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Efforts Intensified in Jiaxing to Make New Progress in Publicity

Release date:2022-07-12 17:31

With the Chinese New Year of the Tiger drawing near, a new-year symposium for news media and publicity was held yesterday in Jiaxing. Zhang Bing, secretary of the CPC Jiaxing Municipal Committee, attended the symposium and delivered a speech. Those in news media and publicity should work hard to achieve new remarkable progress to provide strong spiritual supports and favorable publicity environment for local high-quality development, said Zhang Bing. Other officials attended the symposium as well such as Zhu Yawei, Fan Qingyu and Ao Kaoquan.

At the symposium, Zhang Bing shook hands with the representatives of journalists, and extended New Year’s wishes to them. The representatives from such organizations reported their work as Jiaxing Branch of Zhejiang Newspaper Group, Jiaxing Reporter Station of Voice of Zhejiang (Radio Zhejiang), Jiaxing Radio and TV Group, Jiaxing Newspaper Group.

It has been a routine to come to see you before the Spring Festival every year. All of you have worked hard, so here Id like to express our thanks to you, and wish you a happy New Year!" After listening to their reports, he first extended his greetings, and affirmed the historic achievements in news media and publicity in 2021. 2021 was a glory year for Jiaxing. Those achievements couldn’t be gained without "supervision" and "voice" of the news media and publicity, nor the contributions and efforts of those working in the news media and publicity. They forced themselves to work harder and strive for excellence, gaining extraordinary splendid progress, for example, more impressive publicity of the centenary anniversary celebration of the founding of the CPC, stronger international communication capability, greater progress in the media integration and development, according to Zhang Bing.

2022 is the year when the 20th National Congress of the CPC, Zhejiangs 15th Congress of the CPC and Jiaxings 9th Congress of the CPC are to be held, and and an important year as well to implement the “14th Five-year Plan” and build a model city of the demonstration area of common prosperity, so it is of great significance to improve the news media and publicity this year. We should follow the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, unswervingly support defining building a socialist market economy as an objective of reform and setting a basic framework in this regard, and establishing a basic economic system for the primary stage of socialism under which public ownership is the mainstay and diverse forms of ownership develop together, as well as an income distribution system under which distribution according to work is the mainstay while multiple forms of distribution exist alongside it"hereinafter referred to as Defining and Establishing, uphold Comrade Xi Jinpings core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole, and uphold the Central Committees authority and its centralized, unified leadership. We should stick to the correct political orientation, highlight the decisive significance of “Defining and Establishing” in this year's publicity, constantly improve political judgment, lofty ideals and political understanding, establish the vision of overall situations, keep in mind "what is of vital importance to our nation", strengthen political execution power and integrate knowledge into action. We should adhere to the principle of statesmen running newspapers, radio and TV, and the Internet, and the principle of the Party spirit, firmly establish the Marxist view of journalism and insist on positive reports. We should always serve the core work, vigorously publicize the major decisions and deployments made by the CPC Jiaxing Municipal Committee and Jiaxing Municipal Peoples Government, especially focus on the publicity and reporting on such issues as common prosperity, “Three-year” Action, “Five ‘Stability’ and Five ‘Progress’” and major projects progress, ensure where there is core work, there is publicity to praise solidarity and harmony and create a strong atmosphere for Jiaxings giant progress. We should keep in mind the people, serve as a "heart-to-heart bridge" between the Party, governments and the people, go among the people more often, report what the people expect and speak for the people.We should continue to adhere to foreigners-oriented publicity and the concept of “everyone is a publicist” to further improve Jiaxing’s popularity and reputation, said Zhang Bing.

We should grasp the development trend of the all-media era, stick to media integrated development, give priority to the development of mobile media, apply new technologies, improve both media contents and technologies and strengthen Convergence Media Center of Jiaxing to promote the intensive and extensive development of media integration and enhance media communication and influence. Party committees (Party leadership groups) at all levels should assume political and leadership responsibilities, implement the responsibility system for ideological work; publicity departments at all levels should give their strong leadership and support to news media and make progress in major issues in terms of news media and publicity; news media organizations should strengthen the training of their staff and recruit more outstanding media talents to support media integrated development.