Report on the Work of the Jiaxing Municipal Government(2024)

Release date:2024-04-17 16:10

Report on the Work of the Government

Delivered at the Fourth Session of the Ninth Municipal People’s Congress of Jiaxing on January 30, 2024

Mayor   Li Jun

Fellow Deputies,

On behalf of the Municipal People’s Government of Jiaxing, I will now report to you on the work of the government for your deliberation and approval and also for the comments from the members of Jiaxing Municipal Committee of the CPPCC and from other comrades attending the session without voting rights.

I. A Review of Our Work in 2023

In 2023, facing complicated and severe external environment, Municipal People’s Government of Jiaxing followed the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully implemented the guiding principles of the Party’s 20th National Congress, and General Secretary Xi Jingping’s important speech made during his inspection in Zhejiang. Under the correct leadership of the CPC Jiaxing Municipal Committee, Municipal People’s Government of Jiaxing fully and correctly implemented the new development philosophy on all fronts, faithfully implemented the “‘Double Eight’ Development Strategy”, forcefully promoted “Ten Major Projects” and three “No. 1 Projects”, accelerated efforts in building an important central city of the city cluster of the Yangtze River River Delta, completed the goals and tasks set by the third session of the Ninth Municipal People’s Congress of Jiaxing, and laid a solid foundation for writing a new Jiaxing Chapter for the Chinese modernization.

We focused attention on high-quality development, our primary task, made early planning, strengthened implementation, tackled hard problems, improved efficiency, and maintained a steady and sound development momentum. We fully implemented national and provincial policies on stabilizing economic development, took the lead in Zhejiang in introducing 60 measures for high-quality economic development, implemented 32 measures for the development of private economy, went all out for steady growth, economic upgrading, and high quality and efficiency to promote economic recovery. The gross domestic product reached 706.25 billion yuan, a growth of 6.3% year on year; and the total fiscal revenue and general public budget revenue reached 110.26 billion yuan and 63.2 billion yuan respectively, both ranking third in Zhejiang; the fixed asset investment increased by 7.4%; the added value of the enterprises above the designated size increased by 7.6%, and main economic indicators grew faster than those of the whole province.

We focused attention on innovation, reform, upgrading and opening up, took the initiative, worked hard and achieved excellent progress. We continued to implement “Ten Major Projects” and three “No. 1 Projects” to accelerate the transformation of the quality, efficiency and driving forces of economic and social development. Our innovation indexes ranked second in Zhejiang, the highest growth in Zhejiang. Jiaxing was listed as a national pilot innovation-driven model city, took the lead in green and digital transformation of all industrial enterprises above the designated size and won “‘Made-in-Zhejiang’ Tiangong Ding. Jiaxing was approved to build a national intellectual property protection center. Our such practices were adopted widely in Zhejiang as sci-tech financial reform, construction of a strong city in transportation, foreign investment attraction, and the support provided for the enterprises that are specialized and sophisticated and produce new and unique products.



We focused attention on balancing development and security and improved development and security in a systematical manner. We made comprehensive investigations and rectifications of workplace safety, strongly “cracked down on illegal activities”, and workplace safety accidents and deaths decreased by 15.6% and 21.5% respectively. No large production safety accidents occurred the whole year. We successfully kept Asian Games and torch relays safe, and became one of the first winners of the “Two-star Safe Gold Ding of Zhejiang. Solid progress was made in implementing “Seven Privileges” Project for public services. Two more counties were honored as the counties with high-quality and balanced development of compulsory education, and Jiaxing was awarded as a national health model city for the third consecutive year. Jiaxing ranked first in the evaluation of modern development of public cultural services for the tenth consecutive year in Zhejiang, and the Chinese medical team sent by Jiaxing to Central Africa was encouraged by General Secretary Xi Jinping in his letter.

Over the past year, what we did goes as follows:

1. We did our best to help enterprises and economy achieve high-quality and efficient development. We continued to give priority to the work benefiting and assisting enterprises and gave full play to the role of preferential policies in guiding and supporting economic development to strengthen the driving force of economic growth. We helped enterprises reduce costs and increase efficiency, continued to make measures to support enterprises, introduced 18 policies and measures to boost market entities’ confidence and 10 policies to stabilize industrial economy and made  beneficial policies rapidly and directly available to enterprises. The prices of electricity, gas and heat used by enterprises fell by 3.4%, 11.8%, and 8.9% respectively. Newly established market entities totaled 116,000. Investment in projects paid off. We continued to implement “551” Plan on expanding effective investment. 116 projects were included into the Initiative  ‘1,000 Projects and One Trillion-yuan Investment Per Year  of Zhejiang. A wealth of major industrial projects started their construction such as Jinko Solar Co., Ltd, in Haining and Lanjun Lithium Battery Co., Ltd. in Jiashan. 35 projects were insured to receive construction land as national and provincial major projects. Major projects were provided with the energy consumption of 3.53 million more tons of standard coal, an increase of 28.3%. We obtained special-purpose bonds of 35.91 billion yuan, an increase of 44.2%. We won the “Horse Racing Incentive” in investment twice from the provincial government. Exports grew steadily. We took the lead in Zhejiang in going abroad to strive for markets and orders, organized more than 3,600 enterprises to participate in various exhibitions and held National Trade Relief Work Conference. We were approved to be engaged in the bonded repairs beyond the areas under customs’ special supervision. The exports of PV products, electric vehicles, lithium-ion batteries grew by 40.9%. 554 more enterprises achieved actual export performances. Our export share in the country hit a six-year high. Consumer markets continued to pick up. We implemented the policies to promote the consumption of new energy vehicles in rural areas, the integrated development of intelligent decoration and the consumption of nighttime economy. We issued consumption vouchers of 330 million yuan and first set up 27 high-quality factory outlets. Pinghu was built into a provincial nighttime economy model city. Puyuan Fashion Resort was put into operation. The numbers of the tourists to Jiaxing and tourism income increased by 26.8% and 26.9% respectively. The total retail sales of consumer goods increased by 7.3%, and safe consumption indexes ranked first in Zhejiang.

2. We accelerated industrial transformation and upgrading, and made new progress in building a strong city in innovation and intelligent manufacturing. The fiscal investment in sci-tech innovation increased by 18.4%, and in industry & information technology 36.8%. We ranked third in Zhejiang in the assessment of the high-quality development of the manufacturing sector. We successfully organized Wuzhen Summit of World Internet Conference 2023. Innovation-driven forces were further strengthened. Yangtze River Delta Academy of Beijing Institute of Technology was put into use. Nanhu Laboratory was listed as a national key laboratory. “Light of Wuzhen” became the first National Supercomputing Center in Zhejiang. The construction of Global R&D Center of Jinko Solar Co., Ltd. started. The number of enterprise-based R&D institutions ranked first in Zhejiang, so did the proportion between the enterprises with R&D institutions and those without. Our R&D investment intensity reached 3.5%, ranking second in Zhejiang. In-service high-level personnel at the provincial level or above exceeded 500. The number of talent per 10,000 employees ranked third in Zhejiang. Jiaxing University was successfully upgraded. New progress was achieved in constructing the pilot zone of national sci-tech innovation finance reform. We attracted provincial-level high-end equipment industry funds and sci-tech innovation “Fund of Funds”. The loans to sci-tech innovation enterprises increased by 19.3%, reaching 40.05 billion yuan. We continued green and digital transformation of the manufacturing sector in an all-round way, gave full play to models’ leading role in digital and green transformation and inspired other enterprises to learn from good examples and follow suit to promote the digital and green transformation in different sectors. The projects participating in digital and green transformation totaled 3,224, saving 363,000 tons of standard coal, bringing 104.1-billion-yuan investment in manufacturing industry and making Jiaxing the second city whose manufacturing investment exceeded 100 billion yuan in Zhejiang. Newly established state-level intelligent manufacturing demonstration factories and green factories totaled 12. Jiaxing Base of LONGi Green Energy Technology Co., Ltd  was built into the first “Lighthouse Factory” of the global photovoltaic industry. The added value and tax revenue of every 666.7 square meters of land of the industrial enterprises above the designated size respectively reached 2.2 million yuan and 375,000 yuan, a respective increase of 14% and 13%. Advanced manufacturing industries achieved a rapid growth. We further implemented the “135N” Initiative on doubling advanced manufacturing clusters and took the lead in issuing favorable policies to transform and upgrade traditional industries. Six industries were included into the core zone of provincial-level characteristic industrial clusters such as intelligent photovoltaic and fine chemical industries and CNC machine manufacturing, the most  in Zhejiang. We stood in the front group in the assessment of “Release of caged birds for new ones and rebirth of phoenixes”. Our work in building a strong quality city was rated with A level in Zhejiang. Jushi Group won Provincial Government Quality Award. Newly identified state-level enterprises as “little giants” that are specialized and sophisticated and produce new and unique products totaled 51, ranking third in Zhejiang. The added value of the equipment manufacturing industry and core manufacturing industry of digital economy increased by 12.3% and 10.3% respectively. The modern service industry achieved high-quality development. We steadily pushed forward the 100·1,000·10,000Project supporting the high-quality development of the service sector and successfully established four provincial-level innovative development parks for the modern service sector. Newly identified national-level industrial design centers and service-oriented manufacturing demonstration enterprises totaled two and three respectively. Jiaxing was selected as a national model city for supply chain innovation and application. The added value of the service sector increased by 6.4%.

3. We intensified efforts to build a strong transportation city and made new breakthroughs in getting into the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta. We gave priority to transportation development, further implemented the first development strategy (Jiaxing gets into the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta) and strengthened efforts to introduce Jiaxing in Shanghai. Our three cases were evaluated as Zhejiang’s best practices in getting into the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta such as the construction of inter-provincial industrial cooperation parks. The transportation system was further improved. We formulated the plan for the integrated development of road, railway, waterway and air transportation, vigorously constructed major transportation projects, and held the national on-the-spot meeting for highways’ high-quality development. Transportation investment totaled 41.2 billion yuan, an increase of 64.6%. The construction of extending west Hangzhou-Haining Intercity Railway started; the construction of  Nantong-Suzhou-Jiaxing-Ningbo High-speed Railway and Shanghai-Jiaxing Intercity Railway were accelerated; Jiaxing Airport, Suzhou-Taizhou Expressway (Phase II) and urban expressways were fully advanced; Yuxingnao Waterway and the second channel of Beijing-Hangzhou Canal were put into operation. The cargo throughput of Jiaxing Port reached 140 million tons, ranking second in Zhejiang, and the throughput of containers reached 3.404 million TEUs, an increase of 19.3%, ranking 75 in top 100 container ports of the world. Steady progress was achieved in constructing the Jiashan Area of the demonstration zone for the integrated ecological and green development in the Yangtze River Delta region and in constructing Jiashan into a national scientific development model spot. The overall territorial space planning of the Jiashan Area was approved by the State Council. Jiashan was listed as a national innovative county and a pilot construction county for rural revitalization. Jiashan’s innovation in high-quality development systems and mechanisms won a provincial reform breakthrough award. The first cross-provincial high-tech zone of the country started its construction in the Jiashan Area. Major projects like “Fangting Water Yard” started their construction. Jiashan Fudan Research Institute was put into operation. Six future laboratories of Wisdom Oasis of Zhejiang University were all put into operation. Jiaxing Hospital of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine was approved to be built into a national regional medical center. The construction of Hongqiao International Open Hub was accelerated. We stepped up efforts to construct the southern extension belt of Hongqiao International Open Hub. The expansion of Jiaxing Free Trade Zone and the construction of Jiaxing Air Transport Center, etc. were included into the policies of National Development and Reform Commission to support the Hongqiao International Open Hub. The cooperation in constructing such platforms was further reinforced as Jinshan-Pinghu Industry-City Integrated Development Zone, Zhangjiang Yangtze River Delta Sci-Tech City and Haining Zone of Caohejing Hi-tech Park. Jiaxing and Huangpu District, Shanghai signed the agreement to become sister city and district. Coordinated development among regions was accelerated.

4. We gave full play to the driving role of reform and our development impetus and vitality were further intensified. We made full use of reforms, built an institutional environment and open system adaptable to high-quality development, and successfully strove for 45 pilot reform projects at or above the provincial level. The reforms in key fields were deepened. We carried out “value-added” reform of government services, made 353 high-frequency government service items handled throughout the city. Our practice that “photos taken at one service window are  available in the whole city was honored as a national model. Jiaxing was approved to build a national network market supervision and service demonstration zone. The evaluation of our integrated administrative law enforcement reform ranked second in Zhejiang. We deepened the reform of state-owned assets and enterprises, established Jiaxing Industry Group and Jiaxing Sci-tech Innovation Talent Group, advanced the reform of fiscal and taxation systems, and adjusted and improved the distribution mechanisms for municipal-level and district-level fiscal revenues. We implemented  “one-plot-of land” integrated reform for the comprehensive land improvement, issued “Ten Measures for Strengthening Villages” to develop collective economy. The annual recurrent revenue and operating revenue of each village respectively exceeded 1.6 million yuan and 600,000 yuan. The opening up was improved and strengthened. We introduced new policies to attract and utilize foreign investment, and a wealth of major foreign investment projects were attracted to Jiaxing such as the nuclear drugs project from Novartis and new materials from Sika. The foreign investment actually utilized totaled USD 3.01 billion, ranking third in Zhejiang. Jiaxing Port was approved by General Administration of Customs to import fruits, chilled aquatic products and edible aquatic animals. We created the first provincial-level overseas economic and trade cooperation zone. Business environment was continuously improved. We worked hard for a first-class business environment,  took the lead in integrating the assessment of environmental influence and energy conservation and separating the evaluation of a bid from the determination of the winning bidder, issued business licenses in an innovative and cross-province way. Our practices such as training of high-skilled industrial workers were selected in Zhejiang as the best cases for optimizing business environment;  business environment monitoring indexes ranked third in Zhejiang, and Jiaxing was included into top ten prefecture-level cities nationwide in business environment evaluation for the first time. Jiaxing was built into a national demonstration zone of good social credit system.

5. We made continuous efforts to construct Beautiful Jiaxing, and Jiaxings urban and rural functions and quality took on a new look. We continued to adhere to the whole city-based development, urban-rural integrated development and green development. Our three projects won China’s Human Settlement Example Award such as “Urban Service Center·Heartwarming Jiaxing”. Jiaxing was honored as a national collaborative pilot innovation city for pollution and carbon reductions. We continued to improve ecological environment, prevent water, air and earth pollution and improve waste quality. The proportion of Grade III water and above controlled by the state and Zhejiang province maintained 100%; the proportion of the days with good air quality increased 2.8 percentage points. Jiaxing was listed as a national pilot city in constructing serene residential compounds, a first four-star waste-free city and an excellent city in constructing “Beautiful Zhejiang”. Jiaxing won a “Silver Dayu Ding” in water improvement. New progress was made in promoting “Green Rural Revival Program”. We stepped up efforts to protect every inch of arable land and built 9933 more hectares of high-standard farmland. Jiaxing ranked first in arable land protection assessments in Zhejiang, and our grain acreages and outputs ranked first for the 18th consecutive. We further implemented technology and machinery-supported agricultural development initiative and improved characteristic agricultural industries such as the planting of Tongxiang Zuili (a unique kind of plum in Tongxiang), Fengqiao Juicy Peach and Pinghu Watermelon. 19 kinds of agricultural products were identified as the famous specialties of Zhejiang, and Jiaxing Black Pig was included into the products protected by Agro-product Geographical Indication of Ministry of Agriculture of the P.R.C. We accelerated efforts to construct harmonious and beautiful villages, and built seven zones of harmonious and beautiful villages and 24 provincial-level future villages. Bus No. 101 was selected as a national high-quality rural tourism bus route. Urban quality was improved rapidly. We deepened the county-based urbanization, intensified efforts to construct the towns characteristic of good landscapes and built 16 more provincial-level model zones of good landscapes and 10 more demonstration towns of modern beautiful towns. We worked hard to promote urban quality, urban governance and urban civilization, improved municipal-level and district-level city management systems and formulated special plans for delicacy management. We completed the urban renewal of 5.417 million square meters, built 37 more provincial-level future communities and took the lead in garbage sorting in our country. Jiaxing was selected as a national pilot city with life circles accessible to citizens within 15-minute walks.

6. We worked hard to improve people’s well-being and achieved new progress in building a model city of common prosperity. The whole areas of Jiaxing were listed as the  observation site for national common prosperity practice. Five aspects of work were selected as the best practices of common prosperity in Zhejiang. Rural residents’ incomes remained the first in Zhejiang for 20 consecutive years. We further improved and expanded social security. We further improved the systems of employment assistance, social insurance and social assistance, created 146,000 new urban jobs, realized the target that at least one family member was employed, and provided 25,000 people in need with 240 million yuan to ensure their basic living expenses. Monthly subsistence allowances were raised to 1,135 yuan per person, and old-age insurance level for urban and rural residents ranked first in Zhejiang. Public services were continuously improved. We provided more services for the education, medical care, elderly care, child care, culture and sports, and built 45 new primary and secondary schools and kindergartens sufficient for 31,000 children. Nanhu District was selected as a national compulsory education and teaching reform experiment zone. Each county and county-level city had at least one grade-three integrated hospital. Our experiences in constructing elderly care service teams were adopted nationwide. Jiaxing was selected as a national pilot child-friendly city. The award ceremony for “Maodun Literature Prizewas held once again in Jiaxing. The 10th Jiaxing Games was held successfully. Jiaxing’s athletes won eight gold medals at the Asian Games and four gold medals at the Asian Paralympic Games, both achieving the best results. We intensified efforts to attract high-quality resources. We attracted 203 famous principles and teachers to Jiaxing in a flexible way, benefiting 12,000 teachers and students. We attracted 563 famous doctors to Jiaxing. In municipal-level hospitals, the famous doctors beyond Jiaxing were invited to serve patients every day. Social governance was effectively improved. We made efforts to tackle contradictions and disputes at source and established the conflict settlement platform “Listening to People’s Voice”. We took the lead in managing the sources of judicial cases, social conflicts and public complaints in Zhejiang. Our governance model integrating self governance, rule of law and rule of virtue was included into the landmark achievements of “Fengqiao Experience” of the new era in Zhejiang. “Xishan Experience” on urban community governance was widely adopted in Zhejiang. Jiaxing successfully passed the check of building a national pilot city of social governance modernization. People’s well-being was further improved. We established a perfect long-term mechanism for improving people’ well-being, and a system of reporting quarterly to the Municipal People’s Congress of Jiaxing and the CPPCC Jiaxing Municipal Committee and set up the service platform “Serving the People”. We finished implementing ten projects on people’s well-being, upgraded all produce markets to star-level ones, built 8,305 new public parking spaces, helped 13,000 people difficult in employment find jobs, provided allowances for 155,000 people aged 80 or above, and set up child care classes in 183 schools, benefiting 32,000 families and enhancing peoples’ sense of fulfillment.

7. We firmly carried out the theoretical study program and achieved new progress in the development of the government. We vigorously created the favorable environment where officials, local governments, enterprises and people dare to make innovation and serve as pioneers. Government’s governance capacity was continuously enhanced. We strengthened ourselves politically, consciously integrated the Party’s leadership into the whole process of government work, perfected the regular group study system of the Party leadership group and of the executive meetings of the municipal people’s government, and fully and unswervingly implemented the decisions and work deployment of the CPC Central Committee, the CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee, People’s Government of Zhejiang Province, and the CPC Jiaxing Municipal Committee. We exercised law-based government administration, improved scientific, democratic and law-based decision-making mechanisms and invited the representatives of the people without voting rights to attend the executive meetings of the municipal people’s government. We took the lead in Zhejiang in making pilot legitimacy reviews in each town (sub-district). The individuals in charge of an administrative agency all appeared in court when a lawsuit was filed against the agency. We accepted the oversight of Municipal People’s Congress of Jiaxing in accordance with the law, willingly accepted the democratic oversight of the CPPCC Jiaxing Municipal Committee, and handled 245 suggestions made by deputies to the Municipal People’s Congress of Jiaxing and 385 proposals made by the members of CPPCC Jiaxing Municipal Committee. We further improved administrative efficiency, regularly made visits and surveys and provided services to settle problems, improved the mechanism for timely discoveries and effective solutions of problems, focused on key points, removed difficulties and made remarkable progress. Our 69 aspects of work were affirmed by national ministries and commissions, the CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee and People’s Governments of Zhejiang Province. We kept diligent and clean, fully and strictly exercised Party self-governance, resolutely implemented the CPC Central Committee’s eight-point decisions on improving the Party and government conduct and the detailed rules for its implementation and earnestly made rectifications of problems found in inspections and audits. A political atmosphere of integrity continued to be consolidated and improved.

In 2023, new progress was made in terms of the Mountain-Ocean Collaboration Project, collaboration between eastern and western regions and the work on paired assistance, national defense and army, mutual supports between civilians and the military, ex-servicemen affairs, ethnic groups, religions, civil air defense, coastal defense, overseas Chinese, Taiwan affairs, philosophy, social sciences, historical annals, archives, meteorological administration, earthquakes forecasting and prevention, trade unions, Communist Youth League, women, children, juveniles, the elderly, charity, Red Cross and the disabled.

Fellow deputies, the achievements of the past year did not come easily. We owe our achievements to the sound guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, to the correct leadership of the CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee, People’s Government of Zhejiang Province and the CPC Jiaxing Municipal Committee, to the strong support from the Municipal People’s Congress of Jiaxing, the CPPCC Jiaxing Municipal Committee and the joint efforts of the people of the whole city. On behalf of the Municipal People’s Government of Jiaxing, I would like to express sincere gratitude to the people of the whole city, the deputies of the Municipal People’s Congress of Jiaxing, the members of the CPPCC Jiaxing Municipal Committee, the senior comrades having retired, democratic parties, people’s organizations, the People’s Liberation Army and armed police forces stationed in Jiaxing, police, fire fighters, the overseas Chinese and international friends who have supported our development.

We are also well aware that, at present, the complexity, severity and uncertainty of the external environment are increasingly intense, and our economic and social development still faces many difficulties and problems. They are: the sound growth of our economy needs to keep stable; effective investment, export and consumption continue to be under pressure; some industries and small, medium and micro enterprises have difficulties in production and operation; there are still weak points in high-quality economic development; the driving forces for sci-tech innovation need to be strengthened; industrial transformation and upgrading need to be accelerated; green and low-carbon development is still a long and arduous task; there exist weak points in deep participation in the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta; the construction of a comprehensive transportation system needs to be sped up; the attraction of the central urban areas is still weak; urban competitiveness and influence need to be enhanced; there are still many weak points in the areas related to people’s well-being; public services are not so balanced and accessible; risks and hidden dangers in workplace safety and social governance cannot be ignored; some government officials’ professional ability, and service awareness and innovation spirit are still not adaptable to new situations, new tasks and new challenges. We will face up to those problems and take effective measures to solve them.

II. The overall requirements for the government in 2024 go as follows:

We will continue to follow the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly implement the guiding principles of the Party’s 20th National Congress and the guiding principles of the Central Economic Work Conference, fully implement the guiding principles of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s speech made in his inspections in Zhejiang, earnestly implement the decisions and work deployment of the CPC Central Committee, the CPC Provincial Committee of Zhejiang, People’s Government of Zhejiang Province and the CPC Jiaxing Municipal Committee. We will adhere to the principles of pursuing progress while ensuring stability, promoting stability through progress, and establishing the new before abolishing the old, fully, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development philosophy, and continuously and stably implement the “‘Double Eight’ Development Strategy”. Driven by three “No. 1 Projects”, we will deeply implement “Ten Major Projects” and “Ten Major Upgrading Initiatives” to contribute more to Zhejiang’s development with Jiaxing’s “stability” “progress” and “establishment of the new” to strive to be a brave pioneer and write a new chapter.

The main projected development targets this year go as follows: The GDP is around 6%; the added value of the industrial enterprises above the designated size grow by more than 6%; the added value of the service sector grows by more than 6%; the investment in fixed assets grows by more than 6%; the total retail sales of consumer goods increase by over 5.5%; the R&D investment intensity reaches 3.55%; fiscal revenue grows by about 6%; the growth of urban and rural residents’ incomes keeps the same with that of economy; 110,000 new jobs are to be created; CPI grows by about 3%; and the urban surveyed unemployment rate stands below 5%.

In 2024, we will focus on the work of the following ten areas:

1. We will strengthen sci-tech innovation impetuses to build a high-level innovation-driven city.

We will further implement the innovation-driven development strategy, integrate and gather sci-tech innovation resources, promote the deep integration of the innovation chain, industrial chain, capital chain and talent chain and develop new quality productive forces to constantly create new development advantages.

We will work hard to build an innovation system for the whole city. We will continue to increase investment in sci-tech innovation, rapidly enhance innovation source capacity and strive for “Sci-tech Innovation Ding”. We will improve regional innovation priorities, steadily construct G60 Sci-tech Innovation Valley, actively enhance the high-quality development of High-tech Industrial Development Zone of Jiaxing, and vigorously construct Sci-tech Innovation Belt of Yatai Road, International Cooperation Education Model Zone of Zhejiang University, and an innovation community with complementary functions, various “supporting points” and interconnected development. We will perfect the incentive mechanism for sci-tech innovation to create a social atmosphere that encourages and supports innovation and that is greatly attractive to innovators.

We will work hard to build top-end sci-tech innovation platforms. We will strengthen the leading role of the Yangtze Delta Region Institute of Tsinghua University, Zhejiang, support Yangtze River Delta Academy of Beijing Institute of Technology to build an innovation platform integrating education, scientific research and incubation, and upgrade Nanhu Laboratory and Nanhu Research Institute of CETC. We will support Jiaxing University, Jiaxing Nanhu University and other colleges to enhance sci-tech innovation capability, deepen science-education integration,  industry-education collaboration and the cooperation among schools, governments and enterprises to better promote industrial innovation and high-quality development. We will improve quality-oriented and contribution-oriented performance evaluation mechanisms to enhance the quality and efficiency of sci-tech innovation platforms and their driving effect in innovation.

We will work hard to stimulate the vitality of innovation entities. We will boost enterprises’ principal role in innovation, implement policies such as enterprises’ additional tax deduction for R&D expenses and application of the “First (Set) Products”, upgrade 500 more enterprises to national-level high-tech enterprises and 1,200 more to provincial-level technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises. We will support leading technology enterprises to establish innovation consortia, encourage more leading enterprises to build headquarters-based R&D centers, strengthen the construction of enterprises’ public R&D platforms, and upgrade 70 new enterprise research institutes and R&D centers to the provincial level or above. We will further implement the talent program “Stars over the South Lake”, attract and train more leading sci-tech, young and highly skilled personnel, and attract and train 50 more high-level personnel at the provincial level or above, 100,000 more college graduates, and 50,000 more skilled personnel.

We will promote the efficient application of innovation achievements. We will improve the mechanism for industry-university-research collaborative innovation, establish  full-chain incubation systems integrating maker spaces, incubators and industrial parks, and explore the construction of sci-tech innovation enclaves based on top-notch universities and research institutes to effectively strengthen cross-regional collaboration between sci-tech innovation and industrial innovation. We will deepen sci-tech innovation finance reform, establish the institutions specializing in sci-tech innovation finance, support venture capital and equity investment, enhance the complementarity among institutions, banks and enterprises, and encourage financial institutions to support sci-tech innovation. We will make steady efforts to construct a national-level model city strong in intellectual property, give full play to the role of Jiaxing as a national-level intellectual property protection center, and improve the creation, application and protection of intellectual property to build Jiaxing into a hub for the application of sci-tech advances in the Yangtze River Delta.

2. We will step up efforts to advance new industrialization to accelerate the construction of advanced manufacturing industry bases.

We will focus on the high-end, intelligent and green development of the manufacturing industry, balance the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries and the  growth of emerging industries, and give play to the role of quality and standards to build a strong city in smart manufacturing and innovation.

We will continue to step up green and digital transformation of the manufacturing sector. We will strengthen digital empowerment and green improvement, vigorously implement “Three-year Initiative” to improve the green and digital transformation of the manufacturing sector, support enterprises to invest more in technological transformation, give play to the leading role and demonstration effect of “lighthouse factories”, create more future factories and digital workshops and finish more than 1,000 technical transformation projects. We will invest more than 110 billion yuan in the manufacturing industry and strive to build a national pilot zone for intelligent manufacturing and a national pilot city for the digital transformation of SMEs. We will actively build green manufacturing systems and 10 more green factories at or above the provincial level, promote green and clean production and recycle renewable resources.

We will vigorously develop digital economy. We will deeply implement “No. 1 Development Project” on the quality and innovation-driven development of digital economy, integrate  digital technologies into real economy, accelerate the development of artificial intelligence, electronic information, digital cultural creative industries, and actively apply data factors. The added value of the core manufacturing industry of digital economy will increase by 7%. We will improve digital infrastructure, expedite the construction of computing power centers, and build a national gigabit city and 10 provincial-level industrial Internet platforms. We will enlarge the effect of Wuzhen Summit of World Internet Conference, expand its exhibition functions, pool digital resources and build an innovation-driven and Internet-based development demonstration zone.

We will develop and strengthen advanced manufacturing industry clusters. We will actively foster global clusters of new materials, accelerate the development of 100-billion-yuan-level emerging industries such as photovoltaic industry, new generations of network communication and new energy vehicles, formulate development plans for future industries such as new cutting-edge materials, hydrogen energy storage and flexible electronics, create a number of provincial-level core areas for characteristic industrial clusters and provincial-level leading areas for future industries, and  strive to build a national advanced smart photovoltaic manufacturing industry cluster. We will expedite efforts to foster integrated circuit industries and create an integrated circuit industry cluster. We will further implement “Release of caged birds for new ones and rebirth of phoenixes”, vigorously move more industrial projects into buildings, improve 1,000 high-consumption but inefficient enterprises, free up 666.7 hectares of land not used efficiently, step efforts to build a strong quality and standard city, and build 30 more “Zhejiang Made” manufacturing enterprises to enhance the brand “Jiaxing Made”

We will expedite the integration of advanced manufacturing industries and modern service industries. We will improve advanced manufacturing industries and modern service industries, accelerate the development of producer services such as R&D, design, software, information technologies and testing, foster new business formats like personalized customization and shared manufacturing. We will upgrade six more service-oriented manufacturing demonstration enterprises and five more industrial design centers to the provincial level to enhance the fame of Jiaxing as a national service-oriented manufacturing demonstration city. We will provide more high-quality financial services, strengthen the attraction and driving force of Nanhu Fund Town, offer more financial supports to advanced manufacturing, sci-tech innovation and green transformation to drive them to better serve real economy.

3. We will work hard to reinforce market entities’ confidence to effectively and forcefully promote the growth of private economy.

We will fully implement the policies on promoting the development of private economy, broaden communication channels between governments and enterprises, improve problem solving mechanisms and do everything possible to energize the development of enterprises.

We will step up efforts to issue and implement more preferential policies. We will efficiently implement the policies of the central and provincial governments on stabilizing economy and enterprises, introduce special support measures and create conditions for enterprises to enjoy preferential policies without their application and handle preferential policies-related issues intelligently to get those policies accurately and effectively available to enterprises. We will work for smoother financing, set up special funds for small, medium and micro businesses, and provide 32 billion yuan medium-and long-term loans for the manufacturing sector. Inclusive loans to small and micro businesses will grow faster than the other loans. We will strengthen policy publicity, guide more enterprises to know well financing policies and make good use of them.

We will make targeted efforts to help enterprises. We will improve the service system of the Enterprise Specialist”, step up efforts to meet enterprises’ requirements and settle their complaints and reduce more than 23-billion-yuan burdens for them. We will support different types enterprises, encourage the growth of leading enterprises, foster more enterprises as “little giants”, actively support enterprises to go public and make acquisitions and reorganization. We will foster the “waist enterprises” each with an output value of more than one billion yuan and upgrade more than 50 enterprises to state-level “little giants” to strengthen  high-quality enterprises.

We will improve business environment. We will further implement “No. 1 Reform Project” for a better business environment, fully implement “Regulations on Optimizing Business Environment of Zhejiang”, improve the supporting measures on market access, access to factors, fair law enforcement and protection of market entities rights and interests, and enhance marketization, rule of law and internationalization to build a city with the best business environment. We will support private capital to expand investment, and encourage special funds, land and energy supplies to be directed more to private investment projects to stimulate the vitality of private investment. We will vigorously carry forward entrepreneurship and support private enterprises to move forward with unrelenting courage. We will pay more attention to the growth of new generations of entrepreneurs, protect their rights and interests in accordance with the law, build a new government-enterprise relationship that governments are clean and pro-people to provide abundant “sunshine and rain” for private enterprises, and make Jiaxing a “fertile land” for the growth of private economy.

4. We will work hard to push forward major projects to continuously enhance high-quality development momentum. We will further support major projects, expand effective investment, give play to the key role of investment to promote high-quality development. We will accelerate efforts to push forward major projects, vigorously implement the Program “‘1,000 Major Projects’ and ‘One-trillion-yuan Investment’” of Zhejiang and “551” Project of Jiaxing, strengthen investment incentives, and improve the mechanism of establishing special teams, jointly providing services, and collaboratively settling difficulties. Total investment will exceed 330 billion yuan. We will make plans and store some investment projects supported by major development strategies and policies, establish a project library consisting of the projects that can be implemented in the short term, those can be reversed for the future development and those can be replaced by better ones regularly to ensure investment projects are sufficient.

We will work hard to attract projects. We will intensify efforts to support enterprises to invest in new projects, expand investment, give play to the driving role of leading enterprises and chain leader enterprises, and help more enterprises develop and grow in Jiaxing. We will improve the investment mechanism of the whole city and strengthen municipal-level overall planning, joint efforts among each county and county-level city and close cooperation among government departments. We will give play to the role of national-level and provincial-level development areas, fully implement industrial chain-based investment attraction, and strengthen sci-tech-supported investment attraction and projects-based investment attraction to attract more excellent projects to settle in Jiaxing.

We will make measures to ensure the attraction and operation of investment projects. We will provide factors and services according to projects’ needs, strive for more projects from superior governments and meanwhile attract projects by ourselves and work to include more projects into national-level and provincial-level major projects. We will improve investment and financing mechanisms, actively promote the cooperation between  government and private capital, strive for policy-based funds such as special local government bonds and special treasury bonds, and  issue 30 billion more yuan of special local government bonds. We will strengthen land supplies, deepen cross-township land improvement projects, improve inefficient land, put stock land to good use, and supply approximately 2,333 hectares of land, with industrial land accounting for over 40% of the total.

5. We will work hard to stabilize foreign trade, attract more foreign investment and promote consumption to stimulate effective demands.

In response to the demand changes of the markets at home and abroad, we will accelerate the integrated development of domestic and foreign trade, foster new economic growth points and constantly exploit new development space.

We will intensify efforts to enlarge and improve foreign trade. We will continue to support enterprises investment attraction delegations to expand markets and strive for orders and more enterprises to attend exhibitions, consolidate traditional markets, and develop emerging markets to ensure that our export share continues to rise in the export share of Zhejiang. We will optimize foreign trade structures, vigorously develop digital trade and service trade, actively foster the new foreign trade model “cross-border e-commerce plus overseas warehouses plus exhibition and sales centers”, enlarge the export of electric vehicles, lithium-ion batteries and PV products, and help foreign trade enterprises foster brands, strengthen products’ advantages and enhance competitiveness in the international market.

We will make greater efforts to attract foreign investment. We will continue the pilot QFLP in the whole city and the construction of the high-level opening and cooperation demonstration zone of RCEP, make the best of foreign investment incentive policies, and vigorously attract global investment. We will strengthen the cooperation with international convention and exhibition organizations and industry associations and step up efforts to attract foreign R&D centers and foreign investment projects in manufacturing industry. We will attract over 50 projects each with US$100 million, and strive to actually utilize foreign investment of US$ three billion. We will further improve the mechanism for promoting foreign investment, optimize the service for foreign-funded enterprises and build a pilot zone for high-quality foreign investment.

We will fully activate consumer markets. We will stabilize and expand traditional consumption, hold consumption promotion activities, accelerate the recovery of the consumption in accommodation, catering and tourism, and boost the consumption of new-energy vehicles, smart decoration and home appliances to enlarge and improve consumption. We will expand new-type consumption, foster digital consumption, green consumption and health consumption and develop “first-store economy” and “brand chain economy”. We will upgrade pedestrian streets and business areas, construct a wealth of nighttime consumption areas, establish more than 50 high-quality outlet stores, and strive to become one of the first safe consumption demonstration cities in the country. We will intensify efforts to meet people’s demands for buying their first home or improving their housing, improve real estate development and standardize property management to promote steady and sound development of the real estate market.

6. We will work hard to get into the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta and vigorously build Jiaxing into an important central city in the city cluster of the Yangtze River Delta.

We will build Jiaxing into a strong high-quality bridgehead connecting Shanghai and into a city benefiting from the positive spillover effect of Shanghai development, strengthen the cooperation in key areas and the operation of major projects to deeply integrate with the development of the Yangtze River Delta.

We will expedite the construction of the hub integrating the road, railway, waterway and air transportation, intensify efforts to push forward major transport projects, promote the construction of Nantong-Suzhou-Jiaxing-Ningbo High-speed Railway,  Shanghai-Jiaxing Intercity Railway, Shanghai-Pinghu-Haiyan Intercity Railway, and the railway connecting Jiaxing and Xiaoshan International Airport, promote the TOD at the railway stations along those railways within Jiaxing, and build these railways into landmark projects for Jiaxing to get into the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta and march towards modernization. We will accelerate efforts to construct Jiaxing Airport, promote the opening up of the airport port and build an airport-based economic demonstration zone. We will give play to the advantages of sea-river combined transportation, finish constructing the main waterways for container transport in northern Zhejiang, and construct a wealth of highly effective operating areas for inland river transportation. We will improve the highway network smoothly connecting other regions, upgrade Zhapu-Jiaxing-Suzhou Expressway, construct Suzhou-Taizhou Expressway (Phase II) and the expressway connecting Haiyan and Hangzhou-Pudong Expressway, and speed up the construction of urban expressways and the expressways connecting the urban areas of Jiaxing proper and its each county and county-level city to make people’s travel more convenient and rapid.

We will work hard to achieve markedly progress in constructing the Jiashan Area of the demonstration zone for the integrated ecological and green development in the Yangtze River Delta region and constructing Jiashan into a national scientific development model spot. We will further implement the “Three-year Initiative” on the demonstration zone for the integrated ecological and green development in the Yangtze River Delta region, accelerate the construction of such platforms as Water Town Living Room, Xiangfudang Innovation Center, and Sino-Singapore Jiashan Modern Industrial Park, and join hands with Qingpu District, Shanghai and Wujiang District, Suzhou to construct a cross-regional national-level high-tech zone. We will organize the first national meeting on a county’s high-quality development, strengthen institutional innovation, make more institutional innovation achievements in development planning, management, ecological protection and flow of factors, and include more demonstration experiences into the experiences to be adopted nationwide.

We will cooperate with other parties concerned to jointly construct Hongqiao International Open Hub. We actively participate in the overall planning of the territorial space of the Metropolitan Region of Shanghai, fully implement the policies and measures to upgrade the Hub, deepen the synergy of functions, projects, policies and mechanisms based on the construction targets of the southern extension belt of the Hub, and strengthen the inter-connected development with Hongqiao International Central Business District. We will make good use of the spillover effect of China International Import Expo, foster high-flow trade economy, high-end service economy and exhibition economy, promote functional complementarity, resources sharing and the double of advantages to build the “golden south wing” of the Hub.

We will continue to improve urban areas. We will optimize urban functions, enhance the leading role of central urban areas, integrate historical and modern elements to build a wealth of vigorous and full-featured urban blocks and a new city that is beautiful, green, low-carbon, eco-friendly, habitable, safe, healthy, smart and efficient. We will continue to support each county and county-level city to build a high-quality modern county (county-level city) with their own development characteristics. We will carry out urban renewal actions, build dual-use public infrastructure that can accommodate emergency needs, intensify the renovation of old residential compounds, promote prefabricated decoration, and upgrade 45 future communities to the provincial level. We will continue to strengthen urban delicacy management, and unremittingly create a tidy, clean, clear and exquisite urban environment for Jiaxing to build a quality city that is desirable to suitable live, work and travel in.

7. We will work hard to deepen reform, expand opening up, better serve and integrate with the new development paradigm.

We will actively deepen reform and high-level opening up, and create more advantages in opening up and conditions for the people to benefit from reform.

We will deepen the value-added reform of government services. We will actively promote “one-stop” government services, integrate enterprise-related service platforms, build a one-stop enterprise-oriented high-standard service centers and standardize the intermediary services concerning administrative examination and approval to make people accessible to over 90% of government services via a single website. We will further combine cross-department inspections into a comprehensive one and fully implement inclusive and prudential supervisions to ensure the random selection of inspectors and inspection targets cover all items. We will strengthen the cross-regional handling of government services, and promote the mutual recognition of high-frequency e-certificates and e-licenses to better meet people and enterprises’ needs.

We will advance the reform in key fields. We will improve the evaluation mechanism for the yields per hectare and energy efficiency, vigorously implement the “sample plot” system, and carry out “comprehensive and integrated” administrative law enforcement reform to build an efficient and coordinated administrative law enforcement system. We will deepen and upgrade the reform of state-owned assets and enterprises and support state-owned enterprises to optimize industrial layouts and strengthen main businesses. We will intensify the operational supervision over state-owned assets and enterprises to enhance competitiveness. We will deepen the reform of in the statistic fields and conduct the fifth national economic census with high quality. We will carry out institutional reforms in a steady and orderly manner.

We will build Jiaxing into a city of high-quality open economy. We will vigorously implement “No. 1 Project for Opening up” to upgrade “potato economy”, actively construct overseas economic and trade cooperation zones and international industrial cooperation parks, support enterprises’ oversea development and develop headquarters economy. We will vigorously promote new industrial platforms each with an area of 10,000 mu and an annual output value of 100 billion yuan, strive to expand Free Trade Zone of Jiaxing and enhance industrial parks’ capacity. We will implement the initiative of doubling marine economy and build ports-based industry belts to promote the integrated development of ports, cities and industries.

8. We will work hard to promote the Green Rural Revival Program of the new era to construct a demonstration site for rural revitalization on all fronts.

We will further construct the national pilot urban-rural integrated development zone and improve rural industry development, rural construction and rural governance to show Jiaxing’ image with strong agriculture, beautiful countryside and rich farmers.

We will work to strengthen modern characteristic agriculture. We will strictly fulfill responsibilities for farmland protection and food security, vigorously construct high-standard farmlands, ensure the quantity and quality of farmlands and build a demonstration city for effective farmland protection. We will further strengthen agriculture with science, technology and machinery, improve the service system of sci-tech commissioners, actively develop modern protected agriculture, expand and improve each county and county-level city’s characteristic agriculture, and strive to build a provincial-level pilot city for breeding excellent rural specialities. We will deepen the “production-sales-credit” reform of the Federation of Farmers Cooperatives, strengthen agricultural economic development zones, foster new types of agricultural entities and construct functional agricultural headquarters bases to accelerate agricultural transformation into a large modern industry.

We will build the whole city into harmonious and beautiful countryside. We will gradually promote the construction of harmonious and beautiful villages, renovate rural housing, sequence pipelines, further construct harmonious and beautiful rural courtyards, and finish constructing more than 35 such courtyards. We will integrate new-type urbanization into comprehensive rural revitalization, accelerate efforts to construct the cluster of beautiful towns and the model villages and towns with distinctive landscapes to showcase Jiaxings beautiful scenery. We will facilitate the integrated development of agriculture, culture and tourism and transform beautiful rural areas into beautiful environment-based economy.

We will broaden the channels for villagers to increase incomes. We will explore new mechanisms for the development of rural collective economy, further implement “Ten Measures for Strengthening Villages”, improve such development models as developing enclave-based economy and rural property, accelerate the revitalization of idle rural housing resources, and enhance self-development ability of villages-based collective economy . We will steadily implement “Ten Measures for Farmers’ Common Prosperity”, promote the model that “farmers increase incomes from shares”, increase low-income farmers’ incomes and ensure rural residents’ incomes continue to take the lead in Zhejiang.

9. We will work hard to reduce pollution and carbon emission and increase efficiency to improve “Beautiful Jiaxing”.

We will give priority to ecological protection and green development, deepen the construction of the national innovative pilot city in reducing pollution and carbon emissions and promote the green transformation of economic and social development.

We will further improve and restore water ecology. We will improve and expand the zone of zero-direct discharge of sewage, pipe sewage to sewage treatment systems, dredge rivers and control sewage discharge outlets to ensure the water of over 95% of rivers and lakes controlled by Jiaxing reaches or is better than Grade III water. We will speed up efforts to upgrade water supply networks, and keep all drinking water sources up to standards to build Jiaxing into the best city in water supply from water sources to tap water faucets. We will earnestly implement the environment protection requirements of the Economy Belt of the Yangtze River, prevent all the rivers and lakes within Jiaxing from being polluted and damaged and build Jiaxing into a leading city in restoring ecological environment and river networks on the plains.

We will make every effort to create a practice innovation base for the idea that the lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets. We will continue to prevent and control pollution in a targeted and scientific manner and in accordance with the law. We will step up efforts to control industrial waste gas and decrease the average density of fine particulate matters, prevent and control noise and soil pollution, and reduce solid wastes at source to consolidate and improve ecological environment. We will improve the early warning and prompt treatment mechanism for environmental pollution monitoring, show zero tolerance in environmental violations and severely punish violators. We will improve the mechanism for realizing the market value of green products, carry out pilot programs on inclusive carbon emissions trading, promote the market-based trading of pollution emission rights, energy consumption rights and water utilization rights to expand the channels through which lucid waters and lush mountains can be transformed into invaluable assets.

We will expedite efforts to establish the system of new types of energies. We will make good use of our comprehensive advantages in photovoltaic power, nuclear power and hydrogen energy, promote the model “photovoltaic power plus energy storage plus virtual power plants”, develop distributed photovoltaic power and supply more clean energies. We will actively promote trans-regional trading of green electricity and green certificates, deepen market-based trading services for electricity and natural gas and ensure sufficient supplies and stable prices of energies to continuously reduce the average price of electricity used for industrial and commercial sectors. We will improve the system of controlling total amount and intensity of energy consumption to steadily reduce the intensity of energy consumption.


We will promote green and low-carbon transformation of production and lifestyle. We will make efforts to achieve peak carbon emissions in “6+1” key areas and build a green, low-carbon and circular city. We will vigorously develop green transportation, build a scientific, economical and convenient charging network,  put into use more than 10,000 new public charging piles to ensure the public charging facilities are installed in each urban community, scenic spot and village to create a new environment for green travel. We will continue build the national pilot smart construction city, use green building materials more widely and construct more green eco-friendly buildings and zero-carbon communities. We will improve the system for recycling renewable resources and build a national demonstration city for garbage sorting.

10. We will work hard to benefit the people, settle their problems and take the lead in building a demonstration city of common prosperity.

We will intensify efforts to ensure the improvement of people’s well-being and accelerate the construction of modern basic units of common prosperity to better meet people’s aspirations for a better life.

We will further improve employment and social security systems. We will take special measures to stabilize enterprises, create more jobs, construct workshops for common prosperity, build skills-based society and increase residents’ incomes through multiple channels. We will improve and expand social insurances, encourage flexible and informal employees and the employees of new business formats to participate in insurance programs, improve supplementary medical insurance mechanisms on the basis of basic medical insurance and increase the use efficiency of medical insurance funds. We will improve multi-tiered and categorized social assistance, deepen “10 Assistance Programs for People in Need”, provide comprehensive assistance for low-income families and ensure basic living standards for people in difficulty. We will supply more government-subsidized housing and improve commodity housing resettlement models to build a diversified housing supply system.

We will improve education and medical treatment. We will promote inclusive preschool education, support the high-quality and balanced development of compulsory education and high schools to improve education quality, attract more famous teachers to Jiaxing, and build a famous education brand. We will upgrade the infrastructure of colleges and universities, and support Jiaxing University to build a first-class comprehensive application-oriented university with distinctive features and good innovation, Jiaxing Nanhu University to build a high-level comprehensive application-oriented university, Jiaxing Vocational and Technical College to be upgraded to a vocational and technical university, and Jiaxing Technician Institution to expand the scale and improve quality. We will implement Medical Peak Plan, deepen the project “Attracting Famous Doctors to Jiaxing”, accelerate the expansion of the First Hospital of Jiaxing and Jiaxing Hospital of TCM, expedite efforts to construct Jiaxing Hospital of the Second Affiliated Hospital Zhejiang University School of Medicine into a national regional medical center, and cooperate with Zhejiang Province Hospital of TCM to build a national TCM medical center to improve medical level.

We will improve the services for the aged and children. We will improve the elderly care service system, actively develop “silver economy”, improve green channels for delivering meals to the elderly and for medical services, and strive to solve the problems concerning the health care and home-based care for the elderly to build an age-friendly city. We will improve the policies of boosting birth rates, strengthen the construction of the childcare service system, improve universally beneficial and inclusive childcare services, and promote the integrated upgrading of kindergartens and childcare services, and the child-friendly transformation of public spaces and facilities. We will establish a mechanism whereby our schools, families and whole society work closely to advance education. We will reduce the costs of giving birth and raising and educating children to build a national high-quality child-friendly city.

We will develop culture and sports programs. We will fully tap revolutionary cultural resources, deepen initiative “Renaissance of Jiaxing’s Culture” and the research of Jiaxing culture, strengthen the exhibition and promotion of the achievements of Comprehensive Collection of Ancient Chinese Paintings, create conditions for  Seawalls·Tide Culture Landscapes of Qiantang River and ancient water towns to apply for the intangible culture heritage project of the world. We will intensify efforts to protect and inherit the cultural heritage of the Grand Canal (within Jiaxing), accelerate the construction of Culture Zone of Zicheng, and enrich the connotation of “10-minute quality cultural life circles” to highlight the charm of Jiaxing as a famous culture city rich in rivers and lakes. We will foster new business formats integrating culture and tourism, put into operation Music Town of Yanguan and hold Wuzhen Drama Festival and Xitang Han Chinese Closing Culture Week to further popularize the culture brand “Welcome to Jiaxing, a City with the Best Ancient Towns in China”. We will actively organize mass sports events, encourage schools, government organs, enterprises and public institutions to open their sports venues to the public and promote the balanced development of mass participation sports and competitive sports.
   We will continue efforts to build Peaceful Jiaxing. We will launch “Three-year Initiative” on enhancing workplace safety, identify and address safety hazards to ensure that production safety accidents and deaths both decline, and strive to win “Safe Development Ding”. We will improve community-level emergency and firefighting systems, and upgrade urban flood control projects and seawall safety projects to enhance capacity in disaster prevention, mitigation and relief. We will tighten supervisions over food and drug safety and strive to build a national food safety demonstration city. We will deepen national defense education for all and build a model city in promoting mutual support between civilian sectors and the military. We will strengthen innovation in social governance, go into communities to communicate the Party’s lines and policies, carry out researches and studies, address people’s complaints, conduct field work and resolve disputes and promote law-based handling of public complaints. We will improve social security prevention and control systems to keep urban and rural areas peaceful, people happy and prosperous and society stable.

Fellow deputies, the municipal government has been attaching great importance to the work on improving people’s livelihood. After careful research and extensive solicitation of opinions, we have submitted to this session 12 projects on improving people’s well-being for your deliberation and vote on them. For the projects determined by the session, we will adhere to the principle that we must do what the people expect and take strong steps to accomplish them with people’s satisfaction as the yardstick.

III. We will effectively strengthen government self-improvement.

We will work hard to serve as a forerunner and write a new chapter. The work of the government must take on a new look. We will resolutely shoulder our responsibility of the place where the Red Boat set sail, build a loyal government, a service-oriented government, a down-to-earth government, a rule-of-law government and a clean government, and continuously strengthen our capability in performing duties.

We will build a government that takes a clear political stance. We will always give top priority to political progress, follow the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, firmly support the establishment of both Comrade Xi Jinping’s core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and the guiding role of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era; we will firmly uphold Comrade Xi Jinping’s core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and uphold the Central Committee’s authority and its centralized, unified leadership, earnestly implement the decisions and deployments of the CPC Central Committee, the CPC Provincial Committee of Zhejiang, People’s Government of Zhejiang Province and the CPC Jiaxing Municipal Committee, and achieve tangible progress.

We will adhere to the people-oriented idea, serve the people heart and soul and stay true to the Party’s founding mission. We will always take benefiting the people as our starting point and ultimate goal, and think, work and make decisions from the people’s perspective to solve the pressing difficulties and problems that concern the people most in an efficient and down-to-earth matter. The government will take the lead in keeping belts tightened, strictly control the numbers of forums and festivals activities to use more financial resources to help enterprises, promote development and benefit the people.

We will adhere to solid work and strive to take the lead. We will strive for great progress, forge ahead with determination, make persistent efforts based on reality to overcome difficulties and promote development. We will take the best as our example, increase work standards, make government work more characteristic and valuable, and make hard work and striving to be the first become a distinctive symbol of the government work.

We will promote law-based government administration and fulfill law-based duties. We will always take law-based government administration as the criterion for government work, improve open decision-making mechanisms, keep government affairs transparent and enhance the brand of Jiaxing as a national model city in building a rule-of-law government. We must, in compliance with the law, subject ourselves to the oversight of the people’s congress and its standing committee, to the democratic oversight of the CPPCC, to the oversight of supervisory and judicial bodies, to the pubic oversight and to the stronger auditing-based and statistics-based oversight to ensure the government work is put under the rule of law.

We will hard work, adhere to clear and honest government administration and strengthen rigorous Party self-governance. We will comprehensively promote strict Party governance, step up efforts to improve conduct, build integrity, firmly observe disciplines and rules, constantly strengthen institutional checks, persevere in improving work style, effectively reduce the burden on community-level units and create a clean governance and work atmosphere.

Fellow deputies, based a new starting point toward a new journey, let’s rally more closely around the PCPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, break new ground, forge ahead, and accelerate efforts to build Jiaxing into an important central city in the city cluster of the Yangtze River Delta and write a new Jiaxing Chapter for the Chinese modernization under the strong leadership of the CPC Jiaxing Municipal Committee.