done the following work.

  First, we focused on cutting overcapacity, excess inventory, deleveraging, reducing costs, strengthening points of weakness, closing down low-efficiency enterprises and supporting hi-tech enterprises etc. to improve 2,929 weak, low-efficiency enterprises and disposed 83 “zombie enterprises”. Reducing excess housing inventory made active progress. We issued Suggestions on Promoting Standardized Development of Business and Trade Complexes and Specialized Markets and reached the targets set up by our provincial government of reducing excess inventory of commercial houses. Financial risks prevention was strengthened. The debt-asset ratio of industrial enterprises above the designated size declined to 54.4%, and nonperforming loan ratio of banks and financial institutions maintained the lowest in Zhejiang. We issued Policies and Suggestions on Reducing Enterprises’ Cost and Optimizing Development Environment and cut fees and taxes of 15.3 billion yuan for enterprises. Weakness in sci-tech innovation and income growth of low-income groups was strengthened. Research and experiment spending grew 11.8%. Per capita disposable income of low-income farmers increased 18.1%.

  Second, we made and implemented crucial reform measures. We deepened the reform “four lists and one net”, carried out pilot reforms in relatively centralized administrative licensing rights and in making no administrative examination and approval of enterprises’ investment projects beyond approved lists, established an integrated platform for complaints and consultation of government affairs, specified the power list and duty list covering the city and its counties and towns, propelled the reform in differential resources and factors allocation, improved the comprehensive assessment system based on the yield of each mu of land, established a city-county public resources transaction platform, took special action to reduce debts, receivables, excess inventories and administrative costs, pushed ahead with rural “Three Powers” reform and household registration reform, fully implemented new-type pilot residence permit system, accelerated provincial port-industry-city pilot zone construction and made the whole Port of Jiaxing open to the world.

  Third, we strengthened sci-tech innovations. We deeply implemented innovation-driven development strategies and succeeded in being approved as the provincial experimental area for overall reform and innovation. Xiuzhou National Hi-Tech Zone was successfully set up. The expansion of Jiaxing Science and Technology City had a qualitative leap. We endeavored to strengthen sci-tech investment, research and development and commercialization of research and development achievements. The numbers of additional invention patents with authorization certificates and newly identified hi-tech enterprises reached 1,654 and 184 respectively. 14 enterprises entered Top 100 Hi-Tech Enterprises of Zhejiang. The first professional sci-tech insurance company in China was established in Jiaxing. National-level incubators for sci-tech enterprises were set up in all counties, county-level cities and districts of Jiaxing. "Innovative Jiaxing Welcomes Elites" project was more effective. 58 work stations for experts and academicians from Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering have been set up by the end of 2016. Recruitment Program of Global Experts at national and provincial levels amounted to 161 and 136 respectively.

  Fourth, we accelerated industrial transformation and upgrade. We issued and implemented Made In China-2025 Jiaxing Action Outline, forcefully drove the project “Replacing Low Value-Added but High Energy-Consuming and High-Pollution Industries with High Value-Added but Low Energy-Consuming and Low-Pollution Industries, Replacing Workers with Robots, Replacing Land with Space, Developing Online Shops for Larger Markets, Fostering Famous Enterprises, Brands and Entrepreneurs”, invested 102.3 billion yuan in sci-tech upgrades. Additional 32 brands were honored as “Zhejiang Famous Brand”. Another 44 enterprises went public. Enterprises in NEEQ totaled 44. Jiaxing was honored as the city with marked effects in industrial growth, transformation and upgrades by Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of P.R.C. Building Wunzhen into a national pilot zone for Internet development made smooth progress. The third World Internet Conference was held successfully. We implemented the action plan to speed up modern service sector, in which 28.7 billion yuan was invested. Four towns were honored as the second batch of provincial-level specified towns. Xitang Scenic Area was honored as a national Grade-5A scenic area. One agricultural industry-gathering zone and two specified agricultural towns entered the first batch of provincial pilot towns project “One Zone, One Town”.

  Fifth, we fully advanced new-type urbanization construction. We deepened the pilot reform “integrating various rules into one”, amended and revised the overall plan of Jiaxing’s urban areas, took the lead in carrying out comprehensive improvement of towns’ environment, deployed and implemented the three-year action plan for towns and villages’ improvement, upgraded additional three towns into provincial-level pilot small cities, upgraded old residential areas, factory sites and urban villages with 34.76 million square meters, tore down illegal buildings with 12.69 million square meters, made new progress in urban organic renewal, optimized the plan and design of Zicheng region, finished the house acquisition in Wensheng Seminary and Shanqingzha areas, accelerated urban green way construction, made a scientific treatment of urban traffic congestion, built or upgraded additional 8 roads in urban areas like Business Road, Wanguo Road, built additional 10-kilometer lanes for buses and a flyover over the crossroad of Zhongshan Road and Yuexiu Road. Green-way length of the whole city totaled 902 kilometers at the end of 2016, including 501 kilometers in the urban areas.

  Sixth, we endeavored to improve water and air quality. We carried out water quality improvement projects such as treating domestic sewage in urban and rural areas, collected industrial sewage with pipes, and upgraded drinking water sources to the standard to deepen water quality improvement, built 391-kilometer new sewage pipes, dredged 13.58 million cubic meters of sludge out of rivers. The assessment result of water quality at the joint section of cross-administrative-district rivers was excellent. The route to divert water of other regions to Jiaxing was primarily designed. Straws and wastes of the whole city were forbidden to be burnt in the open air. Industrial waste gases were treated from 12 main industries, 28 coal-fired enterprises and 59 enterprises with an annual consumption of 10,000 tons of coal each, closed down 2,101 small boilers, weeded out 1,760 “yellow label” vehicles (that do not meet exhaust emission standards). The days with excellent air in urban areas made up 74.3% of the whole. PM2.5 average intensity was 44 micro grams per cubic meter, a decrease of 17%. Law enforcement in environment protection was further strengthened and 1,141 cases breaking environment protection laws were investigated and punished.

  Seventh, we improved people’s livelihood in all aspects. We reinforced focus groups’ employment, created additional 104,000 jobs, established a “big relief” system, took the lead in setting up the relief system for needy families arising from their expenditures on medical treatment and other issues, succeeded in building a national demonstration area for a public cultural service system with the best achievements in east regions of China. Rural “cultural auditoriums” coverage ratio stood at the top in Zhejiang. Zicheng site excavation obtained crucial achievements. The reforms were deepened in building a national special education experimental area and modern pilot apprenticeship system of vocational education. The new campus of Nanyang Polytechnic Institute and International Campus of Zhejiang University were put into use. Our medical integration into Shanghai made new progress and our overall cooperation with the Second Military Medical University enabled our patients to enjoy top-end medical treatment without going far to Shanghai. Such medical service modes were further improved as “assigning medical talents and resources to grassroots medical institutes” “improving service capability and efficiency”,tiered medical service, and contracted family doctor service. The convenient mode of making medical payments was carried out. We successfully passed national sanitary city reassessment, launched mass fitness campaigns, hosted the Second Zhejiang Women’s Sports Day, reinforced work safety, and supervision over food and drug safety and checked fire safety. The numbers of safety accidents and death tolls fell by 14% and 9.3% respectively. We further established effective crime prevention and control systems, finished the security work for G20 Hangzhou Summit and the Third World Internet Conference?Wuzhen Summit, strengthened the work on national defense, militia and reserve service and civil air defense, and won the honor of the national city for “mutual support between civilian and arm forces” for the third consecutive year.

  Eighth, we further enhanced law-based government administration. Following up the principle of obeying evidence-based conferring, rules-based execution of power and effective supervision, we actively accepted oversight by Jiaxing Municipal People’s Congress and its standing committee as well as the democratic oversight of Jiaxing Municipal Committee of CPPCC, handled 238 proposals and 352 suggestions respectively from deputies of Jiaxing Municipal People’s Congress and members of Jiaxing Municipal Committee of CPPCC, established the system of studying laws at the executive meetings of municipal government, studied 14 laws and rules, sorted out 550 official documents, handled 77 cases of administrative review, exercised strict control over the spending on official overseas visits, official vehicles and official hospitality, made reform in official vehicles, and carried out in earnest activities to enable Party members to gain a good understanding of the Party Constitution, Party regulations, and General Secretary Xi Jinping’s major policy addresses and to meet Party standards, and fully strengthened the government’s moral integrity.

  2016 is the last year of this government to perform its functions. For five years, our government has regarded development as its first task, united and counted on the people, made progress and innovations through hardships and finished all tasks of this government. The social and economic development of the whole city has climbed to a new level. For five years, our economy has improved both in quantity and quality through transformation and upgrades; GDP and general public budget revenue respectively grown 7.9% and 11.4%; per capita GDP increased to 82,000 yuan from 60,000 yuan; the proportion of total research and experiment expenditures to GDP climbed to 2.8% from 2.2%; the ratio of primary, secondary and tertiary industries changed from 5.3︰56.7︰38 to 3.8︰50.9︰45.3. For five years Jiaxing has carried out 92 national and provincial pilot reforms in new-type urbanization construction, “integration of various rules into one”, etc., and taken the lead in Zhejiang in differential resources and factors allocation, integration of various levels of administrative examination and approval, and comprehensive administrative law enforcement. Our distributed photovoltaic power generation mode has been put into use nationwide. The reform has been fully promoted in industrial upgrades, governance of agricultural and rural issues, social governance and transform of governments’ functions, and the reform system has taken shape characteristics of Jiaxing. For five years, urban and rural regions have taken the lead based on urban-rural balanced development. The spacial layout “1640”, “400 and 1,000” and 75,000 farm houses have been further improved; 53,000 mu of land has been reclaimed; the urban-rural balanced development level ranked the first in Zhejiang; transportation facilities have been improved. The distance from any central urban place to expressways is within 15 minutes’ ride; that from the central city to its sub-centers is 30 minutes’ ride; and that from Jiaxing to its major neighboring cities is one hour’s ride. For five years, our ecological construction has made rapid progress. Our environment protection and improvement mode has taken form characteristic of the leadership of governments, cooperation of various departments concerned, and people’s participation. 898 kilometer-long trash rivers and 996 kilometer-long malodorous rivers have been treated, and 2,161 kilometer-long sewage collection pipes constructed. The areas of old living quarters, old factories and villages inside cities and illegal buildings have been upgraded or torn down. The number of live pigs has been cut from 2.947 million to 18,300. The proportion of Grade-IV water has increased to 93.1% from 21.9%, indicating our water quality has made a historic change. For five years, people’s livelihood has been rising. Disposable incomes of urban and rural residents have increased 9.4% and 9.8% annually. Rural residents’ income has ranked the first in Zhejiang for the thirteenth consecutive year; pension insurance and medical insurance have covered all urban and rural residents; medical service institutes have amounted to 1,447, indicating every thousand residents have 2.96 doctors; “head and branch” of libraries and culture houses have been put into operation the whole city; five counties (county-level cities) and two districts have passed the national assessment in the balanced development of compulsory education. Jiaxing continued to be honored as the National Civilized City. All our counties, county-level cities and districts have been honored as provincial secure counties, cities and districts. Jiaxing has won the “Gold Tripod” for security construction after 12 years’ efforts.

  Esteemed deputies, we have gone through various hardships and risks of the past five years and made crucial achievements in reform, development and stability, which arises from the right leadership of CPC Jiaxing Municipal Committee, and from all people’s hard work and endeavors. Now, on behalf of Jiaxing Municipal People's Government, I would like to express our heartfelt thanks to the people of the whole city and constructors, to the deputies of Jiaxing Municipal People's Congress, to the members of Jiaxing Municipal Committee of CPPCC, to democratic parties, to the federation of industry and commerce, to public figures without party affiliation, to people's organizations, to the People's Liberation Army and armed police forces stationed in Jiaxing, and to the overseas Chinese and international friends who have supported Jiaxing's development.

  However, we are clearly aware that in Jiaxing there exist different conflicts and problems in the process of economic and social development: the pressure of economic slowdown is heavy; real economy is encountering various difficulties; sci-tech innovations have not been main forces to drive development; the industrial level is still low; the driving force and clustering capability are still weak; there still exists a gap between ecological quality and peoples’ expectation; more efforts should be made in water and air improvement; week points still exist in traffic, education, medical treatment, pension, food security, work security, social security etc. Meanwhile a small number of government employees either do not or are unable to fulfill their duties, or behave irresponsibly; corruption and misconduct in some sectors occur from time to time; anti-corruption still has a long way to take. We must be more mindful of those problems, and make more serious measures to work well. We must do our utmost to deliver a strong performance in our work and never fail to live up to the great trust the people have placed in us.

  II. Targets and main tasks for the future five years

  The five years ahead are a key period to transform Jiaxing’s economic and social development mode as well as a decisive stage to build Jiaxing into a moderately prosperous city in all respects. The Eighth CPC Jiaxing Municipal Congress has depicted the development blueprint for the coming five years and advanced new commission: serving as a pacesetter in building a high-level moderately prosperous society in all respects. We must keep aware of and master our historic position we are standing in, further strengthen our confidence and grasp opportunities to promote our scientific and innovative development.

  The overall requirements for the government's work of the future five years are as follows: we will hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, take Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of Three Represents and the Scientific Outlook on Development as our guide, implement the guiding principles of Comrade Xi Jinping's important speeches, work in accordance with the overall plan for promoting all-round economic, political, cultural, social, and ecological progress and the Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy, hold the development thought with the people as the center, put new development concept into practice, adapt to, grasp and guide economic development normal, publicize Red Boat Spirit, adhere to Zhejiang Spirit, dare to take the lead in serving as a pacesetter in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, vigorously build Jiaxing into a modern network garden city with international quality to welcome the 100th anniversary of the birth of the Communist Party of China.

  In the future five years, we will focus on “high quality, balanced development” to improve development quality and balance to reach the targets:medium and high in growth speeds, and mid and top- end in development quality and in industrial structure. By the end of 2021, we will endeavor to make GDP reach 540 billion yuan and general public budget revenue 50 billion yuan, and strive to make urban and rural residents’ incomes keep pace with the economic growth.

  We will focus on the following five aspects in the future.

  1. We will spare no effort to propel innovation-driven development, expand advantages of platforms, accelerate the shift of old and new growth drivers and industrial upgrades. We will hold in mind the innovation as the first growth driver, fully promote the construction of “Two Zones, One City and One Corridor” and collaborative innovation mode integrating governments, industries, universities, institutes, financial institutions, intermediaries and application, and strive to take the lead in becoming a national innovation- driven city. We will propel, through joint efforts, the construction of innovation and reform experimental zone and demonstration zone based on the cooperation between provincial government and universities, endeavor to make a breakthrough in innovations in systems and mechanisms like sci-tech management, sci-tech investment and financing, talents’ development, build Jiaxing into a sci-tech enterprises incubating city with strong influence in the Yangtze River Delta region and characteristics of intensive innovation factors, supplementary development and tiered industrial layout, build Shanghai-Jiaxing-Hangzhou G60 Sci-Tech Innovation Corridor, and along it construct a series of sci-tech infrastructure, develop sci-tech innovation projects, build innovation platforms and high-level bases for commercialization of sci-tech achievements to expand new room for gathering high-level regional industries and sci-tech collaborative innovation. We will energetically implement the talents project “585” to build Jiaxing into an ideal city for talents, adhere to the strategies of building Jiaxing into a city strong in manufacturing and service industries, strive to improve manufacturing industry’s intelligent, green, international and service levels, drive consumer service to extend to professional development and to the top end of the value chain and producer service to turn to refined and high-quality development. We will vigorously develop eight 100-billion-yuan industries, build Jiaxing into a city strong in Internet-based economy, propel the construction of provincial industrial demonstration base for military and civil integration, develop office buildings-based economy, all-for-one tourism, marine economy, modern urban green agriculture, and construct a batch of specialized towns to form a new economic growth point of Jiaxing.

  2. We will amplify our advantages in industrial clusters and integration into Shanghai and Hangzhou, improve economic development dynamism, marketization and internationalization. We will give play to market’s decisive roles in resources allocation and governments’ roles, propel the government’s reform, supply-side structural reform, and the reform in differential allocation of resources and factors, turn our quantity advantages in national and provincial pilot reform projects into quality advantages, deepen the implementation of “One Road, One Belt ” Initiative, boost two-way high-level opening up, inspire the orderly flow of factors, highly effective resources allocation, and strong integration of markets, create a more excellent, internationalized and legalized environment friendly to businesses and business operation, vigorously attract top-end foreign-funded enterprises, and domestic central enterprises and state-owned enterprises, and famous private enterprises, support foreign trade upgrades, propel new-type processing trade, market procurement trade and cross-border e-commerce trade, foster a batch of local transnational corporations, vigorously promote the demonstration zone construction of Jiaxing’s overall integration into Shanghai, build Jiaxing into a region where innovation policies are first implemented, top-end industries develop collaboratively, sci-tech innovation resources have a strong radiation force, various transport modes are integrated and public services are shared. We will endeavor to connect our development with Hangzhou metropolis, accelerate the development of Jiaxing’s functional platforms located near Hangzhou, positively participate in the construction of Science and Technology Corridor in the west of Hangzhou and Qiantang River Financing Port, deepen the joint construction of East Zhejiang Economic Cooperation Zone, and play a more important role in driving the collaborative development of major cities of the Yangtze River Delta region.

  3. We will amplify our advantages in urban-rural balanced development, improve urban bearing capability and competitiveness. We will accelerate the integrated development of urban and rural regions through mutual promotion, make a plan for infrastructure construction, industrial development and public service supply of the whole city in accordance with the spacial layout “1640” and “400 and 1,000” and industrial planning “One Core, Three Belts, and Three Zones”, construct “Four Nets, One Road and One Airport”, and high-speed roads and branch roads of central urban areas, put into use Jiaxing Airport for military and civil purposes and accelerate the construction of “seamless” modern comprehensive transport hub. We will improve to a greater degree the city quality, propel the differential development of the central city, counties (county-level cities) and small cities (towns), carry out urban ecological restoration, optimize urban morphology and functions, improve the leading position of the central city, accelerate the transformation into urban economy from county-based economy, grasp the opportunity of building Jiaxing into a smart city pacesetter to strengthen the application system to upgrade urban and rural management from having management ability to better management.

  4. We will focus on green and low-carbon development, amplify joint advantages in treatment of water, air and solid waste, and build Jiaxing into a good example for the region of water and river. In accordance with the concept “green mountains and clear water are gold mountains and rivers”, we will deepen the treatment of industrial and domestic sewage and agricultural pollution sources, implement “six special actions” against air pollution, strengthen the reduction, reclamation and harmless disposal of solid wastes. By the end of 2021, the water quality of local rivers and lakes should be up to the Grade-III water standard on the basis that the water flowing to Jiaxing from upstream regions beyond Jiaxing reaches the standard; PM2.5 intensity should continue to go down; and 5% of sludge and dangerous wastes should be disposed harmlessly. We will accelerate the project of diverting water (of Hangzhou) to Jiaxing, strive to make our citizens drink the water of the Qiandao Lake at the same time with those of Hangzhou. We will strengthen farmland protection, plan for main functional zones and environmental functional zones, use the land strictly according to the land application planning, propel the national pilot low-carbon city construction, vigorously develop green energies like photovoltaic power and biomass energy, construct a low-carbon economic development mode characteristic of low energy consumption, low pollution and mission, and build Qianmudang Lake, green ways etc. in accordance with high-level standards and build Jiaxing into a green city of flowers.

  5. We will give priority to people’s livelihood, amplify our advantages in public service supply to strengthen people’s sense of gain. We will coordinate crucial people’s livelihood policies, make standardization promote public service equalization, reinforce the supply of quality public products, drive more sufficient and high-quality employment, encourage production factors like labor, capital, technologies and management to participate in income distribution in accordance with their contribution, establish a sound income growth mechanism for low-income persons and spare no effort to increase urban and rural residents’ incomes. We will establish an urban-rural integrated social insurance system, make social security more fair and sustainable and cover all people, develop and prosper all social undertakings, strengthen modern public cultural service systems, optimize basic medical treatment and health service, facilitate quality and balanced development of education, construct a pension service mode with medical treatment functions, which is based on families, supported by communities and supplemented by organizations. We will deepen the construction of “Secure Jiaxing”, propel the treatment of polluted water, air and soil, and the construction of the new-type social governance mode, social service supply mode and social mobilization mechanism, speed up the construction of a three-dimensional, information-based crime prevention and control system and build Jiaxing into “the safest city in China.”

  Esteemed deputies, the development road is not always straight and the dream does not come true within one day. If we never give up, dare to be the first and make joint efforts, our target to be a high-level pacesetter in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects is to be surely reached, and Jiaxing will make much greater progress in the future regional competition.

  III. Main tasks of 2017

  A new year indicates a new hope and a new starting point implies new glories. 2017 is the beginning year of the new government, an important year to implement 13th Five-Year Plan and a year to deepen supply-side structural reform. Currently, our economic base is tending to be stable, good and consolidated, but some structural conflicts existing for long have not been thoroughly settled. Therefore we must clearly recognize those, adhere to the general work guideline of making progress while maintaining stability, center on development quality and benefit improvement, focus on supply-side structural reform, deepen the implementation of the innovation-driven strategy, focus on reform, development and people’s livelihood, make comprehensive measures for economic transformation and upgrades to promote the stable and sound development of our economy and the harmony and stability of society.

  In accordance with our actual situations, we have set the following key development targets for this year: GDP growth is around 7 percent, or 7.2 percent in the central city (excluding counties and county--level cities under the jurisdiction of Jiaxing ); the general public budget revenue growth 6.5%, and 7% in the central city; per capita disposable incomes of urban and rural residents 7%, and higher than 7% in the central city; and provincial targets set for energy conservation, emission and carbon reduction should be reached.

  We will focus on handling various aspects of relationships and make progress in the following work.

  1. Focusing on supply and demand to maintain economic smooth operation

  We will continue to strive for cutting overcapacity, reduce excess inventory, deleveraging, reduce costs, and strengthening areas of weakness, accelerate the projects “closing down low-efficiency enterprises and supporting hi-tech enterprises”, upgrade over 5,000 “low-efficiency, scattered, and weak” enterprises, dispose 25 “zombie enterprises”, shut down outdated production facilities of 600 enterprises, intensify the disposal of non-performing assets, vigorously develop direct financing, and improve guarantee systems to prevent and remove financial risks. We will strictly implement real estate control policies, ensure residents’ rigid housing demands, support the house purchase for living or improving living conditions, curb speculative house purchase, develop housing lease markets, keep the steady and healthy development of real estate. We will improve the publicity system of the list of the fees from enterprises, construct systematized burden-reducing mechanisms for enterprises, and continue to strengthen weak points in public service, infrastructure, ecologic protection etc.

  We will expand effective investment, implement “Two 100 Billion Yuan” investment projects, make investment grow over 15% in major infrastructure, industrial projects, technological upgrades and environment protection, propel the construction of international cooperative industrial parks such as China-Germany, China-Holland, China-France, China-Japan industrial parks, intensify professional investment attraction, industrial chain-based investment attraction, etc., strive to utilize foreign capital USD 2.5 billion, attract the investment of 46 billion yuan from enterprises of Zhejiang’s origin. We will plan a batch of infrastructure and public service projects open to social capital, launch at least 100 projects based on the cooperation between governments and social capital.

  We will endeavor to maintain the stable growth of foreign trade consumption, normalize the construction of comprehensive foreign trade service platforms, launch cross-border e-commerce pilot projects for provincial industrial clusters of Pinghu City, Haining City and Tongxiang City, expand the export of hi-tech products, famous, excellent and special products and service trade, and the import of advanced technological equipment, encourage qualified enterprises to make overseas investment, support enterprises to target at advanced technologies, famous brands and “professional, sophisticated, special and excellent” enterprises for cross-border mergers and acquisitions. We will expedite the upgrades of urban business centers based on “Internet+circulation”, strengthen e-commerce application, cultivate new-type consumption hot spots to meet peoples’ consumption demands.

  2. Boosting real economy and accelerate industrial structure adjustment

  We will strengthen sci-tech innovations. We will drive the overall innovation and reform pilot zone construction, improve policy systems and assessment mechanisms conforming to the law of innovation development, speed up major innovation platforms construction such as Xiuzhou National High-Tech Zone, Jiaxing Science City, strive to build a national or provincial hi-tech park in each county, county- level city and district under the jurisdiction of Jiaxing, implement the three-year action plan for sci-tech enterprises incubating city, build additional 20 incubating agencies and two million square meters of additional incubating areas. We will implement the plan “growing saplings” for sci-tech enterprises to build additional 200 hi-tech enterprises and additional 500 middle and small-sized sci-tech enterprises. We will deepen the construction of provincial sci-tech financial reform experiment zone, vigorously develop venture investment for starting up new businesses, explore the interaction of investment and loan, support sci-tech insurance development, fully implement new polices concerning talents, propel innovation team development, strengthen “flexible” talents attraction and industrial talents attraction and attract additional 100 top-end talents.

  We will endeavor to build Jiaxing into a city strong in Internet-based economy and a new-type smart pacesetter city, propel the construction of Jiaxing as a national information-based economy pilot city and Wuzhen as a national Internet innovation development experimental zone, support the Internet industrial development like the smart terminal in Nanhu District, smart logistics in Xiuzhou District, optical communications Jiashan County, micro-motor in Pinghu City, smart homes in Haiyan County, digital contents in Haining City and quantum communication in Tongxiang City, investment 10 billion yuan in Internet projects, make the output value of information-based industries grow 12%. We will successfully hold the Fourth World Internet Conference?Wuzhen Summit, apply the big data in urban governance, benefiting the people, industrial economy and livable environment, launch the construction of 15 pilot smart towns, smart sub-districts, smart industrial parks, smart communities, and smart business centers, finish the construction of Urban Big Data Center (Phase I) and Urban Comprehensive Operation Management Center.

  We will build Jiaxing into a city strong in manufacturing industry, deepen the implementation of 2025 China Jiaxing Action Outline, foster and strengthen emerging industries such as top-end manufacturing, electronics, information-based industry and new materials, accelerate the organic renewal of traditional economic drivers, implement “Replacing Low Value-Added but High Energy-Consuming and High-Pollution Industries with High Value-Added but Low Energy-Consuming and Low-Pollution Industries; Replacing Workers with Robots; Replacing Land with Space; Developing online shops for larger markets; cultivating famous enterprises, brands and entrepreneurs”,“strong city in quality, standard and brand”, “Made in Zhejiang” etc., strive to make total output value of the industries above the designated size reach 800 billion yuan, apply additional 1,500 industrial robots and build additional 20 famous brands of Zhejiang. We will implement the “redoubling” plan of the scale and the quality & benefit of major backbone enterprises to form a batch of leading enterprises and “hidden champions”, upgrade and improve development zones (industrial parks) based on the concept and ways of developing specialized towns, plan and construct a large number of “industrial parks within industrial parks”, “industrial parks within development zones” and centers for innovation and starting up businesses, vigorously impel the construction of Jiaxing Smart Industrial Park of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation and Jiaxing Military and Civil Integration Industrial Development Center of China Academy of Space Technology, and strive to introduce and foster 20 hi-tech military and civil integration projects.

  We will push ahead with service industry growth in quantity and quality, focus on such major fields as modern logistics, science and technologies, information, financing, culture, tourism and health service, accelerate the construction of clustering areas of producer service in design, work security, checking and testing, make greater progress in propelling major projects like Alibaba Rookie City, Riverside Sixflag, endeavor to make the proportion of the value added of the service industry increase 1.2 percent points in GDP. We will develop green finance and inclusive finance, support the development of local financial institutions like Jiaxing Bank, and accelerate the construction of Nanhu Fund Town and International Financial Square. We will expand office buildings-based economy and propel its development with its distinct characteristics, foster a batch of headquarters, sci-tech buildings, e-commerce buildings, make the annual revenue of additional 5 office buildings up to 100 million yuan each, integrate quality tourism resources, vigorously propel all-for-one tourism, develop quality tourism, and build Jiaxing into an international city for tour and entertainment.

  We will deepen the agricultural supply-side structural reform, improve farmers’ cooperative economic organization integrating production, supply & marketing and credit, vigorously support large farming households, family-based farms, professional cooperatives and leading agricultural enterprises, upgrade food functional zones and modern agricultural parks to green and high-efficiency ones. We will fully implement food security responsibility system, ensure the total grain output reaches 1.13 million tons, strengthen agricultural sci-tech innovations, positively carry forward “Internet plus agriculture”, promote integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries. We will implement a new round of “building strong villages” plan, develop and strengthen village-based collective economy, perfect the method of separating the ownership right, contracting right and management right of urban lands, constantly increase farmers income and reinforce rural development dynamism.

  3. Deepening reform and opening up to release bonuses from advantageous systems and mechanisms

  We will continue to reform “at most once service”, propel governments at all levels to reduce and delegate their powers to reach the target of making people and enterprises go to government departments at most once, or go to the nearest government departments at most once or don’t go to government departments at all to handle administrative examination and approval or other issues, carry forward “one-window” administrative examination and approval reform, deepen the pilot reform in centralizing administrative licensing power, popularize the mode of “handling administrative examination and approval or other issues at any place of the whole city”, make “at most once” service available to over 80% of examination and approval issues or other issues, fully implement “Internet plus government affairs service”, build a uniform mobile government affairs service platform of the whole city, realize online administrative examination and approval and filing of all investment projects. We will normalize intermediary service markets, strengthen markets’ sufficient competition, propel the reform to move to administrative examination and approval service agencies, accelerate the replacement of energy assessment and environmental impact assessment of a project with “regional energy assessment, environmental impact assessment plus energy consumption, environment standard”, and deepen comprehensive law enforcement reform, develop new ways of conducting oversight over the whole process of business operations, and introduce across the board an oversight model drawing on random inspections by randomly selected law enforcement officers or inspectors and requiring the prompt release of results, perfect the supervision mechanism characteristic of “joint cooperation of different government sectors, random inspection, standards-based inspection and one for all. ”

  We will accelerate the reform in key sectors and links, deepen the reform of differential resources and factors allocation, set up and implement a series of uniform market admittance standards in terms of environment, technologies, quality and security, improve the mechanisms for comprehensive performance assessment of enterprises and the use of such assessment results to promote resources and factors to move to more competitive enterprises, conduct the national pilot reform of pollutants discharge permit systems, establish “one-license” management system for the pollutants discharge of stationary pollution sources. We will speed up the financial and taxation system reform, strengthen budget performance management, and drive national treasury centralized e-payment. We will make progress in state-owned enterprises reform, accelerate classified reform, establish a sound system of dispatching the board of supervisors, enhance allocation and operation efficiency of state-owned capital, support the comprehensive reform in scientific development in Jiashan County, pilot innovation in industrial structure adjustment mechanism in Pinghu City, demonstration zone construction of China-Europe urbanization partnership in Haiyan County, and timely sum up and popularize experience.

  We will strive for our integration into Shanghai, perfect the coordinating mechanism for our integration into Shanghai, strengthen our connection with Shanghai in transport infrastructure, accelerate the construction of Hangzhou-Pinghu-Shanghai Channel, the national highway G228 etc., make preliminary preparation for the construction of Shanghai-Zhapu-Hangzhou Railway, Nantong-Suzhou-Jiaxing Railway, plan for the construction of the rail transit, etc. to connect Shanghai. We will accelerate the construction of Industrial Coordinating Innovation Zone of Yangtze River Delta (Jiaxing), and achieve large-scale transfer of top-end industries from Shanghai to Jiaxing in the support of Zhangjiang Yangtze River Delta Sci-Tech City in Pinghu, Caohejing Hi-Tech Park (Haining) etc., strengthen efforts to attract more investment from Shanghai, and endeavor to attract 40 major industrial projects with a total investment of 100 million yuan each. We will vigorously integrate Jiaxing into Shanghai in public service resources like top-end education, medical treatment, etc., endeavor to take the lead in making citizens of Shanghai pay their medical fees in Jiaxing, and citizens of Jiaxing do the same in Shanghai. We will vigorously put into practice of the national regional development strategy and make progress in “Cooperation between Undeveloped Mountainous Areas and Developed Coastal Areas" in pairing assistance offered to Tibet, Xinjiang and Qinghai.

  4. Promoting urban and rural coordinating development to improve urban quality

  We will accelerate urban integrated construction, propel the pilot project “integrating various regulations into one”, perfect the plan management and control mechanism, enhance scientific and orderly construction and development of urban areas, speed up the construction of the North Highway (Phase II) connecting Hangzhou Bay Bridge, Hangzhou-Haining Railway, etc., start the plan for the trail transit construction, endeavor to make the feasibility research report of Jiaxing Airport for military and civil purposes pass the assessment. We will expedite the construction of “life line projects” like water diversion, water supply, sewage pipes and garbage disposal, start the project diverting water (of Hangzhou) to Jiaxing, expand the seaside development, propel the construction of Container Transport Corridor of North of Zhejiang, upgrade the Huanggutang Channel, remove obstacles preventing sea-river joint transport, and strive to make container throughput of Port of Jiaxing reach 1.4 million TEUs.

  We will strengthen the leading role of the central city, carry out its organic renewal, expedite the upgrade of old urban regions in Minfeng and Dongzha, start the construction of Zicheng Square and Lakeside Park of South Lake, finish pilot sponge city construction, endeavor to ease urban traffic congestion, complete the construction of the Third Ring South Road, Sanyuan Road, etc., and scientifically construct public parking lots to further enhance public service quality. We will start the preliminary preparation for urban expressways, perfect the long-term urban management mechanism, propel the localized management of law enforcement, finish the construction of smart urban management platforms at municipal level and at the level of districts, push ahead with the development and construction of urban key functional zones such as International Business Zone, Xiuzhou National High-Tech Zone, Jiaxing Science City, vigorously develop advanced manufacturing industry and top-end service industry to strengthen functions of the central city in sci-tech innovation, financial support, public service, talents attraction etc.

  We will strengthen weak points in developing towns and villages, put into operation of the plan of “400 and 1,000”, improve the plan system for towns and villages, fully implement towns’ comprehensive environment improvement, launch “six special actions”, intensify the upgrade of main streets of and entrances to towns, reinforce the restoration and protection of old buildings, streets and lanes. We will enhance “beautiful villages construction” based on the idea of constructing towns and villages into scenic areas, carry forward the comprehensive improvement of rural lands, make progress in planning villages and designing farm houses, improve supporting service functions of towns and villages, and build a number of villages into livable demonstration villages (communities) and Grade-A scenic areas.

  5. Strengthening environment improvement to build beautiful Jiaxing

  We will deepen water quality improvement, adhere to beautifying rivers banks while treating polluted water through joint efforts of different regions, vigorously get rid of water worse than Grade-V water, accelerate the construction of sewage pipes and sewage disposal facilities, strive to improve and supervise the environment of large pig farms, perfect long-term operation and maintenance systems of rural domestic sewage disposal facilities, make 95% of water better than Grade-IV water, strive for ecological remediation of rivers and lakes, normalize the construction of drinking water sources regions, dredge 10 million cubic meters of sludge out of rivers, deepen the construction of “river head” system, implement the strictest water sources management system and improve cross-administrative-region water treatment mechanisms.

  We will deepen polluted gas treatment, launch special activities against motor vehicles pollution, urban dusts and smog pollution, upgrade 17 thermal power plants through ultra-low emission technologies, close down 600 coal-fired small boilers, strive for the negative growth of raw coal consumption, build a batch of green manufacturing demonstration projects and industrial parks to improve environmental quality, explore how to establish grid gas treatment systems at the levels of the city, county, town and village, perfect the mechanism by which people can participate, improve emergency disposal ability and strive to make days of fine air account for 75% of the whole year in urban areas.

  We will treat household garbage, building trashes, industrial solid wastes, agricultural and medical wastes, strengthen efforts to improve waste disposal capability, develop cyclic economy-based projects to effectively utilize wastes, scientifically classify household garbage and strengthen the collection, storage, transfer, disposal and comprehensive use of solid wastes to improve the disposal rate of dangerous wastes.

  We will upgrade old residential areas, factory sites and villages inside cities, tear down illegal buildings, especially illegal rental houses and small individual workshops, strive to build Jiaxing into a city free of illegal buildings, perfect a long-term mechanism to find out and dispose illegal buildings timely, endeavor to build one county (county-level city, district) without any illegal buildings and tear down 20 million square meters of illegal buildings.

  6. Strengthening the development benefiting the people to improve people’s livelihood

  We will try to enlarge employment, perfect social security, implement urban-rural integrated employment and start-up policies, strengthen the construction of Red Boat Start-up and Innovation Center for universities students and rural e-commerce towns for starting up businesses, create additional 66,000 jobs, make joint connection of different social insurance systems and adjustment, accelerate the integration of medical insurance and maternity insurance, and propel the cross-regional settlement of medical insurance. We will put into practice the relief policy in support of needy families arising from expenditure on medical treatment, etc., take targeted measures to help and support poverty-stricken families, ensure 10% growth of the disposable income of low-income families, make innovations in housing security modes, intensify the upgrade of rundown urban areas, build an additional 5,748 units of housing for low-income families, help the people with urgent or special needs get moderately prosperous in all respects, and vigorously develop philanthropy and support the Red Cross work.

  We will build Jiaxing into a city strong in culture, vigorously publicize socialist core values, make cultural and ideological progress, deepen the demonstration zone construction in national public cultural service, perfect the service mode of “head-branch” libraries and culture houses, expand the functions of “An Appointment with Culture” and build Jiaxing Brand strong in public cultural service. We will start the construction of Jiaxing Culture and Art Center, complete the construction of the second phase of Jiaxing Museum and Jiaxing Library, vigorously support literary and artistic creation, create a large number of literary and artistic works with a high artistic level and local characteristics. We will make progress in the work of archive and local chronicles, intensify cultural heritages protection and application, propel the archaeological excavation and demonstration of Zicheng Site, construct Majiabang Site Park, actively guide cultural consumption, foster and strengthen cultural creation, cultural expo etc, to promote innovation-driven development of cultural industry.

  We will accelerate educational modernization, implement a new round of action plan of preschool education, establish for the preschool education the management system characterized by “planned as a whole by the county with the cooperation of each town”, scientifically implement the layout plan of primary and secondary schools, optimize urban and rural education resources allocation, carry out the curriculum reform of high schools, improve the quality of various specialized high schools, construct the project to move Jiaxing Affiliated Middle School of Beijing Normal University, deepen the “industry-education integration and school-enterprises cooperation ” in vocational education, promote workmanship, and build a large number of public training bases. We will strongly support universities located in Jiaxing like Jiaxing University, deepen all-round cooperation with Tsinghua University, Tongji University, Chinese Academy of Sciences, make progress in developing special education, continuing education and senior citizen education, perfect the classified registration management system for private schools to promote the sound development of non-government funded education.

  We will build Jiaxing into a healthy city, improve the three-tiered medical health service system, propel medical talents and resources to flow to grassroots medical institutions to improve their service capability and efficiency, actively implement tiered diagnosis and medical treatment systems and contracted family doctor service systems, make medical fees be settled among all comprehensive hospitals at or above the county level in the process of diagnosis and medical treatment, vigorously develop Chinese traditional medicine industry, implement the policy of allowing couples to have two children and optimize family planning service management. We will expedite the upgrade of urban and rural home-based service centers, push ahead with the pilot system “combination of medical treatment and old-age service”, implement long-term care insurance systems, support social forces to establish nursing centers and community-based nursing stations for the elder, coordinate the development of the sports and sports industry and accelerate the construction of sports and fitness centers for all the people.

  We will make innovations in social governance, strengthen grassroots governance competence, complete the construction of towns’ four platforms: comprehensive treatment, comprehensive law enforcement, market supervision and service for the people, vigorously carry out legal publicity and education of the Seventh Five-Year Plan, perfect the public legal service system covering all urban and rural areas, improve new-type residence permit systems, and guide the orderly flow of new residents. We will fully implement the work responsibility system about public complaints made in the form of letters and visits to settle public complaints existing for long. We will strengthen social credit system construction to enhance social credit awareness, actively develop such social undertakings as ethnic and religious affairs, foreign affairs, overseas Chinese affairs and Taiwan affairs, support trade unions, the Communist Youth League, Women’ s Federation, and associations for science and technology, reinforce the supervision over food and drug safety, and establish the system of tracing problems in food and drug quality to the source. We will strengthen the responsibility system for work safety, endeavor to check and find out hidden risks, firmly curb the occurrence of major accidents, deepen the comprehensive treatment of social security, and remain on high alert for and severely crack down on criminal offenses. We will support the construction and reform of armies stationed in Jiaxing and armed police, continue to make progress in national defense mobilization, national defense education, civil defense, “Mutual supports between the civilian and arm forces”, national safety etc.

  Following the new concept of “proposed by the people, consulted by members of Jiaxing Municipal Committee of CPPCC, determined by deputies of Jiaxing Municipal People’s Congress, and implemented by the government”, we will work hard for ten projects that are concerning people’s livelihood and voted by people’s congress to settle serious problems the people are concerned about.

  7. Improving government and its ability in duty performance

  We will construct a law-based government. We must say and act in accordance with the law. We will not do without being authorized by the law and must do so long as the law allows us to. We will make our decisions legally, democratically and scientifically, perfect the system that major issues must be participated in by the public, assessed by experts and examined by law, deepen administration review system reform, perfect the supervision and restriction systems of administrative power, subject ourselves, as required by law, to oversight by people’s congress, to the democratic oversight of CPPCC committees, and to public oversight and oversight through public opinion,judicial oversight and auditing-based oversight.

  We will construct a service-oriented government. With problems to be settled in mind, we will strengthen our service management through marketization, socialization and informatization, optimize government’s operation mechanisms, perfect target management systems, set up the system of major work responsibility list, and strengthen government credit construction to build a credit-based government. We will fully propel the institutionalization and standardization of making government affairs transparent, work hard for information release and policy interpretation, timely respond to social concerns, make innovations in government’s purchase of social public service, continue to optimize government affairs procedure and improve service to bring more convenience to the people.

  We will maintain ethical conduct and moral integrity, effectively combat corruption, conduct our work in accordance with institutions, fully strengthen self-governance, see that government officials at all levels assume full responsibility for improving government integrity, ensure that both CPC committees and governments are held accountable and that officials take responsibility for work safety in performing their duties, work scrupulously to ensure compliance with the Party Central Committee’s eight-point decisions on improving Party and government conduct,make continued efforts to correct formalism, bureaucratism, hedonism, and extravagance,strengthen the supervision and restriction of powers, perfect the mechanism and system for corruption prevention.

  Esteemed deputies, new targets are exciting and new tasks are arduous and honorable. We need those who are dedicated to their work. Under the leadership of CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee, Zhejiang Provincial People’s Government and CPC Jiaxing Municipal Committee, let us continue to forge ahead to welcome the opening of the 19th CPC National Congress and strive to write a new chapter to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects.