Report on the Work of the Jiaxing Municipal Government(2019)

Release date:2019-02-18 10:55

Delivered at the fourth Session of the Eighth Jiaxing Municipal People’s Congress on January 15, 2019

Mao Hongfang  Acting Mayor of Jiaxing Municipal People’s Government

Esteemed Deputies,

On behalf of Jiaxing Municipal People’s Government, I will report to you on the work of the government and ask for your deliberation and approval. I also wish to have comments on my report from the members of Jiaxing Municipal Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and nonvoting delegates.


A review of our work in 2018

In 2018 we followed the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era comprehensively implemented the guidelines of the Nineteenth National Congress of the CPC and the second and third plenary sessions of the Nineteenth CPC Central Committee, adhered to the general work guideline of making progress while maintaining stability and “Eight Eight Strategies”, publicized “Red Boat” Spirit, acted on the decisions of the CPC Jiaxing Municipal Committee, made progress in key issues such as Jiaxing’s link with Shanghai, the reform that things requiring presence in person get done in one place and without the need for a second trip, “three major breakthroughs” and comprehensive measures made for the high-quality development, and reached the main targets set at the third Session of the Eighth Jiaxing Municipal People’s Congress. 

This year, we made more efforts in integration into Shanghai, further expanding our development space. We endeavored to integrate ourselves into Shanghai-centered Yangtze River Delta region, made progress in building an exemplary area of Zhejiang’s link with Shanghai, implemented the Three-Year Action Plan for integrated development with Songjiang, Jinshan and Qingpu-Shanghai’s three adjacent districts with Jiaxing, made Shanghai-Jiaxing Rail Transit Plan, and started the preliminary work for Shanghai-Zhapu-Jiaxing Railway and Nantong-Suzhou-Jiaxing-Ningbo Railway. We successfully held “2018 Shanghai · Jiaxing Week”, signed strategic cooperation agreements on joint construction of Sci-Tech Innovation Corridor G60 with eight regions and cities like Songjiang and Hangzhou, started the construction of Jiaxing’s incubator headquarters in Shanghai and the construction of Jiashan-Suzhou Singapore Industrial Park, achieved new progress in constructing Pinghu Park of Zhangjiang Yangtze River Delta Sci-Tech City, attracted 195 industrial projects and 350 top-end talents from Shanghai, implemented the campaign “Shanghai-Jiaxing Joint Progress in People’s Livelihood” , introduced 27 and 57 cooperation projects respectively in education and medical treatment from Shanghai and made one-for-all cards for medical insurance and public transport applicable in both cities.

This year we strove to overcome huge difficulties, laying a solid development foundation. The gross domestic product (GDP) of the whole city is estimated to grow by 7.6%. The total government revenue and the revenue in the general public budgets grew by 16.4% and 16.8% respectively. We spared no effort to stabilize enterprises’ development, held the conference for the high-quality development of private economy, issued 70 suggestions in support of industrial and open economic development, established credit guarantee funds for small and micro businesses, launched activities in favor of enterprises, reduced their taxes and fees of 21.08 billion yuan. We made every measure to stabilize financing development, cracked down hard on crimes like illegal fund-raising, disposed the risks in honoring corporate bonds and liquidating shareholding pledges, and decreased the non-performing loan ratio to 0.48% - the lowest for the fifth consecutive year in Zhejiang. We endeavored to stabilize foreign trade development, took the initiative to respond to China-US economy and trade frictions, made full use of the First China International Important Expo and achieved 13% of estimated growths in both import and export. We tried our best to stabilize foreign investment attraction, built a high-quality provincial leading agglomeration area for foreign investment, attracted USD 3.14 billion paid-in foreign investment and 43 projects with each investment over USD 100 million.  

This year we focused attention on investment projects, strengthening our development potential. We implemented major projects “615”, the investment plan “100 Projects in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China”, Governor Project, Mayor Project and County Head Project, achieved an investment growth of 7.7%, 29.4%, 34% and 29% respectively in fixed assets, hi-tech industries, transport construction, environment improvement & public facilities and a growth of 20% in private investment, carried out the government-invested projects with strong driving forces, constructed the North Highway Linking Hangzhou Bay Bridge, upgraded Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal Channel (within Jiaxing), expedited the project of diverting drinking water to Jiaxing from Hangzhou, improved the lakeside environment of the South Lake Scenic Area and started to construct the urban reception room Zicheng Square. Such major projects have made progress as Jiaxing Airport for civil and military purposes and expressways in urban areas. We focused on the projects with strong driving forces, implemented “Five ‘A Batch of Projects’ ” in manufacturing industry, “One Hundred Projects with a Total Investment of 100 Billion Yuan” in service industry, the energy project from Jinko Solar, new material project from China Jushi Co., Ltd., electronic project from Galaxy Core Inc., and planned stand-by projects with important influences. The tank of key projects with a total investment of 625 billion yuan was established. 

This year we continued to deepen reform, stimulating the development vigor. We deepened the reform that things requiring presence in person get done in one place and without the need for a second trip, initiated the service “accepting the matter at issue without distinction”, carried out the reform “commitment system” “sample plot” and “agent system” for enterprises’ investment projects and the pilot reform “separating business licenses from certificates”, explored how to handle the issues on starting an enterprise within one day, integrated 62.5% of government services into one business certificate, reached the target of handling all government affairs online and ranked the first in the whole province in finishing within 100 days at most the preliminary administrative examination and approval of enterprises’ investment projects before their operation. We deepened the reform “Success or failure depends on the output value of each acre of lands”, reclaimed about 1,666.5 hectares of inefficiently-used lands, achieved a growth of 34% and 13% respectively in tax revenues and industrial values added per acre of lands. We reformed the authorized operation system for the state-owned capital, made progress in investigating and rectifying special problems of state-owned assets, strengthened over 70 national and provincial pilot reforms, passed the examination and approval of the construction of National Exemplary City Strong in Quality and the pilot construction of National Excellent Water Ecology City, and took the lead in comprehensively normalizing land uses and strengthening villages by means of “enclave economy” in the whole province.       

This year we focused on the transformation of economic development modes, enhancing economic development quality. We endeavored to propel the construction of “Two Zones, Once City and One Corridor”, further deepened the construction of the provincial reform experimental area, attracted 47,000 talents and 46 innovative platforms like International Technology Transfer Center of Zhejiang University and Emerging Industrial Research Institute of Shanghai University. The number of incubators totaled 113 and that of hi-tech enterprises 1,000. The R&D expenditures accounted for 2.7% of the GDP. We implemented the projects “Standardization+” “Robots+” and “Industrial Design+”, improved 24,000 “inefficient, scattered and disorderly” enterprises, built 14,000 new cloud businesses and issued 55 standards for “Zhejiang Made”. The values added of hi-tech enterprises, equipment manufacturing industries and strategic emerging industries respectively accounted for 52.4%, 29.7% and 39.7% of those of the industries above the designed size. We implemented Digital Economy Project No.1, successfully organized the World Internet Conference · Wuzhen Summit for the fifth consecutive year and operated the Urban Big Data Center and Comprehensive Operation and Management Center. The output value of the core industries of the digital economy reached 130 billion yuan. We energetically developed modern service industries like modern logistics, sci-tech, information, culture, tourism, financing, healthcare, etc. The retail sales online and total tourism revenues respectively grew by 25% and 19%. The TEUs handled by Jiaxing Port reached 1.72 million. We further deepened the construction of agricultural “Two Zones”, built two new modern agricultural zones and three new characteristic towns strong in agriculture, and started to use the regional public agricultural brands “Four Seasons of Jiaxing Agriculture”. The agricultural production standardization ratio reached 65%. 

This year we strengthened integrated development, optimizing development layout. We integrated various regulations into one, formulated a new round of overall development plan of Jiaxing, built the first urban big data model in China, started “Ten Actions” for central urban improvement and the project of improving Ring Road, Jianguo Road, Hexing Road, Zhongshan East Road and Qinjian Road, upgraded 18 old residential quarters, newly constructed 10.2-kilometer urban roads, finished the pilot construction of the sponge city, upgraded 48.13 million square meters of old residential quarters, old factories and urban villages, tore down 26.33 million square meters of illegal buildings, deepened the pilot construction of characteristic towns and small cities, fully implemented the town-based planner systems, passed the provincial examination and approval of the comprehensive environment improvement of over 70 towns and sub-districts, implemented rural revitalization strategy, newly constructed 635-kilometer beautiful rural roads and 48 beautiful characteristic villages, and upgraded 13 Grade-3A villages to Grade-3A scenic areas.

This year we intensified efforts in environment improvement, strengthening weak links of the development. We focused more attention on water quality improvement, and established 36 areas free of sewage discharge and 80 municipal-level “Beautiful Rivers and Lakes”. The Grade-III water accounted for 41% of all. We intensified the control over stench and exhaust in seven major regions, finished 161 treatment projects concerning volatile organic compounds. The days with excellent air accounted for 82.9% of the whole year. We strengthened the restoration of and risk control of polluted regions, newly constructed 10 solid wastes disposal facilities, sorted household garbage in 93% of urban and rural areas, implemented “Double Control Actions”, carried out the pilot sales & purchase and transaction of energy use rights, technologically transformed 112 projects into green and low-carbon ones, launched the construction of the national forest city, newly afforested 1,400 hectares of lands, and newly built 40-kilometer green roads. The Linggongtang Green Road was honored as one of the top ten green roads of Zhejiang.      

This year we tried our best to work for the people to make more people share development achievements. We gave priority to people’s livelihood and spent 79% of fiscal revenues on the improvement of people’s livelihood. Urban and rural residents’ per capita disposable incomes are estimated to increase 8.3% and 9% respectively and the rural residents’ per capita disposable income has ranked first for 15 straight years in Zhejiang. We offered more supports to business startsup loans and platforms construction, created 110,000 new jobs and established urban-rural integrated unemployment insurance systems. The insured of the long term care insurance totaled 3.96 million. We established the first “Click and Check” platform to check the information of the households eligible for social relief, and Five-Sphere Integrated social relief and guarantee systems, increased the minimum living standard to 810 yuan per month, completed ten major projects benefiting the people like the expansive construction of kindergartens and intelligent facilitation service cards, accelerated educational modernization, increased kindergarten seats by 8,300, established 24 new excellent compulsory education schools, launched the upgrading of Jiaxing University, implemented “Healthy Jiaxing Action Outline 2030”, propelled the construction of county-based medical communities, took the lead in sending medical staff and resources to grassroots units and improving medical service capability and medical satisfaction, and consolidated the achievements of constructing the exemplary area of the national public culture service systems. Such culture innovation projects have been spread to all over the country like “general library” & its branches, “culture center” & its branches and “An Appointment with Culture”, composed a series of artistic works in memory of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China such as History of Red Boat, hosted World Women’ s U23/U18 Boules Championship 2018, improved transport security, and drove the construction of food security city (counties) . The workplace safety accidents and death toll dropped by 30.6% and 20.7% respectively, strengthened comprehensive maintenance of public order, and cracked down hard on violent and gangdom crimes to keep social harmony and stability. We supported the development of the army, cherished the people and gave preferential treatment to the families, army men and martyrs and made new progress in the work on ethnic and religious affairs, archives, annals, foreign affairs, overseas Chinese affairs, trade unions, the Communist Youth League, women’ s federation, associations for science and technology, literary federation, the disabled, social science federation, charity, red cross etc.

This year we continued to strengthen our commitment to work to ensure development. We issued the action plan “Strengthening the plan and execution, and enhancing administration quality, efficiency and government credibility”, further improved our government in accordance with “faithful, down-to-earth, progressive, united and disinterested” requirements, carried out the government institution reform, and strengthened the learning of laws. We perfected government’s legal adviser systems, fulfilled responsibilities according to the constitution and law, willingly accepted the oversight of people's congresses and the democratic oversight of CPPCC Committees, handled 226 suggestions from the deputies of Jiaxing Municipal People’s Congress and 373 proposals from CPPCC Jiaxing Municipal Committee members, carried out the action “gaining access to public sentiment, publicizing Eight Eight Strategies and freeing minds”, visited 1.73 million households and settled 110,000 difficulties for them. We worked scrupulously to ensure compliance with the Party Central Committee’s eight-point decisions on improving Party and government conduct and 36 methods issued by Zhejiang and Jiaxing, seriously rectified the problems pointed out by the central inspection team, and conducted full investigations into and punished corruption and other forms of misconducts that undermined people’s interests and broke laws and disciplines.  

Fellow Deputiesthe achievements we have made have certainly not come easily. They are from the correct leadership of the CPC Jiaxing Municipal Committee, Jiaxing Municipal People’s Congress, CPPCC Jiaxing Municipal Committee, and from people’ joint efforts. On behalf of Jiaxing Municipal People's Government, I would like to express our heartfelt thanks and respects to the people of the whole city, to the deputies of Jiaxing Municipal People's Congress, to CPPCC Jiaxing Municipal Committee members, to senior retirees, to democratic parties, to the federation of industry and commerce, to public figures without party affiliation, to people's organizations, to the People's Liberation Army and armed police forces stationed in Jiaxing, and to the overseas Chinese and international friends who have supported Jiaxing's development.

We also realize there are many conflicts and problems in our economic and social development such as low economic development quality and efficiency, high proportion of traditional industries and energy-intensive industries, slow development of modern service industries, weak innovation-driven development competence, weak urban primacy of the central city, weak urban capability and functions, small urban scale, increasing restrictions from limited resources, arduous tasks in environment protection and improvement, many weak points in people’s livelihood, a distance between people’s expectation and supplies of good public services like education, healthcare, transport and elderly care, many weak points in social governance, many risky points influencing social harmony and stability, weak competence and responsibility, weak service and competition senses of some government officials, and recurrent misconducts and corruptions in some sectors. We must attach importance to those problems and make more forceful measures to settle them.

Main tasks of 2019

2019 marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China and is a crucial year for securing a decisive victory in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. Despite of difficulties and hardships before us, we should know well that the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta has been upgraded to a national strategy, and Jiaxing has become the core of this national strategy. Jiaxing’s political position and popularity are sharply rising with the publicity of “Red Boat” Spirit and approaching of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. Jiaxing now is becoming a pool for Internet talents, funds, technologies and information for the World Internet Conference has permanently settled in Wuzhen Jiaxing. So long as we understand well General Secretary Xi Jinping’s scientific thought on the important period of strategic opportunities, seize and apply good opportunities in great economic adjustment and changes at home and abroad, take rapid actions and make steady and efficient measures, we must gain advantages, initiatives and future, and compose a new chapter for Jiaxing’s high-quality development.  

The overall requirements for the government's work this year go as follows: We will hold high the great banner of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, comprehensively implement the guidelines of the CPC Nineteenth National Congress and the second and third plenary sessions of the Nineteenth CPC Central Committee, and implement the guidelines of economic work conferences of the CPC Central Committee, Zhejiang Provincial Committee and Jiaxing Municipal Committee, adhere to the general work guideline of making progress while maintaining stability and to the target of the high-quality development, press ahead with supply-side structural reform, deepen “Eight Eight Strategies”, start a new round of reform and opening up, grasp the opportunity that the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta has been upgraded to a national strategy, improve urban quality and environment quality, enhance industrial efficiency and people’s livelihood, take coordinated steps to ensure steady growth, advance reform, make structural adjustments, enhance living standards and guard against risks to maintain economic sustainable and sound development and social stability to greet with marvelous achievements the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.

Taking all situations into consideration, we propose the following economic and social development targets of 2019: GDP grows more than 7%, and we strive for higher-quality development, and better benefits and results. General public budgets grow by 9%. The growth of per capita disposable incomes of urban and rural residents keep pace with economic growth. Total factor productivity increases steadily. The targets set by the provincial government for energy conservation and emissions reduction should be reached.

In our work we will focus on “three musts”

First, we must attach importance to the first strategy. We must regard our integration into the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta as our first strategy, strengthen the crisis awareness that “Missing an opportunity means missing an era”, gather our energy, resources and policies to shift our central work to the overall integration into the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta to press ahead with Jiaxing’s high-quality development through more enormous integrated development achievements.

Second, we must have a clear work orientation. We must focus on high quality, strong competitiveness and modernization, focus our efforts in driving high-quality economic development on the prosperous development of the real economy, put the key point in cultivating the core competitiveness of the real economy on the sci-tech innovation, boost the modernization of economic systems, people’s life and governance systems and governance competence to jointly create and share high-quality development and life. 

Third, we must give play to our own advantages. We must take our own situations into consideration, further integrate and strengthen our advantages in location, opening up, cultures and innovation, build new platforms, explore new development space, cultivate new driving forces and form new models to build Jiaxing into a transport hub in the core area of the Yangtze River Delta, a shining pearl in the north of the Hangzhou Bay, a culturally and internationally famous city, a city of rivers, lakes and seas, and a new city with strong innovative vitality.    

This year we will focus our attention on the high-quality development and make progress in the work on the following aspects.

I. We will build a higher-level urban platform  

To improve Jiaxing’s urban platform level is the top priority for the high-quality development. We will build Jiaxing into a business city, garden city, forest city, healthy city and smart city with “Red Boat” Spirit, international style, Grand Canal cultures and clear rivers and lakes to improve its international level and strengthen its modern quality. 

We will construct a new modern high-speed rail station-centered city. In accordance with the international style and integration into Shanghai, we will make united planning of 50-square-kilometer areas around Jiaxing South Railway Station to design and construct a new high-speed rail station-centered city, start the extensive and expansive construction of the Jiaxing South Railway Station to link Shanghai-Zhapu-Hangzhou Railway, Nantong-Suzhou-Jiaxing-Ningbo Railway, Jiaxing-Huzhou Railway and Hangzhou-Shaoxing-Taizhou Railway and shorten the travel from Jiaxing to the important cities of the Yangtze River Delta to 30 minutes if we travel by high-speed train or to one hour by common train. We will attract international top urban investors and operators to design and develop these areas, build a number of top-end office buildings, hotels and business centers, gather business agencies engaged in financing, consulting, convention & exhibition and procurement, and regional headquarters for international companies and attract international communities, schools and hospitals to build these areas into a modern and international CBD. 

We will construct quality-oriented central urban areas. We will take an urban organic renewal road characteristic of focusing on people’s livelihood, integrating culture and tourism, enhancing urban functions and beautifying environment, accelerate “Top Ten Actions”, construct six characteristic parks and 16 pocket parks, upgrade 97 old residential quarters and 118 outdated alleys, eliminate dead-end roads, fix toilets for families without domestic toilets, upgrade tube-shaped apartments and urban villages, construct top ten landmark projects, speed up the construction of urban expressways, civil center and culture & art center, improve the lakeside region of the South Lake to build “New South Lake Area”, upgrade  Jiaxing Railway Station Square and Xuangong Lane, construct the urban reception room Zicheng Square, basically complete the construction of Zicheng Site Culture Square, upgrade historical streets Yuehe, Luxihui, Shanqingzha and Wensheng Monastery, build Luxihui Street rich in strong Grand Canal cultures and strive to make the central urban areas different every year and tremendously different within three years, and the city memorable, charming, vigorous and culturally connotative.   

We will normalize management systems. We will punish those occupying the road to do business, violating traffic regulations and setting advertising boards at random, improve dirty, disorderly and unsightly markets, rectify old, shabby and unfinished buildings, start a new round of five-year action plan against traffic jams, upgrade public signs and establish a multilingual public sign system, improve the functions of the Urban Big Data Center and Comprehensive Operation Administration Center, integrate intelligent factors into more residential quarters, traffic management and urban governance, improve urban comprehensive law enforcement mechanisms and strengthen grassroots grid-based construction to further enhance urban cooperative management.    

We will construct a three-dimensional transport network. Backed up by the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, we will drive the integrated planning, design, construction and operation of the transport infrastructure in the whole Yangtze River Delta, accelerate the construction of the future-oriented three-dimensional transport network, scientifically make plans for urban rail-transit networks, propel the construction of Hangzhou-Haining Railway, prepare the preliminary construction of Shanghai-Pinghu Railway, strive to start the preparatory project of Shanghai-Jiaxing Rail Transit, perfect the expressway network, expedite the construction of the north highway linking Qianjiang Expressway and Suzhou-Taizhou Expressway, complete the construction of the north highway linking Hangzhou Bay Bridge (Phase II), press ahead with the construction of Jiaxing Airport, deepen the cooperation with Shanghai Airport Group, plan to build a multimodal transport center, intensify the deep cooperation between Jiaxing Port and Shanghai Port and Ningbo-Zhoushan Port, accelerate the construction of Hangzhou-Pinghu Channel, Huzhou-Jiaxing-Shanghai Channel and the container transport channel in the north area of Zhejiang and endeavor to build Jiaxing into a leading area in river-sea joint transport.  

II. We will build a high -level sci-tech innovation center

Sci-tech innovation is the first engine to drive the high-quality development. We will perfect a Seven-Sphere Integrated business startups and innovation environment for the cooperation of enterprises, governments, institutes, universities, financing institutions, intermediary agencies and the application of sci-tech achievements, and strengthen the roles of hi-tech enterprises, high technologies and top-end platforms to make sci-tech innovation the gene of Jiaxing’s high-quality development.

We will give play to the role of the Sci-Tech Innovation Corridor G60 as a bridge. We will advance the construction and development of the Sci-Tech Innovation Corridor G60 (within Jiaxing), perfect the spatial layout of the innovation platforms “led by a core and supported by various industrial parks”, support Xiuzhou National Hi-Tech Zone to develop on the basis of “One Zone with Several Industrial Parks”, Jiaxing Science City to serve as a model in the cooperation between research institutes and local economy, Jiashan Sci-Tech New City to serve as an industrial innovation incubator for linking Shanghai, the Pinghu Park of Yangtze River Delta Hi-Tech City to attract excellent sci-tech innovation resources, Haiyan Nuclear Power-Related Hi-Tech Zone to develop nuclear power equipment manufacturing industry and hi-tech nuclear power service industry, Haining Juanhu Sci-Tech City to build an international innovation cooperation center in the support of International Campus Zhejiang University, and Wuzhen Big Data Hi-Tech Zone to accelerate the construction of the big data industrial base to form an agglomeration belt for hi-tech industries and an exemplary belt for industrial joint innovation.

We will give play to the leading role of the Yangtze Delta Region Institute of Tsinghua University, Zhejiang, support it strengthen its headquarters and its integration into local development, expedite the development of such platforms as Flexible Electronics Institute and Zhejiang Future Technologies Institute, establish Innovation Institute for Military and Civil Integration, set up the Roadshow Center for Innovation and Business Startsup Projects of the Yangtze River Delta and plan to construct South Lake Lab to make the Yangtze Delta Region Institute of Tsinghua University famous for its aerospace, integrated circuits and military and civil integration industries. We will support Zhejiang Institute of Advanced Technology of Chinese Academy of Sciences to construct industrial parks for Internet of Things, testing, marine equipment, speed up the cultivation of leading incubating enterprises famous for their good commercialization of sci-tech achievements, and deepen the cooperation with institutes of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation in joint construction of “Urban Lab for Digital China”.

We will give play to enterprises’ roles. We will encourage more enterprises to participate in technological innovation, enlarge R&D investment, accelerate the commercialization of sci-tech achievements by making preferential policies, mechanism innovations and creating favorable environment, fully implement the preferential tax policies to support hi-tech enterprises, strengthen the innovation in sci-tech financing, press ahead with the commercialization of 200 authorized invention patents and improve the protection and transaction mechanism of intellectual property. The technological transaction amount will reach 2.5 billion yuan. We will implement a new round of “doubling plan” for sic-tech enterprises, push forward the development of various industrial innovation service platforms in accordance with their own characteristics, newly increase 200 hi-tech enterprises and 500 provincial small and medium sci-tech enterprises, make each 100-million-yuan industrial enterprise have at least one R&D center, and encourage more sci-tech enterprises go public.

We will give full play to talents’ roles. We will research and formulate more efficient policies in favor of talents and sciences and technologies, further implement the plan "Innovative Jiaxing Welcomes Elites", expand the influence of the elites summit “Stars over South Lake”, and Red Boat Cup Innovation and Business Startups Contest, spare no effort in flexible attraction of talents and transnational cultivation of talents, accelerate the construction of the workstations for academicians of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering, of postdoctoral workstations and of the workstations for foreign experts, attract at least 4,000 top-end talents at home and abroad, positively cultivate high-skilled talents and strive to increase municipal-level workshops for these high-skilled talents up to 100.

III. We will establish high-quality industrial systems

Modern industrial systems are important supports for the high-quality development. We will attach equal importance to the advanced manufacturing industry and modern service industry to take the lead in industrial development.

We will carry out the action for improving regionally characteristic economy and the three-year action for quality improvement, accelerate the quality and efficiency improvement of traditional industries, increase enterprises “Zhejiang Made” by 30, implement intelligent upgrading project “Ten · Hundred · Thousand · Ten Thousand”, increase the industrial robots in service to 14,000, build 65% of backbone enterprises into digit-controlled ones, deepen “Internet+” action, and encourage 1,000 enterprises to use industrial Internet platforms and increase cloud-based intelligent enterprises to 26,000. We will build a national service-oriented and manufacturing-based exemplary city to formulate and implement the action plan for the high-quality development of the service industry to ensure the value added of the producer service industry accounts for more than 55% of the whole service industry.   

We will close down more low-efficiency enterprises and support hi-tech ones, move more scattered enterprises to industrial parks etc, improve 5,000 dirty, scattered and disorderly enterprises (mills), shut down 6,000 outdated production facilities, reclaim 1,333.3 hectares of lands used inefficiently, build 20 new industrial parks for small and micro enterprises, encourage 2,000 small and micro enterprises to move to industrial parks, further optimize and improve platforms, close down 30% of industrial parks and build 21 major platforms each with a development area up to 666.66 hectares.

We will make full use of China International Import Expo, construct Zhejiang High-Quality Foreign Investment Agglomeration Area, make each county (county-level city and district) have at least one industrial park based on a foreign country, attract paid-in foreign investment of USD 3 billion, hold investment attraction contests to ensure each county, county-level city, district, Jiaxing Economic and Technological Development Zone and Jiaxing Port Area succeeds in attracting at least one major industrial project each with a total investment of ten billion yuan.

We will energetically implement “Phoenix Action” and “Gazelle Plan”, cultivate headquarter enterprises, listed enterprises, hi-tech enterprises, enterprises with famous brands, enterprises with growth potentials and flagship enterprises, upgrade one third of enterprises above the designated size to share-holding ones, cultivate 30 “Gazelle Enterprises” and endeavor to increase listed enterprises by seven and 10-billion-yuan enterprises by two.

We will focus our attention on emerging and future-oriented industries engaged in integrated circuits, aerospace, AI and health, positively push forward the industrialization of digits and digitization of industries, the construction of Wuzhen Comprehensive Pilot Zone for National Internet Innovation Development, speed up the layout of 5G network infrastructure and relevant industries, expand the scale of industries of flexible electronics, intelligent driving and unmanned aerial vehicles, strive to invest 15 billion yuan in digital economy, achieve a growth of 15% of the value added of core industries, strengthen military and civil integration, and introduce and cultivate 20 projects in this respect.  

IV. We will improve the quality of opening up

To open up to the rest of the world is a must for the high-quality development. We will open up both internally and externally and win the development initiative through the initiative in opening up. We will perfect the regulations for opening up in the process of integration into Shanghai, boost the exemplary area construction of Zhejiang’s link with Shanghai and further make clear our targets, tasks, key work, policies, measures and operation mechanisms in link with Shanghai and integration into the Yangtze River Delta. In accordance with the requirements “No difference in market regulations and people’s accessing government business services, and creating a better environment for industrial supporting conditions, government service efficiency and life environment”, we will boost our integration into Shanghai in every aspect, accelerate our link with and integration into Shanghai to produce one-city effect, positively duplicate the system innovation achievements such as free trade zone systems, and strive to make an early trial in investment access, goods trade facilitation and opening up more service sectors.  

We will open up wider in the process of our participation in “One Belt, One Road ” Initiative, positively develop emerging business models like cross-border e-commerce, comprehensive service platforms for foreign trade and public overseas warehouses, cultivate 100 exemplary enterprises famous for their export brands, form foreign trade’s new advantages with technologies, brands, quality and service as the core competitiveness, establish service liaison points for overseas investment and trade, support enterprises to participate in international production capability cooperation, overseas technology merger and acquisition, expand international marketing network and strive to invest USD 1.2 billion in foreign countries.

We will enrich the connotations of the opening up in strengthening regional cooperation. We will take more proactive steps to participate in the cooperation with the cities of the Yangtze Ricer Delta, make efforts in “Four Major Construction” of Zhejiang, energetically take part in the construction of Hangzhou Metropolitan Area and Economic Cooperation Zone of East Zhejiang, expand Jiaxing’s synergistic effect in regional integration, make progress in overcoming poverty in east and west regions of China, offering assistance through paring programs, and in “Cooperation between Undeveloped Mountainous Areas and Developed Coastal Areas" and spread the “enclave” industrial parks model to fulfill the tasks of  industrial cooperation, labor service, talent supports etc. to obtain more achievements in supporting Xinjiang, Tibet, Qinghai and Sichuan.

V. We will create a high-efficiency business environment

To optimize business environment is an important basis for the high-quality development. We will start the construction of favorable business environment, build Jiaxing into one of the best cities for good business environment. We will deepen the reform that things requiring presence in person get done in one place and without the need for a second tripperfect the work mechanism “accepting the matter at issue without distinction”, establish the government service system combing offline and online service centers and self-service terminals, drive the reform by giving a limited time, establish the online administrative examination and approval and oversight platform 3.0 for investment projects, deepen the reform “handling the issues on starting an enterprise within one day”, fully implement the system “separating business certificates from licenses”, ensure the preliminary administrative examination and approval of general investment projects before their operation is completed within 90 days at most, accelerate the establishment of digitized governments, widely apply  face-scanning technologies and mobile phones etc. to provide government services and ensure one integrated business certificate covers 70% of government services on people’s livelihood, and 60% of government affairs are handled online.    

We will implement the policies of supporting and benefiting enterprises, make new costs and burdens reduction measures, reduce enterprises’ burden of 20 billion yuan, set up platforms for financing information and credit sharing, perfect the reward mechanism for reducing enterprises’ costs in financing guarantee and the compensation mechanism for reducing enterprises’ loan risks, provide 10-billion-yuan loans for small and micro enterprises, implement the “white list” system to support enterprises, implement the “list” system like the list of enterprises needing to issue bonds, the list of difficulties to be settled in shareholding pledge and the list of enterprises with operation difficulties, and offer more supports to the implementation of “issuing one policy for one enterprise”.

We will boost market vitality. We will implement the “negative list” system in terms of market access and fair competition investigation, resolutely eliminate the barriers against private economy, deepen the reform “Success or failure depends on the output value of each acre of lands”, start to fully evaluate the economic benefits produced by each acre of lands used by the service enterprises above the designated size, development zones (industrial parks) and characteristic towns and strive to achieve a growth of 7% respectively in tax revenues and industrial values added of each acre of lands. We will deepen the reform of state-owned enterprises, propel their optimization and mixed ownership-oriented reform, give play to the function and role of municipal-level state-owned capital investment operation companies, and strengthen the construction of social credit systems to perfect the new supervision mechanism with credit as the core.   

VI. We will construct a high -level exemplary rural area

Rural revitalization is an important task for the high-quality development. We will learn by heart General Secretary  Xi Jinping’s earnest expectations of Jiaxing to build an “exemplary area in the whole province even the whole country for balanced urban and rural development” , and strive to construct Jiaxing into an exemplary base for rural revitalization.

We will construct a vigorous countryside, introduce sciences, technologies and capitals to rural areas, encourage youths and sages to go back to the countryside to make contributions to the rural development, deepen the pilot reform of rural collective ownership systems, propel the reform of separating the ownership rights, qualification rights and use rights of contracted rural lands and homestead, transfer resources into assets and farmers into shareholders in a rapid way, deepen the comprehensive improvement of the land of the whole city, optimize rural land layout, improve at least 13,333 hectares of lands, continue to implement the “Plan for Strengthening Administrative Villages” and endeavor to realize the goals that the recurring revenue of each administrative village reaches 1 million yuan every year. 

We will make the countryside more promising. We will deepen the agricultural supply-side structural reform, increase the supply of superior and green agricultural products, develop “Internet+” agriculture, sightseeing and entertainment-oriented agriculture, strive to build the countryside into pioneering areas characteristic of integrated development of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries, construct top-end modern agricultural parks and characteristic towns, build at least one agricultural economic development zone in each county (county-level city, district), strictly implement the grain production responsibility system to ensure the stable production of grains, speed up the development of agriculture sciences and technologies, cultivate and strengthen local enterprises engaged in seed industry, implement agricultural “Three Famous Projects”, and expand the popularity and influence of the regional public agricultural brand “Four Seasons of Jiaxing Agriculture ”

We will make rural areas more charming. We will continue to construct the countryside with beautiful environment, excellent family traditions, beautiful life and promising development, create a tidy, orderly and beautiful rural living environment, invite famous planners to design beautiful towns and villages, upgrade small towns just as we do to urban outdated alleys, protect historically cultural villages, carry out the organic renewal of villages, construct one exemplary county, seven exemplary towns and 40 excellent villages famous for their beautiful rural environment and 16 Grade-Three A scenic villages, strive to construct a national forest city, and a number of agricultural complexes, agricultural parks, wetland parks, 375-kilometer beautiful traffic corridors and 30-kilometer ecologically friendly green roads and increase green lands by 1333 hectares.

VII. We will construct a high-standard ecological environment.

Ecological environment is a week point for the high-quality development of Jiaxing. We will put into practice the concept “Clear water and green mountains are gold mountains”, endeavor to settle the problems pointed out by the central environment inspection team, resolutely win a victory in environment protection and positively establish a national exemplary city for ecologically friendly environment.  

We will make more efforts to prevent air pollution. We will build exemplary areas with clean and clear air, improve the regions polluted by the stench and exhaust, upgrade ten major industries that are engaged in petrochemicals, printing and dyeing and steel and emit volatile organic compounds, control diesel-powered trucks, cooking fumes and flying dusts of construction sites, actively respond to the air pollution in the Yangtze River Delta, make the days with excellent air account for 82.9% of the whole year, implement the energy conservation access system, exercise strict control over the total amount of the energy consumed, the energy consumption per unit of the GDP and the total amount of the coal consumed.

We will endeavor to improve water quality. We will perfect “river leader” and “lake leader” systems to prevent rivers and lakes pollution, accelerate the construction of such projects as integrated treatment of sewage, ecological rehabilitation and linking river systems, build 60% of industrial agglomeration zones into “zero sewage discharge” areas, make 45% of rivers and lakes controlled by Jiaxing up to the Grade III water standard, divert drinking water to Jiaxing from Hangzhou in a more rapid way, strengthen the protection of drinking water sources and make the water quality of 75% of county-level centralized drinking water sources up to the standards.

We will endeavor to protect soil, prevent soil pollution, implement the soil assessment system for new investment projects and the “list system” for major industries and enterprises polluting soils, investigate soil pollution cases, perfect the network for monitoring soil environment, rehabilitate major polluted lands, make the emission of heavy metal pollutants 10% lesser than that of 2013, and keep 92% of polluted lands in safe use.

We will intensify efforts in disposal of wastes. We will endeavor to dispose industrial solid wastes and household trashes, expose serious pollution cases, investigate and punish those responsible for these cases, perfect the supervision of solid wastes, apply widely “Information Monitor System for General Industrial Wastes”, ensure the normalized management of dangerous wastes reaches 90%, advance the construction of 20 major projects such as the disposal of household trashes and medical wastes and the incineration of household wastes, and achieve the target “Solid wastes are disposed inside each county (county-level city, district) and dangerous wastes are disposed inside Jiaxing.”         

VIII. We will build a high-quality city with brilliant cultures.

To improve cultural soft power is important connotations for the high-quality development. We will give full play to our advantages in brilliant cultures to build a culturally advanced city.

We will strengthen our revolutionary culture brand, energetically publicize “Red Boat” Spirit, improve the functions of South Lake Revolutionary Memorial, make progress in running Zhejiang Red Boat Executive Leadership Academy, plan to build World Party Exchange Center and the Jiaxing Education Base of National Party School League to build Jiaxing into a Red Boat Spirit research center, encourage artistic creation based on revolutionary spirit, compose a number of red artistic works with characteristics of the age, implement the three-year action plan to build Jiaxing into a leading city for its red tourism, develop a number of red tourism brands and design the tourist routes themed by Red Boat Spirit: initiative, struggle and devotion.    

We will make good use of our historical and cultural connotations. Based on profound and abundant traditions and cultures, we will build Jiaxing into a national historical and cultural city with unique charm, construct Majiabang Archaeological Site Park on the basis of prehistory history, propel the construction of the Grand Canal Culture Belt, support Wuzhen, Xitang and other ancient towns to jointly apply to be listed in the Immateriality Culture Bequest of the World, and build Zhongshan Road into a central cultural avenue as an urban central axis linking such historical sites as Pingshan Park, Zicheng Square and Haogu Tower. We will construct and repair a number of memorial halls and former residences of some local celebrities.

We will construct modern culture systems, fully implement citizens’ quality improvement projects led by socialist core values, strive to build the whole Jiaxing into a national culturally advanced city, vigorously publicize scientist spirit, craftsmanship, entrepreneurship and Jiaxing’s humanistic spirit in the new era, deeply implement the projects culturally beneficial to the people, perfect the service systems for the general library& its branches and the culture center & its branches, enrich the connotations of “An Appointment with Culture” and “Literary Jiaxing”, expand the influence of Folk Dragon Boat Culture Festival, Haining Tide Festival and Wuzhen Opera Festival, reach the target that each administrative village has a culture hall, enhance the functions of public culture facilities, establish Innovation Research Center for the Exemplary Area of National Public Culture Service Systems, accelerate the construction of Jiaxing Museum (Phase II) and Jiaxing Library (Phase II) and vigorously develop movie and TV industries, creative industry, design, audio and video media etc. to realize the goal that the values added of cultural industries grow by 11%.

IX. We will improve people’s livelihood service.

To make the people share development achievements is the fundamental objective of the high-quality development. We will put more resources into people’s livelihood projects to make the development more visible and happiness more tangible.

We will help those in need, implement the income growth plan for low-income farmers, ensure the income of low-income farmers grows by 15% by our offering projects-based assistance, perfect “big aid” systems, give full play to the role of the “Click and Check” platform to check the information of the households in need of social relief, take the initiative to “find out low-income families and offer them accurate assistance”, offer subsidies to enterprises that refuse to lay off employees even in face of difficulties to construct harmonious relations between employers and employees and make all counties (county-level cities and districts) build themselves into ones free of back pay.       

We will try to increase residents’ incomes, create 66,000 new jobs for college graduates, ex-servicemen, the disabled, the unemployed, etc., expand social insurance coverage, ensure 90% and 98% of the population participate in basic pension plans and basic medical insurance plans respectively, provide adequate housing, expand the rebuilding of rundown urban areasconstruct 15,000 new low-cost housing units, combine medical and care services for the elderly, perfect long term care insurance systems, improve and upgrade the facilities of the elderly care agencies and at-home elderly care centers to enhance the elderly care service quality.

We will intensify efforts to improve quality, implement a new round of three-year action plan in support of superior and balanced development of preschool education, deepen the construction of urban and rural compulsory education communities, propel the categorized and characteristic development of high schools, boost industrial and educational integration, vigorously upgrade Jiaxing University, deepen the joint reform of medical treatment, medical insurance and medicines, fully drive the construction of county-based medical communities, propel the national pilot construction of social psychological service systems, the provincial pilot construction of residents’ e-health card systems, the relocation of Jiaxing Second Peoples’ Hospital and the expansive construction of Jiaxing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, finish the construction of Jiaxing Sports and Fitness Center and hold the 9th Jiaxing Sports Game to attract more citizens to go out to experience modern life style, organize National Vocational Skill Contest for the Disabled, complete the construction of Jiaxing Rehabilitation Center for the Disabled, implement the action Intelligence Benefiting People, develop intelligent integrated APP for basic necessities of life and construct a number of unmanned supermarkets and smart parking lots to integrate intelligence into people’s daily life. We will support the reform and development of mass organizations and intensify the efforts in the work on women, children, charity, the elder and the disabled.  

We will focus our work on security, boost the cooperation among communities, social organizations and professional social workers, and the integration of self governance, law-based governance and morality-based governance, improve the operation mechanism of “Four Platforms for Grassroots Governance”, positively spread the models for smart and secure blocks and residential quarters and smart police to build “Safe Jiaxing” at a higher level, implement the responsibility system for handling people's complaints expressed in letters or visits, intensify efforts in mediating conflicts and disputes, fully implement the seventh five-year plan for increasing public knowledge of the law, deepen the action “Safe Consumption in Jiaxing”, positively build a national exemplary city for food security, strictly implement the responsibility system for workplace safety, strengthen emergency management, resolutely prevent the occurrence of serious and major accidentsmake efforts to manage financial risksmarket orders and hidden risks, maintain law and order, crack down hard on violent and gangdom crimes to keep social harmony and stability, support the army development and national defence construction, cherish the people and give preferential treatment to the families and army men and martyrs and continue to make progress in national defense mobilization, civil defense, national safety, ex-servicemen service and management, etc.

We will strengthen the all-around improvement of government

Esteemed deputieswe will become deeply conscious of the need to maintain political integrity, think in big-picture terms, follow the leadership core, keep in alignment and strengthen confidence in the path, theory, system, and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics. We must resolutely uphold the core position of General Secretary Xi Jinping, resolutely uphold the authority of the Party Central Committee and its centralized, unified leadershipstrengthen efforts to turn General Secretary Xi Jinping’s expectation of Jiaxing into tremendous powers, forge ahead and resolutely shoulder the political responsibility of “making the birthplace of the Party more beautiful”.  

Let freeing minds be a normal. The key, solutions and driving forces of the high-quality development lie in freeing our minds. With international and futuristic views, we will further free minds, overcome the limitation of cognition, path-dependence and barriers of mechanisms to think about and plan Jiaxing’s development, settle the conflicts and problems appearing in the development process through reform and innovation, and propel the tremendous development through freeing minds. 

Let striving to be the first and excellent become a habit. We will motivate our work and innovation enthusiasm, positively strive for enormous progress through our efforts and struggles. We will waste no time in serving the people heart and soul, dare to compete with the strong, create a strongly competitive atmosphere in all aspects and bravely march forward to make new explorations at the new starting point.    

Let serving and benefiting the people be our happiness. We will keep reminding ourselves of our commitment to our original aspiration and have our mission always in mind, drive the action “serving enterprises, the masses and grassroots units”, race against time to make progress expected by the people, cut down more office expenses and spend them on the people’s livelihood and enterprises and reduce 5% of expenditures on general office business this year. We will continue to follow the concept “proposed by the people, discussed by CPPCC Jiaxing Municipal Committee members, determined by deputies of Jiaxing Municipal People’s Congress, and implemented by the government” to enormously improve people’s livelihood to make more people benefit from development achievements.

Let law-based governance become our abidance. We will integrate the idea of law-based governance into all aspects and points of government work, explore how to establish open decisions making mechanisms, improve such systems as information disclosure, hearing, decisions-making consultation and experts’ participation, invite entrepreneurs to take part in making policies related to enterprises, propel all levels of governments to exercise law-based, open and credit-based governance, strengthen the credibility of the government, willingly accept the oversight of people's congresses, the democratic oversight of CPPCC Committee, supervision commissions and judicial oversight, strengthen internal oversight of the government and auditing-based oversight and take the initiative to accept public oversight and oversight through public opinions.

Let honesty become our consciousness. We will put the requirements for full and rigorous governance over the Party into the whole work process of the government, implement the system that officials take responsibility for workplace safety in performing their duties, positively develop a new relationship between the government and business, adhere to the bottom line concerning the relationship between the government and business, support enterprises’ developmentprotect their legal right and benefits. We will strictly put into practice the CPC Central Committee's eight-point decisions on improving Party and government conduct, and make persistent efforts to fight formalism, bureaucratism, hedonism and extravagance, safeguard government integrity, tighten political discipline and rules, strengthen accountability and crack down hard on various corruptions to foster a healthy political atmosphere of integrity within the government.

Esteemed deputies, Jiaxing has stood on the new starting point of high-quality development. Opportunity will not wait for us. The development blueprint is inspiring. Let us rally closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as General Secretary, hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristicsseize the national strategic opportunity of the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta to greet the 70th anniversary of the founding of new China with enormous high-quality development achievements under the leadership of the CPC Jiaxing Municipal Committee.