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Measures Taken to Protect the Rights of Laborers of Flexible Employment and New Employment Forms

Release date:2023-07-04 09:59

On April 4, 2023, Huang Lixin, chairwomen of the CPPCC Zhejiang Provincial Committee made an investigation and survey in Jiaxing on “strengthening the protection of the rights and interests of the laborers of flexible employment and of new employment forms” with her team members. She said that every measure should be made to study and implement Xi Jinping’s speeches on employment and social security, support and normalize new employment forms and strengthen the construction of service systems for the laborers of flexible employment and new employment forms.

In the e-commerce live streaming base of the down jackets of Tiktok, she walked into the live streaming room to ask the employees about their salary and social security. She hoped efforts should be intensified to make the best of various platforms to create more jobs. At Dibang Cleaning Company, she carefully listened to the company’s introductions about entrepreneurship and its fulfillment of social responsibilities, and she encouraged this company to expand service areas to create more flexible employment opportunities. At Yuantong Express, she inquired about employees’ incomes and encouraged the company to optimize working environment and improve service quality to enhances employees' sense of belonging. At Staff Service Station of Jinpinghu, she hoped the whole social forces should be mobilized to care for and serve outdoor workers and make such service stations cover all urban and rural areas. In Economic Development Zone of Haiyan, she listened to the introduction of the digital platform “Jialihong” and Zhihuiwan Industry Community and encouraged them to make online and offline efforts to create a strong and warm service guarantee network. In the 168·Entrepreneurship Park, she talked with entrepreneurs about the incubation of projects and encouraged them to continuously optimize the development environment for entrepreneurs to help them realize dreams in Zhejiang. At Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant, she entered the Reception Room of the CPPCC Qinshan Nuclear Power Committee and encouraged its staff to make their contributions to building Zero-carbon Future City. She also inspected the platforms for the CPPCC members to perform their duties in Xindai Town of Pinghu City and Xitangqiao Town of Haiyan County, affirmed their characteristics and achievements and stressed that the advantages of the CPPCC system should be better transformed into governance effectiveness.

During her inspection and survey, she fully affirmed the achievements made in Jiaxing in serving the laborers of the flexible employment and new employment forms. She emphasized more efforts should be intensified to implement the decisions and deployments of the CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee and People’s Government of Zhejiang Province, actively promote full and high-quality employment, and further strengthen the protection of the rights and interests of the workers of the flexible employment and new employment forms, improve the policy, institutional system and coordination mechanism of labor relations, clarify the duties of platform-based enterprises, set up more comprehensive service platforms for new employment groups, construct the communities of interests for all employees, and continuously enhance employees’ senses of happiness, fulfillment and security. The CPPCC should play an advantageous role, gather public knowledge, wisdom and strength to help improve people’s livelihood and well-being by faithfully implementing the “Double Eight Development Strategies”

The leaders of Jiaxing participated in the inspection and research such as Chen Wei, Chen Lizhong and Shuai Xielang.