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A Conference Held in Jiaxing to Study General Secretary Xi Jinping’s Important Speech Delivered at the Cultural Inheritance and Development Symposium

Release date:2024-01-25 15:44

Yesterday morning, the CPC Jiaxing Municipal Committee held a standing committee conference & a special theoretical group study session to convey and study the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinpings speech at the cultural inheritance and development symposium and discussed the implementation suggestions in Jiaxing. Chen Wei, secretary of the CPC Jiaxing Municipal Committee presided over the conference and delivered a speech, and other leaders were present such as Li Jun, Gao Linghui, Chen Lizhong and Shuai Xielang.

General Secretary Xi Jinpings important speech at the symposium on cultural inheritance and development made a comprehensive, systematic and in-depth elaboration of a series of major theoretical and practical issues on the inheritance and development of Chinese culture, pointed out the way forward and provided the fundamental guidelines for the construction of the modern civilization of Chinese nation. Chen Wei said we should fully study and understand the core meaning and rich connotations of General Secretary Xi Jinpings important speech, fully understand the practical requirements of inheriting and developing Chinese culture, the features of Chinese civilization and the significance of adapting the basic tenets of Marxism to China’s specific realities and its fine traditional culture, further strengthen cultural confidence and enhance cultural consciousness to promote cultural prosperous development at a new starting point.

It was stressed at the conference that Jiaxing has a long history in traditional and revolutionary culture. We should shoulder new cultural missions, accelerate efforts to build Jiaxing into an advanced culture and civilization city in the new era to make culture create productivity, improve competitiveness and attractiveness and form cohesive forces to support Jiaxings magnificent new journey of modernization with spiritual strength. We should attach importance to the role of revolutionary culture, vigorously carry forward the great founding spirit of the Party and the spirit of the Red Boat, firmly defend the establishment of both Comrade Xi Jinping’s core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and the guiding role of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and firmly uphold Comrade Xi Jinping’s core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and uphold the Central Committee’s authority and its centralized, unified leadership. We should intensify efforts to inherit history and culture, revive Jiaxing Culture, effectively organize the exhibition of A Comprehensive Collection of Ancient Chinese Paintings, enlarge public culture supplies, continue to optimize the allocation of urban, rural and regional cultural resources, further enhance the reputation of such cultural brands as Jiaxing Dragon Boat Folk Culture Festival and Wuzhen Drama Festival. We should strengthen the creation of fine arts and literature, implement the Project of Fine Cultural Products, and provide more supports for fine cultural products. We should promote the integrated development of culture and tourism, revitalize the cultural resources in the urban areas such as Moon River Culture Block and the Grand Canal, enrich culture and tourism business forms, vigorously develop nighttime economy, accelerate efforts to promote major cultural industry projects, cultivate and strengthen the pillar industries and leading enterprises of literary and creative industries to constantly enhance cultural industrial contributions to economic development. Other leaders also made a speech at the conference such as Qi Li and Zhang Donghe.