Report on the Work of the Jiaxing Municipal Government(2022)

Release date:2022-07-06 17:38

Report on the Work of the Government

Li Jun

Acting Mayor of Jiaxing Municipal People’s Government     

Fellow Deputies,

On behalf of Jiaxing Municipal People’s Government, I will now report to you on the work of the government and ask for your deliberation and approval. I also ask members of Jiaxing Municipal Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and other comrades attending the meeting without voting rights for your comments.

A review of our work over the past five years:

The past five years since the first session of the Eighth Municipal People’s Congress of Jiaxing is extraordinary in our development. In face of profound and complex changes of the external environment, Jiaxing Municipal People’s Government has fully implemented the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress and all the plenary sessions of the 19th CPC Central Committee under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, faithfully implemented the “Double Eight Development Strategy” under the leadership of the CPC Jiaxing Municipal Committee, striven to create the most “wonderful pane” of the “important window”, and has accomplished the targets and tasks set forth by all the sessions of the Eighth Municipal People’s Congress of Jiaxing and built a moderately prosperous society in all aspects at a high level, laying a solid foundation for accelerating the construction of a model city of common prosperity and a pioneering city of socialist modernization.  

Over the past five years we have adhered to seeking progress while maintaining stability, and our comprehensive strength has been improved substantially. We implemented the new development philosophy fully, accurately and comprehensively, responded effectively to the various risks and challenges arising from China-US economy and trade frictions and covid-19 and reached a new level in high-quality development. Our GDP jumped to 635.5 billion yuan from 397.9 billion yuan, an annual increase of 7%, rising from the sixth place to the fifth in Zhejiang; the total fiscal revenue increased from 67.34 billion yuan to 112.28 billion yuan, rising from the fourth place to the third in Zhejiang; per capita disposable incomes of urban and rural residents increased from 48,900 yuan to 69,800 yuan and 29,900 yuan to 43,600 yuan respectively and the income ratio declined from 1.69:1 to 1.60:1; the income of rural residents has been in the first place in the province for 18 consecutive years. Industrial economy was improved in quality and quantity. We promoted traditional industries and implemented the new manufacturing program “555”. The gross industrial output value above the designated size reached 1.33 trillion yuan, 1.7 times that of 2016. The value added of the core industries of digital economy, equipment manufacturing and high-tech industries all doubled. The numbers of new listed companies, 10-billion-yuan enterprises and the enterprises as “little giants” that are specialized and sophisticated and produce new and unique products totaled 28, 6 and 34 respectively. Industrial transformation and upgrading and mass entrepreneurship and innovation were commended twice by the State Council of the P.R.C. The service sector was further strengthened. We implemented “100 Projects and 10-billion-yuam Projects” in the service sector and established seven new provincial-level innovative development zones for the modern service sector. Our five counties and county-level cities were included into the List of China’s Top 100 Counties in Service Sector. Jiaxing was honored as one of the first demonstration cities in service-oriented manufacturing cities of China. The value added of the service sector reached 276.96 billion yuan, 1.6 times that of 2016. Jiaxing became China’s ninth city whose balances of deposits and loans of financial institutions both exceeded 1.2 trillion yuan. Modern agriculture achieved rapid development. We built the first agricultural economic development zones in the whole country, and each of our county, county-level city and district built at least one agricultural economic development zone. We confirmed and registered the rural contracted land use rights and issued certificates. The rural land circulation rate increased from 56% to 71%. We built approximately 48,889 hectares of new high-standard farmland, nine new provincial-level modern agricultural parks and ten new characteristic towns strong in agriculture. Our grain sowing areas and yields ranked the first in the whole province. We were honored as a demonstration city of the national “safe agricultural machinery” and successfully held “Farmers’ Harvest Festival China 2021”.

Over the past five years, we have fully implemented the primary strategy so that our city capacity has been further improved in all aspects. We unswervingly took our integration into the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta as our primary strategy of high-quality development, and made huge progress in building Jiaxing into a high-quality city, a traffic hub, an innovation center and a city opening up to the outside world, remarkably strengthening the competitiveness of the city. Jiaxing was included into the expansion belt of Hongqiao International Open Hub. Jiashan Zone of the Demonstration Zone of the Integrated Development of the Yangtze River Delta was further accelerated. 38 pieces of the experience in institutional innovation were widely adopted across the country. Our coordinated development with such neighboring regions was comprehensively promoted as Shanghai, Hangzhou, Suzhou and Huzhou. The construction of transportation projects made new breakthroughs. A number of projects were put into operation such as the northern expressway linking Qiantang Tunnel, the northern expressway (Phase II) linking Hangzhou Bay Bridge and Hangzhou-Haining Intercity Railway. The construction of the expressway network made up of “three north-south expressways and three east-west expressways” was finished; the construction of Jiaxing Airport was approved, and that (Phase II) of Suzhou-Taizhou Highway and Container Transportation Corridor started. Jiaxing Port became a “100-million-ton” port and ranked 85 among “Top 100 Container Ports” of the world. The urban quality was improved greatly. We implemented the Three-year Action to improve central urban areas, and a large number of landmark projects was put into operation such as South Lake Tiandi, Jiaxing Railway Station and the urban expressway (first and second phases). All “urban villages” and “dead-end” rivers were upgraded. Jiaxing has appeared different every year and enormously different within three years. We made efforts in urban organic renewal, upgraded 491 new residential quarters in bad conditions and put into operation 33 new high-quality parks and 681-kilometer-long new greenways. Urbanization rate rose to 71.9%. Our innovation ability got stronger. We intensified efforts in constructing G60 Sci-tech Innovation Valley, implemented the “Plan to Take Roots in Jiaxing” of the Yangtze Delta Region Institute of Tsinghua University, Zhejiang, launched the construction of Xiangjiadang Lake and Swan Lake-centered innovation zones and introduced Nanhu Laboratory and Nanhu Research Institute to Jiaxing. Zhejiang University International Campus in Haining and Institute of Advanced Technology Chinese Academy of Sciences etc. have tended to play a growing role in attracting innovation resources. Our R&D investment intensity increased to 3.4% and talent attraction ranked 22nd in China and 3rd in Zhejiang. Jiaxing was selected as an innovation hub city of “Innovation China” and won the “Sci-Tech Innovation Tripod” of Zhejiang. Our opening to the outside world was further expanded. Jiaxing was honored as a national comprehensive pilot zone of cross-border e-commerce and a provincial pioneering cluster zone of high-quality foreign investment. Our total import and export volume reached 378.38 billion yuan, 1.8 times that of 2016. We introduced 26 ten-billion-investment industrial projects as well as 95 projects invested by the world top 500 enterprises. The actual utilization of foreign investment reached USD 11.75 billion, and OFDI USD 11.2 billion. Jiaxing Comprehensive Free Trade Zone ranked 30 among all in China.

Over the past five years, we have unlocked reform and development vitality. We took reform as the key measure and deepened one-stop public service reform and digitization reform to remove the barriers arising from systems and mechanisms. Government service efficiency was further enhanced. We digitized governments, built the first “future service center” without service counters and launched 56 “one-thing” projects serving the people and enterprises. Our 13 reforms were adopted across the province such as finishing handling the issues within one day on starting up businesses, and integrating all issues on social assistance into one certificate. We completed a new round of reform of government organs and public institutions performing administrative functions, and their operation became more efficient. The reform in major fields was further promoted. We reformed the market-based allocations of resources and factors and sold 3,067 hectares of “standard land”. The tax revenue of the industries above the designated size per 666.7 square meters of land increased by 66.1%. We built a national pilot zone for urban-rural integrated development, innovated “Xincang Experience” and deepened the “trinity” reform so that all counties (county-level cities and districts) entered the first 40 places among “Top 100 Counties and Cities in Urban-rural Integrated Development of China”. We advanced the reform of the operational system of state capital, reorganized state-owned enterprises and established State-owned Assets Investment Corporation of Jiaxing and Railway Investment Group of Jiaxing. Our business environment was further improved. We established a “Big Dipper” mode, organized and carried out the “10 + N” facilitation action to optimize business environment and established the first “one-stop-inspection” law enforcement mode in China, which has been adopted across the country. We established the platform of appointing officials, tax grid members and financial instructors to serve enterprises directly. Our business environment friendliness ranked second in Zhejiang for the second consecutive year, and was rated as one of “Top 20 Cities in Business Environment of China” released by CCTV. 

Over the past five years, we have continued to intensify efforts in ecological environment improvement, and urban and rural environment has been enhanced remarkably. We have firmly kept in mind “Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets”. We made unprecedented efforts in pollution prevention and ecological restoration, obtained remarkable achievements in the assessment of the construction of “Beautiful Zhejiang”, won “Dayu Ding” in water improvement and built Jiaxing into a national ecological civilization construction demonstration zone. Significant progress was obtained in pollution prevention and control. We stepped up efforts to make six rounds of checking, exposing and settling the problems concerning environment pollution to improve the quality of water, air and soil and dispose wastes. The proportion of Grade III water and above controlled by Jiaxing rose to 94% from 19.2%; the proportion of days with good air quality increased by 8.5%; and the average concentration of PM 2.5 decreased by 35% on average. The capability of the Project of Draining Floods to the Hangzhou Bay was further strengthened. We built 794-kilometer-long sewage pipes and 46 waste disposal facilities, and took the lead in Zhejiang in realizing zero landfill and zero growth of rubbish, and achieving the goal that the rubbish is disposed within each county (county-level city). Ecological protection was improved to a greater degree. We intensified joint efforts in improving the ecological environment  of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes and seas, implemented the systems of River Leader and Lake Leader, upgraded 32 more rivers and lakes to province-level beautiful ones and completed the afforestation of 32 hectares. The water quality of the South Lake reached the standard of Grade III water and Wetland Park of the Grand Canal Bay was honored as a national wetland park. The construction of the beautiful towns and villages moved forward in all aspects. The Program of “Thousand &Ten Thousand” was implemented and the environment of towns was improved. We built 36 new province-level beautiful rural towns, 81 new AAA scenic villages and 36 new high-quality rural tourist routes and built and renovated more than 1,075 kilometers of rural highways. Jiaxing was honored as a provincial excellent city in building beautiful towns of the new era. Our practice in improving rural environment in the plain was identified as a province-level model.

Over the past five years, we have intensified efforts to improve people’s livelihood. We have taken the improvement of people’s life as our basic development purpose and strengthened the weak points in building a high-level well-off society in all aspects. We invested 266.7 billion yuan, accounting for 79.5% of the general public budget expenditure, in improving people’s livelihood. Social security was improved. We accelerated the construction of an urban-rural integrated social security system beneficial to all the people. The implementation standard and participation rate of the old-age insurance and medical insurance  ranked first in Zhejiang. The standard of subsistence allowance for urban and rural residents grew from 7,968 yuan to 11,040 yuan per person a year. We took the lead in Zhejiang in reaching the target that the long-term care insurance system covers the whole city, and provided nursing care for 34,000 severely disabled people. We introduced an innovative supplementary medical insurance program for serious diseases, covering 2.6 million people. We strove for the target that there are no zero-employment families in Jiaxing. Social undertakings made vigorous development. Education modernization made steady progress, and the balanced and high-quality development of compulsory education at county level became a national model. The upgrading of Jiaxing University made progress in all indicators, and Jiaxing Nanhu University was founded. The construction of “Healthy Jiaxing” was further deepened and medical communities were established across the city. We took the lead in the pilot construction of the social psychological service system in China. Our athletes won the first gold medals of the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games respectively. Jiaxing won the honor of the national model city for promoting mutual supports between the civilians and the military for the fourth consecutive year. Our experience in high-quality work on the disabled has been promoted across the country. Great progress was made in cultural undertakings and social civilization. Revolutionary culture was inherited and carried forward. We  upgraded Nanhu Revolutionary Memorial Hall and created the opera “Red Boat” and the dance drama “Vast Waters of Jiaxing” etc. “Taking the Road toward the Venue of the 1st CPC National Congress” was identified as one of the national “Fine Revolutionary Tourist Routes for the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China”. We implemented Three-year Action Plan for the Renaissance of Jiaxing’s Culture and put such cultural landmarks into operation as Zicheng Heritage Park and Majiabang Cultural Museum. We continued to construct the demonstration zone of a national public culture service system. Such major projects were put into operation as Jiaxing Culture and Art Center, Jiaxing Library (Phase II) and Jiaxing Museum (Phase II). We have ranked the first in the provincial assessment of community-level public cultural services for eight times in a row, and won the honor of National Civilized City four times in a row. We carried out the national pilot program to modernize urban social governance across the city, improved “Micro Grid”, “Micro Homeland”, “Micro Governance” and “Three-Source Governance”, put into operation 2,447 smart and safe residential quarters and took the lead in establishing conflict mediation centers in all counties, county-level cities and districts of Jiaxing. We stepped up efforts to check and improve the work on workplace safety, crack down on crimes and strengthen the supervision and management of food and drug security, and successfully completed major security tasks to ensure the security of the 19th National Congress of the CPC and the World Internet Conference, and won “Chang’an Cup” and “One-star Safety Gold Ding”.

While promoting economic and social development, we have  strengthened government’s self-improvement. We have made solid efforts to study the Constitution of the CPC and General Secretary Xi Jinping’s speeches, strive to be qualified Party members and carry out the education themed by “staying true to our original aspiration and keeping our mission firmly in mind” and the activities to study the history of the CPC. We have always used the new thought to arm ourselves, guide our practice, and promote our work. We have strengthened the rule of law, established a system for the regular study of laws and a system of the legal advisers of the government, and consciously accepted oversights. In the past five years, we handled 1,157 proposals from the deputies of Municipal People’s Congress of Jiaxing and 1,674 proposals from the members of the CPPCC Jiaxing Municipal Committee, exercised full and strict Party self-governance, did more to improve Party conduct, built a government of integrity, implemented the requirements to comprehensively govern the Party with strict discipline, improved Party conduct and integrity and strictly complied with the central Party leadership’s eight-point decisions on improving work conduct. The Party building was further strengthened at all levels of governments. 

Fellow Deputies, 2021 marked the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. We grandly celebrated the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and organized 25 major events at the central and provincial levels with high quality. The landmark projects of “100 Projects for the Celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China” brilliantly presented Jiaxing style in the New Era and inspired peoples’ passion for struggle. We worked hard to promote economic high-quality development, implemented such special actions as upgrading traditional industries, expanding effective investment, and making the number of the listing companies up to 100. We took the lead in the development of emerging industries, utilization of foreign investment and investment in R&D in Zhejiang. Our GDP grew by 8.5%. In the industries above the designated size, the proportion of the value added of strategic emerging industries, core industries of the digital economy and high-tech industries was all in the top three places in Zhejiang. We made progress in vigorously promoting the digital reform to solve the problem and accelerated the construction of integrated intelligent public data platforms. Our 83 apps began to operate at “Zheliban”, a government service platform online, and 18 apps were identified as the best ones in the digitized reform of Zhejiang such as the “One-stop-Inspection” law enforcement mode and “Rural Service of Zhejiang”. We ranked the third in the assessment of digital government construction in the province, made solid efforts to improve people’s well-being, provided free medical check-ups for more than 360,000 people, took effective measures to prevent and control the myopia of the young and improved the lighting quality of 2,814 classrooms. We improved the parking conditions in major places, built 6,675 new public parking spaces in schools and hospitals, optimized the home care service, renovated 2,248 old-aged households with aging difficulties for the convenience of the elderly and finished the construction of ten projects of improving people’s livelihood set forth by the sixth session of the Eighth Municipal People’s Congress of Jiaxing, solving lots of difficult problems in education, medical treatment and old-age care. We built a large number of public facilities used for culture, fitness and community service, improved the environment of a large number of old residential quarters and natural villages, actively responding to people’s expectations and fulfilling government’s commitments. We firmly built a solid defense line against the covid-19, prevented in-bound cases and domestic resurgence, adhered to the dynamic zero strategy, implemented regularly  covid-19 control measures and “seven mechanisms” against the epidemic. We provided the service for the isolated people coming to Zhejiang from Shanghai airports and Jiaxing seaports. Facing inbound cases this year, we rapidly implemented the command mechanism integrating Jiaxing and its counties and county-level cities and decisively took effective epidemic control measures. Our medical workers, police officers, community workers, volunteers of the CPC members and citizens worked hard and cooperated closely to fight the epidemic in the front and finally won the battle against covid-19, demonstrating our commitments to putting the people and life in the first place.

We have accumulated valuable experience from the past five years of hard work. We have realized:

—— We must unswervingly adhere to the leadership of the CPC and General Secretary Xi Jinping’s instructions. So long as we firmly hold high the great banner of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, unswervingly have the Party’s leadership in an all-round way as the strong guarantee to promote all causes, never forget General Secretary Xi Jining’s instructions given to Jiaxing, follow the direction pointed out by General Secretary Xi Jinping, we will surely be able to keep politically awake and firm, overcome all risks and challenges and promote steady and long-term development.

——We must always serve the people and take their satisfaction as our pursuit. So long as we conscientiously practice people-centered development, keep in mind benefiting the people is our most important achievements, take people’s trivial matters as governments’ top priority, know well and address their concerns and satisfy them, we will surely win people’s trust and support and work together with them to create a better life.

——We must always free our minds and take reform and innovation as the source of driving forces. So long as we follow the trend of the times, enhance our capacity to shape changes and reforms, use digital reforms to guide the reform in all fields and innovative thinking to solve problems in development and dare to make bold and pioneering efforts, we will surely be able to unleash public creativity and innovation and take a path of high-quality development.

——We must always strive to seize development opportunities and turn our strategic advantages into development momentum. So long as we strengthen the sense of urgency and the sense that “slow progress is retrogression”, seize major strategic opportunities, make a plan for our development from the perspective beyond Jiaxing, develop Jiaxing from the overall perspective, take the initiative and seize the momentum, we will surely be able to open a new chapter and achieve enormous development and great promotion.

——We must always strengthen our down-to-earth sense and take courage and progress as our guiding principle. So long as we are enterprising, work hard, learn from others, dare to surpass others and work immediately, we will surely be able to make huge progress in satisfying our people.  

Fellow deputies, it is not easy for us to have made such great achievements in the past five years. We own them to the correct guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, to the correct leadership of the CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee and People’s Government of Zhejiang, to the CPC Jiaxing Municipal Committee, to the strong support of Municipal People’s Congress of Jiaxing, to the CPPCC Jiaxing Municipal Committee and to the joint efforts and dedications of the people of the whole city. Now, on behalf of Jiaxing Municipal People’s Government, I would like to express our heartfelt thanks to the people of the whole city, to the deputies of Municipal People’s Congress of Jiaxing, to the CPPCC Jiaxing Municipal Committee, to the senior comrades having retired, to democratic parties, to people’s organizations, to the people from all walks of life, to the People’s Liberation Army and armed police forces stationed in Jiaxing, to the police and fire fighters, and to the overseas Chinese and international friends who have supported our development.

We know well we are confronted with quite a few difficulties and problems in our social and economic development: The foundation for high-quality economic development is not yet solid; industrial transformation and upgrading are not fast enough; all kinds of resource factors are obviously restricted; the advantages in location are not fully exploited; the capacity of the central city is not strong enough, and urban delicacy management needs to be further strengthened; there are still many weak points in education, medical care and old-age care, and in social governance and epidemic prevention and control; workplace accidents occur from time to time; there is still a gap between government workers’ service awareness and their work ability; and the government itself needs to improved. We must attach great importance to these problems and take more forceful measures to solve them in earnest, rather than be intimidated or evade them.

Targets and tasks for the next five years:

The Ninth Municipal Congress of the CPC of Jiaxing has made a development blueprint for the coming five years of Jiaxing, setting forth our historical missions: taking the lead in making landmark achievements in the high-quality development and construction of the demonstration zone of common prosperity, and taking the lead in basically realizing socialist modernization and speeding up the construction of a model city of common prosperity and a pioneering city of socialist modernization. We must accurately grasp the historical direction and target requirements, gather strengths, work hard and forge ahead to open up new horizons for Jiaxing’s development under the strong leadership of the CPC Jiaxing Municipal Committee. 

The overall requirements for the work of the new municipal government go as follows: We will adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully implement the spirit of the speeches made by General Secretary Xi Jinping in his inspections in Zhejiang and Jiaxing, earnestly implement the decisions and arrangements by the central government, the CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee, the People’s Government of Zhejiang Province and the CPC Jiaxing Municipal Committee, loyally support the establishment of both Comrade Xi Jinping’s core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and the guiding role of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, firmly uphold Comrade Xi Jinping’s core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and uphold the Central Committee’s authority and its centralized, unified leadership, practice the vision of people-centered development, keep in mind the new stage of development, apply the new development philosophy, serve the new development pattern, carry forward the Party’s great founding spirit, resolutely guard the “red roots”, faithfully implement the “Double Eight Development Strategy”, deeply participate in and push ahead with the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, enhance the reputation of our “seven gold business cards”, drive Jiaxing’s development by leaps and bounds, strive to take the lead in making landmark achievements in the high-quality development and construction of the common prosperity demonstration zone and in basically realizing socialist modernization, accelerate the construction of a model city of common prosperity and a pioneering city of socialist modernization and strive to build the “most wonderful pane” of the “important window” to open a new page for the realization of the second centennial goal. 

We propose the main development targets for the future five years as follows:

——Economic overall strength is to increase significantly. Transformation of the economic growth mode is to achieve decisive results; the modern industrial system is to be built rapidly; high-quality development is to be fully demonstrated; GDP is to exceed one trillion yuan; the gross industrial output value of the industries above the designated size is to reach two trillion yuan; total fiscal revenue is to reach 170 billion yuan; the general public budget income is to reach 100 billion yuan, and accumulated actual utilization of foreign capital is to reach more than USD 16 billion.

——The innovation-driven development competence is to be strengthened significantly. We will establish a market-oriented innovation system mainly participated in by enterprises and characterized by the deep integration of enterprises, universities and research institutions and make a major breakthrough in building sci-tech innovation platforms, giving play to the principal role of enterprises in innovation and attracting outstanding people. R&D investment intensity will reach 3.8%; outstanding people will total 1.5 million; hi-tech enterprises will total more than 5,500, and Jiaxing will become a sci-tech innovation center of the Yangtze River Delta.

——Common prosperity is to be significantly improved. The people will reach a new level in cultural and ethical advancement. The social security system will be more perfect and public service will be superior and more balanced. An olive-shaped social structure mainly made up of middle-income groups will come into being, and per capita disposable incomes of urban and rural residents will reach 95,000 yuan and 60,000 yuan respectively. More than 81 percent of families will have an annual disposable income of 100,000 yuan to 500,000 yuan, and more than 46 percent of families will have an annual disposable income of 200,000 to 600,000 yuan, which will show a beautiful prospect of common prosperity.

——The quality of the ecological environment will be significantly improved. We will make full progress in the construction of beautiful cities, beautiful towns and beautiful villages and key progress in carbon peak and carbon neutrality. The energy consumption per unit of GDP and carbon emission intensity will continue to decline. We will improve “water source-to-water faucet” water supply systems to build Jiaxing into the best city in water supplies. We will build Jiaxing into a “Demonstration Zone of Fresh Air”, a “Zone without Direct Discharge of Sewage”, a “City Free of Wastes” and a green and low-carbon demonstration city of circular economy.

——Cultural advancement will be improved significantly. We will intensify efforts to guard “red roots” and inherit traditional culture, make socialist core values prevail among the people, champion the great founding spirit of the Party and Red Boat Spirit, carry out Jiaxing’s “diligent, kind, harmonious, beautiful, brave and progressive” spirit and improve to a greater degree public cultural service and the quality of cultural industries. We will intensify efforts to build a national model city of civilization and continuously expand the influence of Jiaxing as a famous water city in the South of the Yangtze River.

——Social governance will be improved significantly. Great progress will be made in building a high-quality social governance system and in improving modern social governance; the program “Linking hearts with grids and organizing groups for services providing” will be continuously deepened; the community-level governance mode “integrating intelligent governance, self-governance, legal governance and ethical governance” will be more perfect; the ability of guarding against risks will be further strengthened. We will take the lead in Zhejiang in the sense of fulfillment, happiness, security and identity.

To achieve these goals mentioned above, we will focus on the following work in ten areas:

1.Further implementing the primary strategy to build Jiaxing into a new growth pole for the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta. We will further leverage our geographical advantages to build a “bridgehead” to connect Shanghai and a “gateway” to receive the valuable resources overflowing out of Shanghai. We will fully participate in the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, accelerate the construction of Jiashan Zone of the Demonstration Area of the Integrated Development of the Yangtze River Delta, implement “1+1+N” planning tasks, systematically reshape the spatial layout of “One City, One Valley and Three Zones”, finish the construction of the Reception Room of Water Town, Xiangfudang Innovation Center and other major platforms and make institutional innovation achievements in planning, management, ecological protection and flow of factors to ensure Jiashan Zone takes the lead in the construction of the Demonstration Area of the Integrated Development of the Yangtze River Delta. We will spare no effort to build Jiaxing into the “gold southern wing” of the Hongqiao International Open Hub, launch eight integrated reforms, construct eight landmark projects and take the initiative to strengthen the cooperation with Shanghai in public services,  infrastructure and industrial parks to get integrated into the development of Shanghai in all aspects. We will strengthen our integrated development with Hangzhou, Ningbo, Suzhou and Huzhou and promote the construction of Wanbei New Area, Xiushui New Area, Future City of South-north Lake and Qiantang International New City to form a coordinated development pattern involving joint efforts of four parties. We will build Jiaxing into a strong city in transportation. We will give full play to the pioneering role of transportation, intensify efforts in comprehensive transportation, smart transportation and future transportation, construct major transportation projects like the hubs of the railway and airport, and combine river and sea transportation to build a three-dimensional high-efficiency comprehensive transportation system. We will finish the construction of Jiaxing-Fengnan Railway, Jiashan-Xitang Railway, Shanghai-Pinghu-Haiyan Railway, Suzhou-Taizhou Highway (Phase II), and start the construction of  Nantong-Suzhou-Jiaxing-Ningbo Railway, Shanghai-Zhapu-Hangzhou and the Middle-ring Highway (within Jiaxing) of Hangzhou Metropolitan Area. Ten-thousand berths of Jiaxing Port will total 50 and its throughput of TEUs will reach  five million. Jiaxing Airport will be put into operation. We will construct an air transportation center and a national logistics hub city.

2. Strengthening innovation-driven development and shoulder more responsibilities of building national innovation systems. We will continue to take innovation as the primary driving force of development and enhance sci-tech innovation to build an innovative and future-oriented city. The construction of innovation platforms will be further strengthened. We will speed up the construction of G60 Sci-tech Innovation Valley, improve the capability of national and provincial high-tech zones, construct a number of high-standard lake-centered innovative zones, support the Yangtze Delta Region Institute of Tsinghua University, Zhejiang, to be built into a high-level new-type innovation platform, and support Nanhu Laboratory, Nanhu Research Institute and Yangtze River Delta Research Institute of Beijing University of Technology to make rapid progress and be built into provincial and national sci-tech research platforms. We will strengthen the cooperation with Zhejiang University and Tongji University, speed up the upgrading of Jiaxing University to a university with world-class disciplines, build Jiaxing Nanhu University into an application-oriented university with distinctive characteristics and give full play to the roles of universities in promoting sci-tech innovation. We will intensify efforts to foster more enterprises playing the principal roles in innovation, double the numbers of hi-tech enterprises and sci-tech small and medium-sized enterprises, implement the plan of fostering the enterprises as “little giants” and increase the numbers of national high-tech enterprises, provincial small and medium-sized sci-tech enterprises and the enterprises as “little giants” by 2,600, 5,500 and 50 respectively. We will promote enterprises’ R&D and build 350 provincial R&D centers of high-tech enterprises and 150 enterprise-based research institutes at the provincial level. We will improve the service system for enterprises’ innovation, build a national demonstration city of intellectual property rights, and deepen the construction of the Pilot Zone for Innovative Financial Reform of the Yangtze River Delta. The loan balances of innovation-driven enterprises will exceed 300 billion yuan to build Jiaxing a leading city in the commercialization of sci-tech achievements in the Yangtze River Delta. We will vigorously gather outstanding people, implement a series of talent programs of “Stars over the South Lake”, continue to enhance the brands such as Global Sci-tech Innovation Road Show Center of the Yangtze River Delta and attract or train more than 400 more global top or domestic first-class or outstanding people and engineers. We will launch a campaign to attract talented young people, train a number of young scientists, entrepreneurs and craftsmen and attract 500,000 young college students to build a city beneficial to the growth of the young. We will improve the incentive mechanism for personnel training and provide high-quality services in housing, medical care and children’s schooling so that outstanding people can be attracted to and settle in Jiaxing and develop well to make Jiaxing more attractive and wonderful.

3. Implementing the strategy of strengthening the city by developing manufacturing sector and making greater efforts to build an advanced base for the manufacturing sector. We will continue to adhere to developing real economy and the manufacturing sector and improving the industrial base to a higher level and the industrial chain to a modern level to enhance the reputation of the brand “Intelligently Made in Jiaxing”. We will accelerate the transformation of and improve the quality of the manufacturing sector. We will vigorously develop such leading industries as new materials, high-end equipment, electronics and information, cultivate emerging industries concerning new energies, life, health and integrated circuits, vigorously strengthen the influential industries like fiberglass composite materials, photovoltaic power generation and intelligent home decoration, strengthen high-level industrial ecological gardens and high-quality gardens of small and micro enterprises to greatly enhance the capacity and competitiveness of the manufacturing sector. We will implement “Phoenix Action” and “Falcon Action”, accelerate the development of the leading enterprises of the industrial chain and the enterprises as “Little Giants”, make over 35 more enterprises go public. The number of the enterprises each with 100-billion-yuan market value will reach six and that of the leading enterprises each with 100-billion-yuan output will reach four. Jiaxing will help more top-end enterprises prosper and succeed, making them the golden brands of Jiaxing. We will implement the “Project No. 1” and “Doubling Action” of digital economy, accelerate the digital industrialization and industrial digitization, push forward with the construction of the provincial pilot zone of the digital economy and construct “industrial brains”, “future factories” and new infrastructure such as industrial Internet and 5G, realize the digital transformation of all enterprises above the designated size so that the value added of the core industries of the digital economy will account for more than 15% of the GDP. We will make innovation to ensure the success of Wuzhen Summit of the World Internet Conference and amplify the spillover effects of the Conference to build a city advanced in “Internet Plus”. We will further integrate the manufacturing sector into the service sector, implement the “Three-year Action Plan” of producer service sector, vigorously develop the producer service sector such as sci-tech services, industrial designs, inspections and testings so that the value added of the producer service sector will account for 60% of that of the service sector. We will drive the manufacturing sector to move up to the top of the value chain to make it serve as a strong driving force for Jiaxing’s development.

4. Integrating ourselves into the new development pattern of the interplay between domestic circulation and international circulation to build a more advanced city in opening up to the world in all aspects. We will fully implement the strategy driven by opening up to achieve high-quality development through high-quality opening-up. We will promote the integrated development of domestic and foreign trade, vigorously develop new business modes such as the integrated services for foreign trade, oversea location, etc., vigorously develop “cross-border e-commerce plus industrial clusters”, strengthen the leading enterprises engaged in foreign trade, and  prepare well our participation in China Import and Export Expo and Canton Fair. The total import and export volume will exceed 430 billion yuan. We will make measures to increase consumption quantity and quality, develop nighttime economy, “first-store” economy and brand chain economy, build a number of high-grade commerce centers and high-quality pedestrian streets and vigorously cultivate influential consumer brands to build Jiaxing into a consumer center in the Yangtze River Delta to increase the total retail sales of consumer goods to over 300 billion yuan. We will make endeavors to attract and gather high-quality foreign investment, give full play to the advantages of Jiaxing serving as a provincial pioneering zone of high-quality foreign investment and implement the program that the top leader is responsible for foreign investment attraction. Focusing on our industrial development direction, we will attract the investment from the world top 500 companies, international leading enterprises and the enterprises as “invisible champions”. We will attract at least five projects each with a total investment of USD one billion and achieve new breakthroughs in the quality, quantity and scale of the attracted investment projects. New progress will be made in opening up. We will strengthen the development of Joint Innovation Zone of Jiaxing of China (Zhejiang) Pilot Free Trade Zone, promote the replication and promotion of the pilot experience of the Pilot Free Trade Zone, strengthen the cooperation with such high-level open platforms as the Comprehensive Free Trade Zone of Shanghai and Suzhou Industrial Park, build a number of international industrial cooperation parks with distinctive features and make full use of the QFLP pilot program to actively cultivate new advantages in international cooperation.

5. Upgrading the urban development capacity to build Jiaxing into a modern metropolis with high international quality. We will follow the philosophy that “People’s city is constructed by the people and for the people”, promote urban development to a new level through high-level planning, high-quality construction and high-standard management. The integrated development across the city will be accelerated. We will design the production, living and ecological space in a reasonable way guided by the development planning and based on the territorial space planning to improve the allocation of production factors and the balance of industrial development. We will speed up the construction of urban expressways and the expressway network across the city, strengthen the leading and driving role of central urban areas, expand the capacity and improve the quality of the urban areas of each county and county-level city and build beautiful towns at a high level to promote the coordinated development among central urban areas, counties (county-level cities) and towns. The functions and quality of the central urban areas will be improved. We will continue to improve our urban quality, highlight the Spirit of “Red Boat”, the culture of the Grand Canal, international quality and the features of the south of the Yangtze River, construct “South Lake-centered Nine-River Landscape” and put into operation Zicheng Culture Reception Room and Central Park to fully demonstrate our revolutionary culture and traditional culture and build a more distinctive and charming city. We will deepen urban organic renewal, promote the construction of future communities and renovation of old residential areas in bad conditions and completely eliminate the hidden hazards arising from the buildings of hollow precast slabs to improve people’s living environment. We will speed up the construction of Gaotie New City and vigorously enhance Jiaxing’s international quality and build Jiaxing into a famous historical city and modern city to constantly improve its popularity and reputation. Urban delicacy management will be strengthened. We will issue urban delicacy management standards, perfect long-term management mechanisms, build a modern urban management brain and encourage citizens to play their roles as the masters of the city. We will continue to comprehensively improve urban environment and construct a number of reception rooms and model blocks. We will build Jiaxing into a green, beautiful, admirable and clean city, where everything shows its natural colors.

6. Deepening urban-rural integrated development to build Jiaxing into a model city for agricultural and rural modernization at an earlier age. We will boost the construction of the national pilot zone of the urban-rural integrated development, implement the program “Innovation-driven Agriculture, Future Rural Areas and Rural Areas of Common Prosperity of Jiaxing” to set a national model of the balanced development of urban and rural areas. We will build an advanced city in ecologically friendly urban agriculture, strengthen the construction of water conservancy facilities of farmland and the construction of high-standard farmland, resolutely prevent the conversion of arable land into non-agricultural land and the farmland into “non-grain” land. We will strictly implement the responsibility system of food security and stabilize the supplies of important agricultural products to ensure that our “rice bag” and “vegetable basket” are well-filled. We will give full play to the role of agricultural technologies and machines in agricultural development, build an agricultural platform system made up of agricultural economic development zones, high-quality rice demonstration zones, entrepreneurship and innovation incubation parks, characteristic produce zones and the commercialization zone for “beautiful environment-based economy”, foster local seed industries, strengthen new-type agriculture entities such as leading agricultural enterprises, cooperatives and family-based farms, improve rural e-commerce and express delivery and enhance the reputation of local agricultural brands such as “Jiatian Four Seasons” and “Jiaxing Rice”. We will intensify efforts to increase the incomes of villages and the people, implement rural integrated reform, explore the ways to improve the mechanism for farmers’ voluntary and compensable withdrawal from enjoying the ownership of rural collective land, rural land contracting rights and rural land management rights in accordance with the law, carry out a second round of trials to extend the period of the rural land contracting, promote such modes as “enclaves-based cooperation” and farmers’ shareholding to increase incomes, strengthen the capacity of collective economy and ensure rural residents’ incomes continue to rank the first in Zhejiang. We will carry out the “Ten & Hundred & Thousand” Campaign and strengthen the management of the architectural style of rural houses to improve rural living environment. We will build 10 poetic and picturesque zones with characteristics of the south of the Yangtze River, build 100 provincial-level future villages and upgrade 200 historical and cultural traditional villages to make beautiful villages across the city be a beautiful landscape of Jiaxing.

7. Strengthening ecological conservation to build a green and low-carbon city at a higher level. We will unswervingly take the road of giving priority to ecological conservation and green development, and improve ecological environment quality to a new stage, that is, from “strengthening weak points” to “setting a model”. We will coordinate water pollution control, water ecological restoration and the protection and utilization of water resources, accelerate the reconstruction of water systems across the city, implement the Security Project of Seawalls, and strengthen the construction of the project of draining no water directly from paddy fields. The proportion of Grade III water and above controlled by the province will keep 100%. We will deepen the clean air campaign to control industrial waste gases and keep the average concentration of PM2.5 below 24 micro grams per cubic meter. We will strengthen soil pollution control and soil restoration, reduce the sources of solid wastes and make progress in recycling the solid waste to build a national demonstration city in household waste sorting. We will encourage green and low-carbon production and lifestyle, improve the system for controlling energy consumption and carbon emissions, work in a reasonable and orderly way to achieve carbon peak and carbon neutrality in such important fields as energy, industry and transportation, and resolutely curb the projects of high energy consumption and heavy pollution to make significant progress in green transformation of economic and social development. We will develop such industries as energy conservation, environmental protection and clean energy, promote the large-scale use of photovoltaic power, wind power and hydrogen energy, strengthen the comprehensive use of nuclear energies, increase the proportion of the installed capacity of non-fossil energy to over 65% of the total to build a demonstration base of new energy industries. We will continue to improve the modern ecological governance system, strictly implement the system of the red line for ecological protection, bottom line for environment quality, maximum limit for the application of resources and list for environment access, establish an ecological environment governance system covering overground and underground ecological environment and land and sea environment, improve the compensation mechanism for ecological damage and strengthen our ability in providing quality ecological products and services. We will enhance the ability in the discovery, disposal and closed-loop management of environment pollution, reinforce cross-regional collaborative governance and punish environmental violations with a “zero-tolerance” attitude to make those damaging ecological environment pay high prices to protect our clear water and blue sky. 

8. Taking solid steps to promote common prosperity and building a more harmonious and happier city. We will further implement “Eight Major Actions” and “Ten Reforms for Achieving Common Prosperity”, build “Happy Life for the People of Jiaxing” - a brand of people’s livelihood to make people enjoy noticeable, tangible and true common prosperity. We will work hard to increase the incomes of low-income people and the number of middle-income people, implement the project “Happy Work and Rich Life”, improve the employment and business start-up system, raise labor productivity and create 500,000 new urban jobs. We will improve the mechanism of adjusting income distributions, implement the plan of doubling residents’ incomes and the number of middle-income people, strengthen low-income groups’ ability in increasing their incomes and make measures for major groups such as industrial workers to join faster middle-income groups. We will carry out the action of “Skilled Jiaxing”, issue more favorable policies for the vigorous development of vocational education, speed up the expansion and upgrading of Jiaxing Vocational and Technical College, Nanyang Vocational and Technical College and Jiaxing Technician Institute, enhance the sense of social identity and professional honor of skilled personnel to make Jiaxing a desirable city for highly skilled personnel. We will improve the multilevel, fair and unified social security system that covers the whole population of urban and rural areas and steadily increases pension and medical insurance standards. We will improve the mechanism for targeted assistance, develop charity and provide more supports for the people in need. We will improve the housing security system to meet people’s diverse and reasonable housing needs, build 150,000 units of government-subsidized housing and promote the steady and sound development of the real estate market. The quality and sharing of the public service will be further improved. We will focus more attention on education development, invest more into education, promote the popularity of preschool education beneficial to all, high-quality and balanced development of compulsory education, diverse and distinctive development of high school education, distinctive development of vocational education and leapfrog development of higher education, perfect the long-term mechanism of the “double reduction policy”, standardize private compulsory education development, attract more famous teachers and schools to Jiaxing and improve our brand of high-quality education to make education an important driving force for our future development. We will deepen the construction of “Healthy Jiaxing”, put into operation International Medical Center of the Yangtze River Delta, complete the renovation and expansion of the First Hospital of Jiaxing and Jiaxing Hospital of TCM, introduce more famous doctors to Jiaxing, strengthen the construction of county-level medical communities and urban medical complexes and support the extension of high-quality medical resources to villages and communities. We will build a national model city for sports and fitness, construct a number of stadiums and gymnasiums suitable for major international and domestic sports events and games and put into operation 500 “sportsmen” communities. We will enhance the service platform “Jiaxing Online” to improve people’s mental health and the population service system focusing on the elderly care and child care, establish a system for the old age care service and implement the “three-child” birth policy and supporting measures to build a childcare-friendly and the elderly care-friendly society. We will build an advanced city in culture and civilization in the new era. We will strengthen the exploitation and utilization of revolutionary cultural resources to build a benchmark city for revolutionary tourism. We will carry out the renaissance of Jiaxing’s culture, build the Tianlai Pavilion-centered culture core area with ancient urban characteristics and improve the protection and development of ancient towns and the reputation of the culture brand “East or west, Jiaxing’s ancient towns are best”. We will jointly build the National Cultural Park of the Grand Canal, make measures to include the culture landscapes of the seawall and tide of Haining into world culture heritages. We will build more high-quality culture facilities available to urban and rural citizens within their 10-minute walks and establish Art Troupe of Jiaxing, Dance Troupe of Jiaxing and Symphony Orchestra of Jiaxing, etc. to make our people enjoy elegant art at home.

9. Leveraging the role of digital reforms as a driving force to further energize our systems and mechanisms. We will integrate the digital reform into the major reform of the common prosperity demonstration zone and into the deepening reform in all respects to accelerate the transformation in quality, efficiency and driving forces of economic and social development. We will strengthen the construction of digital governments, improve the online-offline integrated government service system helpful to governments, markets and people, strengthen integrated intelligent public data platforms and construct a number of digital reform and application projects to remould government work processes and institutions. We will strengthen the capacity of “Zhezhengding” and apply more widely “Zheliban” to meet people and enterprises’ needs to make the public service more easily available to build a digital ecology where governments, enterprises and society can cooperate better with each other. We will continue to advance the reform in key areas, make remarkable progress in major reform projects at and above the provincial level, and achieve more institutional innovations able to be copied and extended. We will press ahead with the reform of market-based allocation of resources and production factors, thoroughly implement the “Pacemaker Action of the Benefit Per Acre of Farmland” and improve the “standard land” system to comprehensively improve the allocation efficiency of production factors. We will promote the reform of “comprehensive and integrated” administrative law enforcement and the practice of “Only one team is in charge of law enforcement”, and establish an efficient and coordinated “ongoing and ex-post” oversight and law enforcement system. We will strengthen and improve the Party building in state-owned enterprises, deepen the reform of state-owned assets and enterprises, continue to improve the business environment, implement a new round of actions to improve business environment, perfect the standard and transparent market access system, provide life-cycle efficient services for enterprises, enhance the efficiency of the examination and approval of investment projects, and the market-based, law-based and international levels of the business environment and build a national demonstration zone with good  social credit systems and a city with the optimum business environment.

10. Focusing on both development and security and building a most secure city with more effective measures. We will continue to adhere to bottom-line thinking, keep alert to potential risks, and remember “There is nothing trivial in Jiaxing for everything is involved with politics” to achieve high-quality development and high-level security. Safety development level will be further improved. We will work hard to ensure workplace safety, tighten up our responsibilities, keep alert all the time and make unremitting efforts to eliminate potential hazards arising from hazardous chemicals, road transportation and fire control to ensure continuous improvement of workplace safety. We will strengthen urban secure operations, improve the systems of the prevention, mitigation and relief of disasters to improve our ability to fight various risks. We will strengthen the oversight over food and drug quality to build a national demonstration city in food safety. We will strengthen and make innovations in social governance, build a pioneering city in social governance across the city, promote the community-level mode “integrating intelligent governance, self-governance, legal governance and ethical governance”, improve the system “one center, four platforms and one grid” and work harder to resolve the conflicts and disputes from their sources to build a social governance community by the people and for the people. We will lay a solid foundation at the community level, improve the quality of social workers and build an intelligent and one-stop community service center to make urban and rural communities the first stop to serve the people and implement social governance. The construction of “Safe Jiaxing” will be further deepened. We will improve the closed-loop control mechanism made up of “monitoring, early warning, disposal and feedback” to guard against and defuse risks in real estate and illegal finance. We will strengthen covid-19 prevention and control in a reasonable and targeted manner to improve our emergency response capacity. We will strengthen the construction of public security systems, build more intelligent and secure streets and units, provide better services for migrants, regularly crack down on gangs, evils and crimes in accordance with the law to build Jiaxing into a demonstration zone for the construction of “Safe China”.

Major tasks for 2022

2022 is the year when the 20th CPC National Congress is to be opened and the first year for the new government to start work. We will adhere to the principle of making steady progress while improving quality, defusing risks while maintaining security and shaping changes and reforms, coordinate epidemic control and economic and social development, implement the programs such as the Year of Making Breakthroughs in Investment Projects, the Year of Improving Services and the Year of Improving People’s Livelihood. We will be fully committed to achieving new breakthroughs in promoting high-quality development.

The main projected targets for the development this year are: GDP growth will be at least 6%; R&D investment intensity 3.48%; general public budget revenue will grow at least 6.5%, and investment in fixed assets at least 8%. The growth of per capita disposable incomes of urban and rural residents is basically in step with economic growth, and the wide gap of incomes between urban and rural residents will continue to narrow. CPI will rise by around 3%; and a surveyed urban unemployment rate will be below 5.5%. We will complete the tasks of energy and environment indicators planned by the province.

This year, we will focus on six tasks:

1. Sparing no effort to benefit and help enterprises to energize  market entities. Helping enterprises is to promote development and strengthen development potential. We will do everything possible  to ease enterprises’ worries and difficulties and help them focus on development. We will greatly reduce the burden on them, fully implement national, provincial and municipal policies beneficial to enterprises, reduce their costs to the greatest degree, implement swiftly and directly the policies of tax and fee cuts in accordance with the “highest speed plus most favorable” principle to implement those enterprises-related favorable policies as early as possible. We will  overhaul and standardize the charges on enterprises, provide favorable policies for such industries greatly influenced by the covid-19 as catering, travel and accommodation. More than 30-billion-yuan burdens on enterprises will be cut this year. We will ensure enterprises’ financing needs, implement the credit loan plan “Oxygen Supply Program” and financial service plan “Trickle Irrigation Project” beneficial to small and micro businesses, increase loans by over 200 billion yuan, of which over 20 billion yuan are medium-and long-term loans for the manufacturing sector. The growth rate of inclusive loans to small and micro businesses will be higher than that of any other loan. We will continue to optimize the services provided for enterprises, take contacting enterprises and serving enterprises as our duty and simplify administrative examination and approval procedure and business registration. Over 40% of government procurement projects will be reserved for small and medium-sized enterprises. We will establish a cordial and clean relationship between governments and businesses and protect the legitimate rights and interests of private enterprises in accordance with the law to help entrepreneurs keep free from undue concerns and devote themselves to developing their businesses.

2. Adopting various measures to enlarge investment, stabilize foreign trade and promote consumption to keep the fundamentals of the economy stable. We will make economic stability our top priority and pursue progress while ensuring stability and implement the provincial policies on making steady progress while improving quality: expanding effective investment, reducing enterprises’ burdens, strengthening sci-tech innovations, stabilizing foreign trade and foreign investment, promoting consumption, improving people’s well-being and implementing the policies concerning fiscal factors, resources, finance and energy to achieve economic stable operation. Efforts will be intensified in major investment projects. We will implement ten great investment projects such as the investment in advanced manufacturing sector, transportation, urban renewal, the provincial “4 plus 1” projects and municipal “551” projects to inspire resources to flow to major projects. About 2,667 hectares of construction land will be provided. The special-purpose bonds of the government will grow by more than 20%. We will step up efforts to attract major products, introduce over 80 ones from the world top 500 enterprises or international leading enterprises, and the projects each with an investment of more than USD100 million. Foreign investment actually utilized will total more than USD three billion. We will implement “Horse Racing Mechanism” to promote the early construction and operation of those projects. We will make measures to keep foreign trade steady, implement the policies on the export rebate and export loan and give full play to the advantages of professional foreign trade companies. The fund offered by Jiaxing to stabilize foreign trade will increase by 20%. The number of the enterprises with real export performances will increase by 500 and that of the enterprises engaged in cross-border e-commerce will increase by 200. Our export share in the province will keep increasing. Measures are to be made to activate consumer demand. We will organize a series of activities to promote the consumption of new-energy automobiles, the consumption of green and intelligent home appliances in the countryside and the exchanges of new home appliances with old ones, foster and strengthen consumer service such as cultural service and leisure tourism, support Jiashan and Tongxiang to build provincial pilot cities of nighttime economy and Haining to build a provincial wisdom business circle to ensure retail sales grow by more than 6%.

3. Striving to strengthen innovation-driven development to promote the high-quality development of the manufacturing sector. We will work together to promote sci-tech innovation and industrial upgrading, and accelerate efforts to build Jiaxing into an advanced manufacturing base and digital economy in the core area of the Yangtze River Delta. We will strengthen the driving force based on innovation, boost the construction of “one zone and industrial parks” of Xiuzhou Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone- a national high-tech zone, extend the open competition mechanism to select the best candidates to undertake key research projects to key technologies and create 700 new national high-tech enterprises, 1,500 new provincial sci-tech small and medium-sized enterprises, and 10 new enterprises as “little giants”. The R&D centers will be constructed in all top 100 enterprises above the designated size. The government expenditures in science and technology will grow by more than 18% and the core competitiveness of the manufacturing sector will be strengthened. We will launch a new round of upgrading and transforming the manufacturing sector, close down and renovate 1,400 enterprises of high energy consumption but low efficiency, reclaim approximately 1,333 hectares of land not used efficiently, and digitize or increase the greening rate of 1,000 traditional industrial factories. We will implement the “Ten & Hundred & Thousand & Ten thousand” Project to cultivate 10 new listed companies, 15 new enterprises as “little giants” and 5 new enterprises of invisible champions. The development of the digital economy will be expedited. We will construct software industry clusters and build 15 new provincial-level “future factories” and smart factories. The operating industrial robots will total 20,000. 2,000 new 5G base stations will be put into operation. The value added of the core industries of the digital economy will increase by more than 16 percent.

4. Deeply participating in the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta and enhancing the reputation and competitiveness of Jiaxing. We will continue to implement the primary strategy, strengthen Jiaxing’s capacity on all fronts in our participation in the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta and speed up our cooperation with Shanghai and Hangzhou. Good preparations will be made for holding a series of urban promotion events for Shanghai·Jiaxing Program. We will endeavor to publicize our city image, realize the mutual recognition of the housing provident funds between Jiaxing and other regions, implement the pilot project that the application for the administrative examination and approval of the inter-provincial cooperation parks will be accepted at one service window of the whole Jiaxing and realize inter-provincial on-site settlement of outpatient bills for chronic and special diseases through individual accounts of the basic medical insurance. We will accelerate efforts to build Jiashan into a national demonstration spot of scientific development across the county and a demonstration zone of the green and integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, advance the construction of 20 key projects such as Smart Oasis of Zhejiang University in the Yangtze River Delta of and R&D Headquarters of Green Innovation Valley and prepare well on-site activities for the third anniversary of the construction of the Demonstration Zone of the Green and Integrated Development of the Yangtze River Delta. We will strengthen the construction of the industrial-urban integrated development zone of Pinghu-Jinshan and and boost the coordinated development of Haining and Tongxiang’s regions adjacent to Hangzhou. The comprehensive transportation hubs will be further improved. We will start the construction of Jiaxing-Fengqiao Railway, Jiashan-Xitang Railway, Nantong-Suzhou-Jiaxing-Ningbo Railway, Shanghai-Pinghu-Haiyan Railway, the highway in Jiashan linking Shanghai-Hangzhou Highway, the highway in Haiyan linking Hangzhou-Pudong Highway, the expressways from Jiaxing Airport and Jiaxing’s urban centers to the counties and county-level cities under Jiaxing, upgrade Huzhou-Jiaxing-Shanghai Waterway and increase new berths of Jiaxing Port opening to the outside by 10. Urban quality will be further upgraded. We will fully launch the construction of the core area of Gaotie New City, speed up the construction of the lakeside zone of South Lake and the regions of Yuehe, Luxihui, Wensheng Cloister and Shanqing Water Lock, upgrade Central Park and put into operation the pedestrian street of Shaonian Road. We will vigorously promote urban organic renewal, remove the bottlenecks preventing the construction of key projects, identify and address the hidden hazards arising from the buildings of hollow precast slabs to ensure all people live in safe houses. We will improve the environment quality of the sides of railways and highways to welcome the Asian Games in Hangzhou. We will strengthen urban delicacy management, settle hard difficulties in urban governance and improve urban environment, work harder to normalize, refine, humanize, and intelligentize the management of public places. A number of high-quality demonstration roads and high-standard demonstration areas with clean environment will be put into operation in the downtown. Exciting changes will happen every day.

5. Promoting digital reform and making full use of reform results. We will focus on the goal of “ensuring great changes within two years” and on “1612” systems, accelerate efforts to achieve breakthroughs in digital reforms and exhibit those reform results to form a new integrated reform pattern. The functions of digital platforms will be further improved. We will implement the “Regulations on Public Data” of Zhejiang, speed up the construction of integrated and intelligent public data platforms, deepen the pilot “digital twin” reform, improve data collection and sharing and early warning and prediction capabilities and make the service, management and supervision available online to increase the utilization rate of data to more than 95%. We will speed up the creation of a number of major applications. Focusing on reform problems, we will work hard on the systematic planning, operation and upgrading of major applications, strengthen the overall management of digital projects, start the pilot project “Innovation is made in one place but shared in the whole province”, achieve a number of application results featured by Jiaxing and strive to win the best application award and reform breakthrough award in the whole province. We will adopt all major applications that are practical and efficient and widely used across the province. We will work hard to ensure that more government services, work and governance are accessible on cellphone applications and enhance the utilization rate of “Zheliban” and “Zhezhengding” to strengthen the roles of the digital reform in benefiting the people, enterprises and communities in all aspects.

6. Working together to build an advanced city in constructing the demonstration zone of common prosperity and obtaining landmark achievements. We will continue to promote common prosperity in our high-quality development to enable the people to better share reform and development results. The channels to increase people’s incomes will be further expanded. We will continue to increase the incomes of low-income people and the number of middle-income people, improve the environment for starting up businesses and achieving prosperity and the mechanisms for supporting employment, and create 100,000 new urban jobs. We will move faster to build a comprehensive social security system for common prosperity and provide supports in ten aspects for the people to live a carefree life and do more to meet people’s basic needs. We will upgrade rural revitalization, improve the systems and mechanisms for urban and rural integrated development, settle the problems in land use across the city, strengthen food security and agricultural production capacity, deepen the construction of beautiful villages, and foster new rural business modes such as innovative agriculture and characteristic B&B. The annual regular income of the collective economy of each village will reach 1.5 million yuan and its  operational income 500,000 yuan. We will upgrade Xiuzhou’s urban-rural integrated pilot zone to a demonstration zone and support Jiashan to take the lead in building all of its villages into beautiful ones. The supply of public services will be refined. We will give top priority to the development of education, improve the quality and balanced development of basic education, and build 21 new primary and secondary schools and kindergartens, which can recruit 15,000 students. We will accelerate efforts to increase the quality and quantity of medical resources, start constructing International Medical Center of the Yangtze River Delta, complete constructing Clinical Center for Public Health, and increase the number of practicing physicians by 2,000. We will deepen the national pilot reform of home and community-based elderly care services, vigorously develop inclusive childcare services, increase the number of embedded beds for the elderly care in the communities by 1,000 and provide the childcare service for 2,500 more children in the nurseries. We will create the conditions for people to enjoy more spiritual wealth, raise cultural and ethical standards and deepen the construction of culturally advanced cities across Jiaxing. We will continue to construct smart bookstores and cultural halls, enrich the connotations of the culture brands “An Appointment with Culture” and “Scholarly Jiaxing”, and hold a successful exhibition of China’s Series of Paintings of Generations to boost common prosperity from a cultural perspective. The environment quality will be further improved. We will launch a number of ecological protection and restoration projects and deepen the construction of low-carbon pilot projects. The proportion of Grade III water and above controlled by Jiaxing will remain 94%, and the proportion of the days with good air quality will reach 90% of the year to make good ecological environment bring more benefits to the people. Effective measures will be made to prevent and control the epidemic and ensure workplace safety. We will strictly implement the requirements for regular epidemic prevention and control, improve “seven mechanisms”, take more reasonable, precise and intelligent measures against the epidemic to achieve the maximum epidemic control effect at the lowest cost. We will implement a special campaign to improve workplace safety, work hard to fulfil responsibilities, strengthen supervisions, law enforcement and the control of hidden dangers to ensure the decline of workplace safety accidents and deaths and build Safe Jiaxing at a higher level.

We will support Municipal People’s Congress of Jiaxing and the CPPCC Jiaxing Municipal Committee to perform their duties, and handle well their suggestions and proposals. We will continue to support the development of national defense and armed forces and promote mutual support between the civilians and the military. We will implement Mountain-Ocean Collaboration Project, provide paired assistance, make progress in the work related to ethnic groups and religions, overseas Chinese, Taiwan affairs, historical annals, archives, civil air defense, coastal defense, anti-smuggling and meteorological administration, and make new progress in the work on trade unions, women, children, juveniles, the elderly, charity, Red Cross and the disabled. 

Fellow Deputies, after earnest researches and wide discussions, we have submitted to this session 12 candidate projects on improving people’s livelihood for your deliberation and vote. After the projects are confirmed by the conference, we will set concrete targets and tasks, implement our responsibilities, take people’s satisfaction as the yardstick to work hard on those projects in an earnest way to bring more benefits to the people at an early day.

We will effectively strengthen government self-improvement.

Forging ahead on a new journey and making contributions in the new era have required the government to work harder. The new government will resolutely shoulder the responsibility of the place where the Red Boat set sail, combine high political stances, practical endeavors and strict requirements to vigorously improve the government’s modern governance capacity.

We will keep absolutely loyal. Loyalty ensures our directions. We will fully implement Xi Jinping Thought on the Socialism with Chinese characteristics for a New Era, bear in mind the country’s most fundamental interests, guard the “red roots”, keep enhancing our capacity for political judgment, thinking and implementation, unswervingly serve as loyal supporters for the establishment of both Comrade Xi Jinping’s core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and the guiding role of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, firmly uphold Comrade Xi Jinping’s core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and uphold the Central Committee’s authority and its centralized, unified leadership, firmly carry out General Secretary Xi Jinping’s instructions and the CPC Central Committee’s decisions, and the requirements of the CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee and the CPC Jiaxing Municipal Committee, work hard to set a a good example in putting into those decisions and requirements to build a loyal government.

We must work diligently for the people. We will do everything we can so long as it benefits the people. We will always keep in mind that the people is the most important word for the government. We will always work with them and make our work better, more effective and much closer to the people. We will continue to tighten our belts, take the lead in practicing strict economy and use the valuable fund as much as possible to improve people’s livelihood, maintain close ties with the people, walk to the people, learn from the people and work diligently to build a service-oriented government.

We must give top priority to working hard. A great vision, simple and pure, requires credible actions. We will continue to judge the hero in accordance with his work achievements, devote our energy to work, promote the culture featuring the down-to-earth style and pioneering and striving-for-excellence spirit to make concrete measures, seek truth from facts and do practical things for the people to achieve the goals as planned. We will strengthen the sense that “not being in the forefront is also a risk”, seize every minute, work diligently and focus our attention on key points and overcome difficulties to make remarkable achievements. We must do our work best and strive for the first to build a down-to-earth government.

We must resolutely perform our duties in accordance with the law. We will take the lead in respecting, studying, observing and applying the law, bring all government work under the rule of law and perform our duties in a way required by the rule of law to build a national demonstration city for its law-based government. All of us in the government must readily accept the law-based, democratic and public oversights, support supervisory and judicial oversights and strengthen auditing and statistical oversights to make all administrative issues legal, fair and transparent to build a law-based government.

We must resolutely build a clean government. Being honest and upright is a blessing, while greed is a curse. We will exercise full and strict Party self-governance, do more to improve Party conduct, fight corruption, strictly comply with the central Party leadership’s eight-point decisions on improving work conduct, step up efforts to tackle pointless formalities, bureaucratism, hedonism and extravagance, normalize our power, strictly observe rules and regulations, make observing discipline and rules be officials’ habit and consolidate a clean and upright political ecology to build a clean government.

Fellow Deputies, hard work creates history and the future. Let us rally more closely around the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, hold high the great banner of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, bravely shoulder the mission of taking the lead in making landmark achievements in the high-quality development and the construction of the common prosperity demonstration zone and taking the lead in basically realizing socialist modernization under the strong leadership of the CPC Jiaxing Municipal Committee, forge ahead bravely, build Jiaxing into a model city of common prosperity and speed up the construction of a pioneering city of socialist modernization to welcome the 20th National Congress of the CPC with excellent results.