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Multiple Measures Taken in Jiaxing to Attract Employees

Release date:2022-07-13 15:03

Well begun, half done. Multiple measures were made in Jiaxing to strengthen enterprises confidence in their resumption of production after the Spring Festival. Jointly held yesterday morning by Nanhu District and Haining City of Jiaxing, the first job fair in 2022 in Wenliu Town, Qiubei County, Yunnan Province, attracted many locals. Approximately 100 high-quality enterprises from Jiaxing provided 4,150 jobs.

"You can scan WeChat first and get a red envelope." "We provide preferential boarding, accommodation and policies." The job fair was held at the entrance to Wenliu Central School (junior middle school), where there was a large flow of people every day. Many came for more details of jobs. The officials from Jiaxing human resources and social security authorities made a general introduction of Nanhu and Haining and encouraged job seekers to go to work in Jiaxing.  That job fair attracted more than 600 locals, of whom more than 540 had expressed their employment intention, and nearly 410 had made initial decisions to go to Jiaxing, according to statistics.

Before the Spring Festival (a golden period for job fairs) this year, local authorities concerning human resources and social security departments of Jiaxing started attracting employees to help enterprises recruit employees. Haining City and Nanhu District sent staff to Guizhou, Yunnan, Sichuan and other provinces for special recruitment, and the other counties (county-level cities, districts) of Jiaxing took the initiative to approach important labor export provinces and cities, such as Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Chongqing, Hunan on February 6, 7 and 8 respectively, to hold small-scale job fairs and provide point-to-point pick-up services for employees to return to Jiaxing. The first work groups organized 209 major enterprises able to provide about 20,000 jobs to attract job seekers, and helped the employees from other provinces return to Jiaxing, speeding up local enterprises’ resumption of production.

The authorities concerning human resources and social security tried to recruit new employees on the one hand and stabilize existing posts on the other hand during the Spring Festival. For example, "three-step" measures were adopted in Pinghu City; online and offline consulting services were provided for enterprises and individuals in Jiashan County; and warm-hearted policies were implemented in Haiyan County. Those policies and measures brought great achievements for they were targeted, in-depth, effective and comprehensive. By January 31, 2022, 58.33% of in-service employees from other provinces would return to Jiaxing after the Spring Festival although they had left for the Spring Festival, and 70% of in-service employees of Jiaxing Economic and Technological Development Zone before the Spring Festival but now went to their hometowns in other provinces during the Spring Festival would go back, laying a solid foundation for enterprises to resume work and production after the Spring Festival.

Next, local governments will intensify efforts to encourage enterprises to play their main roles in recruiting employees and cooperate with the authorities of transportation, public security figure out the number of the employees not coming back to work, charter buses or trains to get back the employees of other provinces, and guide enterprises to provide “point-to-point services to help the employees beyond Jiaxing go back to work.

All counties (county-level cities, districts) of Jiaxing will make full use of "Leyejia" App and local online platforms to organize recruitment activities such as live broadcast and cloud recruitment. As long as the epidemic prevention and control allow, "Daily Job Fair" will be held every day after the Spring Festival to attract more local labor resources.

After the Spring Festival, all counties (county-level cities and districts) of Jiaxing will strengthen auditing and reexamination to ensure the commitment on giving subsidies to those who would go back to their work in Jiaxing after the Spring Festival, and meanwhile take strong management measures to ensure market security and provide one-to-one employment services for major enterprises.