Report on the Work of the Jiaxing Municipal Government(2021)

Release date:2021-04-01 16:59

Report on the Work of the Government

Delivered at the Sixth Session of the Eighth Jiaxing Municipal People’s Congress on February 5, 2021

Mao Hongfang, Mayor of Jiaxing


Fellow deputies,

On behalf of Jiaxing Municipal People’s Government, I will report to you on the work of the government and ask for your deliberation and approval. I also wish to have comments on my report from the members of Jiaxing Municipal Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and nonvoting delegates.


A review of the work of 2020 and achievements made in during the “13th Five-Year Plan”


In 2020, Jiaxing Municipal People’s Government followed the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully implemented the guiding principles of the Party’s 19th National Congress and the second, third, fourth and fifth plenary sessions of its 19th Central Committee and the “Double Eight Strategies” under the leadership of the CPC Jiaxing Municipal Committee, strove to build an “important window” fully demonstrating the superiority of the socialism with Chinese characteristics of the New Era and build Jiaxing into this window’s most wonderful section with the construction of “Five-Color Jiaxing” as main contents. We worked hard on the fight against the novel coronavirus while stabilizing economic and social development, stepped up efforts to ensure the stability on “Six Fronts” and maintained security in “six areas”. We fully implemented the “Prime Strategy” that Jiaxing actively participates in the integrated the development of the Yangtze River Delta, and made uplifting achievements in face of unprecedented challenges. The gross domestic product (GDP) of Jiaxing grew by 3.5%, ranking the third in Zhejiang; general fiscal revenues reached 100 billion yuan, ranking the third in Zhejiang, and those of each county (county-level city and district) all exceeded 10 billion yuan; budgetary revenues totaled 59.88 billion yuan and became one of the top 20 cities in this respect in the whole country. Jiaxing achieved a remarkable increase in attraction, influence and reputation.

  In 2020, we pooled our efforts together, forged ahead and achieved great progress in pandemic control and economic and social development. We made Grade-I emergency responses against the pandemic timely, worked shoulder to shoulder with all people, and was the first in Zhejiang to set service points for “ taking temperature and making registration” at the entrances and exits to expressways, railway stations and bus stations. Over 9,200 heads responsible for residential buildings, villages and rural communities participated in the fight against the coronavirus. We provided anti-coronavirus supplies timely such as face masks and protection suits, dispatched five batches of 104 medical workers to help Hubei Province, took “accurate and intelligent” measures, applied big data to manage and protect vulnerable persons, and controlled and protected the “north gate of Zhejiang” with such measures as “one epidemic situation map, one health QR code and one index”. Jiaxing was praised by the steering group of the State Council for its achievements in managing overseas persons’ entrance to Zhejiang. We took the lead in facilitating resumption of work, assembling preferential tax policies, and issuing such preferential policies as “31 Policies for Stabilizing Economic Development” and “21 Policies for Benefiting Enterprises”, took the lead in fully implementing the policies that newly added financial funds were directly distributed to the people working at the primary level, micro and small-sized enterprises and self-employed individuals. We held the first domestic Online Recruitment Festival, chartered buses, trains and planes to collect 225,000 employees to return to Jiaxing’s enterprises, established the mechanism of “tax administrators, enterprise instructors and financial attendants”, and took the lead in Zhejiang in full production resumption of service enterprises and the industries above the designated size.

In 2020, we marched forward while keeping steady and obtained great progress in economic development. In the first quarter our economy fellin the second it began to risein the first half year it achieved a positive growth; and in the third quarter it grew rapidly, and made noticeable progress the whole year. We pushed ahead with such major projects as “100 Projects for the Celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China” and started the construction of 508 new projects each with the investment of 100 million yuan. The investment in the projects initiated and supervised by provincial, municipal and county heads and in major projects both stood in the front rank in Zhejiang, and the investment in fixed assets grew by 3%. We provided targeted services for foreign trade enterprises, organized them to participate in 260 provincial-level major exhibitions, attracted and fostered 11 leading enterprises offering comprehensive services to foreign trade, and achieved a growth of 7.9% in export. We organized a cloud-based purchase festival “Quality Products of Jiaxing” and distributed 410-million-yuan consumption coupons, and consumer markets recovered steadily. We improved 5,834 “low-efficiency, scattered and chaotic” enterprises (workshops), reclaimed approximately 1,600 hectares of land not used efficiently, and started the construction of 12 top-end industrial parks. The value added of strategic emerging industries, equipment manufacturing, hi-tech manufacturing, and manufacturing for fashion and culture industries grew by 14.2%, 22.6%, 47.2%, 19.3% and 57.1% respectively, all ranking the first in the whole province.

In 2020we stepped up efforts to implement the “Prime Strategy”. We made progress in building Jiaxing into a high-quality city, a traffic hub, an innovation center and a city opening up to the outside world and participating in the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta. We started the project “South Lake-Centered Improvement of the Nine-River Landscape”, put into operation Zicheng Heritage Park and South West Lake “Air Corridor”, accelerated the reconstruction and upgrading of Jiaxing Railway Station and completed the international tender for the design of Jiaxingnan Railway Station-centered City. We eliminated beheaded rivers, fixed toilets for the households without domestic toilets and upgraded tube-shaped apartments and urban villages ahead of time. We improved 140 old residential communities, started the construction of Luli Future Community, made breakthroughs in appraising the feasibility research of constructing Nantong-Suzhou-Jiaxing-Ningbo Railway and Jiaxing Airport for civil and military purposes, started to construct the second phase of Suzhou-Taizhou Expressway and began to lay the railway track for the first phase of Jiaxing Tramcar. The second ring elevated road took initial shape. We implemented the “Plan to Take Roots in Jiaxing” of the Yangtze Delta Region Institute of Tsinghua University, Zhejiang, constructed such top-end platforms as Nanhu Research Institute and attracted the domestic first innovation base from “Innovation China”. We attracted the most provincial-level overseas engineers in Zhejiang. We ranked the largest number of provincial-level plans and proposals on attracting eminent figures and the second largest number of provincial-level leading teams, and built a number of academicians-led top-end sci-tech research teams. We spared no efforts to construct Jiashan Zone of the Ecologically Friendly and Green Integrated Development Demonstration Zone of the Yangtze River Delta, and issued relevant implementation proposals and over 20 favorable policies. “One City-One Valley-Three Zones” structure of the Jiashan Zone took shape and the main economic indicators of this zone took the lead in the whole Demonstration Zone.    

In 2020, we achieved rapid progress in urban and rural integrated development. Comprehensive assessments in rural revitalization ranked the second in Zhejiang, and our seven counties, county-level cities and districts were all on the list of “Top 100 Best Counties in Urban-Rural Balanced Development of China”. We drew up Implementation Plan for Jiaxing-Huzhou Zone for National-level Urban-Rural Integrated Development Experimental Zone, for which Xiuzhou District arranged 43 billion yuan for 45 urban-rural integrated development projects. Xiushui New Zone was listed as one of the major construction platforms for the Jiaxing-Huzhou Zone. We stepped up efforts to beautify rural areas and implemented 190 projects for the construction of beautiful rural areas and upgraded eight beautiful towns to provincial-level excellent models. “Guangchen Style” came into being in agricultural economic development zone construction, and the crop acreage and grain output both continued to rank the first in Zhejiang. 

In 2020, we kept the pace with the times and improved our business environment. Jiaxing was put on the list of national top ten prefecture-level credible cities by the Development and Reform Commission. We bolstered 205 provincial and national-level pilot reforms, carried out 52 “One-issue” reform projects benefiting people and enterprises, built in Zhejiang the first “Future Service Hall” fixed with no reception desk and founded Jiaxing Railway and Rail Track Investment Group Co., Ltd., Jiaxing State-owned Capital Investment and Operation Co., Ltd. and Jiaixng Yangtze River Delta Innovation Investment Group Co., Ltd. Ten companies showed their potential to go public such as Yangtze River Delta Urban Construction Group, Shanghai Jiaxing Group, China Jiaxing Resources (Holdings) Co., Ltd. through their cooperation with Shanghai Chengjian Group, Shanghai Construction Group and China Resources (Holdings) Co., Ltd. 11 more companies went public, including the only company of Jiaxing on SSE STAR MARKET. We attracted 17 projects each with a total investment of 10 billion yuan, and 59 projects each with a total investment of USD 100 million, ranking the first in Zhejiang. The foreign investment of actual use totaled USD 2.65 billion, growing by 14.4% year on year and ranking the second in Zhejiang in total amount for the second consecutive year. Jiaxing was approved to construct a national-level cross-border e-commerce pilot zone. The export amount of online retails grew by 74.4%.

In 2020our efforts in improving ecological environment made remarkable achievements. We were honored as the excellent city in constructing Beautiful Zhejiang and won the honor “Dayu Ding” for water pollution prevention. We stepped efforts to check, expose and settle 51,000 problems concerning environment pollution, and passed the second round of environment inspection made by the central government. We intensified efforts to build residential communities and enterprises into the ones without straight emission of sewage and Jiaxing into “a city with no waste” , constructed 204.8-kilometer new sewage pipes and put into operation the expanded Drainage Project of Hangzhou-Jiaxing-Huzhou Plain. The surface water quality all reached Class III or above in state controlled sections of the rivers and lakes in Jiaxing, and the water quality of all drinking water resources reached the standard. The average concentration of PM2.5 fell to 28 micrograms per cubic meter. The days with excellent air made up 91.7 % of the whole year, and Jiaxing became the first prefecture-level city incinerating all rubbish, having no landfill and achieving zero growth of rubbish in Zhejiang. We continued to build a national-level ecologically friendly city, built 50 more hectares of green lands and upgraded nine more rivers and lakes to provincial-level beautiful ones. Haiyan was built into a national ecologically friendly demonstration county.

In 2020, we made joint efforts to achieve high-level well-off targets in all respects. We used 78.2% of financial resources to improve people’s livelihood. The per capita income of urban and rural areas grew by 3.5% and 6.4% respectively, completed ten projects improving people’s livelihood such as exempting drivers’ road tolls on the loop line of the high-speed road in Xiuzhou District and Nanhu District, charging tourists no money for their trips to the South Lake Scenic Area, renovating old-aged households with aging difficulties for the convenience of the elderly, and strengthening weak points in achieving high-level well-off targets in all respects. The per capita income of low-income farmers increased by 12.3%, removed risks for or renovated 411 urban and 386 rural dilapidated or dangerous buildings. All poverty-stricken counties we were required to provide aids for were lifted out of poverty. The enrollment system reform for compulsory education was carried out smoothly. An academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering was appointed as president of Jiaxing University, the first in the development of this university. Nanhu College of Jiaxing University was upgraded to independent Jiaxing Nanhu University. We attracted Yangtze River Delta Graduate School of Beijing Institute of Technology to Jiaxing, and founded Yangtze River Delta International Graduate School of Zhejang University. All counties and county-level cities under Jiaxing established their own medical communities. Our intelligent “Medical treatment, old-age support and nursing” service modes became a national model. Jiaxing Rehabilitation Center for the Disabled was put into operation. We started to implement the action of renaissance of Jiaxing’s cultural. The performance of the opera “Red Boat” achieved a great success. The second phase of Jiaxing Library went into service. 85 “sportsmen” communities were built. We further carried out the special campaign against gang crimes. 94.8% of conflicts were settled through mediation by conflict mediation centers of each county, county-level city and district. 2,447 residential communities were built into intelligent and secure communities in the whole city. Our digitized workplace safety practice was listed as a provincial-level pilot project. We overcame the severest floods in history during the rainy season when plums matured.

In 2020, we marched forward and intensified efforts to improve ourselves. We carried forward the team culture themed by “practice, competition, perseverance and success”, advanced the action “strengthening the plan and execution and enhancing administration quality, efficiency and government credibility”, further established the government organs that are loyal, practical, clean and learning, research and service-oriented and an operating mechanism for the team striving to be the first. Our two work modes were identified as the best practices in the whole province. Officials’ work style and efficiency were remarkably improved, and more officials volunteered to work overtime. We strove to build the governments based on the rule of law, determined three programs for making regulations and local bylaws, handled 224 and 311 proposals raised by the deputies of Jiaxing Municipal People’s Congress and the members of the CPPCC Jiaxing Municipal Committee respectively, executed the tasks of building Jiaxing into a city with no corruption, fought formalism and bureaucratism, and investigated and punished those violating laws and disciplines.

Fellow deputies, the achievements of 2020 are an epitome of the development of the “13th Five-Year Plan”. In retrospect, we obtained remarkable progress in spite of difficulties and problems.

During the past five years, Jiaxing grew more powerful. The GDP and total output value of the industries above the designated size amounted to 550 billion yuan and 1,000 billion yuan respectively; the import and export volume amounted to 300 billion yuan; total fiscal revenues and budgetary revenues grew by 6.1% and 5.9% annually; the listed companies totaled 66. The balances of loans and deposits of financial institutions both amounted to 1,000 billion yuan, and Jiaxing became the ninth prefecture-level city with the balances of loans and deposits both totaling 1,000 billion yuan in China.

During the past five years, Jiaxing’s ranking was increasingly high. Our urbanization rate rose annually by 1.6 percentage points; international and modern features tended to be more obvious, and Jiaxing got more closely connected with Shanghai, Hangzhou, Suzhou and Ningbo. Jiaxing achieved an obvious increase in urban quality and the primacy ratio of its central areas. Its counties, county-level cities and districts all established their top-end urban platforms. A large number of infrastructure projects were put into service such as the Northern Expressway (Phase II) linking the Hangzhou Bay Bridge. Jiaxing became the departure station for high-speed trains to four termini such as Beijing. The cargo throughput of Jiaxing Port reached 100 million tons and Jiaxing Port became one of the global top 100 ports in container throughput. Jiaxing is becoming an international city suitable for living, travelling and starting up businesses.

During the past five years, Jiaxing’s industrial foundation was increasingly solid. Our progress was praised by the State Council in industrial upgrading and popular entrepreneurship and innovation. The labor productivity of traditional industries increased by 37%. The value added of strategic emerging industries, equipment manufacturing, hi-tech industries and core industries of the digital economy respectively accounted for 45.2%, 38%, 64.8% and 19.5% of those of the industries above the designated size. The industrial application index and coverage rate of 5G base stations both ranked the first in Zhejiang. The value added of the service industry achieved an annual growth of 7.3%. Each county, county-level city and district had built at least one agricultural economic development zone.

During the past five years, Jiaxing’s sci-tech innovation was increasingly strong. The expenditure on R&D accounted for 3% of the GDP of Jiaxing. Jiaxing was listed as a provincial-level pilot zone for innovative reform in all respects. The structure of the G60 Sci-tech Innovation Valley (within Jiaxing) took initial shape. We established Global Sci-tech Innovation Road Show Center of the Yangtze River Delta, and set five “Committees of 100” for high-level experts, established eight provincial-level and national-level hi-tech zones. Hi-tech enterprises and small and medium-sized sci-tech enterprises respectively totaled 2,414 and 6,064. We attracted and trained 151 eminent figures including academicians, and 407 national-level experts.

During the past five years, Jiaxing’s urban and rural development got more balanced. The whole Jiaxing was approved as the national-level experimental zone for urban-rural integrated development. The urban and rural residents’ income proportion decreased to 1.61:1, and the per capita income of rural areas ranked the first in Zhejiang for the 17th consecutive year. The regular income of each village first reached one million yuan in Zhejiang. Jiaxing took the the lead in balanced and excellent development of compulsory education in each county and county-level city. Residents were able to enjoy medical and health care services within their 20 minutes’ walk. The campaign to sort out household garbage was carried out across urban and rural areas. Our practice to improve rural environment was identified as a provincial-level excellent model.

During the past five years, Jiaxing’s environment was increasingly beautiful. “Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets” found its way deeper into hearts of local people. The proportion of Class-III water of the rivers and lakes monitored by Jiaxing grew to 91.8% from 7.5%, and the average concentration of PM2.5 fell by 47.2%. We put into operation 46 projects for disposing solid wastes, could dispose 5.87 million more tones of solid wastes per year and afforested approximately 3,867-hectare more land.

During the past five years, Jiaxing’s business environment was increasingly excellent. Jiaxing was honored as one of the top 20 cities by CCTV in business environment and became a provincial cluster for high-quality foreign investment and a collaborative innovation zone of China (Zhejiang) Pilot Free Trade Zone. We made headway in “maximum one visit service procedure” reform and in building digitized governments. Our experience in 75 reforms was adopted across  the province. 245,000 more market entities were founded. The enterprises and the investment projects from global top 500 enterprises totaled 78 and 130 respectively.

During the past five years, people got increasingly happy and wealthy. The urban registered unemployment rate remained below 3.5%. Subsistence allowances for urban and rural residents were both raised to 10,320 yuan. We built 219 new schools of different levels. All counties, county-level cities and districts established their medical communities. Average life expectancy reached 82.5 years, ranking the second in the whole province. The operating modes of libraries and culture centers and their branches became good models across the country. Jiaxing was honored as National-level Culturally Advanced City and “Double-Support City” both for the fourth consecutive year, and won “Chang’an Cup” and provincial-level “One-Star Security Gold Tripod”.

 Fellow deputies, it is not easy for us to obtain such great achievements. We owned them to correct guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, to the solid foundation laid by previous CPC Jiaxing municipal committees and governments, to the strong leadership of the CPC Jiaxing Municipal Committee, to the strong support of Jiaxing Municipal People's Congress and the CPPCC Jiaxing Municipal Committee, and to the joint efforts and dedications of the people of the whole city. Now, on behalf of Jiaxing Municipal People's Government, I would like to express our heartfelt thanks to the people of the whole city and constructors, to the deputies of Jiaxing Municipal People's Congress, to the members of the CPPCC Jiaxing Municipal Committee, to the senior comrades having retired, to democratic parties, to the federations of industry and commerce, to people’s organizations, to the people from all walks of life, to the People's Liberation Army and armed police forces stationed in Jiaxing, and to the overseas Chinese and international friends who have supported Jiaxing's development.

Fellow deputies, the serious novel coronavirus is still spreading globally; the world situations are changing rapidly; uncertain elements beyond China still exist, and we are confronted with quite a few difficulties and problems in social and economic development: Jiaxing’s core competitiveness is not strong enough among the cities of the Yangtze River Delta; the way to upgrade traditional industries is not clear enough; sci-tech innovation competence is not so strong; there is much room to improve international quality; we lack effective strategies to transform cultural resources into soft power; there exists a distance between public service supplies and people’s expectation of high-quality life; the modern level in urban governance is not high enough; some officials’ thought and ability fail to meet modern requirements; and corruption occurs sometimes. We will pay more attention to those problems and earnestly settle them.    


Overall development strategies, targets and tasks of the “14th Five-Year Plan” go as follows:


Fellow deputies, the “14th Five-Year Plan” period is crucial for Jiaxing to embark on a new journey toward socialist modernization, and to make greater development after years’ accumulations and efforts. Before us there are three major historic opportunities: the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, further integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta and the establishment of a new development pattern. In accordance with “Recommendations of the CPC Jiaxing Municipal Committee for Formulating the 14th ‘Five-Year Plan’ for Economic and Social Development and Long-Range Objectives through the Year 2035”, Jiaxing Municipal People’s Government has drawn up the “Outline for the ‘14th Five-Year Plan’ for Economic and Social Development and Long-Range Objectives of Jiaxing through the Year 2035 (Draft)”and submit it to this session for deliberation. After it is approved, the government will implement it earnestly.

In the 14th “Five-Year Plan”, we must follow the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, implement the guiding principles of the Party’s 19th National Congress and the second through fifth plenary sessions of the 19th Party Central Committee in full, uphold Party leadership in all aspects, continue commitment to our people-centered development philosophy, follow the new vision of development and act on the general principle of pursuing progress while ensuring stability. We will regard  pursuing high-quality development as general aims, advancing supply-side structural reform as main tasks and harnessing reform and innovation as key sources of momentum in our endeavor to meet the fundamental goal of satisfying people’s ever-growing needs for a better life. We will implement “Double-Eight Strategies”, promote “Red Boat” spirit and Jiaxing’s humanistic spirit for the New Era, fully implement “seven requirements” made by the CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committeebuilding Jiaxing into a new growth pole for pushing forward the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, a green, low-carbon and recycling city, a developed region for “Internet Plus”, a demonstration zone for urban-rural integrated development, a city with optimal business environment, an advanced city for modern social governance and a developed region for the Party building. We will further implement the “Prime Strategy”: Jiaxing’ active participation in the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, promote Jiaxing’s greater development, strive to build “Five-Color Jiaxing” and build Jiaxing into the most wonderful section of the window fully demonstrating the superiority of the socialism with Chinese characteristics, and explore a modern development road for the whole province and country through Jiaxing’s modern development.


The main development targets of the “14th Five-Year Plan” go as follows:


The GDP will exceed 900 billion yuan, and we will strive to make it up to 1,000 billion yuan. The per capita GDP will reach 150,000 yuan, and make remarkable progress in economic and social development quality and efficiency, sci-tech innovation, reform and opening up, social civilization, green development, urban modern governance and people’s livelihood, build Jiaxing into a hub center city in the core of the Yangtze River Delta, an energetically innovative city and an internationally renowned city of clear rivers and lakes, a demonstration region with vigorous, open and high-quality development and a pioneering city of socialist modernization, and strive to take the lead in basically realizing socialist modernization.

In order to achieve those objectives, we will implement six development strategies below:

First, we will continue the “Prime Strategy”: Jiaxing’s active participation in the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta. We will build Jiaxing into a high-quality and strong bridgehead to link Shanghai and a “door” to actively undertake the spillover effect for Zhejiang. We will strive to build a city of international quality, strengthen cooperation and connection with Shanghai, Hangzhou, Suzhou and Ningbo, get integrated into the development of the urban agglomeration of the Yangtze River Delta and combine domestic and international excellent resources to establish a large number of major strategic platforms before the end of 2025 to improve Jiaxing’s international, modern and integrated levels in all aspects.

Second, we will implement innovation-driven development strategies. We will build G60 Sci-tech Valley (within Jiaxing) into a high-level innovation center, and Jiaxing into an innovation sub-center of Zhejiang, and attract global top-end innovation platforms and teams through the close cooperation with universities, research institutes, etc., and development of lakes-centered zones. We will strengthen the integration of innovation chains and industrial chains, and build a sci-tech innovation system where enterprises play a main role in investment. We will step up efforts to increase the expenditure on R&D to 3.75% of GDP and build an innovation center in the core of the Yangtze River Delta.    

Third, we will implement the development strategy driven by opening up. We will link domestic circulation and international circulation at a high standard, create a new development pattern and a market-oriented, law-based and international business environment and comprehensively utilize “two markets and two resources”. Total import and export volumes will reach 390 billion yuan and the actual use of foreign capital will be USD 3.5 billion by the end of of 2025. We will make a significant breakthrough in constructing a leading high-quality cluster zone for foreign capital, a collaborative innovation zone of China (Zhejiang) Pilot Free Trade Zone and a cross-border e-commerce comprehensive test zone.

Fourthwe will implement urban-rural integrated development strategies. We will build Jiaxing into a national urban-rural integrated pilot zone reaching the level of developed countries. With Xiuzhou as a pilot region, we will improve urban and rural development quality, provide equalized public services, accumulate the successful pilot experience in Xiuzhou and spread it to the whole city. By the end of 2025, we will build an excellent urban-rural integrated development system, and become a model for the whole province and even the whole country in urban-rural integrated development.

Fifth, we will implement digit-based development strategies. We will build Jiaxing into a high-quality “digital city”, empower modernization with digits, carry out digitized reform and play the advantages of the perpetual site of the World Internet Conference to digitize industries and industrialize digits systematically. Digital application will be extended to a large number of settings before 2025 and Jiaxing will be built into a leading digitized city in the world.

Sixth, we will implement the strategy of building Jiaxing into a strong manufacturing city. We will build the city into an advanced manufacturing base in the core of the Yangtze River Delta, upgrade traditional industries, foster and strengthen emerging industries and improve producer services to improve industrial foundations and modernize industrial chains. We will build a number of world-level advanced manufacturing industrial clusters and upgrade 12 major  industrial parks to advanced clusters of manufacturing industrial parks with strong influence before 2025.

Fellow deputies, blueprints are drawn for future development. We are sure that “Five-Color Jiaxing” will be more wonderful and charming after our joint efforts.


Main work of 2021


2021 is the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the first year to implement the “14th Five-Year Plan”. We will implement in full the guiding principles of central and provincial meetings, follow the requirements of the 11th Session of the Eighth CPC Jiaxing Municipal Committee, energetically implement “seven requirements”, launch the campaigns “Innovation Year” and “Team Building Year” and continue to intensify efforts in “four battles” and “ten special actions” to make a good start, and demonstrate our new achievements to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China.

It is suggested that the main expected goals of the economic and social development of 2021 go as follows: GDP is to grow by approximately 8%; budgetary revenues are to grow by 8%and the growth of urban and rural residents' incomes are to be synchronized with economic growth.

We will give priority to novel coronavirus prevention and control. We will persevere in our efforts to prevent inbound cases and domestic resurgence of the novel coronavirus, fight the coronavirus with manpower, material and environment resources, strengthen regular novel coronavirus prevention and control in terms of cold chain transportation and logistics and in important public places, intensify the “loop-lock” management of overseas persons’ entering Zhejiang from Shanghai, provide good services for those coming to work in Jiaxing from other regions but preferring to stay in Jiaxing for the Spring Festival, implement initiatives to improve public sanitation and prevent the coronavirus from happening in hospitals, communities and public places to consolidate the achievements in coronavirus control and prevention. On the basis of curbing the coronavirus, we will carry out nine tasks below:

1. Intensifying efforts to break new ground in implementing the “Prime Strategy”

We will step up efforts to make the role of the “bridgehead” and “door” more prominent and build Jiaxing into a new growth pole for propelling the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta.

Making the Jiashan Zone demonstrate more impressive progress. We will implement the special action of improving the Jiashan Zone of the Ecologically Friendly and Green Integrated Development Demonstration Zone of the Yangtze River Delta, construct a large number of infrastructure projects not to be outdated in 50 years concerning transportation, energies and environment protection, push forward the construction of landmark projects such as “Jiangnan Reception Room”, establish high-quality and powerful platforms such as Intelligent Industrial New Zone Adjoining Shanghai and Xiangfudang Sci-tech Innovation Green Valley, plan to build an entrepreneurship city near Jiashan High-speed Railway Station to attract the young from Shanghai to start up new businesses, and improve the Jiashan Zone to the same level with the Qingpu Zone and Wujiang Zone. We will further deepen “6 plus 2” pilot reform and strive to improve it to a provincial-level comprehensive reform project, spare no effort to construct the Jiashan Zone to form a work pattern where Jiaxing plays a leading role, Jiashan is responsible for the implementation of the construction plan, and the rest county, county-level cities and districts jointly participate.

Intensifying efforts in regional integrated development from the overall perspective. We will accelerate the integrated development of Jiaxing and Shanghai, build Jiaxing into the “gold southern wing” of the Hongqiao International Open Hub, deepen the integration of Jiaxing and Hanghzhou, and start to construct Qiantang International New City by reference to the standards of Qianjiang New City. We will strengthen the cooperation with Suzhou in industrial parks-based economy, advanced manufacturing and top-end foreign investment to jointly construct China-Singapore Jiashan Modern Industrial Park to form the integration trend between Jiaxing and Suzhou. We will boost the integration between Jiaxing and Ningbo, make a high-level plan to construct New Area on the North of the Hangzhou Bay to build a coastal economic belt along the north bank of the Hangzhou Bay. We will promote Jiaxing’s integrated development with Huzhou, and make progress in cooperating with western areas of our country, and offer assistance through pairing programs and “Cooperation between Undeveloped Mountainous Areas and Developed Coastal Areas”.

Being ambitious in constructing infrastructure. We will implement the special action of constructing an integrated traffic network of the whole city, put into operation Hanghzou-Haining Railway, start to construct Nantong-Suzhou-Jiaxing-Ningbo Railway, strive to construct Shanghai-Pinghu Railway, Shanghai-Jiaxing Railway (within Jiaxing), and accelerate the preparatory work for the construction of Shanghai-Zhapu-Hangzhou Railway and Jiaxing-Huzhou Railway. We will speed up the reconstruction and extension of Jiaxing Airport for military and civil purposes, and promote the construction of the multimodal transport center of air logistics, improve “expressway network made up of three north-south expressways, three east-west expressways and seven expressways connecting them”, accelerate the construction of Suzhou-Taizhou Expressway (within Jiaxing), put into operation the northern expressway connecting Qiantang Tunnel, facilitate the construction of Container Transport Corridor of the Northern Zhejiang and build a river-sea transport demonstration zone in the Yangtze River Delta. We will accelerate the construction of the transportation network with “one ring road-centered 11 expressways” connecting the urban center of Jiaxing and its counties and county-level cities, put into operation “water buses”, the first and second phases of the urban expressway and the demonstration portion of Jiaxing Tramcar.

2. Intensifying efforts in innovation-driven development

We will implement the special action of developing G60 Sci-tech Innovation Valley (within Jiaxing), build a city with strong innovation competence and abundant eminent figures and vigorously transform innovation superiority into the driving forces of development.

  Planning to construct industrial platforms in the form of lake zones. We will explore an EOD-supported development road to construct “world-level sci-tech innovation lake zones” based on local abundant resources of lakes and rivers, encourage and support each county, county-level city and district to construct high-standard lake zone-based sci-tech innovation platforms around the Xiangfudang Lake in Jiashan, Xiangjiadang Lake in Nanhu, Swan Lake in Xiuzhou, Cuckoo Lake in Haining, South-north Lake in Haiyan and Phoenix Lake in Tongxiang. We will step up efforts to construct national and provincial-level hi-tech parks such as Pinghu Park of Zhangjiang Yangtze River Delta Hi-Tech City and Wuzhen Comprehensive Pilot Zone for National Internet Innovation Development to extend and expand sci-tech innovation lake zones.

Establishing and attracting various platforms based on the close cooperation among universities, academies, local governments and enterprises. We will further promote the “Plan to Take Roots in Jiaxing” of the Yangtze Delta Region Institute of Tsinghua University, Zhejiang, enhance the reputation of Zhejiang Institute of Advanced Technology of Chinese Academy of Sciences, strengthen the cooperation with Zhejiang University, Beijing University of Technology, and South University of Science and Technology to establish Graduate School of the Yangtze River Delta of Beijing University of Technology, and Institute of the Yangtze River Delta of Great Wall Automobile. We will strengthen the cooperation with 12 national-level research institutes and companies such as China Electronics Technology Group, China Electronics Corporation and China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, speed up the construction of Nanhu Research Institute and the Branch of Aero-Engine Institute of Tsinghua University to make Jiaxing’s contributions to settling the problems concerning key  technologies.

Cultivating innovation entities by implementing the “Doubling Plan”. We will implement the “Doubling Plan” to identify 300 more hi-tech enterprises and 600 more sci-tech small and medium-sized enterprises, build 20 high-standard enterprises-based innovation research institutes and upgrade 40 more  enterprises-based research institutes to provincial-level ones. We will encourage enterprises to play their roles as innovation entities, make 65% of the enterprises above the designated size participate in R&D and 45% of them establish their own R&D institutions, industrialize 200 authorized invention patents and make the transaction amount of technologies total over five billion yuan.

Attracting eminent figures by creating excellent ecological environment. We will consolidate the trend of the “net inflow” of middle and top-end talent, attract 6,000 eminent figures, improve Global Sci-tech Innovation Road Show Center of the Yangtze River Delta, strengthen the functions of “Committee of 100” and “Haina Incubator”, strive to attract 55 top-end eminent figures including academicians and 170 national-level eminent figures, play the role of the Talent Alliance of the Yangtze River Delta, double the personnel with master’s and doctor’s degrees, implement the “550” Plan for Attracting Talent and attract more 120,000 graduates to build Jiaxing into a vigorous city for the young to start up their own businesses. 

3. Improving Jiaxing to a greater level

Following green, low-carbon and recycling requirements in urban construction, we will continue to build Jiaxing into a business city, a garden city, an intelligent city, a culture and tour city, a health city and a livable city.

  Improving Jiaxing’s urban integration level. We will deepen the reform of the integrated development of the whole city and strengthen the management of planning, allocation of elements, etc., to create a development pattern with the synchronous development of the central city and sub-center cities. We will expand central urban areas and improve their quality, accelerate the construction of the cultural center with the South Lake as the core and of the innovative business center with the Jiaxingnan Railway Station-centered City as the core, promote the integrated development of Jiaxing’s urban center with Jiashan, Pinghu, Haiyan, Haining and Tongxiang to build Jiaxing into a modern city.

Improving Jiaxing’s internationalization level. We will promote Jiaxing’s internationalization guided by chief planners and excellent designers and operated by top developers, and strengthen the integrated development of the urban form, commerce, ecological environment and culture to build Jiaxing into a high-quality city of clear rivers and lakes and flourishing trees and flowers. We will implement the special action of improving central urban quality, ensure the remarkable progress in 12 projects of the “South Lake-Centered Improvement of Nine-River Landscape” and start to construct the Jiaxingnan Railway Station-centered City, especially its main landmark projects such as the super shopping center. We will intensify efforts to construct “18 parks and 36 scenes” for the “South Lake-Centered Improvement of Nine-River Landscape”, reconstruct or improve Jiaxing Railway Station, Xuangong Alley, Shizihui Ferry and Yuanhu Lake for the project “Taking the Road toward the Venue of the 1st CPC National Congress” and put into operation of South Lake Tiandi for the project of improving the lakeside areas of the South Lake. We will expedite the construction of the Future Square for the project of improving the South Lake Revolutionary Memorial and open the Zicheng Site Park for the project of improving Jiaxing’s ancient central areas. We will support the urban construction of each county and county-level city according to their own characteristics to improve the internationalization level of the whole city.

Improving Jiaxing’s urban modernization level. We will advance urban modern governance to make the city more intelligent. We will deepen the integrated reform of the administrative enforcement of laws, improve Jiaxing’s big data center and “urban brain”, facilitate the construction of intelligent and safe sub-districts, build the whole city into a national civilized city, advocate green and low-carbon life styles, construct 5,500 more parking spots, and build a number of demonstration blocks with orderly and tidy environment.

4. Striving to expand new space for economic development

We will make full use of the strategic opportunity of expanding domestic demands and continue to ensure stability on the “six fronts” and security in the “six areas” to advance economic steady and smooth development.

Playing the key role of investment. We will implement the special action of  enlarging a new round of effective investment and ensure the the investment in fixed assets will grow by over 8% and structural indicators grow faster than investment. We will implement 44 projects initiated and supervised by provincial, municipal and county heads and 298 “six 100-billion-yuan” projects, and select the leading projects each with one-billion-yuan investment and complete 80% of “100 Projects for the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the CPC”. We will guide factors to flow to projects, carry out the comprehensive improvement of the land across the city, intensify efforts in urban organic renewal, urban and rural integrated development, upgrade old residential areas, old factory sites and urban villages, tear down illegal buildings, put to use 200 hectares of idle land for housing and commercial purposes and approximately 333 hectares of land for industrial development, and strive to apply to superior governments for over 867 more hectares of construction land.

  Playing the role of export in driving economic development. We will ensure the export will grow faster than that of the whole province and our export share in the whole country will not decline, continue to attract leading enterprises engaged  in international trade, make 500 more enterprises obtain real export achievements, boost the construction of three national-level export transformation bases: the composite material base in Tongxiang, box and bag base in Pinghu and textile base in Haining, and increase the number of famous export enterprises to 120. We will actively undertake the spillover effect of the China International Import Expo to build Jiaxing into a transaction center of imports in the Yangtze River Delta.

Playing the basic role of consumption. We will strengthen our capacity in  unimpeded circulation, support enterprises to develop domestic markets, implement new consumption policies, encourage the consumption in key areas such as tourism, commerce, trade and catering, and strive to achieve a growth of 7% in total retail sales of consumer goods. We will implement the plan of providing new services for digit-oriented life, and vigorously develop integrated online and offline consumption modes such as cloud shopping and influencer marketing to achieve a growth of 10% in online retail sales. We will make advances in developing nighttime economy in Nanhu, Jiashan and Tongxiang, three provincial-level pilot cities of nighttime economy, build one or two provincial-level smart business districts, and strive to build Shaonian Road into a national-level high-quality pedestrian street.

Playing the role of service security. We will spare no effort to serve enterprises, continue to implement favorable policies on supporting economic recovery, and strive to reduce enterprises’ burdens of over 25 billion yuan this year. We will improve the “Grid member -tax collector- loan clerk” mechanism serving enterprises, carry out the project “facilitating financial supports to strengthen enterprises”, and make 200-billion-yuan more loans to enterprises. We will vigorously promote entrepreneurship, guide enterprises to focus on industrial development and their own main businesses, and enhance their competitiveness and sense of social responsibility.

5. Striving to establish new systems for advanced manufacturing

We will enhance the comprehensive competitiveness of manufacturing, further improve industrial chains, stabilize supply chains, strengthen industrial clusters, and work faster to build Jiaxing into an advanced manufacturing base of the core areas of the Yangtze River Delta.

Developing traditional industries into new driving forces. We will implement the special action of improving traditional industries, focus on both “retreating” and “advancing”, help and encourage more traditional manufacturing enterprises to be upgraded to industry leaders. We will improve the enterprises characteristic of “high consumption of energies, heavy pollution and low efficiency” by reference to the following standards: The tax revenues per mu of land (a mu of land is approximately 666.7 square meters) of the industry below the designated size amount to 30,000 yuan; the industries above the designated size should be gradually shut down, renovated or upgraded in accordance with 50,000-yuan and 100,000-yuan tax revenues, etc. per mu of land in different phases, improve 3,000 “low-efficiency, scattered and chaotic” enterprises (workshops) and reclaim approximately 1,333 hectares of land not used efficiently. Cooperating with China Standardization Institute, we will improve the standard of manufacturing quality in accordance with the following improvement mode: Each of top ten traditional industries and five major industries listed as provincial-level pilot industries to be upgraded should establish a set of industrial standard systems, an industrial research institute and an industrial public inspection and test center, lead and participate in setting 1,500 standards at the provincial level or above and build 50 more enterprises with provincial-level famous brands and 10 industrial research institutes to take a road with Jiaxing’s characteristics in upgrading traditional manufacturing industries. We will continue to foster “six-type enterprises”, build one more enterprise with 10-billion-yuan annual output value, and build two, three and ten more enterprises into “singles champions” “invisible champions” and “small giants” respectively.

Let emerging industries be new development engines. We will intensify efforts to develop such industries as integrated circuits, biomedicine and aerospace, foster and build two major symbolic industrial chains. The value added of strategic emerging industries, equipment manufacturing and high-tech industries will account for 45.5%, 39% and 65.5% of that of the industries above the designated size respectively. We will thoroughly implement the “Version 2.0 of Project No.1 of digital economy”, digitize 600 industrial enterprises, and build five industrial clusters of digital economy each with ten-billion-yuan annual output value and spare no effort to build Jiaxing into an “Internet plus” center. We will further integrate advanced manufacturing into modern service industry, and make producer service account for 52 percent of the whole service. We will implement the special action of increasing the number of the listed companies to  100, establish a favorable policy system covering the whole process of enterprises’ going public, deepen the cooperation with Asset Management Association of China, attract a number of sci-tech enterprises with strong potential to go public, make 12 more enterprises go public and increase the number of the listed enterprises to 100 in 2023, two years earlier than the schedule.

Let industrial platforms be the “main battlefield”. With the “upgraded version” of Suzhou Industrial Park as the standard, we will build 12 high-level industrial parks with the first-class planning, facilities, industries, industrial support, environment and teams, and encourage each park to focus on one or two key industries, gather a number of high-end enterprises of the industrial chain, and make leading industries account for 50% of those of the industrial chain. We will integrate and upgrade various industrial parks, and upgrade two more platforms to provincial-level new industrial platforms each with “1,0000-mu land and 100-billion-yuan output value”. We will build high-quality pilot industrial parks of small and micro-sized enterprises, put into operation 20 more industrial parks of small and micro-sized enterprises, and attract over 1,000 small and micro-sized enterprises to settle in those parks.

6. Exploring new areas for reform and opening up

We will issue new reform and opening measures able to activate development vigor and build Jiaxing into a city with the optimal business environment to respond to the cooperation and competition in the“dual-circulation” background.

Deepening reform at a higher level. We will strengthen digital roles in boosting economic and social development and push forward digitized reform in the whole process and in all fields of economic and social development to digitize production, life and governance modes. We will implement 56 integrated reforms to bring convenience to people and enterprises and accelerate efforts to make individuals and enterprises enjoy government services “at one website” across the city and the whole Yangtze River Delta region. We will support Hikvision to carry out the demonstration application of IOT data and build a group of scenarios-based collaborative application projects to promote the intelligent development and modern governance in all fields. We will quicken the market-oriented reform of state-owned assets and enterprises, actively address the problems found in investigating state-owned assets, and encourage 10 potential enterprises to go public gradually.

Utilizing foreign capital at a high-quality level. We will build a provincial-level leading cluster region for high-quality foreign investment and launch large-scale investment attraction campaigns in the first year of the “14th Five-Year Plan”, ensure the foreign investment in actual use will total USD 2.8 billion and strive to utilize USD 3 billion to consolidate Jiaxing’s second position in utilizing foreign capital across the province. We will improve and develop 12 international industrial parks, establish the mechanism that “a county (city, district) builds a foreign country-centered industrial park”, and attract over 70 investment projects from global top 500 enterprises, global industry leaders or the projects each with a total investment of over USD 100 million. 

Opening wider to the outside world at a high level. We will seize the opportunities offered by the RCEP and the China-EU Comprehensive Agreement on Investment to expand international cooperation in all respects. We will deepen the construction of the collaborative innovation zone of China (Zhejiang) Pilot Free Trade Zone, implement over 10 innovative policies such as “bonded delivery of futures” and strive to upgrade Jiaxing Integrated Free Trade Zone. We will speed up the construction of national cross-border e-commerce pilot zone, ensure that online retail export value increases by over 30%, and strive to include Jiaxing into the national pilot import cities of the cross-border e-commerce. We will strengthen the cooperation with Fortune 500 enterprises such as Honeywell, introduce a number of service-oriented institutions and regional headquarters of the R&D, sales and settlement of accounts to build Jiaxing into a gathering center for Fortune 500 enterprises.

7. Making new explorations for urban-rural integrated development

Exploring a new mode for urban-rural integration and building a demonstration zone for urban-rural integrated development

Making wonderful progress in Xiuzhou’s urban--rural integrated pilot development. We will promote the high-standard integration of urban and rural development in Xiuzhou, and deepen the reform and practice in 12 fields such as planning, design, infrastructure, development of towns and villages, rural economy and rural governance. We will build Xiuzhou into an urban-rural integrated city with world-class standards and Chinese characteristics, make an overall construction plan and design scheme for Xiushui New Area, and build such landmark demonstration cases as Urban Reception Rooms and Future Communities through the cooperation with first-class urban operators. We will deepen the conceptual design of lake zone-centered development patterns, put into operation the demonstration section of the most beautiful rural roads and build Xiuzhou into a district with green fields, modern towns, clear rivers and lakes and traditional beautiful villages.

Making progress in building beautiful towns and villages. We will implement the project “building model towns and beautiful villages”, popularize the construction mode that “a team of excellent designers and an operator experienced in developing towns jointly construct a town” that integrates modern urban business and cultural life elements, and put into operation 10 more provincial-level beautiful demonstration towns. We will carry out the “Green Rural Revival Program” to build one more provincial-level benchmark county, seven more demonstration towns, 56 more excellent villages, and 16 more Grade-3A scenic villages in constructing beautiful rural areas. We will implement the integrated reform in rural areas in the new era, further promote the policies encouraging talent to return to hometown to work, and carry out a new round of plans for enriching people and villages to increase the regular incomes and operating incomes of over 80% of villages to 1.5 million yuan and over 500,000 yuan respectively.

Making remarkable progress in modern agricultural development. We will deepen “production-sales-credit” reform of Federation of Farmers Cooperatives, actively promote “Guangchen Mode”, build agricultural economic development zones into “agricultural silicon valleys and innovation centers”, introduce over 10 agro-related projects each with a 100-million-yuan investment and increase the benefit per mu of farm land in the core area to 3 times more than that of general agricultural areas. We will ensure both CPC committees and governments are held accountable for food security, fully implement the system that mayor assumes the responsibility for “vegetable baskets” to stabilize grain yields, improve grain quality, increase hog production, strengthen seed enterprises, and build approximately 400 more hectares of high-standard farmland. We will strengthen leading agricultural enterprises, professional cooperatives, family-based farms and other new agricultural entities, and enhance the influence of local agriculture brands such as “Jiatian Four Seasons” and “Jiaxing Rice”.

8. Starting a new chapter for green development

Intensifying more efforts to improve ecological quality

    Making new progress in protecting ecological development. We will strive to build Jiaxing into a national-level ecological demonstration city, unswervingly investigate, rectify, expose and settle the problems reported by ecological and environmental inspectors at all levels and of all types. We will improve the mechanism for detecting and warning environmental pollution and handling it instantly, strengthen cross-region joint prevention and control of pollution, vigorously upgrade the water quality of the rivers around urban areas, towns and villages, dredge the rivers in main water areas such as the South Lake-centered areas, quicken the construction of the national wetland park in the north of Jiaxing and afforest approximately 600 more hectares of land.

Making everlasting efforts in pollution prevention. We will boost “intelligent and integrated management of sewage pipe networks” across the city, accelerate efforts to construct three industrial sewage treatment plants in Nanhu, Xiuzhou and Jiashan, expand and improve “zero-direct discharge areas of sewage”, put into use the project of diverting drinking water to Jiaxing from other regions and ensure that Class-III water of municipally-controlled rivers and lakes accounts for over 85% of the total, and the assessment of the water flowing into and out of Jiaxing is excellent. We will construct a “clean-air demonstration zone”, control and reduce PM2.5 and ozone to ensure that PM2.5 concentration of urban areas is below 32 micrograms per cubic meter and that the days with quality air reach 88% of the whole year. We will strengthen soil pollution prevention to ensure 93% of contaminated land is utilized safely. We will strive to build the whole city including its counties and county-level cities into a provincial-level waste-free city.

Taking the initiative to conserve energy and reduce carbon emissions. We will implement the special action of achieving the targets of “peak carbon emissions and carbon neutrality”, and reach energy conservation, emission reduction and carbon reduction targets set by superior governments. We will strictly control energy-intensive projects and upgrade energy-intensive industries to reduce the consumption of 400,000 tons of standard coal. We will construct low-carbon industrial parks, establish a zero-carbon emission system, and build 25, 29 and 100 more green factories, water-saving enterprises and cleaner production enterprises respectively. We will improve the trading system for pollution emission rights, energy consumption rights and water utilization rights and build big data platforms for energy management.

9. Taking a new journey to improve people’s well-being

Implementing the three-year plan “benefiting people and improving services” to devote more resources and strengths to people’s well-being

Building a higher level of “Healthy Jiaxing”. We will implement the special action of building “Healthy Jiaxing”, mobilize and organize more citizens to go out to take physical exercises, create a favorable fitness atmosphere, change people’s “illness treatment-centered idea into health-centered idea” to explore and practise whole-life-cycle health management. We will build 200 more “sportsman” communities, build Jiaxing into a national model city for physical exercises and fitness, further construct county-level medical communities and urban health care consortia and expedite the relocation of the Second People’s Hospital of Jiaxing, the expansion of Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of Jiaxing and the construction of the second phase of the First People’s Hospital of Jiaxing. We will construct and improve 30 standardized fever clinics and improve traditional Chinese medicine service systems, the service platform “Jiaxing Online” and “Mental Health Action”. We will implement the project “Inviting Famous Doctors to Jiaxing” to introduce 100 domestic first-class medical experts to Jiaxing in a flexible way so that local people can enjoy high-quality medical services in Jiaxing

Providing better education. Adhering to the well-rounded development of students in terms of moral grounding, intellectual and physical ability, aesthetic sensibility and work skills and focusing on modernization, integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta and internationalization, we will introduce or train a number of famous teachers, universities and disciplines to enable children to enjoy first-class education. We have determined to reduce students’ myopia rate and improve their physical quality. We will build national-level counties and county-level cities in universal preschool education and high-quality balanced development of compulsory education. We will build 20 new provincial Grade-II kindergartens or above, 20 new high-quality schools for compulsory education and put into operation High School Affiliated to Tsinghua University and World Foreign Language High School. We will intensify efforts to improve teaching staff’s' ability in moral education, and train 10 more leading education experts, 100 more excellent young teachers and 20 more famous principals of primary and secondary schools at the municipal level. We will make progress in building Jiaxing Nanhu College, strive to succeed in upgrading Jiaxing University, expedite the transfer of the independent colleges of public universities to independent public universities and support Jiaxing Vocational and Technical College to be upgraded to Jiaxing Vocational and Technical University.

Providing better quality social security. We will spare no effort to meet people’s basic needs, give full play to the roles of governments and social organizations, care for and help every vulnerable group live a better and more dignified life. We will implement the policies and measures on stabilizing employment, ensure that every family has at least one member is employed and create 160,000 new urban jobs. We will move faster to include all personnel with household registration into basic endowment insurance programs, ensure the effective management of basic medical insurance accounts at the prefecture level, perfect medical insurance systems for serious diseases and long-term care insurance, increase low-income residents’ incomes and improve the mechanism for the dynamic increase of minimum wages. We will improve comprehensive assistance systems, construct regional welfare institutions for children and renovate old-aged households with aging difficulties for the convenience of the elderly. We will step up efforts to construct more government-subsidized rental houses to ensure that the coverage of affordable houses exceeds 25 %.

Improving more attractive cultural brands. We will organize and implement the special action of supporting the renaissance of Jiaxing’s culture and exploit the  profound heritage of Jiangnan Culture to create more cultural symbols characteristic of Jiaxing and the new era. We will compose 100 excellent literary works to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, enhance the reputation of World Political Party Exchange Base, Red Boat Executive Leadership Academy, Red Boat Spirit Research Institute, etc., and strive to include the project “Taking the Road toward the Venue of the 1st CPC National Congress in the New Era” into the South Lake Scenic Area. We will start the construction of Zicheng Museum and Majiabang Archaeological Site Park and restore such historical sites as Tongyue Gate. We will improve the modern public cultural service system and put into service Jiaxing Cultural and Art Center and the second phase of Jiaxing Museum, jointly build National Cultural Park of the Grand Canal, restore the historical features of some thousand-year-old ancient towns such as Puyuan and Yanguan, upgrade Yuehe Historic Urban Areas and its commercial activities to present the public with “countless ancient towns and scenic spots of the Grand Canal”.

Creating a safer social environment. We will strengthen the consciousness that “There is nothing trivial in Jiaxing for everything is involved with politics”, effectively prevent and address all kinds of risks and challenges and drive the whole society to foster new thinking on secure development. We will spare no effort to build Jiaxing into a leading city in urban modern social governance, deepen the program “Linking hearts with grids and organizing groups for  services providing”, improve the efficiency of conflict mediating centers at county and township level and upgrade repeatedly the governance mode “integrating self-governance, legal governance and ethic governance”. We will deepen the special action of improving workplace safety and strengthen the oversight of  key areas such as fire control, hazardous chemicals and road traffic to resolutely prevent and curb major accidents. We will continue to crack down on criminal activities detested by the public such as telecom and Internet-based frauds, cross-border gambling and endangering food and drug safety. We will continue to support the development of national defense and armed forces, make new progress in joint construction of the “Double-Support” city, foreign affairs, overseas Chinese affairs, ethnics, religions, civil air defence, weather and climate, archives, coastal defence, anti-smuggling, etc.

Fellow deputies, what people expect is what we will do next! This year, we have submitted to this session 12 candidate projects on improving people's livelihood for your deliberation and vote after our over 10 rounds of researches and discussions. Once the projects are supported by the Session, we will complete them earnestly to strengthen people's sense of benefit.

Improving governments’ competence in modern governance

Fellow deputies, a new journey needs to be supported by new actions. We will earnestly raise our consciousness of the need to maintain political integrity, think in big-picture terms, follow the leadership core, and keep in alignment. We will continue to increase our confidence of the path, theory, system, and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and resolutely uphold General Secretary Xi Jinping’s core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole, and resolutely uphold the Party Central Committee’s authority and its centralized and unified leadership. We will keep enhancing our ability in political judgment, thinking and implementation, and put the absolute loyalty to the Party into our concrete actions.

Let freeing minds be normal. Freeing minds and renewing concepts are indispensable to Jiaxing’s greater development. We will continue to free minds, integrate the advanced concepts of other cities into our practice. We will not say “no” to new things before our further consideration, but dare to raise new ideas and be cautious to validate them. We will be good at freeing minds, thinking and innovating, change the state of “intensifying more efforts in stability but fewer efforts in innovation”, and encourage officials to pursue innovation, reform and development and dare to explore new things, meet new challenges and assume responsibility.

Let seeking practice and competition be popular. We will carry forward the team culture themed by “seeking practice, competition, perseverance and success”, deepen the construction of loyal, practical, clean and learning, research and service-oriented government organs, keep forging ahead all the time, make full implementation in an earnest and down-to-earth manner, work strenuously and efficiently and strive to be the first through competition. Once we set targets, we must achieve them. Actual effect is the criterion of our work.

Let high-quality people’s well-being be our goals. We will intensify efforts to meet people’s needs, regard the settlement of people’s serious concerns as our goals to improve work, attach importance to handling the proposals and suggestions of the deputies of Jiaxing Municipal People’s Congress and the members of the CPPCC Jiaxing Municipal Committee, spend more money on people’s well-being to strengthen the weak points in this aspect and serve enterprises, the people and the grassroots with strong affection and responsibility and make perceptible responses to people’s expectation. The government will continue to tighten its belt and cut another 10% of the spending on non-rigid and not so important issues.

Let law-based governance be an institution. The government will continue to take the lead in respecting, observing, studying and applying laws to make fairness and justice become the common goal of the whole society. We will improve the open decision-making mechanism participated in by the public and entrepreneurs, strengthen the legality review of major administrative decisions making and resolutely prevent people’s benefit from being infringed on and improve the standardization and humanization of administrative enforcement of laws to reduce administrative disputes from the source. We will accept the oversight from Jiaxing Municipal People’s Congress in accordance with the law, willingly accept the democratic oversight from the CPPCC Jiaxing Municipal Committee, strengthen the auditing oversight, judicial oversight, supervisory oversight, statistic oversight, the public oversight and the oversight through public opinions, and strive to build Jiaxing into a national demonstration city in building  the governments based on the rule of law.

Let integrity be a habit. In line with the requirements of building an advanced region in Party building, we will implement all regulations on fully and strictly exercising Party self-governance, and ensure that all levels of governments and Party committees (Party leadership groups) are fully accountable. We will resolutely implement the CPC Central Committee’s eight-point decisions on improving Party and government conduct and the detailed rules for its implementation, put an end to pointless formalities and bureaucratism in all its manifestations to ensure that people working at the primary level are free from unnecessary restrictions and excessive burdens. We fully implement the task of building Jiaxing into a city free from corruption, take people’s evaluation as a “mirror” and make greater efforts to crack down on corruption and the lack of commitment to their work to create a clean and upright political ecology for governments.

Fellow deputies, today's Jiaxing has showed a broad and beautiful development prospect. The best time has come for our development. Let us rally ever closer around the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, break new ground and forge ahead with strong determination to push forward Jiaxing’s greater development to build Jiaxing into the most wonderful section of the important window fully demonstrating the superiority of the socialism with Chinese characteristics of the New Era and into a leading city in socialist modernization.