Report on the Work of the Jiaxing Municipal Government(2018)

Release date:2018-06-26 10:37

 Delivered at the third Session of the Eighth Jiaxing Municipal People’s Congress on April 11, 2018

Hu Haifeng  Mayor of Jiaxing Municipal People’s Government

Esteemed Deputies,

On behalf of Jiaxing Municipal People’s Government, I will report to you on the work of the government and ask for your deliberation and approval. I also wish to have comments on my report from the members of Jiaxing Municipal Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and nonvoting delegates.

A review of our work in 2017

2017 is the first year of this administration. Driven by welcoming the opening of the 19th CPC National Congress and implementing the guidelines of the 19th CPC National Congress, we have fully implemented decisions made by the central government and CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee and Zhejiang Provincial People’s Government, endeavored to ensure the steady growth and make structural adjustments, strengthen innovations, protect environment, benefit the people and prevent risks, and have reached all targets and tasks set forth in the First Session of the Eighth Jiaxing Municipal People’s Congress.

——Economic development made new progress. Our total GDP reached 435.52 billion yuan, a growth of 7.8% year on year; per capita GDP reached USD 13,917; total fiscal revenue grew by 14.2%, ranking the first in growth speed in Zhejiang; that of the city itself (excluding the counties and county-level cites under its jurisdiction. Hereinafter referred to as the city itself) reached 18.2%; the general public budget revenue reached 44.38 billion yuan, a growth of 13.2%, ranking the fourth in total amount in Zhejiang; that of the city itself reached 14.31 billion yuan, a growth of 16.1%; the tax revenue accounted for 92.8% of the general public budget revenue, ranking the first in Zhejiang; the fixed assets investment reached over 300 billion yuan; total import & export and total retail sales of consumer goods rose by 19.4% and 10.3% respectively. Our economy tended to develop more steadily and much better than expected.

——Development vitality tended to be stronger. Popular entrepreneurship and innovation made obvious progress. The number of new market entities amounted to 93,000, including 22,000 new entities of enterprises. The number of new listed companies totaled nine, and that of listed companies totaled 53. The social research and experiment spending accounted for 3% of the GDP, ranking the second in the whole province. The numbers of additional invention patents with authorization certificates grew by 11.9%; Xiuzhou National High-Tech Zone ranked the first in all newly established national high-tech zones. Jiaxing Science City was honored as one of the national demonstration bases for popular entrepreneurship and innovation. New industries, new business types and new models emerged one after another; the output value of information-oriented manufacturing industry amounted to 117.8 billion yuan, an increase of 14.9%; online retail sales amounted to 145.4 billion yuan, an increase of 30.6%; the new driving forces emerged rapidly, which is deeply reshaping the production and way of life of the whole society.

——Jiaxing’s influence was expanded remarkably. We held the World Internet Conference Wuzhen·Summit successfully for the fourth consecutive year, won the National Culturally Advanced City for the third consecutive year and “Chang’an Cup”- the highest honor nationwide in comprehensive maintenance of public order, which further enhanced the honor and popularity of Jiaxing. We made more efforts in integration into Shanghai, successfully held the conference on building a demonstration zone of Zhejiang in full integration into Shanghai, signed 30 cooperation agreements in this respect, attracted 52 cooperation projects with an investment over 100 million yuan each and 319 top-end talents from Shanghai. Jiaxing became more important in the Yangtze River Delta region.

Just one week after the closing ceremony of the 19th CPC National Congress, Xi Jinping paid with reverence a visit to the Red Boat on the South Lake and the South Lake Revolutionary Memorial Hall together with newly elected members of the Standing Committee of the CPC Central Committee, and delivered an important speech. As the birthplace of the Communist Party of China and “Red Boat Spirit”, Jiaxing’s role and influence were further improved. All citizens of Jiaxing were inspired and encouraged by his speech.

—— Good changes happened to rural and urban areas of Jiaxing. As a national pilot region for making the overall planning of a city, Jiaxing has revised and amended Overall Planning for Jiaxing City based on the high standard. We accelerated the urban organic renewal, dismantled illegal buildings of 21.51 million square meters, improved and upgraded old residence communities of 748,000 square meters, started the construction of the South Lake Park and Zicheng Site Park, achieved steady progress in renovating Dongzha Street District, put the whole Third-Ring Road, Sanyuan Road etc. into operation, finished 102 pilot projects concerning the sponge city construction. 29 townssub-districtssucceeded in provincial examination and approval in environment improvement, and two towns (Wuzhen and Yaozhuang) ranked the first and second respectively in the whole province. We made overall progress in the beautiful countryside construction, and newly added 10, 50 and 15 demonstration towns, characteristic villages and Grade 3A scenic villages respectively.

—— People’s life tended to be better. The spending on people’s wellbeing rose by 11.3%, accounting for 80% of general public budget expenses. We further perfected the assistance system, implemented the policy aiding the poor family arising from heavy expenditures, and distributed 260 million yuan to those families, raised the lowest monthly salary standard to 1,800 yuan, and the minimum living standard to 796 yuan. The per capita disposable incomes of urban and rural residents amounted to 53,057 yuan and 31,436 yuan, both growing by 8.4%, and those of the city itself were 8.8% and 8.6% respectively. The urban and rural income gap proportion was 1.691, the narrowest in Zhejiang. The per capital disposable income in the rural areas has ranked the first in Zhejiang for 14 consecutive years.

Over the past year Jiaxing experienced overall, deep and extensive changes and made heart-stirring achievements in spite of extreme hardships,which has further strengthened our confidence and willpower in our striving for our targets. We believe Jiaxing’s future will be more brilliant and prosperous so long as we hold lofty ideal and firm confidence and work hard.

Last year we made progress in the following work:

I. Making efforts in supply and demand to accelerate economic structure adjustment

We endeavored to reform the supply-side structure, give full play to the key role of effective investment in real economy, cut overcapacity and excess inventory, deleverage, reduce costs, strengthen points of weakness, close down low-efficiency enterprises and support hi-tech ones, and improve 1,318 weak and low-efficiency enterprises and dispose 30 “zombie enterprises”. We implemented real estate control policies, regulated the real estate order, made the reducing excess housing inventory maintain in a reasonable scope, started to build the best financial district in the Yangtze River Delta, and checked and disposed enterprises’ risks in capital chain and guarantee chain. The debt-asset ratio of financial institutions decreased to 0.64%, the lowest in Zhejiang. We implemented a series of policies to reduce enterprises’ costs and and burdens, cut their 19.15 billion yuan of taxes and fees and continued to strengthen areas of weakness.

We vigorously strengthened the development of real economy, forcefully drove the projects “Replacing low value-added but high energy-consuming and high-pollution industries with high value-added but low energy-consuming and low-pollution industries, replacing workers with robots, replacing land with space, developing online shops for larger markets, fostering famous enterprises, brands and entrepreneurs” “adding four aspects but subtracting three aspects ” and “strong city in quality, standard and brand and in manufacturing”. We invested 108.62 billion yuan in industrial technological upgradingput 1,848 new robots into operation and created 23 new famous brands of Zhejiang. The balance of loans of the manufacturing industry was 7.67 billion yuan more than that of the previous year, and the increment ranked the first in the whole province. The value added of the enterprises above the designated size reached 172.73 billion yuan, ranking the third in the whole province, and those of hi-tech enterprises and emerging industries accounted for 47.1% and 36% of the whole, and both ranked the second in the whole province. The output value of construction industries reached 100 billion yuan. We issued the implementation suggestions on driving the development of military-civilian integrated industries. The provincial-level military-civilian integrated demonstration bases totaled three. We vigorously developed modern service industry such as modern logistics, sciences and technologies, information, financing, culture, tourism and health service. The total tourism revenues reached 100 billion for the first time. The number of the office buildings whose revenues each amounted to 100 million yuan totaled 16. The value added of the service industry was up to 191.13 billion yuan. We further deepened the agricultural supply-side structural reform, implemented the three-year action plan on agricultural upgrading, newly built 79,000 mu of grain production function zones (one mu is about 666.67 square meters) and 21,000 mu of production bases of green agricultural products. The value added of the primary industry reached 13.47 billion yuan.

We endeavored to expand effective investment, implemented the project “investing 100 billion yuan in major platforms construction and attracting 100 billion-yuan investment ”, started the project diverting water to Jiaxing from other regions and the construction of the northern line of the Qianjiang Highway ( Phase II ), expedited the construction of major infrastructure like draining water off Hangzhou-Jiaxing-Huzhou Plain to Hangzhou Bay, started major investment projects like Borgward Car, Hi-Tech Xiangfudang Cultural Creative Industrial Park, whose investment both reached 5 billion yuan. The fixed assets investment grew by 11.2%, and the investment in major infrastructure, major industries, hi-tech industries and environment protection increased by 38.9%, 21.8%, 23.6% and 61.8% year on year respectively. The private investment grew by 23.4%, the fastest in Zhejiang, and accounted for 66.4% of the total fixed assets investment.

II. Upholding innovation-driven development strategy, optimizing the atmosphere for innovations and entrepreneurship

We made joint efforts in innovation system reform, innovators’ development, agglomeration of innovation factors and cultivation of innovation cultures to build “Two Zones, One City and One Corridor”, issued favorable polices to award talents, and inspire sci-tech teams, started 16 key reform projects of the provincial all-around innovation and reform pilot areas, deepened the cooperation with universities and provincial departments concerned, established the Institute of Flexible Electronic Technology of Tsinghua, Zhejiang, and Zhejiang Institute for Future Technologies, attracted a number of digital economy-based strategic emerging industries like Internet+VR/AR, AI, future life, situational awareness and quantum communication, further propelled the construction of the new-type intelligent benchmark city and Jiaxing Big Data Center. Jiaxing Comprehensive Operation Center took initial shape. We endeavored to build Jiaxing into a sci-tech incubation city with strong influence in the Yangtze River Delta, newly built 31 incubating institutions, 27 provincial enterprises-based research institutes, 241 hi-tech enterprises, and 637 small and medium sci-tech enterprises. Photovoltaic Town in Xiuzhou, Overseas Returnees Town in Jiashan, Sunshine Sci-Tech Town in Haining were honored as provincial hi-tech characteristic towns. We signed the Strategic Cooperation Agreement on the Construction of Shanghai-Jiaxing-Hangzhou G60 Sci-Tech Innovation Corridor with Hangzhou and Songjiang District of Shanghai, implemented the project "Innovative Jiaxing Welcomes Elites" for the eighth consecutive year, held “Stars over South Lake·Elites Summit ” for the ninth consecutive year, established 73 academician workstations including three national exemplary academician workstations, and attracted 54 new members of Recruitment Program of Global Experts at the national level, making its number in Jiaxing up to 215.

III. Deepening overall reform, further strengthening development vitality

Driven by the reform “Things requiring the presence in person get done in one place and without the need for a second trip”, we made positive reform in various aspects, implemented the system “Accepting the application at one service window for combined services”, got “Online Integrated Administrative Examination, Approval and Supervision Platform for Investment Projects 2.0 ” online the earliest in the whole province and initiated the reform “combining various certificates into one” in the whole country so that 94.6% of business matters can be handled through the reform “Things requiring the presence in person get done in one place and without the need for a second trip”. We pushed ahead with the reform of differentiated allocation of resources and factors, started a new round of comprehensive performances appraisal of industrial enterprises and the application of appraisal results, implemented the reform “regional energy assessment, environmental impact assessment plus energy consumption, environment standard” in all districts, counties and county-level cities of Jiaxing; and made new achievements in finance, tax, and state-owned assets reform. The government industry fund of the whole Jiaxing totaled 9.3 billion yuan and the profits of stated-own enterprises grew 103% year on year. We further reformed the rural property ownership system, issued land ownership certificates to all land owners in 696 administrative villages, further improved the federations of farmers’ cooperative economic organizations at the municipal level and at the county and town levels, raised poor villages with annual recurring revenues less than 500,000 yuan to more than 500,000 yuan in advance, impelled 61 national and provincial pilot reforms in terms of national new-type urbanization, medical treatment-pension integration and national pollution discharge licensing system etc., won the honor of international sustainable development city of UN, finished the construction (Phase I) of building Jiashan into a pilot county for scientific development, and its new round of development and reform plans were approved by the State Council of the P.R.C.

IV. Opening up domestically and internationally, obviously accelerating the opening

Our integration into Shanghai was further accelerated in an overall way. The three-year action plan was issued for building Jiaxing into a demonstration region in Zhejinag for full integration into Shanghai. The construction of this demonstration region made crucial breakthroughs in different aspects. We made the planning for Shanghai-Jiaxing rail transit, dispatched 115 officials to Shanghai for temporary work for practice and improvement, attracted 18 innovation platforms from Shanghai, signed 154 sci-tech cooperation projects and issued the first trans-provincial innovation voucher in Shanghai. Such cooperation platforms made obvious progress as Pinghu Park of Zhangjiang Yangtze River Delta Hi-Tech City and Coordinating Area of China Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone (Jiashan). All provincial-level development zones of each county, district and county-level city of Jiaxing began to cooperate with Shanghai’s various innovation platforms. The costal development made new breakthroughs. Port-based Modern Equipment · Aerospace Industrial Park took initial shape. The container throughput of the Port of Jiaxing reached 1.44 million TEUs and the cargo throughput reached 88.29 million tons, ranking the second and third respectively in Zhejiang. We carried out the strategy of “attracting foreign investment” and “going abroad”, started the construction of the cluster area for foreign investment, attracted 40 projects with an investment of USD 100 million each from the world’s top 500 enterprises and global leading industries, actually used foreign investment up to USD three billion, attracted 64.5 billion yuan from Zhejiang’s enterprises, invested USD 1.27 billion in other countries, including USD 820 million in the countries along the “One Belt, One Road”, and made new progress in partner assistance, partner cooperation and “Cooperation between Undeveloped Mountainous Areas and Developed Coastal Areas".

V. Insisting on green and balanced development, greatly enhancing our ecological quality

Taking the opportunity of environment supervision made by the central government, we made more efforts in settling serious environment pollution problems, continuously prevented water, air and solid waste pollution, eliminated water worse than Grade V water quality, improved water quality of 1,341 small rivers, lakes or pools whose water quality is below Grade V. 97.3% of water was up to Grade IV water quality and 38.4% of water was up to Grade III. We strictly forbade fireworks, upgraded pollutants discharges of 13 thermoelectric enterprises, closed down 650 small coal-fired boilers, and newly generated 758 megawatts of photovoltaic electricity combined to the power grid, making the photovoltaic electricity capacity total 2,049 megawatts and account for one third of that of the whole province. The PM2.5 intensity in the urban areas fell by 4.5%. We issued the three-year action plan on treating household garbage, construction debris, industrial solid wastes, and agricultural and medical wastes, disposed the trashes according to their sorts, established seven disposal facilities for solid wastes, continued to build a green city of flowers, and constructed 36.6-kilometer new greenways. Our counties, districts and county-level cities were all built into provincial -level forest counties (districts and county-level cities).

VI. Holding the people-oriented idea, obviously improving people’s life quality

We implemented favorable employment and entrepreneurship policies, provided employment services, created 115,000 jobs. Another 230,000 and 80,000 persons attended endowment insurance and fundamental medical insurance respectively. We achieved the real-time settlement and trans-provincial settlement of medical fees, and vigorously developed education, deepened the curriculum reform of primary and secondary schools. The new college entrance examination system operated smoothly in Jiaxing. New progress was made in high-quality construction of “Healthy Jiaxing” and in building modern counties, districts and county-level cities in educational modernization. We took the lead in establishing a long-term nursing insurance system in Zhejiang, smoothly propelled medical talents and resources to flow to grassroots medical institutions to improve their service capability and efficiency, positively implemented tiered diagnosis and medical treatment systems, and accelerated Jiaxing’s medical integration into Shanghai. Our public hospitals established close cooperation relationships with Shanghai’s 32 Grade 3A hospitals, opened 150 expert clinics or clinics for special disease treatment, operated on 3,000 patients with serious diseases. The trips of the patients to those clinics totaled 56,000. Our people could receive Shanghai’s quality medical services in Jiaxing without going far to Shanghai. We implemented the follow-up action plan for building a national demonstration zone for public culture service systems, started the construction of Majiabang Culture Museum, finished the construction of Jiaxing Museum (Phase II), continued to hold Folk Dragon Boat Culture Festival, Jiaxing Citizen Culture Festival, Wuzhen Opera Festival, the Fifth Citizens Sports Meet, the First Sports Industry Exhibition,etc. Our athletes made the best achievements in the 13th National Games.

Social security and legal system made new progress. Our grassroots governance experience combining self-governance, rule of law, and rule of virtue was incorporated into the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. We established platforms for rural comprehensive management, market supervision, comprehensive law enforcement and service delivery, and intensified efforts in workplace safety and fire safety facilities. The numbers of workplace accidents and death tolls fell by 35.6% and 22.8% respectively. Measures were made to prevent and settle social contractions and disputes, strengthen comprehensive maintenance of public order, and crack down on illegal and criminal activities. Our counties, county-level cities and districts all won the honor as provincial-level secure counties, county-level cities and districts for the thirteenth consecutive year. We made more efforts in national defence and civil defence, supported the development of the army, cherished the people and gave preferential treatment to the families of armymen and martyrs, and made new progress in ethnic and religious affairs, archives, annals, foreign affairs, overseas Chinese affairs, Taiwan affairs, trade unions, the Communist Youth League, women’ s federation, associations for science and technology, literary federation, the disabled, charity, red cross etc., and finished ten major projects set up by the Jiaxing Municipal Congress in favor of people’s wellbeing, from which our people benefited a lot.

Fellow deputies, through hardships and risks and close cooperation, we made remarkable achievements in securing a decisive victory in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. Those achievements came from all people’s hard work and endeavors. Now, on behalf of Jiaxing Municipal People's Government, I would like to express our heartfelt thanks and respects to the people of the whole city, to the deputies of Jiaxing Municipal People's Congress, to the members of Jiaxing Municipal Committee of CPPCC, to democratic parties, to the federation of industry and commerce, to public figures without party affiliation, to people's organizations, to the People's Liberation Army and armed police forces stationed in Jiaxing, and to the overseas Chinese and international friends who have supported Jiaxing's development.

We all know that the road ahead is not always smooth. The unbalanced and insufficient development is still serious, which can not meet peoples’ rising demand for better life. The innovation-driven capability is not so strong; the upgrading of the traditional industries is somewhat slow; replacing old drivers of growth with new ones is still hard to achieve; we are still restrained by limited resources and environment carrying capacity; more work needs to be done to prevent water, air and waste pollution; the attraction of the central city needs to be further intensified; the urban functions and quality need to be perfected and enhanced; there are many weak points in people’s wellbeing. In addition, a few public officials are not strong in service sense. Corruptions occur from time to time. The government will attach importance to those problems and will make more forceful measures to settle them.


Main tasks of 2018


A new year means new hopes, and new starting points and indicates new brilliance. 2018 is the first year to implement the guidelines of the 19th National Congress of the CPC, the 40th anniversary of the reform and opening up, and a key year to secure the decisive victory in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and implement the 13th Five-Year Plan. As the birth place of the Communist Party of China and “Red Boat Spirit”, Jiaxing will regard it as the work theme at present and in the future to study and carry out the guidelines of the 19th National Congress of the CPC. We will make intensive efforts to carry forward the “Red Boat Spirit” in the new era, remain true to the original aspiration and keep our mission firmly in our mind to build a demonstration city in implementing Xi Jinping’s Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era.

The overall requirements for the government's work this year go as follows: we will hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, comprehensively implement the guidelines of the Nineteenth National Party Congress and the second and third plenary sessions of the Nineteenth CPC Central Committee, and implement the guidelines of this year’ National People’s Congress and CPPCC, adhere to the general work guideline of making progress while maintaining stability and new development ideas, work in accordance with the overall plan for promoting all-round economic, political, cultural, social, and ecological progress and the Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy, and “Eight Eight Strategies”, deepen economic, social and urban upgrading, work hard for deep reform and opening up, industrial transformation and upgrading, improvement of people’s wellbeing and environment and risks prevention, vigorously build a modern network garden city with international quality to lay a solid foundation for building a rich, democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious and beautiful socialistic modern strong city.

Taking all situations into consideration, we propose the following economic and social development targets of 2018: GDP grows approximately by 7.5% and that of the city itself grows by 7.5%; general public budget revenues grow by 8%, and those of the city itself grow over 8%; the per capita disposable incomes of urban and rural residents keep pace with economic growth; total factor productivity should be steadily raised; and the targets set by the provincial government for energy conservation and emissions reduction should be reached.

Focusing on high-quality development, we will make intensive efforts in the following work this year:

I. Continuing to deepen the supply-side structural reform

Focusing on good quality and high efficiency, we will upgrade quality, efficiency and driving forces, accelerate the replacement of old drivers of growth with new ones to further intensify the advantages of the economic development quality.

We will vigorously get rid of low-efficiency supplies, stress the output value of each mu of land and the role of innovation, comprehensively use differentiated factors allocation policies in energy, land, pollutants emissions and credit loans to force enterprises to achieve transformation and upgrading, and improve or close down 6,000 enterprises which are “weak, scattered and low-efficiency” or those without business licenses, legal offices, security measures, or environment protection measures, dispose over 20 “zombie enterprises ”, strictly control total energy consumption and social electricity consumption, force high energy consuming industries to live up to the energy consumption standard, strengthen the disposition of non-performing assets and defuse the risks in capital chain and guarantee chain and strictly crack down on illegal financial activities to ensure that the assets quality of financial institutions( banks) takes the lead in the whole province.

We will improve traditional drivers of growth, implement the Action Plan for Upgrading Six Traditional Industries, help traditional industries tend to be digitized, intelligentized, top-end and green by means of “Internet+” “Standardization+” “Robots+” and “Industrial design+”, implement 20 Clauses of “Phoenix Action” in support of enterprises’ joint-stock reform, listing, acquisition and reorganization, newly add 200 joint-stock enterprises and 11 listed enterprises, drive backbone enterprises to double their scales and profits, and foster a large number of enterprises into “singles champions” and “invisible champions” in a certain industry, carry forward craftsmanship spirit, improve the quality in all respects, accelerate the construction of the national test and check cluster area for hi-tech service industries, newly add 70 enterprises to be fostered into “Made in Zhejiang”, including 30 ones able to pass the authentication, endeavor to build Jiaxing into a “National Demonstration City Strong in Quality”, and take various measures to reduce the costs and burdens of real economy, especially the institutional transaction costs, to settle their difficulties and make them have more energies for rapid development.

We will strengthen new drivers of growth. New drivers of growth give birth to new economy, and new economy mirrors new future. Making the new economy play the key role is of crucial importance to transforming the development mode. We must grasp good opportunities to accelerate the development of the new economy. We will focus on the digital economy, speed up the construction of new-type intelligent benchmark city, propel the deep integration of the Internet, big data, AI and real economy, energetically foster new economic growth points in the cutting-edge technologies like flexible electronics, robots, drones etc., make the best of top-end military sci-tech innovation resources and results, vigorously establish the military-civilian integrated innovation system for their deep integration, build the characteristic town for military and civilian integration in the Yangtze River Delta, strengthen platform-based economy, shared economy, experience economy and innovative economy, drive the cluster area construction of the service industry like Nanhu Fund Town, Jiaxing Great Logistics Platform, vigorously develop all-for-one tourism driven by Red Tourism, make the value-added of the service sector grow by 8.5%, give play to the effective investment’s key roles in enhancing supply system quality, work hard for such projects as “One Hundred Projects for the Hundredth Anniversary” “ ‘Ten and Hundred’ Plan” , Governor Project, Mayor Project and County Head Project and ensure that private investment and the investment in infrastructure, Hi-Tech industries, environment protection and public facilities all grow by11%.

If the real economy keeps stable, the whole economy is secure. The real economy is the main field of the supply-side structural reform, and also the basis of our economic development, therefore we must focus attention on it, support it and make the enterprises engaged in economy more confident, hopeful and powerful.

II. Deepening the implementation of innovation-driven development strategy

Innovation is the first driving force of the development, and it is the strategic support of building modern economic systems. We will continue to place innovation at the paramount position to impel the all-round innovation with sci-tech innovation as the core and enhance the economic innovation competence and competitiveness.

We will make measures to motivate sci-tech innovation vigor. We will spare no effort to inspire people’s initiative, perfect incentive policies on innovation, change the innovation performances assessment mode, i.e., focusing on innovation results instead of innovation process, provide innovation teams or leading talents with more powers in innovation resources control and technical route decisions making; reform sci-tech management systems, improve the financial funds’ support way, input more financial funds into \major sci-tech projects, key sci-tech platforms and innovation-oriented enterprises, perfect sci-tech finance service systems, deepen the construction of “pan incubators”, implement the “doubling plan” of the incubators of sci-tech enterprises and “growing seeding project” of hi-tech enterprises, force a number of comprehensive incubation organizations to develop more professionally, increase the number of incubation organizations up to 100, the incubation area up to 8 million square meters, and newly build 200 hi-tech enterprises and 500 small and medium sci-tech enterprises.

We will make various innovation channels link to each other. With the integrated and collaborative innovation of “governments, industries, universities, institutes, financing, intermediaries and and application” as the core, we will vigorously commercialize and localize sci-tech results, speed up the construction of various innovation platforms, set up the construction funds for the industrial innovation service complex, perfect the tiered fostering mechanism, newly build four provincial-level industrial innovation service complexes, establish at least one provincial-level hi-tech industrial park in all districts, counties and county-level cities of Jiaxing, build high-quality enterprises-based research institutes, and at least one research and development agency in each industrial enterprise above the designated size and one technology research and development center in each industrial enterprise with an annual output value of 100 million yuan, enrich the connotations of the cooperation with universities and provincial departments, apply the mode of “one academy of sciences, one park, one fund and one policy” to further improve the integration of new-type innovation platforms like Yangtze Delta Region Institute of Tsinghua University, Zhejiang, Zhejiang Institute of Advanced Technology and Chinese Academy of Sciences and local economic development, coordinate the three-party plan making for Shanghai-Jiaxing-Hangzhou G60 Sci-Tech Innovation Corridor, expand the cross-regional pilot application of innovation vouchers, propel three parties to jointly issue sci-tech innovation policies, make joint law enforcement concerning intellectual property, and jointly hold special fairs to accelerate the establishment of the favorable open situations where innovation resources can be shared and allocated more efficiently.

We will endeavor to attract more talents. In order to build a most excellent city in favor of talents’ development, we will deepen the reform of talents’ development mechanism, implement “585” Project, further enhance the domestic and international influence of the brands like "Innovative Jiaxing Welcomes Elites" “Stars over South Lake·Elites Summit”, perfect such flexible talents attraction mechanisms as “Overseas Engineers” “Haina Incubator”, fully implement new policies regarding talents, attract at least 50 experts from “Recruitment Program of Global Experts” at the national level, “National Special Support Plan for Top-End Talents”, provide more backing for the cultivation of local talents, skilled talents and basic talents and make them play their own full roles in their jobs.

Development depends on innovation, and innovation depends on talents. We see talents as out first strategic resources, and will attract more talents at home and abroad to help Jiaxing rise and thrive.

III. Making reform and opening up at a higher level

We will further reform and opening up, deepen reform, propel the all-round reform to inject strong driving forces and vitality into our economic and social development. We will spare no effort to deepen the reform that “things requiring the presence in person get done in one place and without the need for a second trip”, implement the system “Accepting the application at one service window for integrated services” and “undifferentiated acceptance of application”. All matters concerning people’s wellbeing and enterprises’ application should be handled once. 80% of matters should be handled online and over 50% matters concerning people’s wellbeing should need only one licence. We will decrease the number of licenses for people’s convenience, apply face-scanning technologies in handling business matters, adjust and perfect public data and e-government affairs systems, speed up the data sharing and data exchange to break “isolated information islands”, reform the commitment system concerning enterprises’ investment projects, move forward with the “sampleplot” system, achieve the target that the representative of the enterprise should go to the administrative examination and approval center only once and can go through the whole examination and approval procedure within at most 100 days, enhance the tax registration facilitation level, launch the trial reform of “separating the business license from operating permits” and implement the system “integrating various licenses into one and issuing the business license and operating permits together”.

We will accelerate the reform in the key field, reform the fiscal and tax system, bring all revenue and expenditures under budgetary management, implement the performance management, innovate the guidance way of government’s industry funds, expand direct financing channels, inspire new-type financial market entities to make innovations like Zhejiang Nanhu Financial Assets Transaction Center, speed up the reform of state-owned assets management systems and the authorized management of the state-owned capital, push forward state-owned enterprises’ reconstruction, reform mixed ownership, propel the better and faster development of Jiaxing Bank, establish the fund guarantee mechanism for major infrastructure projects, deepen the application of the PPP mode, make a trial reform to change stock assets into PPP, positively establish the new-type honest and upright government-enterprise relations, improve the mechanism where entrepreneurs can participate in making policies that are connected with their enterprises, motivate and protect entrepreneurship, make entrepreneurs feel fair in market competition, secure in lawful operation and venerable in their life.

We will strive for a higher-level integration into Shanghai, regard our integration into Shanghai and the Yangtze River Delta region as the major platform of building the Greater Bay Area of Hangzhou Bay, Big Garden, Big Corridor and Metropolitan Area, make scientific planning, focus on key fields like transport, industrial development and public service to build Jiaxing into a provincial demonstration area for its full integration into Shanghai, work out the transport plan linking Shanghai and Jiaxing, draw up the three-year action plan, prepare a number of major projects in terms of railways, rail transits, highways and waterways, expedite the preparatory work for the construction of Shanghai-Zhapu-Hangzhou Railway, Shanghai-Jiaxing-Ningbo Railway, Nantong-Suzhou-Jiaxing Railway, support our regions next to Shanghai to make mechanism innovations, start their pilot programs to build industrial demonstration areas adjacent to Shanghai, jointly build schools and hospitals with Shanghai and enhance demonstration areas’ influence, bearing capacity and competitiveness.

We will endeavor to rapidly form our dominance in opening up. We will break the boundaries of various industrial platforms and their management systems, combine and improve a batch of top-end platforms for foreign investment attraction, introduce big and high-quality investment projects, and attract at least 30 projects from the world’s top 500 companies and global leading enterprises and the projects with a total investment up to USD 100 million each, consolidate our position as a strong city in trade, implement “three-year growth and cultivation plan of tiny and small enterprises engaged in foreign trade”, positively deal with the international trade frictions, maintain the market shares of main export markets, guide enterprises to participate in “One Belt, One Road ” initiative, develop emerging markets and new-type trade forms and modes like cross-border e-commerce, market purchase trade and build comprehensive service platforms for foreign trade to achieve sound development of import and export.

IV. Striving for urban-rural harmonious development

We will work hard for the balanced development to take the lead in urban and rural integrated development.

We will strive for high-quality new-type urbanization, form a general situation with definite main functions, distinctive characteristics and good resources-allocated mechanisms, establish a big data platform combining various rules and regulations, strictly implement the overall land application plan, protect environment, permanent fundamental farm lands and the urban development boundary, construct a large number of major projects influencing the development of the whole city, drive the construction of the connection line (north) of Hangzhou Bay Bridge, Hangzhou-Pinghu-Shanghai Waterway, plan and construct the Traffic Hub of Jiaxing High-Speed Railway Station, make preliminary preparation for the construction of Suzhou-Taizhou Expressway (within Jiaxing), push ahead with construction of “Ten Major Projects” like Jiaxing Airport for military and civilian uses, central city quality improvement, the environment improvement of lakeside areas of the South Lake, Zicheng Reception Hall, Jiaxing Government Affairs Service Center, and urban expressways, finish the pilot construction of sponge city and strive to pass national examination and approval, jointly start the pilot construction of small cities and characteristic towns, push ahead with small cities’ environment improvement, further strengthen a town’s roles in aggregating population, creating jobs and promoting urban-rural integrated development.

We will vigorously implement rural revitalization strategy, strengthen investigation and research, scientifically work out the rural revitalization plan, launch the pilot construction of ten towns, 100 villages and 1000 points in terms of rural revitalization, deepen the agricultural supply-side structural reform, propel agricultural high-quality and green development, build high-level cluster zones for agricultural industries and characteristic strong towns in agriculture, accelerate the establishment of modern agricultural industrial systems, production systems and operation systems, consolidate and perfect basic operation systems in the countryside, propel the comprehensive land improvement and the transfer of contractual right of land, develop the agriculture based on family farms, positively foster “maker of agriculture” “new-type farmers”, establish the alliance of agricultural innovative and leading talents, strengthen the link between farmers and modern agricultural development, expand agricultural collective economy, implement a new round of plans for strengthening villages, ensure the recurring income of over 80% of administrative villages reach one million yuan, carry out the three-year action to improve rural living environment, build seven administrative villages into provincial-level beautiful villages, newly build ten Grade 3A scenic villages, perfect rural governance, build culturally advanced villages, and foster good family traditions and excellent folk customs.

We will perfect the system and mechanism for urban and rural integration, work out an overall urban and rural layout, accelerate the construction of urban-rural unified factors markets concerning talents, land, sciences & technologies, and capital, guide and propel more factors to flow to agriculture and rural areas to realize the urban-rural common prosperity, explore the construction of the system of separating the ownership, qualification right and the right of use of homesteads, apply comprehensively the homesteads in different ways, deepen the reform of rural collective property rights, fully check rural collective assets, expand farmers’ channels to become a shareholder and increase farmer’s income from their property, deepen the reform of equally enjoying urban and rural public services, extend urban infrastructure to rural areas, build high-quality rural roads, upgrade 154-kilometer rural roads, accelerate the upgrading of the rural power grid, and improve the policies of farmers’ converting into citizens.

Agriculture is the foundation of all. On no account shall we despise farmers, ignore agriculture and look down upon rural areas. We shall spare no effort to develop agriculture to make agriculture a promising industry, farmer a competitive occupation and rural areas the beautiful home for living and working in peace and contentment.

V. Continuing to propel the construction of “Beautiful Jiaxing”

Holding the idea “Clean water and green mountains are gold mountains”, we will work hard to build Jiaxing into a model city where people and nature coexist harmoniously and treat polluted water and air and waste, implement the systems of “River Head” “Lake Head”, improve sewage disposal equipment, standardize the construction of water sources, link rivers and lakes, treat small polluted pools and the polluted seashore water, build the regions whose polluted water is all treated before being drained and make 40% of water up to Grade III water quality. We will vigorously improve air quality, treat the exhaust gas in major areas, prohibit lighting fireworks, use straws in a comprehensive way, ensure the days with excellent air quality reach 80% of the whole year. We will perfect the systems of dumping, collecting, transporting and disposing household garbage according to its sorts, and construct 23 projects for solid wastes disposal to ensure that our dangerous wastes can be treated by ourselves. We will work hard to treat soil pollution and prevent further soil pollution in a scientific way.

We will continue to propel the low-carbon city construction, advocate “low-carbon+industries” and “low-carbon+living consumption”, build a pilot low-carbon city, intensify energy consumption management, enhance energy utilization efficiency, upgrade 100 projects into green and low-carbon ones, build a number of green industrial parks and factories, vigorously develop photovoltaic, photo-thermal and nuclear-power related industries, strengthen clean energy industries, newly generate 200 megawatts of photovoltaic electricity combined to the power grid, make the nuclear power related industries reach 10 billion yuan, further expand the afforestation space in the plains, plan to construct a batch of beautiful economic and transport corridors and wetland parks, expedite the construction of one-thousand greenway network and build a national forest city.

We will make relevant systems, implement the plans for main function zones and environment function zones, manage the ecological environment according to their functions, improve the licensing systems for pollutants discharges, distribute pollutants discharges licenses to enterprises according to different industries, gradually supervise the whole process of fixed pollution sources, impel strict law enforcement for environment protection, vertically manage the authorities concerning environment protection, environment supervision and law enforcement, perfect the system concerning “black list”, credit assessment, compulsory information release, etc., crack down on the environment pollution, establish the report system on ecological status, and strictly conduct responsibility investigation.

 It is every citizen’s fundamental right to be able to drink clean water, inhale fresh air, enjoy blue sky, and hear purling streams. It is also our government’s persistent pursuit. We will never give up before we completely overcome pollution.

VI. Working hard to improve people’s wellbeing

We will spare no effort to focus on people’s concerns and address them one by one to enable people to enjoy a happier and healthier life.

We will raise employment and social security level, optimize employment and entrepreneurship services, create more jobs for college graduates, the disabled, rural migrant workers, those with difficulties in finding jobs and demobilized service personnel. We will improve social security, align various social insurance systems with each other, adjust their insurance benefits, establish unified social security service platforms and the “big assistance” system including government’s aid, social support and people’s mutual help, work hard to meet basic living needs of vulnerable people and groups, take targeted measures for poverty alleviation, and provide social security for all in need according to actual situations. We must be clear that houses are for living in, not for speculation, expedite the establishment of housing system characteristic of multiple types of suppliers, multiple channels for housing support, and encouragement for both renting and purchase, and start the construction of 16,000 houses in the rundown city areas and 10,000 affordable houses.

We will develop fair and quality education, reform preschool education systems, newly build 15 Grade II kindergartens or above and more public kindergartens, promote the urban-rural integrated development of compulsory education, encourage education group-based education, deepen the construction of school community, inspire quality education resources to flow to rural areas, improve rural education quality, choose the site as soon as possible for the construction of Jiaxing Social Comprehensive Experiment Base for Primary and Secondary Schools, construct the Experimental School Affiliated to Tsinghua University, relocate Jiaxing High School Affiliated to Beijing Normal University, encourage the characteristic development of high schools, strengthen the industrial-education integration and the cooperation between schools and local development, optimize modern vocational education systems, support the development of universities and colleges located in Jiaxing, non-government funded education, special education, adult education, and network education, and take effective measures to ensure the campus safety.

We will accelerate the construction of “Healthy Jiaxing”. Will insist on the coordinated development of “hospitals, medicines, doctors, medical treatment, medical insurance, traditional Chinese Medicine”, strengthen the cooperation with famous medical colleges, universities and top-end hospitals, foster famous doctors and hospitals, perfect the permanent mechanism of assigning medical talents and resources to grassroots medical institutes, improve service capability and efficiency, enhance the service quality of family doctors, perfect grassroots medical treatment service systems, implement the intelligent medical treatment plan to benefit the people, put in place population and health information platforms, enable to make patients pay their medical fees in the process of diagnosis and medical treatment and apply “cloud films” to facilitate patients’ medical treatment, expand the construction of Jiaxing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, construct Jiaxing Medical Treatment Emergency and Blood Management Center, launch the preliminary work on the relocation of Jiaxing Second Peoples’ Hospital, implement the permanent nursing insurance system, enhance the service quality of at-home elderly care, build elderly care agencies and at-home elderly care centers in all counties, districts and county-level cities, strengthen the supervision and management of foods and drugs, assure our people of using them safely, speed up the construction of Jiaxing Sports and Fitness Center and Central Sports Park, and propel the integration of people’s fitness and health. We will endeavor to ensure the smooth operation of the World Female Big Ball Championship.

Mental and physical health is important to all families. It is also the target of building a moderately prosperous society and an indispensable content of building a modern strong city. People’s yearning for beautiful life is our objective of struggle. We will intensify our efforts to make people proud of our “Healthy Jiaxing ”.

We will work hard to enrich people’s mental and cultural life. In the new era, we will vigorously carry forward the “Red Boat Spirit”, practice core socialist values, build Jiaxing into a high-level national culturally advanced city, deeply tap local red cultures and Grand Canal culture resources, create a batch of culture and art works to pay tribute to the 100th Anniversary of the Communist Party of China, continue the follow-up demonstration area construction of national public culture service systems, enhance the service efficiency of culture centers, branches of libraries and culture stations and build 120 new rural cultural auditoriums to make people enjoy more convenient and colorful cultural life.

We will jointly push forward the social governance, deepen the grassroots governance model combining self-governance, rule of law and rule of virtue, enhance the functions of “four platforms for grassroots governance”, build the social governance model with Jiaxing’s characteristics, achieve new progress in new residents affairs, perfect public legal service systems, implement the system of responsibility for popularizing legal knowledge, develop new approaches to handle public complaints and see that the justified demands of our people are addressed promptly in accordance with law. We will improve emergency systems, establish the management system of main risks and hidden dangers prevention list, improve disaster prevention and  mitigation capability and rescue capacity. We will strictly enforce the workplace safety responsibility and resolutely prevent the occurrence of serious and major accidents. We will push forward the Peaceful Jiaxing Initiative, launch a campaign to crack down on organized crimes and local mafias in accordance with law, punish illegal and criminal behaviors, and strive to build Jiaxing into China’s safest city. We will support the reform and development of people’s organizations such as trade unions, Communist youth league organizations, and women’s federations and sci-tech association, improve the work on ethnic groups, religions, overseas Chinese, Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan affairs. We will support the construction of armies stationed in Jiaxing, continue to make progress in national defense mobilization, national defense education, civil defense, national safety and build Jiaxing into a city characteristic of “mutual supports between civilians and arm forces” once more.

This year we will continue to follow the concept “proposed by the people, discussed by the members of Jiaxing Municipal Committee of CPPCC, determined by deputies of Jiaxing Municipal People’s Congress, and implemented by the government” to push forward ten projects concerning people’s wellbeing and address main issues the people are concerned about.

Improving government

The new era starts the new march, and the new march needs new achievements. We will improve our government, build our government into a digitized government, and modernize our governance systems to pay back people’s trust through hard work and remarkable achievements.

We must uphold the leadership by the Party, regard the Party’s leadership as the paramount political principle, willingly maintain political integrity, think in big-picture terms and uphold the leadership core. We should firmly uphold the authority of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, act on the Party’s basic theory, line, and policy and implement the decisions and arrangement by CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee and CPC Jiaxing Municipal Committee.

We will exercise governance in accordance with law, strictly observe the Constitution and law, enrich and perfect the system “Studying the Law”, enhance government employees’ awareness of respecting, studying, abiding by, and applying the law, ensure that all government activities are carried out in line with the rule of law, subject ourselves, as required by law, to oversight by people’s congress, to the democratic oversight of CPPCC committees, and to public oversight and oversight through public opinionsjudicial oversight and auditing-based oversight. We will improve our decisions, experts’ assessments, and hearing procedures to enhance our legal, democratic and scientific decisions, deepen all-around government transparency, make new progress in information release and policy integration, deepen the comprehensive law enforcement reforms, and apply the oversight model of random inspection and public release to cover all business activities. As required, we will implement government bodies reform.

We must be trust and ready to bear the weight of responsibility. We must cast away illusions, create practical and steadfast atmosphere, improve incentive and restraint mechanisms and mechanisms to allow for and address errors, give unequivocal backing to the doers, forbid those sitting around in a government post and getting nothing done and muddling through work. We will carry out the activity “study, investigate and put into practice”, take what the people think as our own, make investigations, and handle concrete affairs in a down-to-earth manner. “All achievements in the world are made through hard efforts. Otherwise, it is not Marxism.” We will intensify efforts to make new progress and achievements.

We must be clean, honest and self-disciplined. Never forget why you started, and you can accomplish your mission. We will conduct the theme education “remaining true to original aspiration and keeping our mission firmly in our mind”, ensure that CPC committees and governments are held accountable and that officials take responsibility for workplace safety in performing their duties, work scrupulously to ensure compliance with the Party Central Committee’s eight-point decisions on improving Party and government conduct and provincial and municipal 36-point decisions, take firm action to prevent formalism, bureaucratism, hedonism, and extravagance, crack down on illegal and criminal activities more strictly, and perfect the mechanism and systems that no one dare, can and has desires to commit acts of corruption to create a clean and honest political environment just as we protect our clean water and green mountains.

Esteemed deputies and comrades: The era is the one who works out a test paper; we are ones who answer the test paper and the people are those scoring the test paper. Currently, Jiaxing is in a key period of transformation, upgrading and innovation-driven development. In face of new targets and tasks, we feel our mission is honorable, and responsibility is heavy. Let us rally closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as General Secretary, forge ahead and work hard to build Jiaxing into a socialist modern city that is strong, democratic, culturally advanced and harmonious.